Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 331 The Grace of Dripping Water, Repaying the Throne

Chapter 331 The Grace of Dripping Water, Repaying the Throne

When Prince Atago received the news from Su Ze, he could be described as flattered.

He hasn't been in touch with Su Ze for a long time. It's not intentional alienation, but as Su Ze's strength and status have improved, the identities of the two parties are not equal at all. He can no longer treat Su Ze as a friend of the same age with a normal heart. to treat.

When Su Ze became the overlord, he was already on an equal footing with his father in terms of status, and surpassed his father in terms of future potential and even connections.

When Su Ze became supreme, he became a big man that his father could only look up to.

Two days ago, it was reported that Su Ze fought against the legendary strongman, which meant that Su Ze was already the number one figure in the entire Blue Star.

Faced with such a disparity in status, Atago didn't know what address and attitude to take the initiative to contact Su Ze.

It just so happened that Su Ze had been busy and didn't take the initiative to contact him, which made him think that Su Ze no longer wanted to be friends with him, and made him even less afraid to disturb Su Ze.

But today Su Ze not only took the initiative to contact him, but also called him a friend in words, how could this not make Artago happy!
After calming down his excitement, Artago considered how to reply.

Still the same as before, will it be offensive to call him a friend?
If it is too polite and respectful, it will appear alienated.

Worrying about gains and losses, Atago finally replied: "Thank you for your concern, everything is fine, I wonder if the Supreme has any instructions?"

Between intimacy and respect, he still chose to be respectful, but he was not overly humble.

He figured it out, people like Su Ze, if they don't want to be friends with him, it doesn't make any sense to approach him with a shy face.

Moreover, there was only one side of the relationship between the two, so there was no deep friendship between them.

In the future, the gap between Su Ze and him will only become wider and wider. It is impossible for the two to become true friends, but he can seize the opportunity to give himself another backer.

Su Ze quickly replied to Atago's message. He didn't deliberately correct Atago's address, but said: "I happened to pass by the desert country, so I wanted to visit an old friend."

Su Ze came to the desert country?
Atago was surprised and got up quickly, preparing to order his subordinates to host a banquet and tell his father the news.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Atago's expression moved slightly, and he stepped forward to open the door himself, and sure enough, he saw Su Ze standing outside the door.

Beside him is Yalga, the patron saint of Dongli.

Su Ze smiled and said, "I came here uninvited, I hope I didn't disturb you."

Atago said hastily: "I'm the one who was rude. The two distinguished guests came to the door and didn't greet them in advance."

Atago wanted to contact his father, Jassim, but was dissuaded by Su Ze.

"We just passed by here, and this time we came here mainly to meet old friends and catch up on the old days, so we don't need to say anything."

Seeing this, Atago had no choice but to give up, invited the two into the house, and brought tea and snacks to entertain Su Ze and the two.

Su Ze didn't do too much politeness, and he didn't deliberately get closer. He and Artago didn't have a deep friendship.

But Atago did help him before. The sand blind snake extract that Su Ze absorbed was hunted by Atago with his help, and he gave him a discounted price.

For this reason, Su Ze owed someone a favor.

He came this time to repay the favor.

According to Chen Suifeng, when he came this time, he mainly appeased and beat Jassim. If it didn't work, he would consider changing to another king.

But in Su Ze's view, Jassim has already joined the Blue Star Party and knows the existence of the Nian tribe. At this time, his position is still not firm, which is already a big problem.

A king who is not loyal to his own race and wants to be a fool, it is better to replace this kind of person as soon as possible.

Su Ze didn't have so much time and energy to understand Jassim's state of mind and give him ideological education. Since it was not suitable, he would just replace him.

Once Jassim falls, the family behind him will inevitably decline.

But considering the relationship between himself and Atago, and not wanting to cause too much turmoil, Su Ze chose a compromise method.

"Before, I was taken care of by Brother Atago. I came here this time to give you a gift."

Atago showed curiosity.

Su Ze smiled: "How about I give you the throne of the Desert Kingdom?"

Atago was startled, and had to admit that he was really moved.

But he managed to maintain his composure, and said with a smile: "Su Zhizun, stop joking, my father is in his prime, and I have more than 20 older brothers.

"Whether it is strength or knowledge, I am not outstanding. Even if my father wants to pass the throne, it will not be my turn."

Su Ze took a sip of tea and said, "You are neither the most orthodox heir nor the best heir, but you have an advantage that no one else has."


"You have me as a friend."

Atago took a deep breath, his tone became uncontrollable and hurried, and he unconsciously used honorifics: "Are you planning to let my father make me his heir?"

Su Ze shook his head: "I plan to let him step down immediately and make way for you."

Atago looked at Su Ze's face, saw that he was unusually serious, and confirmed that Su Ze was not joking.

Atago couldn't understand, and asked: "Why? Is this what you mean, or the above..."

Su Ze did not answer him, but said: "I think that as a person in power, there should be a pattern of superiors, and no matter whether it is personal interests or family interests, they should not override national interests or even racial interests.

"I know it's hard, at least I can't do it, I'm not well-structured enough, I always like to take care of my friends around me, don't you think I'm looking for you now? So I don't hold any real power position.

"But since you are sitting in that seat, if you can't put the collective interests first, you should get down as soon as possible, so as not to make a big mistake in the future, what do you think?"

Atago nodded a little confused. On the one hand, he felt that what Su Ze said made sense, but on the other hand, he didn't know what his father had done to make Su Ze say such things.

With his status, he still doesn't have access to some confidential information, and he doesn't know the existence of the Nian tribe.

He only knew that a chief in the country had recently formed a clique with great power, which caused his father a headache, but he thought it was just a normal political struggle.

However, under the rule of the overlord country, the desert country can still be chaotic. Atago also knows that there must be the tacit approval of the overlord country. He suspects that the overlord country may be dissatisfied with his father.

But in his mind, in the worst case, even if the desert country split into two countries, his father Jasim would definitely be the king of one of them.

But what Su Ze meant was to let his father step down directly.

Atago is self-aware. He knows that he does not have any outstanding and irreplaceable characteristics. Su Ze said that he wants his father to abdicate and pass the throne to him, but the point is to let his father abdicate. As for the vacant throne, he does not care about it. Some people rushed to sit, including his more than 20 older brothers.

The opportunity was not lost, and he immediately agreed: "If I am lucky enough to become the king of the Desert Kingdom, I will definitely do my best to make my actions worthy of the throne under me.

"It's just... I still have two doubts, I hope you can clear them up for me."

Su Ze said lightly: "You say."

"First, I want to know what mistake my father made, so that I can learn from it and never do it again;

"Secondly, I know that it is not easy to become the ruler of a country. First of all, I must have matching strength, and secondly, I need the support of the ruling country behind me. Otherwise, even if I sit on the throne, it will be very difficult for me to sit firmly. "

Su Ze pondered for a moment, and said, "Let me answer your first question first... Do you believe in aliens?"

Without waiting for Atago's answer, Su Ze roughly talked about the invasion of the Nian tribe and the conflict between the two parties at the top of Lin Huaguo.

Atago suddenly fell into a sluggish state. Su Ze also knew that it would take some time to digest the news, so he didn't urge him, so he and Ya Ge chatted through sound transmission while eating snacks.

It took a full quarter of an hour before Atago came back to his senses and reluctantly accepted the explosive information.

He said: "So the split of Damo Kingdom was caused by the struggle between Lin Huaguo's two parties? And because my father didn't want Damo Kingdom to split, he planned to seek refuge with aliens? Is this why you asked him to abdicate?"

Su Ze nodded slightly: "Relying on the Nian people may prevent the split of the desert country, and let your father get the support of the alien party, so that he can stabilize his rule, but it is an irresponsible behavior for the people of the desert country, and even It will affect the situation in Lin Huazhou as a whole."

Atago finally figured out the reason for these things.

Although he does not agree with his father's decision, he can also understand that it is indeed not a wise move in the long run to rely on those aliens who raise humans as cattle and sheep, but it can reap benefits in the short term.

After all, the Nian Clan has an absolute advantage over humans. Even if these Nian Clan members on the Blue Star are dead, just sending a strong man over from the Nian Clan mother planet is enough to suppress the entire Blue Star.

There is nothing wrong with choosing the dominant side when standing in line.

But their human identities are inherently hostile to the Nian tribe, even if they seek refuge in the past, the Nian tribe will only treat them as dogs.

And it also restricted the long-term development of their family. If they betrayed the ethnic group, the human race would never accept them again. However, under the control of the Nian tribe, the upper limit of their family's development has been locked, and they can only be dogs for the Nian tribe forever.

Still an underappreciated dog.

When the Nian tribe completely controlled the Blue Star humans, they would be useless.

Jassim, the King of the Desert Kingdom, certainly can't fail to understand this point, but sometimes people only care about immediate interests. After all, life is short. Even a saint-level powerhouse can only live for two to three hundred years. After death, he will be flooded.

Atago solemnly said: "I understand, I will always remember that I am a Blue Star."

Su Ze nodded appreciatively, and said: "As for the second point, your strength is indeed a bit weak now, you are only in the cocoon breaking stage, but you should be close to the butterfly stage, right? Work harder, you will complete the third evolution in two days Bar."

"Okay!" Atago said, "but the butterfly stage is not enough to watch, the previous kings of the Desert Kingdom are almost all at the hegemony level, which is why, each generation of our family will have a large number of offspring, in order to select the best among them Cultivate to become an overlord so that he can inherit the throne."

"As a friend, I can personally sponsor you with some high-level resources to help you become the overlord as quickly as possible. In addition, your father has only stepped down and can still escort you by force, and the family behind you is still I can be your reliance, and I will get some support for you, such as asking Ke Lao to arrange for a supreme power to replace the former Holy Envoy of the Desert Kingdom, and to assist you with all my strength."

Atago quickly thanked him, and he no longer had any doubts in his heart.

He knew that although he could secure the throne in this way, he was under the help of Su Ze throughout the whole process, which also meant that he would be subject to Su Ze.

But these are all things he can bear. After all, without Su Ze's help, he will be just one of Tasim's many sons in his life, and he will never be able to ascend the throne.

Unexpectedly, a friend he had made casually at that time and provided some help, and in less than a year, he had actually bought him a throne that he could not even imagine.

It really pays to make more friends!
"Now, tell your father to come over, I plan to personally persuade him to abdicate." Su Ze said with a half-smile, "By the way, don't tell him I'm coming in advance, so as not to cause him to be stressed and do things that are not conducive to unity." thing."

"Okay!" Atago picked up the phone and walked out.

Su Ze didn't care what Atago told his father, he winked at Brother Ya.

Ya Ge nodded and disappeared in place.

After a while, Atago came in again and said to Su Ze: "My father will be here in a while."


About ten minutes later, the door of Atago's room was opened. Jasim, with gray hair, dark skin and medium build, walked in with big strides.

Su Ze had already noticed his arrival, and also felt Jassim's mental power scan in advance, but as long as he didn't want to, Jassim's mental power would not be able to find him.

When Jassim saw Su Ze in the room, he immediately stopped and his expression became extremely unnatural.

He had had contact with Su Ze before, when he discovered the alien spaceship. At that time, he was very dissatisfied with Su Ze's first entry into the spaceship to explore, and he even always suspected that Su Ze got any benefits in the spaceship.

Because of this, he had a bad attitude towards Su Ze at that time.

But he didn't expect to see him in a few months, the boy who was not yet a saint at that time, has now become a big shot he can't afford to offend.

This change of identity made Jassim very uncomfortable.

He hesitated for a moment, then bowed slightly and said, "Su Ze Supreme."

Su Ze nodded lightly, and did not say to let Jassim take his seat.

Jassim looked at Atago with questioning eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied with his son for concealing Su Ze's arrival and tricking himself over.

He reprimanded him: "Supreme Su Ze came in person, you didn't even tell me about such a big event, you neglected the Supreme, I can't spare you!"

On the surface, they were reprimanding Atago, but they were actually testing Su Ze.

He knew that Su Ze must have instructed Atago to do this. Su Ze concealed his arrival and asked Atago to call him, fearing that the visitor was not kind.

If Atago was scolded by his father in the usual way, he would have felt guilty, but this time he was extremely calm, without fear, and looked at his father calmly.

That look was so calm that Jassim panicked.

Su Ze spoke at this moment: "I asked Artago to call you here. The main purpose of coming here this time is to let you abdicate."

He didn't beat around the bush at all, and went straight to the point, explaining why he came.

Jassim's expression turned ugly in an instant.

"Why?" he asked awkwardly.

"Because you are not suitable."

Jassim was silent for a moment, and said: "Supreme Su Ze should still be working in Dongli now, right? If we remember wrongly, you have not held any position in the ruling country, and you have no right to dictate the appointment and dismissal of the king of the desert country, even according to Lin According to the regulations left by the legend of Hua, even the ruler has no right to interfere with the appointment and dismissal of the king of the Desert Kingdom."

"I don't need others to give me certain rights, the weak rely on others to give me power, and the strong hold power themselves.

"My power comes from myself, and I'm not discussing with you, letting you make a choice, I'm just notifying you."

Su Ze's flat tone made Jassim feel humiliated and belittled even more.

Jassim has to admit that what Su Ze said makes sense. The weak can only obtain "rights" by relying on the rules made by the strong, and those who really make the rules have what they call "power."

After all, rights cannot compete with power.

For example, now, his rights granted by Lin Huazhou's law have been trampled by Su Ze, and he can only seek help from the person who gave him the rights.

"I'm going to make a call and ask what the overlord means." Jassim gritted his teeth.

Su Ze sneered and said, "You want to call him, right?"

Beside him, Brother Ya quietly appeared, holding a bloody human head in his hand.

Seeing the appearance of that human head clearly, Jassim's face was ashen, and the last line of defense in his heart was also broken.

That was the head of the envoy of the Desert Kingdom.

His competitors were able to contend against him precisely because of the support of the Holy Messenger of the Desert.

And not long ago, the Holy Emissary of the Desert found him and persuaded him to join the Alien Party, and he would get the full support of the Juggernaut. At that time, the Desert Kingdom would not need to split, and he would be rewarded by the Juggernaut.

Jassim was very moved, but he didn't agree immediately, but chose to go back and think about it.

But during this period of time, his competitor, the overlord-level chief supported by the Alien Party, was developing too fast, which made him feel the pressure.

And after comprehensive consideration, he is pessimistic about the future of the Blue Star Human Race, so he feels that it is better to join the Nian Race as soon as possible.

So just before coming here, he had just contacted the Holy Envoy of the Desert and expressed his willingness to join the Alien Party.

So Jassim was sure that the Holy Angel of the Desert was still alive 10 minutes ago.

And looking at it like this, Su Ze didn't leave Atago's room when the Holy Envoy of the Desert died, which means that the Holy Envoy of the Desert didn't die at the hands of Su Ze.

To be able to kill the Desert Holy Envoy silently and silently in a short period of time... I am afraid that the person who did it must have legendary combat power!
Besides Su Ze, did the Blue Star Party arrange for other legendary fighters to come over?
This made Jassim feel that the Blue Star Party attaches great importance to the desert country, and he also knew that he was powerless this time.

He took a deep breath and said, "What are you going to do with me? Who will take my place?"

At this time, Atago, who had been silent all this time, said, "Father, I will manage the Desert Kingdom on your behalf, but I may need your help."

Jassim was taken aback. He didn't expect Su Ze to let his son take his place, which made him feel better instantly.

For him, the throne will be passed on to his son sooner or later. Although Atago is not his best son, he is not bad, and he is also an acceptable successor.

As for whether Atago's strength can successfully take over the desert country, he is not worried at all. With the support of Su Ze and the Blue Star Party, it is absolutely no problem.

And from the meaning of Atago's words, it seems that Su Ze did not intend to kill him or imprison him.

It was much better than the worst ending he had imagined at first.

So after a little hesitation, he actually thanked Su Ze: "Thank you for your mercy."

"I only let you go because of my old friendship with Artago. After that, I want you to pave the way for Artago, and then officially announce that the throne will be passed on to him. After Artago ascends the throne, you Can no longer appear in public.

"In the future, you will no longer be a king, just do your duty as a father with peace of mind and protect your children.

"Also, don't think about using the power of the alien party to regain the throne, or when I come next time, not only will you die, but you will also become the last king of your family."

Jassim nodded with a wry smile.

Unless Su Ze died, he would not have the guts to regain the throne.

It is not difficult to regain the throne, but the difficulty is how to resist the assassination of a legendary strong man?

At least the throne is still passed on in their family. If Su Ze is angered, their family will lose the throne, and he will become a sinner of the family.

At this moment, Jassim finally resigned to his fate.

Watching Jassim leave, Su Ze immediately contacted Chen Suifeng and asked him to send a strong man to protect and assist Atago.

Naturally, it is impossible for Su Ze to fully trust Jassim, so he still needs to take some precautions.

Chen Suifeng said that he would immediately send two Supreme Beings to the desert country to prevent the counterattack of the alien party.

Su Ze and Ya Ge stayed until the two Supremes of the Blue Star Party arrived, and then left in Atago's respectful send-off.

A stinky Plamond appeared behind the two without a sound. He was short, dark and thin, and looked like Su Ze's follower, and there was a little blood in his stinky smell.

The holy envoy of the Desert Kingdom was killed by Pramon.

To be exact, it was Yage who assisted Plamond to kill that Supreme Holy Envoy in one blow!

The legendary Plamond, assisted by Yage's "Nothingness" skill, lost his head before the Desert Holy Envoy could even react.

The three of them continued heading west, and within a few steps, a message came from Pramon's cell phone.

It's the news from the dirty soil organization group that the supreme and powerful Elder Kang, who was killed by Su Ze, has been resurrected.

Su Ze was not surprised. When he killed Elder Kang, he guessed that Elder Kang should have resurrection skills.

But another interesting thing is that Bai Guishou also fled back to the dirty soil organization, and didn't say a word about his experience of being kidnapped by Su Ze.

Brother Ya knocked Bai Guishou unconscious before and buried him alive, so he didn't care about him anymore. After this guy woke up, he found that the outside world had changed drastically. Arrived in the large army of the dirty soil organization.

He didn't know what Su Ze had done with his identity, let alone that Plamond had become Su Ze's puppet.

Originally, he wanted to report everything in detail, but he didn't expect that Elder Kang, who had been wearing shoes for him, would take him very seriously. The other elders also showed admiration for him and praised him for his loyalty to the organization.

The change in attitude made him dumbfounded.

So in order to keep these esteem and appreciation, he chose to conceal the fact that he was kidnapped.

(End of this chapter)

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