Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 360 Skill Reorganization

Chapter 360 Skill Reorganization

April 1002, 1 in the evolutionary calendar.

This day was the day Su Ze and Chen Suifeng agreed to set off.

The capital square of Dongli State was crowded with people, all of whom came to see him off.

In the middle of the square, the Rubik's Cube spaceship shrunk to the size of an ordinary passenger plane, and almost all the 1 people from Tori had boarded the spacecraft.

There are also Ju Han from the Oasis Chamber of Commerce, Xu Sheng from Evolution Technology, and others, who just arrived today and are boarding the ship at this time.

Su Ze was followed by Brother Ya, Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun, and the four of them waved goodbye to Gu Chenguang and others.

Zhou Wenshan and Zhang Tai had already boarded the spacecraft first and were maintaining order in the spacecraft. The Pope was also sent to the spacecraft in advance by Su Ze.


Su Ze waved his hand, turned around and left without taking a single cloud with him.

He boarded the entrance of the spacecraft in a few steps, without stopping to look back, and entered the spacecraft without looking back.

We have all missed yesterday that we should miss. It’s time to look ahead and welcome a new beginning.

On the other hand, Aunt Yun stood at the door of the spacecraft and looked at it for a long time, obviously very reluctant to leave the place where she grew up.

Entering the spacecraft, there was no noise as expected. Many people were communicating quietly, but no one dared to make a loud noise.

Zhang Tai and Zhou Wenshan were very busy arranging accommodation for everyone.

1 people sounds like a lot, but it is actually a lot.

1 people rushed into the spaceship at once. You can see people everywhere you go. It seems that there are high-speed rail cars everywhere.

But it's just because many people haven't arranged their accommodation yet. Once these people are assigned to stay in various areas, it won't look so crowded.

Although the Rubik's Cube is currently a "beggar's version" without any additional equipment, it is still not a big problem to accommodate 1 people.

Su Ze naturally gave preferential treatment to the people around him, and everyone was assigned a single room.

After everyone had boarded the ship, Su Ze closed the door of the spacecraft, and the Rubik's Cube slowly rose and disappeared in an instant under the gaze of countless people.

He did not go directly to Lin Hua Country, but first went to the Western Continent.

He also gave ten quotas to each of the Wall family and the Stu family in the Western Continent. These two families were now loyal to him and had made contributions in the last war. Su Ze naturally couldn't forget them.

However, he didn't give more places, only ten, because he knew that these two families actually had no intention of running a power and only wanted to long for the stars and the sea. If he gave enough places, these two families could even move their entire family.

After picking up the members of the Wall family and the Stu family, the Rubik's Cube arrived at Lin Hua Country in an instant.

On Lin Hua's side, all 2 people have been loaded onto the ship, and the emerald spaceship is also equipped with various supplies that are enough to support 2 people for a month.

Su Ze put away the emerald spaceship, reduced it to the size of a fist, and embedded it into the scepter turned from the mother tree.

Next, before reaching the destination, no one in the emerald spaceship can leave the spacecraft unless there are special circumstances.

"Let's go, don't send it away."

Su Ze didn't say a sad goodbye to Chen Suifeng. He had already done what he needed to say. He waved his hand and left gracefully.

"If you see Legend Lin Hua, remember to say hello for me." Chen Suifeng shouted loudly.


Su Ze stepped into the Rubik's Cube, and the next second the spacecraft was gone.


Su Ze stood in front of the glass window, looking at the blue planet getting further and further away from him, and finally withdrew his gaze.

Brother Ya, Liu Wenyin and others also stood behind him. For a moment, everyone had mixed feelings.

There is nostalgia, reluctance, expectations for the future and... fear!
When they moved their eyes away from the blue planet and looked in other directions, they looked at the boundless universe. It was empty, dark, and boundless. It seemed as if they would fall into it if they looked twice more, never touching the boundary.

The universe is beautiful. They saw all kinds of planets, endless nebulae, and colorful rays.

The universe is also very dangerous. When you stare at it, it will feel like a person who is afraid of heights is standing at an altitude of [-] meters. His legs will be weak whether he looks up or down.

"Okay, don't be sad. The spaceship will speed up next. Let's go do our own thing." Su Ze interrupted everyone's thoughts.

The speed of the Rubik's Cube has been difficult to use on the Blue Star, because it may have already rushed out of the Blue Star before it has completed acceleration.

Now in the universe, Su Ze can finally experience the ultimate speed of the Rubik's Cube.

After determining the destination coordinates, the Rubik's Cube quickly accelerated under the control of Su Ze's thoughts.

In a few breaths, the speed has reached the speed of light.

The speed of the Rubik's Cube continued to increase, and finally exceeded the speed of light.

At this moment, the space distorted and then seemed to fold.

The space in the flight path of the Rubik's Cube is like a piece of paper that is constantly folding, and the Rubik's Cube keeps jumping from one space to the next.

The faster the speed, the greater the folding of space and the farther the distance spanned.

Su Ze had no time to look at the surrounding things and the planets on the road, and he couldn't see them.

Looking out of the window of the spacecraft, there are all twisted lines, and it is impossible to tell what they are.

But the inside of the Rubik's Cube was not affected at all and was very stable, even if you put a glass of water on it, it wouldn't shake.


Su Ze called Liu Wenyin and the Pope, and the three of them went to the rest room next to the spacecraft control room.

He told the two of his newly acquired skill disassembly and assembly abilities and asked them to give them some advice on his skill set.

In order for two people to give reasonable opinions, of course they also need to have a clear understanding of the skills they have mastered.

Su Ze found a piece of paper and listed all the skills he currently had.

Rhinoceros collision (level [-] S): lock a target within the range, launch a charge to it regardless of the terrain, all life forms collided with during the charge will receive impact damage and fall into a dizzy state, and the target life body will receive double impact damage and Stun effect, immune to all damage and control during the charge.

Ant Power (Sixth Level S): After being turned on, both the body and the soul will be strengthened, and the attack will have a "destruction" effect, and the mental attack will have a "forgetfulness" effect.

Needle attack (quasi-divine skill): Concentrate the whole body's strength and mental power into one point, bursting out a double piercing attack targeting the enemy's body and soul. After hitting the target, an explosion is caused in the target's body, and the target is infected with sleeping toxin (the toxin can It acts on the body and soul at the same time, causing the target to fall into a deep sleep quickly until it falls into a state of eternal sleep and dies).

Raging Waves (Level 3 S): Launches an air wave attack on the surrounding area. The skill range expands as the size increases. All life forms within the skill range will be stunned for a short time. All invisible units will be forcibly revealed and marked for [-] minutes. During being marked, the position of the other party can be sensed at any time.

Regenerative body (sixth level S): Gain powerful self-healing and recovery abilities.Condensate a "regeneration core" anywhere in the body. When the regeneration core ruptures, the life energy contained in it will instantly heal all injuries throughout the body. When entering a dying state, the regeneration core will automatically fragment and absorb external energy to accelerate regeneration. Core cohesion speed.The life energy in the regeneration core can be extracted to make regeneration fruit with therapeutic effects. The amount of life energy determines the therapeutic effect of the regeneration fruit.

Knowledge is power (sixth-level S): Passive skill, each time you master a skill, you can get a cell enhancement.

Wings of the Sky and Sea (Sixth Level S): Condensed into invisible wings with the power of evolution, gaining the ability to fly at extremely high speeds in the sky and travel through water (water escape).

Thor's body (sixth-level S level): The body stores electrical energy, can freely control the electrical energy in the body, and is immune to lightning damage, and can absorb external energy and convert it into electrical energy to recharge itself.

The Eye of Reality (Level [-] A): It combines the power of evolution and spiritual power to condense into countless sensory tentacles, which are released from the eyes. It can have all-round perception capabilities for the coverage of the sensory tentacles, and can capture objects within the range of perception. For sound, the perception range can be freely adjusted. The smaller the perception range, the stronger the perception ability.

Unyielding Will (Level [-], S): Spiritual and physical consciousness merge into one, sharing the damage from the spiritual level together.In this state, the physical body provides an increase in mental power, and the mental power provides enhancement to the physical body. The amplitude of the increase and enhancement depends on the strength of the physical body and mental power, and the effects cannot be superimposed.If you are attacked mentally, the damage will be reflected back to the attacker.

The Strongest Punch (Level [-], S): You can choose to integrate the characteristics of the other five skills you have mastered to deliver the strongest punch.

Expansion (Sixth Level S): Freely control the body's proportional expansion. The limit depends on the user's physical fitness and evolutionary level. In the expanded state, the user's body attributes and abilities will receive bonuses adapted to the current body size.

Blood-devouring (the prototype of a sun-level divine skill): After it is turned on, every time a living body is taken away from its life, its flesh and blood energy will be devoured. The devoured energy will repair itself first, and the remaining energy will be stored in the body, which can temporarily strengthen its own strength. If no new flesh and blood energy is consumed within seconds, the skill will automatically turn off.

Space Jump (Prototype of Moon God-level Divine Skill): Perform a short-distance space jump
Instant simulation (sixth-level S level): Simulate a skill that you have seen within ten seconds and use it immediately. When simulating a skill beyond this skill level, the effect of the skill will be weakened, or the simulation will fail.

Weak point attack (quasi-magic skill): Know the target's weak point, and launch an attack on each weak point. The number of weak points depends on the strength difference between the two sides. When attacking a weak point, the target's weak point is locked, and the weak point must be hit, ignoring any form of defense of the target .

Meteor Impact (prototype of the Ancestral God-level divine skill): Extract energy from the body to condense a ball as heavy as a meteorite and store it in the body. Up to three balls can be stored, and the meteorite ball can be thrown to attack the target.

Evolutionary Divine Grace (prototype of ancestral god-level divine skill): Passive skill, you will get an additional opportunity to absorb extracts at each evolution stage, and master the ability to disassemble and reassemble skills.

Sponge body (seventh level magical skill): Ignores all energy attacks, absorbs the energy attacking itself, and stores it in the body until the energy in the body is saturated.After the energy storage is saturated, you can choose to release the energy at once and launch indiscriminate attacks to the surroundings. After the energy is released, the skill will enter a cooling state.

The above are all Su Ze's skills of level six and above.Although the prototype of the divine skills does not have a specific level, each one has a high level and will not be held back in the seventh evolution, so there is no need to upgrade.

The fifth-level skills are as follows:

Gravitational Domain (Level [-] S): It can control the gravitational force within the domain, and can also condense a gravitational chain to pull targets outside the domain to any position within the domain.

Liquid life (level [-] S): Liquefy the body (you can choose partial liquefaction or overall liquefaction), and you can freely change the shape of the liquefied part.

Shock Cannon (Level [-] S): Absorbs surrounding energy and substances (can be mixed and inhaled), compresses them in the body and releases them. The larger the user's size, the stronger the power of the skill.

"The current primary goal is to digest three fifth-level skills through skill disassembly and assembly, so that I no longer have skills below sixth level, so that I can achieve the seventh evolution." Su Ze said.

Liu Wenyin nodded and understood what Su Ze meant.

The priority now is how to digest the three fifth-level skills, rather than how to split and combine them to be the strongest.

Either split the three fifth-level skills into other skills, or combine or appropriate some of the effects of other skills to help the three skills upgrade to the sixth level.

After Su Ze completes his seventh evolution, it will be too late to take the three skills back and make a more reasonable combination.

Both Pope and Liu Wenyin began to stare at Su Ze's various skills and ponder them. Su Ze himself was also thinking about how to operate more rationally.

One after another, the Pope and Liu Wenyin began to put forward some suggestions and give some feasible ideas and ideas.

Su Ze also burst out with a lot of inspiration under their reminders, and gradually came up with a general idea.

As the three people continued to discuss, Liu Wenyin often looked at the Pope with a look of surprise. Many of the ideas he heard from the Pope's mouth and many theoretical knowledge he proposed were things that Liu Wenyin had never touched before.

Liu Wenyin quietly asked Su Ze: "Who is he? How do you know so much?"

"The genius evolutionist of the Nian tribe is now under my control." Su Ze saw the curiosity in Liu Wenyin's eyes and said, "If you don't understand anything, you can ask him. You're welcome. You don't need to treat him as a human being. Treat him like a machine, a tool man or something.”

Liu Wenyin nodded happily. The high-end evolutionary knowledge from the universe was a field she had never been exposed to. She had been studying and studying it for a long time.

After some thinking, both Liu Wenyin and the Pope expressed some opinions.

Liu Wenyin said: "Your three fifth-level skills happen to be a domain skill, a status skill, and an attack skill. They are completely unrelated to each other and have no points of integration, so there is no need to consider these three skills. Blending with each other or something.

"But these three skill categories are completely different. Combined with your other skills, the field skills are a little less, but they are very inclusive. There are many status and attack skills. I think you can easily combine these three skills. Each can be disassembled and assembled into other skills.

"But you can also try to use the 'gravity field' as the basis and incorporate other skill effects to create a powerful field skill."

She directly determined the direction. The three fifth-level skills could not be integrated. There was no need to consider upgrading the "Liquid Life" and "Shock Cannon" skills. They could directly separate them and integrate them into other skills.

Only the "Gravity Field" skill can be upgraded by incorporating other effects because of the inclusiveness of field skills.

The Pope thought for a while and gave his own thoughts: "You need to consider that after you remove some skill effects and then integrate them into other skills, they may undergo certain changes to adapt to other skills. Wait for you later If you take it apart again, the effect may be different.”

Su Ze nodded: "I understand, some things are suitable for you to use before, but it may not be so suitable for you to give them back after using them by others."

The Pope was stunned and said: "That's pretty much what it means. In fact, you don't have to think of this as a temporary adjustment to cope with the seventh evolution. You can think about it for the long term and keep using this disassembly and combination of skills. Go down.

"What Dr. Liu just said is right. These three skills of yours happen to be in three categories. You have a lot of status and attack skills, and domain skills are all-encompassing. So you can Consider merging all the skills from these three categories in the future to create three magical skills."

Su Ze held his chin and thought for a moment. Combining the two people's opinions, he felt that this was indeed very feasible and a path that could be tried.

King Mu once told him that if you want to integrate magical skills, domain skills are a tricky way.

Nowadays, "Raging Waves" has a tendency to develop into domain skills. "Eye of Truth" is also more consistent with domain skills. There are also other miscellaneous skill effects that can be integrated into domain skills.

You can think of domain skills as a trash can. Throw everything you don’t need from other skills into domain skills.

The evolution from the extraordinary stage to the saint level is always adding new skills, while after reaching the god level, it is necessary to subtract, and the skills are more refined than more.

If this idea is feasible, in the future he will integrate all status skills and all attack skills into one, creating two divine skills and even an ancestral divine skill.

The remaining leftovers from the fusion of these two types of skills can be thrown into domain skills, which may also produce good results.

In short, he can try this first. Even if it doesn't work in the future or the effect is not good, he can adjust and correct it in time.

With the ability to disassemble and assemble skills, he has a higher error tolerance rate than others.

After some discussion, the three of them made some preliminary plans.

For long-term considerations, if you want to integrate powerful skills in the future, you must also select a basic skill and use this skill as the foundation and cornerstone to continuously strengthen it.

The cornerstone of attack skills, without much hesitation, the three of them all chose the "strongest punch" skill.

If nothing else, it’s still tolerant!

The effect of this skill is to integrate other attack skills, and it can be matched with almost any attack skill.

It can be used as the glue between any attack skills. The current "Strongest Punch" can integrate five skills, which means that it can integrate at least five attack skills.

There are many choices for the basic skills of status skills. Su Ze has many skills like this, but in the end he chose the "expansion" skill.

The reason why the magical skill "Sponge Body" was not chosen was to fuse another magical skill as soon as possible.

Integrating other status skills into the "sponge" skill, the level of the "sponge" skill, which is a magical skill, will not be greatly improved, but if other status skills are integrated, the next one will be quickly integrated. Magic skills.

As for domain skills, they are of course based on the "Gravity Domain", which is also Su Ze's only orthodox domain skill at present.

Once organized in this way, once the plan comes out, the ideas will flow smoothly.

Su Ze started to try.

His priority is to use the three fifth-level skills of "Gravity Field", "Liquid Life" and "Shock Cannon".

Liu Wenyin and the Pope both left the lounge, leaving it to Su Ze.

Su Ze fell into thinking. The skill effects of "Liquid Life" and "Shock Cannon" were relatively simple, so simple that there was nothing to dismantle.

The effect of "Liquid Life" is that the body liquefies, and the liquefied part can change the appearance. There is a causal relationship before and after, and the effect of changing the appearance cannot be separated.

The effect of the "impact cannon" is to absorb, compress, and then release!There is also a cause and effect relationship before and after, and every link is indispensable.

Even the last item of the skill effect, "The larger the user's size, the stronger the skill's power," is also causal. The larger the user's size, the more energy and matter is absorbed, and the more powerful the bombardment released is naturally.

However, Su Ze felt that it was possible to separate this one, as long as other skills could match this causal relationship.

But it's not necessary. Su Ze plans to integrate the entire "Shock Cannon" skill into the "Strongest Punch". There is no need to split it up.

Similarly, he also plans to integrate the "Liquid Life" skill into the "Expansion" skill.

As long as the fusion can be successful, it is equivalent to digesting these two fifth-level skills.

At that time, there will be only one "gravity field" skill left.

What Su Ze is thinking about now is adding something to the "Gravity Field" skill to upgrade it to the sixth level.

“Which skill should I take away from what?”

He had to consider that skills that had certain effects removed would not fall below level six.

Otherwise, if the "Gravity Field" upgrade is successful and other skills are downgraded, it will be troublesome.

As for integrating other skills into the "gravity field", it's okay if the skill effect is simple, but if the effect is complex, it will be difficult and time-consuming.

Su Ze didn't have much time to waste, so it was best to choose a simple solution.

He thought about it and set his sights on the sleeping poison of the "Needle Strike" skill.

When the "Needle Strike" skill is integrated into the "Strongest Punch", the sleeping poison has no chance to work, and can only have a control effect when used alone.

But "Needle Strike", as an explosive skill, doesn't go well with controlled toxins like Sleeping Toxin.

Wouldn't it be more direct if the sleeping toxins were taken out and integrated into the field, and once the field was opened, the opponent would be poisoned?
Su Ze's eyes lit up and he felt that something was going on.

Moreover, "Needle Strike" is a quasi-magical skill, even if the effect of sleeping poison is stripped away, it will not directly fall below the sixth level.

Su Ze decided: "Let's try this first!"

(End of this chapter)

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