Chapter 346
The Nian tribe will attack Miracle Oasis tomorrow?
"So what are you discussing now?" Su Ze asked.

"Jiang Pingle and the others have god-level wonders. In fact, they don't need to vote with us to decide whether to take action against Miracle Oasis. We can't stop him. In doing such a show, the drunkard's intention is not to drink."

"Miracle Oasis is not a big threat to them. What they really want to eradicate is us. Our existence has affected the Nian tribe's rule over Blue Star. They want to create an opportunity that does not cause too much turmoil or conflict. We destroy it!"

"That's right, they are forcing us to attack the Miracle Oasis. The decision to attack Miracle Oasis was passed by a vote at the meeting, which is equivalent to the order of Lin Huaguo's government. If we act to stop or help Miracle Oasis at this time, it will be... "

"It's rebellion!" Chen Suifeng answered, interrupting everyone's chattering discussion, "When the time comes, the Alien Party will be well-known for dealing with us, and they can wipe us out by force without any scruples, and they will give us another place later. We can't argue with the hat of rebellion and rebellion, and we can't turn it around!"

Chen Suifeng paused, and suddenly changed the topic: "But, do we have a choice? Do we want to watch our allies be wiped out by the alien party? That's just a slow death."

Someone objected: "But the Alien Party is waiting for us to make a move. Once we join the war, the conflicts that break out will not only be limited to Miracle Oasis, but the entire Lin Huazhou will be ignited!"

Chen Suifeng stood up and looked around the crowd: "We have been retreating, but this time there is no way to retreat, do you think that we can protect ourselves by giving up supporting Miracle Oasis and abandoning Miracle Oasis?

"The miracle oasis is only the first goal of the Alien Party. If we don't take action, they will have a second and third goal, such as the desert country, such as Dongli...

"A blunt knife cuts the flesh, one knife at a time. When you feel the pain, you want to resist but find that you are bruised all over your body, and you are so weak that you can't hold your fist!"

Someone hesitated and said: "We all understand the truth, but it is unwise to start a war with the Nian tribe now. We have no chance of winning. Why don't we continue to wait for a while."

Chen Suifeng smiled: "Guys, what opportunity do you want to wait for? Waiting for a god to come and rescue us from the sky? From the very beginning, we have no chance of winning, and we won't have a chance of winning for a long time.

"For those of us here, except for Su Ze, our goal is not to defeat the alien party, not to protect the Blue Star, not to kill the Nian people, because we can't do it!

"Our purpose is only one, and that is to create more opportunities for Blue Star and the human race, and to strive for more hope!"

The meeting room suddenly fell silent.

After a while, someone looked at Su Ze: "Su Ze, what do you think?"

They know that Su Ze has a special status, not only has legendary combat power, but also the "hope" of the current Blue Star Party.

Su Ze is no longer a loner now, and he also has huge support behind him. Dong Li completely listens to him, Atago of the desert country obeys him, and Gu'an country is also in his hands.

It can be said that in terms of status and prestige, Su Ze is already second only to Ke Lao in Blue Star.

Therefore, his opinion matters.

Su Ze turned to face the crowd, met their gazes, and said, "I think what we need to discuss is not whether we should fight, but how to fight!"

In a word, express your position.

Must fight!

In fact, he was more eager for time than anyone else present.

Give him a little more time, and he can get a huge improvement, but the upcoming fate will not be adjusted according to his needs.

He can only adjust himself, adapt to his destiny, and even change his destiny.

The battle between the Blue Star humans and the Nian people is inevitable, and Su Ze can't just sit back and watch something happen to Miracle Oasis or Dongli.

Everyone below looked at each other in blank dismay, and many hesitant people, even those who opposed it, remained silent at this time.

But there are still concerns.

At this moment, Mr. Ke, who had been sitting in a wheelchair as if sleeping, finally moved his body. He slowly lifted his old face covered with age spots, and uttered a hoarse voice through his dry throat, but his tone was so firm that there was no doubt about it:


Mr. Ke's words were final, and there was no longer any objection in the conference room.

Then we discussed a battle plan.

Everyone understands that this fight will not only be fought in Miracle Oasis, but the entire Lin Huazhou must be ready for battle.

The Blue Star Party also needs to make preparations in many aspects, including gathering the forces at hand, strengthening local control, and how to deal with the dirty water thrown by the Alien Party after the outbreak of the battle.

Now Lin Hua Country has initially formed a situation of splitting from east to west. The Alien Party controls the west of Lin Hua Country, while the Blue Star Party takes root in the east of Lin Hua Country and is closely connected with Dongli Country.

Su Ze didn't express any opinions on these. During the meeting, he left the meeting room and went outside to make a few calls.

The first call was to Ju Han, asking her to tell the mother tree that the Nian tribe was about to attack Miracle Oasis.

Although it is said that it will be done tomorrow, who knows?

There is no need for a large army to move out, as long as one or two legendary strongmen bring god-level wonders, it is enough to push the Miracle Oasis across.

It might be possible for the Nian clansmen to act immediately, so Su Ze reminded them to prepare now.

"The Oasis Chamber of Commerce can temporarily move into Dongli, and I will go to Miracle Oasis later." Su Ze said.

On the other end of the phone, Ju Han couldn't help but panic when he heard the news suddenly, and said, "Okay, I'll tell the mother tree now."

After finishing the call with Ju Han, Su Ze called Gu Chenguang and Atago respectively to get them ready, not only for defense, but also for offense.

You can't sit and wait to be beaten passively, you have to learn to fight back.

"Dongli has no place to expand its territory now, so let's expand towards Luofan Kingdom." Su Ze told Gu Chenguang this way.

In the end, he contacted Plamond and asked him to cooperate with him to attack Muguo and Luo Fanguo from the rear when the battle started.

In fact, in Lin Huazhou, the gap between the Blue Star Party and the Alien Party is mainly in the top combat power. To put it bluntly, the difference is that they have fewer magical items than the Nian Clan. In other respects, they can completely wrestle with the Alien Party. .

When the meeting was over, all the senior members of the Blue Star Party left, and Su Ze, Chen Suifeng and Ke Lao met and talked alone for a while.

"I have collected all four puzzle pieces." Su Ze took out the four puzzle pieces he got, "It's just that you need to become a legend to accept internal inheritance."

He cut to the chase and said, "Now I'm only short of one skill upgrade to the fifth level, and I can immediately undergo the sixth evolution and accept the inheritance. That may be our hope of defeating the alien party."

Chen Suifeng sighed: "Your skill comes from the mutant giant crocodile. The skill itself is unique on Blue Star, and the corresponding upgrade materials are also difficult to find. I'll think of a way."

In the skill upgrade plan that Liu Wenyin formulated for Su Ze before, there were also a large number of materials that might upgrade or strengthen the "Raging Waves" skill, but these materials were either not found, or found to be inappropriate after finding them.

I also found two suitable strengthening materials before, but after Su Ze absorbed them, it only made the skill "Raging Waves" stronger, but it didn't accumulate enough to be upgraded.

At this time, Ke Lao said via voice transmission: "Lin Huaguo treasury, you can try your luck."

Chen Suifeng's eyes also brightened suddenly: "That's right, in terms of the amount of resources and the variety of resources, there are not many places in the entire Blue Star that can compare to the treasury of Lin Huaguo!"

For some upgrade materials and strengthening materials, the strengthening direction will fall in places that ordinary people can't imagine. It is certainly impossible for Liu Wenyin to accurately list all the materials suitable for Su Ze.

But if Su Ze went to Lin Huaguo's treasury by himself and searched for it with his own senses, he might be able to find suitable materials for him.

It's just... how to get to the treasury of Lin Hua Country?

Even before the Blue Star Party broke up with the Alien Party, high-level executives like Chen Suifeng could not enter and leave the treasury at will, and they had to apply for any resources they wanted to use.

Not to mention that now that the Blue Star Party has been forced to leave the capital of Lin Hua Kingdom, it is even more impossible for Su Ze to enter the treasury of Lin Hua Kingdom.

"The treasury is under the control of the Alien Party. It is indeed difficult to enter, but it is not impossible. Isn't this an excellent opportunity right now!"

When Chen Suifeng said this, Su Ze also understood.

"You mean, let me sneak into the treasury while the Blue Star Party and the Alien Party are at war, and the capital of Lin Hua is empty?"

"That's right, you have the Rubik's Cube spaceship. It's so fast that they can't find it yet. Once Jiang Pingle and other legendary powerhouses all leave Baihua City, you can forcefully enter the treasury and plunder resources."

Su Ze thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he was quite clever.

Even if you can't find suitable upgrade materials, search all the resources in the treasure house, which will not only weaken the enemy, but also strengthen yourself.

In fact, Su Ze didn't need to wait until the battle started. Now that he and Brother Ya used the "Nihility" skill, he should be able to sneak into the treasure house. He was afraid that he would be intercepted by the strong Nian clan after being discovered, which would be troublesome.

Be on the safe side, wait until Jiang Pingle and the others leave. "I'll go to Miracle Oasis first, and talk to the oasis mother tree. If tomorrow's battlefield is in Miracle Oasis, then I will use Rubik's Cube to pick you up."

Su Ze felt that it might not be possible to fight in Miracle Oasis tomorrow, because the mother tree seemed to have taken root in the oasis for hundreds of years, but Su Ze knew that she could move, so there was no need to sit still.

Of course, if the mother tree ran away, the alien party would choose other targets, and fighting would still be inevitable.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Ke, Su Ze took Ya Ge on the Rubik's Cube and came to Miracle Oasis in the blink of an eye.


Su Ze stood in front of the trunk of the mother tree, and communicated spiritually: "I should go to the universe in a short time, and I will fulfill my promise to you. How do you plan to deal with this crisis? They have many legends, and there are three more God-level wonders, can you handle it?"

He asked this because he wanted to test the strength of the mother tree.

In fact, Su Ze has never been able to figure out the specific strength of the mother tree.

I heard that she could fight legends on her own territory, but that was before Su Ze retrieved the spaceship for her.

The tree spirit clan spaceship is a part of the mother tree. After recovering this part, the strength of the mother tree should also be improved.

Moreover, the mother tree has only fought against legendary-level powerhouses at the highest level, but her limit may not be only legendary-level.

"Three legends, and they are also carrying god-level strange items, it is indeed a bit troublesome, please take me away." Mother Tree replied.

Su Ze heard the implication, if the opponent is weaker, you can deal with it?
Sure enough, the legendary level is currently only the limit of the blue star, not the limit of the mother tree.

As if seeing what Su Ze was thinking, the mother tree said: "I am a strange thing. If no one uses it, the power it can exert is limited. The legendary level cannot threaten me, and even the god level can hardly destroy me, but It doesn't mean that I can defeat them, and I don't want to fall into their hands."

"Then... can I use it?" Su Ze's heart moved.

If the mother tree is a strange thing, it cannot be a sixth-order strange thing, and the base must also be a god-level strange thing.

If he can use it, wouldn't it be equivalent to mastering a god-level wonder?
"I think it's hard, but you can try."

"How to try?"

"Exit the oasis area first."

When Su Ze heard this, he immediately exited the Miracle Oasis.

I saw countless animals and strange beasts in the oasis, as if they had received some orders, they retreated out of the oasis in groups.

It's a bit like the tree falling and the hozen scattered.

After all the strange beasts had exited the oasis, the branches and leaves covering the entire oasis trembled slightly, making a rustling sound.

Afterwards, all the spiritual plants within the oasis began to shrink, their leaves and flowers all withered, and their branches shrank into the soil.

In just a few breaths, there was not a single spiritual plant in the Miracle Oasis.

After that, the branches and leaves of the mother tree also shrank, and the thick trunk shrank, becoming shorter and thinner.

At the top of the mother tree, an emerald-like spaceship is revealed.

All the dense branches and leaves were gone, replaced by a spaceship embedded at the top of the trunk.

After a while, Su Ze saw the mother tree shrinking smaller and smaller, and the miraculous oasis that had stood in the desert for more than 300 years completely disappeared, leaving behind a long stretch of yellow sand and a... scepter stuck in the sand?
Su Ze flew over and looked at the wooden scepter in front of him. It looked a bit short and seemed to be broken in half.

The only thing that is not simple is the green emerald on the top of the scepter.

Needless to say, this emerald must have been transformed by the Shuling clan spaceship.

No wonder the mother tree said that the spaceship was part of her.

Su Ze pulled out the scepter, held it in his hand, and weighed it, as light as nothing.

He penetrated into it with mental strength, easily entered the interior of the emerald, and saw everything in the spaceship. This gem is the Shuling clan spaceship that has shrunk in size, and everything inside the spaceship has not changed.

It must be said that there is a change, that is, there seem to be more spiritual plants in the spaceship, and all the spiritual plants that grew in the oasis just now have been transferred to the spaceship.

Su Ze tried to communicate with the mother tree: "So besides the storage function, does this scepter have any other effects?"

The mental fluctuations of the mother tree came from the scepter, and responded: "There are many functions, but I am still in a disabled state, and there are not many abilities that can be used."

Su Ze felt a little bad when he heard the mother tree say that it had many functions. He had already seen many wonderful uses of this scepter.

And often, the more miscellaneous functions a strange item has, the weaker it is in terms of offense.

"My biggest function is to purify, purify all negative states, including poisoning, disease, curse, etc. In addition, the person who holds it can also obtain the ability of plant affinity, which can mobilize the surrounding spiritual plant gang to a certain extent You fight, and even various auxiliary effects for you.

"The current combat capabilities are mainly based on these two points.

"In addition, considering that there is a big gap between your evolution level and mine, your consumption will be astonishing when you use it."

Su Ze fell silent after listening.

Can't say it's completely useless, but it's not very useful anyway.

It can only be said that the usefulness is relatively limited.

The effect of "purification" can also play a key role when needed, and the function of plant affinity is mainly of limited use on Blue Star, which is too dependent on the environment.

There are very few high-level spiritual plants on Blue Star, and there are only a few sixth-level spiritual plants. Su Ze has to lead the battlefield near the sixth-level spiritual plants to use this function.

Anyway, let's take it first... Su Ze put away the scepter.

"People from the Alien Party will kill them tomorrow and find that the Miracle Oasis is gone. They will probably be very confused."

Next, Su Ze did some pre-war preparations and resettled all the people from the Oasis Chamber of Commerce to Dongli Country.

He and Ya Ge took the Rubik's Cube to the Western Continent, and took all the four supreme beings of the Wall family and the Stu family to Lin Huazhou.

As for the other overlords of the two families, Su Ze didn't take over and couldn't play any key role.

Frank, Craig and the other four were also confused, wondering why Su Ze came back and dragged them into a fight after he left for a while?
There is something like this?I just took refuge today, but tomorrow I will drag myself into the battlefield?
The four of them suddenly had the feeling that "the entrustment is not human".

Su Ze also knew that this was unreasonable, so he rewarded the four of them with some resources, and finally arranged them at the border between Dongli Country and Luo Fan Country.

In the fight tomorrow, the four supreme beings will fight into Luo Fan, which is enough for them to eat a pot.

After finishing all this, Su Ze took Ya Ge back to the Blue Star Party headquarters in Xinghuo City.

"The Miracle Oasis has been moved away. Tomorrow, the Alien Party can't find a target, so they may attack elsewhere." Su Ze told Chen Suifeng and Ke Lao about the situation.

Chen Suifeng analyzed: "In Linhuazhou, their goals are nothing more than Damo, Dongli, and Gu'an. But if they want to make a name for themselves, they can only attack Gu'an, and the crusade against the dirty soil organization is justified."

Su Ze nodded: "I have asked Plamond to seek help from the Dirt Organization. I don't know if they can withstand it. If they can't, I have to sacrifice Plamond."

The Dirt Organization is not a real ally, but a common enemy with the Blue Star Party, but they are also traitors of the Blue Star Humans.

Although Plummond, the legendary puppet, is easy to use, once Su Ze also becomes a legend, Plummond will become less important.

"I'm afraid that they don't choose the filthy organization as their target, or they don't just choose the filthy organization as their target." Ke Lao said through voice transmission, "The alien party's goal this time is to force us to take action and eradicate us. They attack the filthy organization. , we can stay out of the game, so they will definitely think of other ways."

"For example, find a reason to attack the Desert Country, the Dongli Country, or even an important person, such as you."

Su Ze nodded and said: "Then we can only see their movements tomorrow and respond in time."

He took out the scepter transformed from the mother tree, took off the emerald spaceship above, and handed it to Chen Suifeng.

"Brother Feng, I asked the mother tree to grant you the pilot authority of the spaceship. Tomorrow, you will drive the spaceship. With the high-level combat power of the Blue Star Party, track the whereabouts of the alien party and respond at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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