Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 33 Regenerated Body

Chapter 33 Regenerated Body

Su Ze had known about the extract of the undead salamander for a long time.

Immortal Salamander Extract

Level: Level [-] S

Available skills: Poison Skin, Giant Tail Swipe, Regenerated Body
There are three skills available in Undead Salamander Extract.

Among them, the "poison skin" skill is to make the body's skin covered with poison. The toxin of the undead salamander is evolved from tetrodotoxin. It can be poisoned upon contact, and the poison is so strong that it will gradually paralyze the poisoned person until death.

"Big Tail Swipe" is a powerful attack skill, and the effect of the skill can be read from the name, but because humans don't have tails, when using this skill, they use their legs instead of tails to attack.

And the skill "Regenerated Body" is Su Ze's dream love skill, and it is also the basis for the undead salamander to rank S-level. It can be called the most "sloppy" skill among the second-level alien skills.

Regenerating body: endows the body with a powerful regeneration ability, which can quickly recover from any physical injuries, and condenses a "regeneration core" anywhere in the body. When the regeneration core breaks, the life energy contained in it will instantly heal all injuries in the body.

To put it simply, the skill of regenerated body can be understood as having two effects: "passive" and "active".

The passive effect is to improve the body's self-healing ability. No matter how many injuries you have suffered, as long as you are not dead, you can recover, and broken hands and legs can grow back.

The active effect is to condense a "regeneration core" containing massive life energy anywhere in the body. Once the location of the regeneration core is determined, it cannot be moved unless it is broken and a new one can be condensed.

Once the regenerative core is broken, the gushing life energy will instantly heal all injuries on the body. It can be actively controlled to break, or it can be crushed passively.

And once the regeneration core is broken, it will take a lot of time to gather a new regeneration core, which means that the CD of this skill is very long.

It is no exaggeration to say that possessing this skill is equivalent to having an extra life.

It can be seen that both are S-level skills, and the second-level S-level skills are obviously stronger than Su Ze's existing first-level S-level skills.

Although Su Ze is very envious of this skill, he is not sure that he will be able to get this skill.

I just don't know if he can choose skills freely this time.

If not, it can only depend on luck, choose one of the three skills at random.

He likes to do multiple-choice questions, not lottery.

Compared with the last step to absorb the extract, the process of absorbing the extract this time is much simpler, there is no accident, and the absorption is completed without any surprises or dangers.

Su Ze felt that the last trace of evolutionary material power in the extract of the undead salamander was also absorbed by his body, and there was anticipation in his heart, and then the familiar feeling came again, and his consciousness entered a blank world.

Exactly the same as the last time I absorbed the rock scorpion extract!
This means that he can choose skills again.

And there is a high probability that this ability will always be with him, and he can freely choose skills every time he absorbs the extract in the future.

Su Ze was ecstatic in his heart, the effect of this ability is no less than that of the God of Evolution, and it is even more abnormal when paired with the God of Evolution!
He narrowed his mind and focused on the three clusters of orange mist in the blank world.

These three clusters of orange mist are much larger and darker in color than the one he saw when he absorbed the rock scorpion extract last time, and the orange light of evolution is as real as it is.

One of the largest orange mist, Su Ze felt the vitality from above. There is no doubt that this mist represents the "Regeneration Body" skill.

There was nothing to hesitate, Su Ze plunged into the fog, and the next moment his consciousness returned to his body, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"How?" Liu Wenyin asked with concern. She had seen that Su Ze had successfully absorbed the extract, and now she was asking which skill Su Ze had absorbed.

"It's good luck, I got the ability to regenerate." Su Ze grinned, unable to hide his joy.

He felt that every cell in his body contained surging vitality!

"Really?!" Liu Wenyin exclaimed, and then a smile appeared on her face, sincerely happy for Su Ze.

"Yeah!" Su Ze nodded and asked for advice: "Sister, this skill needs to condense a regenerative core in the body, which position is better?"

Liu Wenyin brushed her hair that was hanging down to her ears, and thought for a while, as if she was seeking relevant knowledge from the huge database in her mind.

After a while, she replied: "This is really particular. Humans and undead salamanders have different body structures. Undead salamanders will not die even if their heads are cut off and their hearts are broken. And even if human evolution has acquired the ability to regenerate , these two places are still critical.”

Su Ze also guessed this and nodded: "That is to say, if my heart is broken or my head is broken, I will die directly."

"Yes, although you can actively shatter the regeneration core, sometimes the danger comes too fast for you to react in time. For example, if the enemy smashes your head directly, you will die immediately, and it is impossible to shatter the regeneration core in time."

"So, I suggest you condense the regenerative core at the brain or the heart... No, the brain is better than the heart."

Su Ze understood what Liu Wenyin meant. If he put the regenerative core in the brain, even if the brain was shattered, the regenerative core in the brain would also be shattered. He didn't need to take the initiative to break it, which was equivalent to passively triggering the skill.

In this way, even if you are headshot because you can't react in time, you can be resurrected once.

The same goes for the heart.

Just, why is the brain a better choice than the heart?

Su Ze asked his doubts.

Liu Wenyin replied: "Because the brain is more important than the heart. If the head is broken, you will immediately lose consciousness. If the heart is broken, you may still have a moment of consciousness. With this time, you can also actively break and regenerate the core."

"Also, if you think about it, if you are beheaded, your last remaining consciousness can shatter the regenerative core in the brain and help you reshape the body parts below the neck, so that you can still live, but if the regenerative core is in Heart, once the head falls off you will die directly."

Su Ze felt that what Liu Wenyin said made sense. He was a child who listened to persuasion, and immediately decided to condense the regenerative core in the brain.

At Su Ze's current speed, it would take about a month to condense a regenerative core, but he just absorbed the extract of the undead salamander, which still contains a lot of vitality and undigested energy, which can directly help him condense a regenerative core.

After a while, there was a fingernail-sized pure white core in Su Ze's brain, which was purely composed of vitality. This regenerated core was between the virtual and the real, and did not interfere with Su Ze's brain. He felt it carefully, and there was no What discomfort.

On the contrary, because of this regenerative core, he felt a little more at ease in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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