Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 334 The Clue to Puzzle No. 4

Chapter 334 The Clue to Puzzle No. [-]

The Rubik's Cube hovered quietly above the sea squirt, but the crabs and beasts and the beast king sponge below didn't notice it.

The sponge beast completed its seventh evolution, becoming the first and only god-level beast on the blue star, and it is already the well-deserved king of the blue star beast.

Su Ze can only rely on the Rubik's Cube to avoid being discovered by the Beastmaster Sponge. Once he leaves the Rubik's Cube, even if he only reveals a trace of mental power or a sensory tentacles, he will never be able to escape the detection of the god-level alien beast.

The Rubik's Cube itself does not have attack capabilities, and the weapons carried on those spaceships are also added later.

Therefore, Su Ze couldn't rely on the Rubik's Cube to deal with the sponge monster, nor could he leave the spaceship to steal the Sand of Time under the sea squirt.

The best way is to wait for the people of the Nian tribe to fight with the sponge beast. He sneaks in here with the Rubik's Cube and steals the Sands of Time.

"The Sponge Beast attaches so much importance to this place, there is a high probability that it will avoid it from becoming a battlefield. At that time, the Crab Beast and the Sea Squirt may be left to guard the house. One of these two guys has no brains, and the other is not good enough to deal with it. It shouldn't be too difficult..."

Su Ze analyzed a wave and felt that his plan was promising.

Now it's time for Beastmaster Sponge to fight the Nian clansmen.

King Mu once said that in the Die of the Gods, there is a god-level wonder left by the Nian tribe. If they want to deal with the Beastmaster Sponge, they must use that god-level wonder.

In the future, just pay attention to the dice of the gods. Once they take out the god-level wonders from the dice of the gods, it means that they are about to attack the beast master sponge.

Su Ze didn't stop much, and drove the spaceship out of the Central Sea, and flew straight to the capital of Lin Huazhou.

He planned to meet with Chen Suifeng to discuss the follow-up arrangements.


I just made a call to Chen Suifeng, and the next second the Rubik's Cube had already flown over Chen Suifeng's villa.

Su Ze shrunk the spaceship and stopped in the courtyard of Chen Suifeng's house, then got off the spaceship with Brother Ya.

Pramon also restrained his breath and followed behind the two.

After waiting for a few minutes, Chen Suifeng hurried back home, dissatisfied: "I didn't say hello earlier when I came, so I rushed back before I finished lunch."

For Chen Suifeng who eats on time every day, being interrupted for lunch is a very annoying thing for him.

"I called you when I was still in Central Sea." Su Ze said innocently.

"I'm a liar! I'm just old, not stupid." Chen Suifeng rolled his eyes and lit himself an after-dinner cigarette.

Su Ze smiled slightly, and with a thought, the invisible Rubik's Cube in the yard suddenly appeared.

"Come on, Old Chen, let me show you the speed of the Sun God."

Chen Suifeng was dragged into the spaceship by Su Ze in a daze, and followed Su Ze to fly around Lin Huazhou. The cigarette in his hand was still long, and it didn't burn much at all.

"Fuck! This is so damn..." Chen Suifeng breathed out, "You got this from the inheritance treasure house?"

Su Ze nodded: "The speed of the Rubik's Cube is beyond the reach of ordinary Sun God powerhouses. It is full of energy and can withstand the full attack of Sun God powerhouses. With this spaceship, we have an extra retreat..."

Su Ze briefly introduced Rubik's Cube.

Chen Suifeng's eyes lit up after hearing this. Indeed, with the Rubik's Cube, they are no longer just cattle and sheep trapped in the fence, but have the ability to escape at any time.

He thought for a moment, and said: "It seems that you are about to start preparing to leave Blue Star. It is easy for you to leave Blue Star now, but you still don't have enough strength to gain a firm foothold in the universe.

"After all, you can't hide on a spaceship for the rest of your life. If you don't become a god-level ship, but own a sun-level spaceship, plus your identity as a human race, a rare species in the universe, you are simply a walking treasure."

Su Ze nodded again, and said, "It's best to become a god, or leave Blue Star when you're about to become a god. I plan to collect the fourth piece of the puzzle and leave after I get the inheritance. I have some clues about the fourth piece of the puzzle." Now, it should be in the hands of an evolutionary from the area of ​​the original Sunset Empire."

"The Sunset Empire thousands of years ago..." Chen Suifeng frowned, "There are many small human settlements in that area, but they haven't had any contact with us, so it's difficult to find them."

"It's okay, I have a Rubik's Cube number, and it's only a blink of an eye to get there, so you can go there and find it slowly," Su Ze said.

Chen Suifeng nodded slightly, and said: "Besides the mysterious inheritance, there is one more thing you should pay attention to. Recently, you should work harder and hit the legendary level."

"What's wrong?" Su Ze wondered.

"The Alien Party may be going to attack that spongy beast in the near future. Many meetings have been held. That spongy beast should have completed its seventh evolution."

"I just went to the Central Sea to see it, and it has indeed become a seventh-order strange beast."

It seems that the Nian people really have the means to monitor the energy fluctuations of the blue star. The Beastmaster Sponge should have just completed the seventh evolution, and the alien party has already taken action.

Chen Suifeng said: "Only if you become a legend as soon as possible, will you be able to get that seventh-order extract!
"They hunted the seventh-level beasts to extract the seventh-level extracts, which were used to cultivate the god-level powerhouses of the human race. If you can get the seventh-level extracts, you will become a god faster!
"Cultivating a human god-level must be selected from among the legendary powerhouses of human beings. The competition is not fierce. The three legends of Lin Huazhou, Jiang Pingle is a member of the Nian clan, and Ke Lao is too old to have the possibility of becoming a god. , there is only one Deng Sui..."

Su Ze interjected, "Deng Sui is most likely also a member of the Nian tribe."

Chen Suifeng spread his hands: "Then there is no more competition, as long as you become a legend, you are the only candidate for Lin Huazhou, and you only need to compete with the human legends in Xueyuan Continent and Yandi Continent.

"I'm not sure if there are qualified human legends in the other two continents. Even if there are, there may be only one or two. I believe that if you compare talent and potential, you will definitely win.

"As long as you become a legend, I believe that the Nian tribe will give you the priority of the seventh-level extract. When you get the seventh-level extract, you can directly leave Blue Star on the Rubik's Cube and go to the universe to slowly hit the god level. "

The idea is good, but Su Ze knows there are still risks.

The Nian people will not easily hand over the seventh-order extract to Su Ze.

If it was really handed over to him, he might have sent a request for help to the mother planet of the Nian Clan in advance.

I'm afraid that the mother planet of the Nian clan will directly send a strong man who surpasses the Sun God, and he won't be able to leave.

In fact, for the seventh-order extract of the Beastmaster Sponge, Su Ze is not bound to get it. Firstly, the skills in it may not be suitable for him. Technology becomes a god.

He is more interested in the Sands of Time than the extract from the Beastmaster Sponge.

However, he did not deny Chen Suifeng's opinion, but nodded and said, "I will try my best."

His idea is to reach the legendary level as soon as possible, but the next tube of extract is still unavailable.

As for the seventh-order extract of the beast king sponge, there is no need to force it. If it is impossible to do something, then forget it, just get the sand of time.

The first big thing in the future is to find the No. [-] puzzle first and get the inheritance.

The value of the mysterious inheritance is definitely greater than that of the seventh-order extract, and it is not known how many times greater.

Among other things, the value of the items in the four major inheritance treasure houses should be greater than the seventh-order extracts. In the universe, an Apollo-class spaceship can exchange for many tubes of seventh-order extracts.

Therefore, before he left Blue Star, finding the No. [-] puzzle was the highest priority, followed by obtaining the Sands of Time, and the seventh-order extract was the last.

Su Ze took Chen Suifeng off the spaceship, only then did Chen Suifeng notice Plamond in his yard, walked over to him and circled around Plummond a few times, expressing his amazement.

"How do you plan to arrange him later?" he asked.

Su Ze thought for a while and said, "Let him go back to Ancient Anguo after a while, and lead the dirty soil organization to continue attacking Ancient Anguo. By the way, is Deng Sui back?"

"Still guarding the Ancient Anguo." Chen Suifeng said, "But he should be back soon. The Alien Party intends to deal with the seventh-order sponge beast and needs legendary combat power."

"As soon as he comes back, I will ask Plamond to lead people to attack Gu'an." Su Ze laughed.

He also didn't want to let the dirty soil organization occupy the ancient Anguo, but it was just to spread hatred and contain the alien party's high-end combat power.


After leaving Lin Huaguo, Su Ze went to Miracle Oasis again.

When the mother tree saw the Rubik's Cube suddenly appearing under his trunk, it felt like an enemy, thinking it was an enemy.

She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she saw Su Ze walk out of it.

"What is the level of your spaceship?" The mother tree directly asked about the launch ship's information, and was very surprised that this spaceship could hide from her perception in her domain.

"Apollinian level." Su Ze showed off, "Long-distance space flight can be carried out at any time."

The mother tree vibrated, and the branches and leaves of the whole tree rattled.

A solar-level spaceship, which her master couldn't afford even if he exhausted his wealth!
Doesn't this mean that Su Ze now has the ability to take her master back to the tree spirit tribe for treatment?
When she first chose to invest in Su Ze, she believed that Su Ze would grow up and complete her commission, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon!

Su Ze said: "However, I can't leave for the time being. I still have some things to do on Blue Star. You can prepare to leave first. I will notify you before departure."

"Okay." The mother tree agreed, and waited for hundreds of years, and didn't care about waiting for a while longer.


For the next period of time, Su Ze left Brother Ya to train in the Shuling clan spaceship, while he himself shuttled around Blue Star on the Rubik's Cube every day.

Before Deng Sui returned to Lin Huaguo, Plamond, the legendary thug, was still by his side, so he went to the western continent of Blue Star.

1000 years ago, this place was once the territory of the blue star power Sunset Empire, but after hundreds of years of evolutionary battles, the Sunset Empire and all the countries on this continent were destroyed.

Some survivors multiplied over hundreds of years, establishing hundreds of small settlements.

Most of these small settlements are only the size of villages, with a population of no more than two to three hundred people.

The largest are the two shelters surrounded by iron walls, each of which has the size of a medium-sized city.

Su Ze drove the spaceship over these settlements, and through the detection function of Rubik's Cube, he had a general understanding of the strength of these settlements.

Small settlements that exist in the form of villages generally have a number of evolutionaries of the butterfly stage. The areas where they live are relatively safe, and a few of the butterfly stage are enough to ensure the safety of the village.

All medium-sized settlements have an overlord-level powerhouse as their leader.

And the two largest refuges are even guarded by supreme powerhouses.

Generally speaking, the overall human strength of this continent is weak, incomparable with the three major settlements, and there is not even a legendary level.

From this point of view, even without the bodyguard Plamond, Su Ze can walk sideways on this continent.

According to the coordinates, Su Ze came to the No. [-] inheritance point on this continent, entered it and checked it, and it was no different from the No. [-] inheritance point he entered before, and found nothing.

The location of the No. [-] inheritance point is also relatively hidden. Considering that the holder of the No. [-] jigsaw puzzle is likely to be someone from the surrounding area, Su Ze centered on the No. [-] inheritance point and began to investigate the surrounding settlements one by one.

Every time he came to a settlement, Su Ze would randomly catch an evolutionary, hypnotize him with a charming foxtail, and then ask some questions.

The main thing is to ask if there are any evolutionaries who have suddenly risen nearby in the past ten years or so.

Being able to pass the external inheritance assessment, coupled with the help of the treasures in the inheritance treasure house, the holder of the No. [-] puzzle will definitely not be an unknown person.

Even if you were mediocre before, after you get the treasures in the inheritance treasure house, you will definitely not be mediocre anymore.

Therefore, as long as Su Ze inquires about the sudden rise of people nearby, he can initially lock the area.

Once the suspicious target is identified, he will come to the door and directly hypnotize and ask...

In this way, Su Ze visited more than a dozen human settlements around him, and asked seven or eight suspicious targets, but none of them were the puzzle holders he was looking for.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye...

Su Ze would go back to Lin Huazhou every day to receive news.

This day, as soon as he came back, he saw a message from Chen Suifeng: Deng Sui has returned to Lin Huaguo!

Su Ze had no choice but to let Plamond go, otherwise the leader of the dirt organization would soon urge Plamond.

After Plamond left, Su Ze called Chen Suifeng again.

When Deng Sui came back, it meant that the Alien Party was about to attack Beastmaster Sponge, and he had to pay close attention to the timing of the attack.

"There should still be a while. It is said that they have asked for help from Xueyuan Continent and Yandi Continent, and the legendary powerhouses from the two continents will also rush over. At least they will not attack until they are all together." Chen Suifeng said.

Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief, but still planned to go back to Lin Huazhou every day to find Chen Suifeng to find out about the progress.

Next, Su Ze continued to go to the West Continent every day to find the No. [-] puzzle, but returned to Lin Huazhou every night.

After seven or eight days in a row, Su Ze searched nearly a hundred settlements, hypnotized and questioned dozens of strong men and geniuses, but still found nothing.

Many geniuses have adventures, but their adventures are completely despised in the eyes of Su Ze today.

On this day, he finally came to Dawn Sanctuary, one of the two largest sanctuaries on this continent.

In the Dawn Sanctuary, he hypnotized several geniuses. Although he still found nothing, he got a piece of news by accident.

In the Dawn Refuge, there was a legendary strong man!
That legendary powerhouse, named Ur Hogan, is the leader of Dawn Refuge and the number one powerhouse in the Western Continent.

The people in Dawn Refuge once thought that Ur Hogan would unify all settlements in the Western Continent in the future and establish the fourth large human settlement on Blue Star.

But Ur Hogan mysteriously disappeared three years ago, and has not been heard from since.

Su Ze attaches great importance to this news. It is impossible for a legendary powerhouse to disappear for no reason. There are not many things on the Blue Star that can pose a threat to a legendary evolutionary.

His disappearance should not have been in any danger, but his own choice.

This reminded him of the legend of Lin Hua...

Three years ago, it was also correct in terms of time.

Su Ze suspected that Ur Hogan, a legendary powerhouse, might have chosen to accept external inheritance and left Blue Star just like the legend of Lin Hua.

It's just that the puzzle cannot be taken away, so the puzzle must still remain in Blue Star.

And Su Ze has been to the No. [-] inheritance point, but did not find the puzzle, which shows that Ur Hogan should have arranged for the No. [-] puzzle.

It is likely that, like the legend of Lin Hua, the puzzle is left to future generations.

The Hogan family is the largest family in the Dawn Refuge. Su Ze found their family without any effort, hypnotized an old housekeeper casually, and asked for the information he needed.

Not long after Ur Hogan disappeared, his most beloved grandson, Barris Hogan, also left the family without a trace.

Su Ze intuitively felt that the puzzle he needed was probably on Barris Hogan.

He inquired some news about Barris. When he disappeared three years ago, Barris was already a dominant powerhouse. Because of his outstanding talent, he was especially favored by Ur Hogan.

It's a pity that Su Ze searched the entire Dawn Refuge but couldn't find Barris Hogan. He even hypnotized Barris' father, but the other party didn't know where his son had gone.

Barris has been missing for three years and has never returned home. The last time he contacted his family was a year ago, and he asked someone to bring a message back to report his safety.

Su Ze thinks there are two possibilities. One is that Barris left here to find the other three puzzle pieces.

Second, Paris was worried that someone would find him for the puzzle, so he hid in advance.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have disappeared for three full years.

As for the person who brought the message was a foreign merchant, there was also no contact information.

The clues were interrupted, and Su Ze could only stop tracing.

He had an idea, but he didn't know if it would work.

Barris Hogan probably didn't know that all the treasure houses of inheritance had been opened, and there was another treasure house of inheritance that was closed three years ago, so he must have thought that there was still a piece of the puzzle that hadn't been born yet.

If he hadn't gone far and was still around the Shuguang Refuge, Su Ze might be able to catch him out as long as he took out a puzzle piece as bait.

Such as holding a big auction, hype, mixing a puzzle piece into the lot...

It's just that before Su Ze implemented this plan, the Alien Party finally decided to attack Beastmaster Sponge!

After getting the news, Su Ze could only temporarily put down the search for the fourth piece of the jigsaw puzzle, pick up Brother Ya, and prepare to go to the Central Sea to guard in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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