Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 355 The Pope Appears

Chapter 355 The Pope Appears
The more than 30 teleportation places left by Su Ze are also an escape route for Chen Suifeng and others.

He will also tell this news to Gu Chenguang and others, so that if they encounter danger in the future, he may be able to save their lives.

After leaving Chen Suifeng, Su Ze returned to Dongli.

All the patron saints of Dongli were summoned to a meeting, and Su Ze announced the interstellar migration plan in public.

As expected, Gu Chenguang chose to stay in Blue Star and Dongli.

Ning Yushen and Li Fayi also followed suit and stated that they would stay.

Only Principal Zhou Wenshan said calmly: "I am the oldest and have limited potential. If I stay here, I won't be able to help much in the future. I will go to Zexing with you. I can still contribute to Zexing's early construction."

Su Ze nodded, Zhou Wenshan was right.

In Blue Star, Zhou Wenshan struggled to his death and completed one more evolution. Becoming the Supreme Level was the limit, and after that, he could only stay in Blue Star and wait to die.

But in Zexing, early construction requires a lot of effort, and Su Ze also needs help from trustworthy people, and Zhou Wenshan is a good choice.

In particular, Zhou Wenshan has devoted his life to education and has rich experience, which will definitely be a great help to the construction of Zexing's education career.

Among the 3 people who migrated with Suze Star, there will definitely be many children. In the future, when they come to Ze Star, 3 people will also reproduce and give birth to offspring. Education is essential.

Zhang Tai also wanted to stay in Blue Star with Gu Chenguang and others, but was stopped by Gu Chenguang and others. He was still young, and only by following Su Ze and leaving Blue Star would he have a bright future.

Aunt Yun hesitated for a moment, thinking that she should stay in Blue Star, but Su Ze glared at her and stopped her.

It was finally decided that Gu Chenguang, Ning Yushen, and Li Fayi would stay in Blue Star, while the other Dongli patron saints would leave Blue Star with Su Ze.

Although Gu Chenguang and the other three will not go to Zexing themselves, they have also requested quotas for their descendants. People like Senior Ye Jin, Gu Yuer, Li Yongguan and others will follow Su Ze to Zexing.

For the three Gu Chenguang who chose to stay, Su Ze told them the location of the external inheritance point and told them to teleport to Zexing through the external inheritance point if they encountered danger.

It's just that the transmission of inheritance points can only be used at the legendary level. Gu Chenguang and the others must upgrade to the legendary level.

Su Ze had already given Gu Chenguang several bloodline crystals before, which was enough for them to quickly advance to the supreme level.

This time, he left a lot of high-end resources for the three of them, enough to support them all the way to the legendary level. But resources are resources. The potential and luck of the three of them are very important. Whether they can become legends in the future, Su Ze I dare not say it.

After the meeting, Su Ze thought for a while, sent messages to some of his acquaintances, and gave them a few places.

For example, Ju Han, the president of the Oasis Chamber of Commerce, and Xu Sheng of Evolution Technology.

After doing all this, he started to work on another thing, which was to eliminate hidden dangers.

The biggest hidden danger at the moment is the Pope. This old guy is hiding somewhere. He has never shown his face since he came into contact with Su Ze.

According to limited intelligence, the Pope seems to be in some special state.

If you want to find the Pope, other Nian people may be able to provide some useful information.

And Su Ze also imprisoned dozens of strong men suspected of being members of the Nian tribe on the Rubik's Cube. This was a good breakthrough.

It just so happened that he also had to deal with these people.


Inside the Rubik's Cube, Su Ze began to deal with the captured strong men from Xueyuan Continent and Yandi Continent.

He captured a total of more than 20 supreme powerhouses, as well as four legendary powerhouses including Zhan Meisen and Deng Sui.

Only a few of them have been identified, and most are still unknown.

Of course, not all the supreme and above powerful people in the two continents are here. There are thirty or forty supreme powerful people in Linhua Continent alone. Even if the strength of the other two continents is weaker, there will not be too much difference. It is impossible for the two continents to add more powerful people. It’s only over 20 people.

Apparently there are still many supreme powerhouses hiding.

Su Ze had more than 20 clones and began to interrogate the legends and supreme powerhouses he had captured.

The purpose is to find out those powerful Nian people hidden in the two continents.

He is not afraid that these people will not tell the truth, because among these people there must be human beings who were mistakenly arrested by him and will be willing to cooperate with him.

Moreover, he only needs to ask for the list of winners of previous Divine Dice Trials from both continents, and he can further narrow down the scope. After that, he only needs to use this list to capture all the winners.

At the same time, he asked Brother Ya to drive the Rubik's Cube, turn on the detection system, and conduct investigations on Yandi Continent, Xueyuan Continent and their surrounding areas.

On the one hand, they are searching for those powerful Nian people who may be hiding, and on the other hand, they are also trying their luck to find clues about the Pope.

These tasks are simple to say, but quite time-consuming to do. Fortunately, Su Ze can be cloned. More than 20 clones acted at the same time, and it took more than an hour to finally complete the interrogation.

He got a detailed list of people who had entered the God's Dice trial and reached the end. They might all be taken away by the gods of the Nian clan.

And all the people who are not on this list can basically rule out the possibility of being from the Nian tribe.

Of course, this still does not eliminate the suspicion that they are "clan traitors."

To some extent, "traitors" are more hateful than enemies.

However, in terms of threat, the "traitors" are still not as good as the Nian tribe. At least they cannot contact the Nian tribe's home planet through the dice of the gods, and they have always been the outsiders. Now that the human race has the upper hand on the Blue Star, they have the upper hand. Will restore "loyalty" to the human race.

Therefore, Su Ze doesn't need to worry about those "traitors" for the time being. He still prioritizes dealing with the threats from the ideal tribe.

So Su Ze classified his more than 20 prisoners based on this list.

He locked up the people on the suspect list alone, put the others who were not on the list together, and changed them to a larger room to give them some room to move around, but he still did not let them go.

Before clearing away the threats from other powerful Nian people, letting these people leave will only increase the instability.

What surprised Su Ze was that the other two legendary powerhouses from Xueyuan Continent and Yandi Continent were not on the suspect list.

They are not members of the Nian tribe, but the "No. [-] guinea pigs" trained by Marlena and James Mason. They are human experiments that are intended to be used to reach the god level.

This is also good news. At least in the future, Xueyuan Continent and Yandi Continent will have these two legendary powerhouses, and they will still have a certain ability to protect themselves, so that they will not fall under the iron hoof of the alien beasts.

Although Su Ze didn't care much about Xueyuan Continent and Yandi Continent, he didn't want these two continents to be destroyed because of this.

After the two of them learned the truth from Su Ze, they were both extremely shocked and couldn't believe it.

It wasn't until Su Ze presented various evidences that he convinced them.

"You two should stay on my spaceship as guests for the time being." Su Ze also did not let these two people leave.

Who knows if they are "clan traitors"?
The two of them had no choice but to be placed under house arrest on the spacecraft.

As for the two people who had already identified Deng Sui and Zhan Meisen, Su Ze naturally detained them alone and tortured them to extract valuable information.

He didn't ask the two of them who their accomplices were, for fear that they would talk nonsense, and he had a more accurate way to distinguish them, so he was not in a hurry.

All he asked about was information about the Pope.

After suffering a lot of physical pain, Deng Sui and James Mason were not as tight-lipped about the Pope's information as other information, and soon relented.

"The Pope has been missing for many years. None of us know where his body is hiding, but we know where he should be hiding and sleeping now..."

"The Pope is an alien among us. He is not satisfied with this human body, and he is not willing to stop at the legendary level. He wants to return to the top. He was a restless lord in his previous life, and he was also uneasy when he died. Very young, he is considered a well-known genius in our Nian clan..."

As the two talked, Su Ze gradually learned a lot about the Pope.

The pope was keen on various researches when he was in the Nian clan. He liked to tinker with messy things all day long. He was considered a research geek, somewhat similar to Liu Wenyin.

But the difference between him and Liu Wenyin is that he likes to experiment on himself and make some risky attempts.

To put it simply, he likes to work hard and to seek death.

Unlike the other Nian gods who resurrected from the Divination of the Gods, the Pope did not die in battle in his previous life, but rather killed himself while doing research.

Because he has indeed contributed a lot of research results to the Nian Clan, the Nian Clan gave him this opportunity to resurrect his body.

But unlike other resurrected gods of the Nian tribe, after the Pope was resurrected, he put aside the tasks assigned to him by the tribe and did some weird research.Because the ethnic group asked them to give priority to cultivating human beings to become gods, and all resources for becoming gods must be provided to human beings first. The Pope is trapped on the small planet of Blue Star and lacks evolutionary resources. Before they complete their mission, they can neither become gods nor escape from this planet. A planet returns to its home star.

It just so happened that the person he took over was a genius from the Evolution God Cult, so he began to conduct some research on the God of Evolution and his beliefs.

There is no real god of evolution on the Blue Star. It is just that with the opening of the evolutionary era, people's imagination created such a god, and it was passed down by word of mouth, saying that it had a nose and eyes.

Then the founder of the Cult of Evolution seized this opportunity, rode the wave of popularity, gathered folklore, and stitched it together into the current image of the God of Evolution.

The original purpose of establishing the Cult of Evolution was probably just for the founder to make some money, but he didn't expect that the sect would gradually grow and become stronger, gathering more and more evolutionists.

In the end, because he helped Lin Hua Legend defeat the alien beasts and end the evolution war, he was officially recognized by Lin Huazhou and became the only religious belief that Lin Huazhou can preach.
By the time the Pope was reborn, the Cult of Evolution had grown very powerful.

The Pope discovered that the fabricated image of the God of Evolution had some miraculous qualities due to people's long-term belief in it, which made him interested.

After he quickly strengthened himself, became a legendary powerhouse, and took control of the Evolutionary Cult, he began research in this area.

He discovered that people's faith is actually a kind of spiritual dedication and exchange.

As long as there is life, there is spiritual power, it is just the difference between weak and strong.

The faith of hundreds of millions of believers on Blue Star has caused the spiritual power of these believers to interact with the image of the God of Evolution. They are constantly dedicating their spiritual power to the "God of Evolution", which makes the image of the "God of Evolution" resemble With the soul, many miracles occur.

Generally speaking, spiritual power cannot be transferred to others, but it seems that this purpose can be achieved through belief.

Although the amount of spiritual power each individual can dedicate to the "God of Evolution" is very small, the sum of the few adds up to a very considerable amount.

Su Ze understood this principle as soon as he heard it - the more people believe in light, the more powerful the light will be.

So the Pope came up with the idea of ​​replacing the "God of Evolution", accepting these beliefs himself, and strengthening his spiritual power.

However, the image of the God of Evolution has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and cannot be changed at all. Therefore, the Pope can only move himself closer to the God of Evolution, and develop towards the God of Evolution from body to soul, in order to snatch what belongs to the God of Evolution. That belief.

Over the past 300 years, the Pope has made rapid progress, has achieved great results, and has extremely powerful spiritual power. It is said that he has already reached the level of a god.

However, because his body has not become a god, he is still just a legendary strongman, but he only has mental power that is beyond the same level.

So he started to work hard again, preparing to develop a path to "belief and become a god".

In the beliefs of countless believers, the "God of Evolution" is a god with divine power.

The Pope believes that as long as he is completely integrated with the God of Evolution, he will be able to develop a new path to becoming a god without relying on the resources to become a god or integrating his own magical skills.

He thought so and did it.

But after he did this, his true form never showed up again, and it has been more than ten years...

Whether he succeeded or failed, no one knows.

I only know that he is not dead yet, because his various clones are still active everywhere.

"This guy is also a talent." Su Ze had to admit that the Pope was quite capable.

I just don’t know where he is now or whether he has become a god.

If the Pope had become a god, Su Ze would be really difficult to deal with.

Su Ze remembered that some of the powerful men of the Evolution God Sect he had killed before had extracted white high-level energy from their bodies, and that energy could directly strengthen his mental power.

"Is that white energy the so-called power of faith?"

Su Ze thought it was very possible. He had killed many supreme beings, but only the supreme strongman of the Evolution God Cult had extracted the white energy from his body.

He should be a powerful man who holds a high position in the Evolutionary God Religion and has also benefited from the power of faith.

The three advanced energies that Su Ze has discovered on Blue Star are golden energy from the Sands of Time, silver-gray energy from mutated bacteria, and white energy from the powerful Evolution God Cult.

Among them, both silver-gray energy and white energy are related to the Pope.

The silver-gray energy can strengthen the body and increase the size. This energy seems to have been specially researched by the Pope.

Because Su Ze later asked Liu Wenyin and also searched for other mutated bacteria, but no more white energy was extracted.

Speaking of silver-gray energy, Su Ze still has a large "silver ingot" on his body, which is condensed from that silver-gray energy. It was what he had absorbed before. Now that he has completed his sixth evolution, he can continue to absorb it.

Next, Su Ze asked some more questions, but he didn't get any new information from Deng Sui and Zhan Meisen. It was all information he had already learned from King Mu.

Therefore, Su Ze did not waste time on the two of them and ended the interrogation of the two.

During his interrogation, Brother Ya was able to detect the locations of many supreme powerhouses through the Rubik's Cube.

Su Ze took action and caught all these people one by one, verifying their identities one by one.

Those on the suspect list will all be locked up, and those not on the list will also be temporarily placed under house arrest.

After that, Su Ze went to Yandi Continent and Xueyuan Continent to arrest people according to the list, arresting them one by one in the order of the list.

However, after this arrest, it was obvious that there was a problem. Many people on the suspect list had disappeared long ago, and no one could be found at all.

Su Ze captured everything he could find, and then he and Brother Ya split into two groups.

He went to explore three places near the God's Dice. The remnants of the Nian clan were probably haunting the vicinity of the God's Dice, intending to take the God's Dice and ask for help from their home planet.

Brother Ya is looking for traces of the Evolution Cult in the wild.

When the Evolution Cult withdrew from Linhuazhou, a large number of clergy moved to the wilds. If they could find clues to them, they might be able to find the Pope.

Su Zexin split his mind and created a clone to control the spacecraft, while the main body took out a silver ingot and began to absorb it.

This was obtained by destroying an Evolutionary Cult stronghold in the wild. It was completely condensed from silver-gray high-grade energy. He had absorbed a lot of it when he was at the Supreme level and it was already saturated, but now that he has become a legend, he can absorb it again.

When Su Ze learned that the Pope had the possibility of becoming a god, he naturally had to actively improve his own strength to deal with it, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he found the Pope but couldn't defeat him.

As the silver-gray energy turned into silver ingots was absorbed by Su Ze, his size increased and his physique also continued to improve.

Finally, when the entire silver ingot was absorbed by Su Ze, Su Ze felt as if his body had broken through a certain threshold, and his strength instantly surged!

Under his skin and between his muscles, there seemed to be a faint purple glow.

"Is this...the flesh becoming a god?"

Su Ze was stunned, but after thinking about it carefully, he thought it was quite reasonable.

His physique is already strong. When he reaches the Supreme level, his physique reaches the legendary level, and it is not at the level of a weak legend.

After he becomes a legend, his physical body has reached the peak of legend!
Now it has absorbed a large amount of high-grade silver-gray energy and finally broke through that hurdle.

However, just because his physical body reaches the god level, it does not mean that Su Ze has become a god.

This is just like the Pope before. The Pope's spirit has reached the divine level, but his body is still the legendary level.

But as long as the seventh evolution is not completed, even if both the spirit and the body become a god, he is not a true god-level powerhouse!
Because the most important gene cannot be regarded as a god-level life if it does not reach the god-level level.

Next, he took out the Sands of Time, absorbed a large amount of golden energy in the Sands of Time, and completely digested the divine blood crystals in his body.

Then he prepared to absorb the god-level extract from the Beastmaster Sponge!
Because he couldn't find a better substitute in the inheritance, he still planned to absorb the seventh-level Beast King Sponge Extract according to the original plan, and then hit the god level!
Originally, he didn't plan to be in such a hurry. He could take his time during the starry journey to Zexing.

But now he still plans to get it right in one step and directly absorb the seventh-level extract to prevent overturning when facing the Pope.

But before he could take out the Beast King Sponge Extract, a voice came from the Rubik's Cube's intercom channel.

He gave several walkie-talkies on the Rubik's Cube to the powerful Lin Huazhou who guarded the three God's Dice. These walkie-talkies can achieve global communication and are easier to use than spiritual communication mobile phones.

Lin Tiannan's urgent voice came from the other end: "Su Ze, we are under attack here, and the Pope has appeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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