Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 348 For the way forward for the human race, light another lamp!

Chapter 348 For the way forward for the human race, light another lamp!

The power of evolution in Su Ze's body was withdrawn bit by bit, and gathered outside.

The cyan power of evolution has a tendency to transform towards blue, but it stops after just starting. The transformation of the power of evolution requires a lot of energy assistance.

At this time, energy began to flow out of Su Ze's body, merging into the power of evolution.

His powerful physical body contains infinite energy, which is similar to the flesh and blood energy extracted by the "Blood Devouring" skill devouring life.

With the help of these energies, the power of cyan evolution continues to transform towards blue.

The first step of the sixth evolution is to use the power of the physical body to assist in the transformation of the power of evolution. Of course, other energies, such as spiritual power, can also be used, as long as it comes from your own energy, and the power of evolution will reject external energy of.

If the energy supply is insufficient and the power of evolution fails, the sixth evolution will also fail.

Su Ze naturally didn't have these worries.

However, as the energy of flesh and blood was continuously extracted, Su Ze's body was also shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, his skin was sagging, his temples were white, and his energy was constantly passing away.

But this is a normal phenomenon. In many cases of evolution failure, they were pumped to death at this step, and their physical energy was completely drained, which was still not enough to support the evolutionary transformation.

Even among those legendary powerhouses who have successfully evolved, there are many people who survived this step and completed the transformation of the power of evolution when they had only their last breath left.

And as long as the power of evolution is successfully transformed, it will be extremely prosperous.

The second step of the sixth evolution is to feed back the power of evolution after transformation.

A moment later, in Su Ze's emaciated and almost skinny state, the power of evolution finally completely completed the transformation, completely turning into blue.

The power of blue evolution returned to Su Ze's body and flowed through every part of his body, as if pouring rain on the parched dry land. His shriveled body quickly refilled, his skin became firmer, and the white hair on his temples turned black ...

In an instant, Su Ze returned to his youthful state full of energy and vitality.

After returning to the peak state, the next step is the third step of evolution, relying on the power of evolution at the legendary level to transform the body and mind.

This is also the final step of the sixth evolution.

Su Ze felt warm all over, and every cell seemed to be soaked in a hot spring. The power of evolution was integrated into his limbs, infiltrating every cell in him, and polishing every cell in him.

The power of evolution at the legendary level invades cells, transforms and upgrades cells, edits and rewrites genes...

During this process, his entire body seemed to melt, and the soft couch was out of shape. He could not regain his ability to move until the transformation was completed.

This takes a certain amount of time.

Su Ze was anxious, but could only hold back.

At this point, the sixth evolution has been successful, and the rest is left to time.

After an unknown period of time, Su Ze's body gradually returned to normal.

The terrifying aura belonging to the legendary powerhouse raged around him around him.

Fortunately, he completed his sixth evolution in Rubik's Cube, and did not cause any damage.

The sixth evolution is complete!
Su Ze has finally become a genuine legendary life form!
He ignored the improvement in his strength and sensed the tentacles across the entire spacecraft, but could not find any trace of Brother Ya.

Just now he concentrated on evolution and did not pay attention to the external situation.

Su Ze reached out and took a note, which was left by Brother Ya.

"Boss, I'll help Ke Lao and the others first, you can do what you should do at ease."

Su Ze took a deep breath, feeling a little more at ease.

Although Brother Ya is only at the Supreme level, he has special skills after all. With him, he should be able to help Ke Lao and the others last for a while.

Su Ze took out a golden crystal, sat cross-legged on the spot, and firmly plunged the golden crystal into his arm.

It's just that the legendary level who has just completed the sixth evolution, even if his combat power is far superior to that of the same level, I am afraid it will be difficult for Jiang Pingle and others who are holding a god-level strange item.

He must also absorb this divine blood crystal.

One more powerful skill like "Meteor Impact" can significantly improve his combat power.


ten minutes ago.

The Alien Party's team composed entirely of holy-level powerhouses rushed to the east-west boundary of Lin Hua Country. A large river named "Linhe" served as the dividing line, separating the east and west of Lin Hua Country.

The west of Linhe is the territory of the Alien Party, under the control of the Alien Party, and the east of Linhe is controlled by the Blue Star Party.

Chen Suifeng drove the emerald spaceship, and led a group of Blue Star Party upgrade masters to the Linhe River to meet the Alien Party powerhouses.

As soon as the two sides met, Chen Suifeng originally wanted to talk about the scene to delay the time, but the people from the Alien Party just did it when they met, and they didn't go through the process at all.

As a result, the battle broke out in an instant, and neither side held back their hands. In just a few minutes, blood was already sprinkled on the riverside, and the river in this section was dyed red.

Someone was hurt, someone died.

The battle was fierce and stalemate.

This is because the two legends Jiang Pingle and Marina did not make a move.

At the overlord and supreme levels, the Blue Star Party is no weaker than the Alien Party.

Especially after the alien party's true face was exposed this time, some strong people who had been unable to figure out the situation before and remained neutral also turned to the Blue Star Party.

Except for a small number of "clan traitors" who sell their clans for glory, most people still choose to fight for their own race without hesitation in the face of racial conflicts.

But Jiang Pingle and Marina didn't join the battlefield immediately. They looked around, as if they were looking for someone.

But after searching around the battlefield, as well as the front and back of the Blue Star Party, they couldn't find their target.

"I didn't find that kid Su Ze." Jiang Pingle frowned.

"It might be inside the spaceship." Marina looked at the emerald spaceship floating above.

However, it is very difficult to forcibly break into this spaceship.

"This is a Luna-class spaceship. Even if it is damaged, it is not something we can forcibly break through now." Jiang Ping said happily.

Their legendary level, even if they hold god-level strange items, their combat power cannot reach the level of a normal star god powerhouse, and they cannot threaten a moon god-level spaceship at all.

Marina nodded, with a ferocious smile that didn't match her pretty face: "Then let's attack these overlords and supremes first. If we kill too many people, the people in the spaceship will naturally not be able to sit still."

The two flew towards the holy-level powerhouse of the Blue Star Party.

In the face of the legendary powerhouse, the supreme can't bear a few moves, let alone the overlord.

After almost meeting each other, several overlords of the Blue Star Party fell.

This is still two unused god-level wonders.

The two aimed at Chen Suifeng in the crowd. Knowing that Chen Suifeng had a special status in the Blue Star Party, they planned to kill him first to hit the Blue Star Party's momentum.

Just when the two were about to make a move, the door of the emerald spaceship above slowly opened.

Jiang Pingle and Marina stopped their hands at the same time, looked up and looked at the figure at the exit of the spaceship in the shadow of the backlight.

It was an old man in a wheelchair.

He was stooped and gloomy, with only sparse white hair remaining on his head covered with age spots, and his cloudy eyes could not reflect any light.

Old Ke!
As if realizing something, the battle below gradually ceased with the appearance of the old man, and both sides retreated to keep their distance.

Pairs of eyes stared at the old man in the wheelchair.

Everyone present knew Mr. Ke.

On the alien party's side, one by one, the "traitors" faced Mr. Ke and lowered their heads, not daring to look at him, as if they were afraid that Mr. Ke's cloudy and dim eyes would burn them.

On the Blue Star Party side, every senior official had tears in their eyes or trembled slightly, as if they had realized something.

Chen Suifeng clenched his fists quietly, and suddenly remembered the past that he didn't want to look back when he was in his 50s.

At that time, he watched his soldiers die one by one, but he was powerless.

Now seeing his most respected senior fighting at the cost of his life, he was still powerless.

Everything seemed to have changed, but the only thing that remained the same was the sense of powerlessness.

He still can't do anything!
When one's own sense of responsibility exceeds the scope of one's ability to bear, one will fall into endless suffering.

He left Lin Huaguo's military to devote himself to the cause of education. He wanted to do something, but he didn't achieve anything.

He actively enjoys life, which is a compromise with his limited abilities.

Until he met Su Ze, he saw hope in Su Ze.He believes that Su Ze can do what he wants to do but can't, so he spares no effort to help Su Ze.

He repeatedly tried to arouse Su Ze's sense of responsibility, and even sacrificed himself for it, just to let Su Ze inherit the responsibility that he could not afford.

But at this moment, looking at Ke Lao sitting in the wheelchair, and seeing the calm smile on his wrinkled face, Chen Suifeng suddenly understood that what he did before may not be a kind of escape!

Ke Lao's responsibilities will only be heavier than him, but the old man has never been crushed, nor has he escaped.

Even in the face of the temptation to become a god, he gave up for the responsibility in his heart.

Even in his old age, sitting in a wheelchair and lingering on his last breath, he still has to leave a useful body, just for this moment.

How it turned out, who knows?
But it doesn't matter, a responsible person should do his best, look up to the sky, and bow down to others.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ke Lao tried his best to raise his head and looked at the clear sky above his head. There was no cloud in the sky, but he seemed to see the infinite starry sky, and saw someone on a certain star in a certain corner of the universe.

"Marshal, I will do my best!"

He murmured to himself and sighed softly. There was nostalgia and undisguised reluctance in his tone, but more of it was a clear and unashamed magnanimity.

The next moment, he stood up tremblingly, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, burning away the turbidity in his eyes.

"Today, with my broken body, I will protect the human race for the last time."

"Use the fire of my life to light the way forward for the human race!"

After the words fell, the flames in his eyes seemed to burn all over his body, and Ke Lao was bathed in invisible fire.

The flame burned his old body, and the wrinkled skin was cracked every inch of it, turning into pieces of ashes in the flames and falling in all directions.

A strong and young arm stretched out from the old body, breaking through the shackles of the body.

Followed by another young arm.

Grasping the chest of the remnant body with both hands, he tore it hard, tearing Ke Lao's broken body, and a man with a handsome face, tall figure, and muscular body, who seemed to be in his 20s, got out of it.

He looks young, but his eyes are full of traces of the vicissitudes of life.

Down below, the hearts of the strong men shook.

They all recognized that this was exactly what Ke Lao looked like when he was young!
He has been called "Ke Lao" for hundreds of years. Many people have long forgotten his name. He is called "Ke Xiuyuan". He was once handsome and handsome, young and strong. He was the yearning of countless girls and a role model for countless young people. He is the patron saint of the people of Linhuazhou.

Ke Lao jumped and landed on the ground, feeling the powerful body now, the long-lost sense of strength did not make him uncomfortable.

He has always been unwilling to die of old age in a wheelchair, even if he is waiting for this day, he has long been prepared.

"Old Ke..."

The eyes of Chen Suifeng and other powerful Blue Star Party members were red. They all saw that the flame on Mr. Ke's body just now was the soul fire that burned the soul.

Ke Lao's body has long been broken, but his soul is not immortal. This is using the soul and the last remaining vitality as fuel to force himself back to the peak.

This is like returning to the light, when the flame burns out, Ke Lao will die completely, even his soul and body will dissipate.

"You all back away." Ke Lao said, his voice was unprecedentedly young and full of energy.

Chen Suifeng and the others had no choice but to follow orders and back away, leaving enough space for Ke Lao to use as a battlefield.

On the side of the alien party, all the overlords and supremes also retreated one after another. They all knew that the next battle would be a battle between the legendary powerhouses, and they couldn't get involved.

"Ke Xiuyuan, do you think you can change anything?" Jiang Pingle said with mockery and sympathy in his eyes, "You and I are both ants. You don't know the vastness of the starry sky and the insignificance of manpower. Even if you can kill me, you can't change it." change the destiny of mankind."

"What's more, you can't even kill me, and you can't even protect those people behind you!"

Ke Lao didn't talk to him, he burned his life, not to talk to Jiang Pingle, he turned into a light and rushed towards Jiang Pingle.

In the process, Ke Lao's body split continuously one by one, and three clones were split in a blink of an eye.

Of the four Ke Laos, two fought against Jiang Pingle, and two besieged Marina.

Ke Lao's one-on-two situation turned into four-on-two in an instant.

What's more, those avatars are all powerful and can display legendary combat power!

For a moment, he actually gained the upper hand, pressing against Jiang Pingle and Marina.

Chen Suifeng and others watched with excitement.

Ke Lao at his peak was too strong!
As expected of Lin Huazhou's second-generation master, he was one of the most outstanding geniuses in the first 500 years of the evolutionary era.

Ke Lao and Jiang Pingle, Marina's battlefield moved all the way from the ground to the sky. The terrifying destructive power and the shocking aftermath made the hearts of the onlookers tremble.

Ke Lao has always had the advantage. It can be seen that Ke Lao at his peak is already a true top legend!

It shouldn't be far from the god level.

There were rumors that Ke Lao's talent was even better than Lin Hua's Legend. If he was willing to let go of the responsibility in his heart and embark on the road to becoming a god, he might have become a god long ago.

But at this moment, Marina suddenly took out something, which was a small blow dart.

The seventh-order strange object, the soul thorn blowing dart!

Faced with the pressure brought by Ke Lao, she finally took out a god-level wonder.

Marina blew the dart at Ke Lao, and an invisible spiritual attack flew out, hitting a clone of Ke Lao.

Ke Lao's avatar paused slightly, then continued to attack, and it didn't seem to be affected much.

Marina didn't believe in evil, and used the soul thorn to blow the dart again, this time attacking Ke Lao's body.

But the result was the same, it only slowed Ke Lao's movements for a moment, and he was not greatly affected.

Seeing this, Jiang Pingle had a guess in his heart, and said: "He has already burned his soul, your mental attack is useless to him, at most it will make him feel soul pain."

The purpose of the mental attack is to damage the opponent's soul, but now that Mr. Ke has burned his own soul, how can he say that he was damaged or injured.

As for the pain, it wasn't enough to shake his perseverance.

Jiang Pingle took out his strange object, the Horn of the Storm!
The soul attack is useless, but the Storm Horn is a serious power of storm, and Mr. Ke cannot ignore it.

Jiang Pingle blew the horn, summoning a violent storm that could tear everything apart, and swept towards Mr. Ke.

The storm was extremely fast and had a wide range. Ke Lao's two avatars couldn't dodge it and were involved.

In the blink of an eye, one clone was torn into pieces, and the other escaped with serious injuries.

"Old Ke!"

Chen Suifeng and others below were all sweating for Ke Lao.

Some people wanted to go to support Mr. Ke, but at first the difference in strength was too great to be of much help, and the people from the Alien Party who came to the opposite side were staring at him. Once they went up to help, the strong Alien Party would not stand idly by.

Mr. Ke lost two clones and his combat power has declined. How should he face Jiang Pingle holding the storm horn?

Just when everyone was anxious, Jiang Pingle blew the horn of the storm for the second time.

This time he attacked Ke Lao's body.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared next to Mr. Ke. The person had dark skin and a thin figure. Only a pair of front teeth were particularly bright and eye-catching.

"Brother Tooth!"

Chen Suifeng said in surprise.

As the Supreme Being, Chen Suifeng knew that Yage might not be as powerful as himself, but when it came to playing support, ten of him would definitely not be as good as one Yage.

With Brother Ya's support, Ke Lao is absolutely like a tiger with wings!
Ya Ge propped up "Invincible" and helped Ke Lao resist this wave of storm attacks.

Jiang Pingle's complexion was slightly pale. Using the horn of the storm twice in a row was a bit exhausting, so he needed to slow down.

When dealing with Beastmaster Sponge before, it was he and Marina who attacked alternately, and Deng Sui was the replacement, so they could keep using the Horn of the Storm for a long time.

After Yage's invincibility effect passed, Marina saw the right time and launched a "soul stab blowing arrow" mental attack on Yage.

This god-level strange thing can't deal with Ke Xiuyuan, so can't it deal with you?

Marlena looked proud, as if she had seen Brother Ya's fate of being completely wiped out by her blow.

This is no exaggeration, the god-level spiritual attack launched by the god-level strange thing, against a supreme-level, it is definitely a one-hit death!
But at this moment, a... helmet suddenly appeared on Yage's head?
This thing looks a bit like a hard hat worn on a construction site, and it is very safe and reliable to help Brother Ya block Marina's mental attack.

It's just that after blocking the blow, the hat also cracked.

This is the spiritual defense skill that Ya Ge just obtained from the crystallization of the blood - the safety helmet.

(End of this chapter)

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