Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 362 Racial Talent

Chapter 362 Racial Talent
What is God?
It wasn't until this moment that Su Ze realized it.

After achieving perfect evolution, his genes also evolved to the god level, and the excess evolutionary energy due to perfect evolution improved him in all aspects.

Around the seventh evolution, Su Ze's strength made a qualitative breakthrough.

This improves not only the physical attributes and soul strength, but also all his skills.

Every skill is part of the gene. When the genes evolve to the god level, all skills will be strengthened.

This enhancement does not change the skill effect, it just makes the effect of each skill stronger.

Among them, the most obvious improvement is the magical skill "Sponge Body". The basic value has been greatly improved, the upper limit of energy that can be absorbed has been increased several times, and the power when released is naturally several times stronger.

No wonder it is said that only gods can exert their true power.

Without a matching life level, even if a legendary evolver masters magical skills, they are just like a kid playing with a machete, and it is difficult to exert their true power.

The divine skills matched Su Ze's current life level and received the most enhancements. Other skills seemed to have been discriminated against because they did not reach the god level, and received much less enhancements.

But Su Ze knew that as long as these skills were upgraded to magical skills, they would be greatly strengthened.

Speaking of which, several of the quasi-magical skills he has mastered have been improved due to the improvement of his life level, and they are only one step away from the magical skills.

If he randomly takes apart some skill effects and fuses them into them, he can probably upgrade these quasi-magical skills into divine skills.

However, he has no intention of continuing to fuse skills now, because after the seventh evolution, a series of chain reactions occurred in his body, which he needed to sort out slowly.

The first is racial talent...

Regarding racial talent, Su Ze had been introduced to it by the Shepherd King before, and obtained some information while accepting the inheritance left by Ao Zun. Recently, he had a serious discussion with the Pope, and now he has a relatively comprehensive understanding.

Racial talents are possessed by every intelligent race, but some races master them from birth, while some races cannot awaken until they become gods.

In addition, racial talents can be strong or weak. The racial talents of strong races are very exaggerated. They have more than one ability. Different abilities are interrelated with each other and form a system of their own.

For example, the Witch Clan has a powerful racial talent. Although it is difficult to reproduce, each Witch Clan is born with unparalleled vitality. It is difficult to kill a god-level strongman, but it has no offensive ability, only defensive ability.

But such a powerful defense makes the survival rate of witch cubs extremely high. Even without the protection of adult witches, there is a high probability that the young witches will grow to adulthood on their own.

Moreover, the life level of an adult witch clan is equivalent to that of a legendary powerhouse, and their combat power is even comparable to that of a star god.

The Witch Clan is also a natural spiritual evolver. In terms of spiritual system, both in talent and strength, they are the strongest in the entire universe.

These abnormal abilities all come from the racial talents of the Witch Clan.

The racial talents of the weak races are very simple, such as the immortal consciousness of the Nian race and the plant affinity of the tree spirit race.

Of course, this is not all the abilities of these two races.

The Pope believes that racial talent comes from the original gene, but almost everyone's original gene is incomplete, which naturally leads to incomplete racial talent.

If you want to master the complete racial talents, you need to have the complete original genes of your own race, that is, you must at least become an ancestor-god level powerhouse.

Therefore, people such as the Pope and the Shepherd King only have one racial talent with immortal consciousness. Even the strong men of other ordinary races in the universe basically only master one or two racial talents.

In the final analysis, they are still too weak, and their original genes are severely damaged.

But what is obvious is that even if racial powerhouses like the Runian and Tree Spirit tribes complete their original genes and master complete racial talents, their racial talents will never be as strong as those of the Witch clan.

It’s not even comparable!
In terms of racial talent alone, any scraps from the Witch Clan are better than the complete racial talents of the Tree Spirit Tribe and Nian Tribe.

Then the question arises. If the creation myth is true, and the supreme creation god became the ancestor of all races after his death, there should not be such differences in racial talents among all races.

The racial talents of the first ten thousand races may not be completely equal, but at least the gap is not too big.

The gap can only be widened through acquired plunder.

Although the Pope is a genius evolutionist of the Nian clan, he is not very strong and has no background. He has no access to many high-level secrets.

However, he has his own set of speculations about this. He believes that in the battle between intelligent races, through means similar to genocide, the victorious race can seize the racial talents of the genocide.

However, these plundered racial talents cannot become the victorious race's own racial talents, but will strengthen the original racial talents of their entire race.

For example, if the Nian clan destroys the tree spirit clan and robs the tree spirit clan of their racial talents, the Nian clan people will not have the plant affinity talent from then on, but will make their consciousness immortality talent stronger. Even with the talent of immortality of consciousness as the core, new abilities are derived.

This statement also explains why those powerful races that continue to fight and exterminate other races become stronger and stronger.

The Witch Clan may have accumulated such abnormal racial talents through repeated battles and plunders.

It also explains why the Nian clan is obviously not weak in strength, but their racial talents stretch their hips.

Because they have always been vassals of the Wu Clan and have the protection of the Wu Clan, no other strong clan will deal with them. However, they can only serve as pawns for the Wu Clan and have rarely launched genocidal wars against other races on their own.

They were neither plundered nor plundered others, so their racial talents were basically on the same level as those of the Tree Spirits.

It may not even be as good as the Tree Spirit Tribe. The Tree Spirit Tribe's plant affinity is still very practical. Their talent of immortality can only come into play when they are about to die.

As for Su Ze, after his seventh evolution, some of the original genes belonging to the human race were condensed in his body, which naturally led him to directly awaken the racial talent of the human race.

As the former dominant race, the human race was the winner in the war between all races and plundered many races. Logically speaking, the race's talent would not be weak.

But Su Ze was a little disappointed with his newly awakened talent.

This talent is called "Evolutionary Affinity", and its effect is to speed up the absorption and digestion of evolutionary substances and external energy.

This racial talent is actually much more practical than immortal consciousness, which is equivalent to speeding up the digestion of evolutionary materials.

If he had awakened this talent earlier, it is estimated that the time it takes for him to go from mortal level to god level could be shortened a lot.

Even if he becomes a god now, this racial talent is still useful.

After becoming a god, one of the main ways to improve your strength is to kill and plunder the strong men of other intelligent races.

When the time comes, plundering the original genes of other races will also need to be digested, which can save him some time.

However, compared to the racial talents of the Witch Clan, they are still far behind.

But at this moment, Su Ze's pupils shrank, feeling that the chain reaction in his body was not over yet.

The perfect evolution allowed his original genes to be perfected, much more than when he had just completed his seventh evolution. The changes in his original genes finally took effect, and his racial talents also changed accordingly.

Racial talents are being enhanced!

And there seem to be new abilities emerging.

The effect of "evolutionary affinity" is significantly enhanced, and the speed of absorbing and digesting evolutionary substances is faster.

In addition, he has the ability of "evolutionary induction".

Evolutionary induction is not an independent racial talent, but an ability derived from "evolutionary affinity" as the core. The effect is that it can sense evolutionary resources suitable for him within a certain range.

At present, this range is about tens of millions of miles in radius.

Su Ze was stunned, because he felt that this ability was similar to his previous ability to sense upgrade materials, wasn't it?
From the extraordinary stage, he has been able to sense upgrade materials suitable for him. This ability has been significantly enhanced after he became a saint and completed the "Evolution Divine Grace".

Other saint-level evolvers may only be able to sense the existence of materials suitable for them when they are close, but Su Ze can sense it from a long distance away.

Su Ze has always regarded this ability as the hidden effect of the "Evolution Divine Grace" skill.And now the ability to evolve induction feels like an enhanced version of this ability.

After evolving to the god level, skill enhancement can only be achieved through resource enhancement and skill fusion.

Needless to say, skill fusion, resource enhancement is similar to the holy level stage. Skills are also strengthened by absorbing suitable external resources.

However, the sources of these resources are not limited to alien beasts and spiritual plants. There are many other forms of life in the universe, as well as some natural resources that are naturally raised on the earth, and can also be plundered from other intelligent races.

From the Star God stage to the Sun God stage, the evolver will not acquire new skills. What is required at this stage is refinement and continuous improvement of skill levels.

There are limits to relying on skill fusion alone. After all, an ordinary Star God powerhouse may not be able to fuse all the skills he masters into a Sun God-level skill.

Not to mention that there are many skills that have no connection with each other and cannot be integrated into one.

At this time, you need to rely on "purchasing goods" from the outside world, that is, absorbing external resources, to strengthen your skills.

Through continuous strengthening, skills can be upgraded, or new points of convergence can appear so that they can be integrated with other skills, and eventually be upgraded to sun god level or even ancestor god level skills.

With the ability to evolve induction, it will be much easier for Su Ze to find strengthening materials suitable for him.

"Sure enough, complementing the original genes will strengthen the racial talents. Potentially powerful races will even master new abilities."

Obviously, in terms of racial talent, the human race is definitely much better than the Nian race and the tree spirit race.

He is now at the Star God level, and his racial talents have already given rise to new abilities. The Shepherd King and the owner of the Mother Tree were both at the Moon God level during their lifetimes. As a result, they did not master any other innate abilities. They only had "Immortal Consciousness" and "Plant Friendly".

With the emergence of evolutionary induction ability, Su Ze also has new speculations about racial talents.

The initial racial talents of each race should not be too strong, and their abilities are relatively single, similar to the Nian race.

Even if the Nian clan powerhouses increase their evolutionary level and continue to improve their original genes, their "immortal consciousness" talent will only be strengthened and no new abilities will be produced.

This is because they did not launch a war of genocide against other tribes and did not rob other tribes of their racial talents.

However, with the continuous plunder between races, a large number of intelligent races have been exterminated, and the talent gap among the remaining intelligent races has become wider and wider.

Racial talent can be viewed from two aspects, one is ethnic talent, and the other is individual talent.

Ethnic talent refers to the overall racial talent of this race, which can only be strengthened through genocidal wars and plundering other races.

Individual talent refers to the racial talent specific to a certain person, which is closely related to the perfection of the original gene.

Group talent determines the upper limit of individual talent.

The stronger the individual is, the more perfect the racial talent will be. However, if the ethnic talent is inherently stretched, even if it has completed the complete original genes and has the complete racial talent, it is still weak.

The complete talent of "immortality of consciousness" may not be stronger than the talent of a newly born Witch Clan.

So you can imagine how powerful the complete Wu Clan racial talent will be!

However, it seems that the human race's racial talent is not as good as that of the witch race, but it is not weak either, and there is great potential that can be tapped.

"The new abilities derived from racial talents are closely related to the basic abilities. Evolutionary induction is also related to 'evolutionary affinity'. They are the same type of abilities, and they all serve the better evolution of the evolver.

"It is estimated that the racial talents of other races also develop in this way. They all revolve around a core and constantly derive new abilities."

"Evolutionary affinity" is the most basic racial talent of the human race. The earliest ancestors of the human race should have only mastered this ability.

However, in the subsequent war between all races, the human race destroyed many races and plundered countless people, which also gave the racial talents many new abilities.

Evolutionary induction may be just one of many abilities. As Su Ze continues to improve his original genes in the future, he should also awaken more abilities.

However, what makes Su Ze feel strange is that the ability of evolutionary induction is similar to the hidden ability of "Evolution Divine Grace". He feels that the racial talent of evolutionary affinity itself also collides with his other talent.

Su Ze has always felt that he can digest evolutionary matter faster than ordinary people, but he is not sure whether it is the welfare of the time traveler or another hidden effect of "evolutionary grace".

But now it seems that isn’t this the effect of “evolutionary affinity”?
Evolutionary affinity is to increase the speed of digesting evolutionary substances.

"Could it be said that I have mastered racial talents since the mortal stage?"

Su Ze frowned. The two current abilities of his racial talent actually collided with his own abilities. This was too coincidental to be justified.

He is afraid that in the future, as the original genes continue to be improved, the racial talents will have the ability to disassemble and install skills or choose skills when absorbing extracts.

At this moment, the inheritance crystal in his dantian finally moved.

This was expected by Su Ze. The inheritance crystal contained the subsequent inheritance of the "Evolutionary Grace" and the original genes of foreign races accumulated by human geniuses such as Ao Zun. After Su Ze became a god, he could accept part of both.

As for his family's original genes, Su Ze needs to take the initiative to extract and absorb them. At this time, the inheritance crystal changes, and it will definitely give him the follow-up inheritance of "evolutionary grace".

The "Evolution Divine Grace" skill is about to be upgraded again... Su Ze has some expectations in his heart.

Energy is constantly separated from the inheritance crystal and integrated into Su Ze's body.

All Su Ze has to do is relax his body and let it absorb the energy on its own.

After a long time, the inheritance crystal hid in the opened space again and disappeared, and Su Ze's "Evolution Divine Grace" skill had also been upgraded.

The "Evolved Divine Grace" that previously had the ability to disassemble and assemble skills should be considered a quasi-divine skill level. After this evolution, it was directly upgraded to a divine skill level.

Before Su Ze had time to carefully sense the changes in the "Evolutionary Divine Grace" skill, he immediately had a strange feeling. There seemed to be some connection between the "Evolutionary Divine Grace" skill and his racial talent.

This phenomenon explains Su Ze's previous doubts - the "Evolution Divine Grace" skill is indeed related to racial talent!

The two innate abilities Su Ze currently has are like enhanced versions of the hidden effects of "Evolution Divine Grace".

At the moment when the "Evolutionary Divine Grace" established a connection with the racial talent, Su Ze's consciousness sank, his perspective entered his own body, and everything in front of him was rapidly magnified...

Suddenly, he seemed to have entered another space, which was very similar to the blank world he entered every time he absorbed the extract selection skill. It was completely white.

But now there is no mist symbolizing skills, but only a golden ring.

More than [-]% of the area of ​​the ring is half-empty and half-solid and transparent, while less than [-]% of the area is extremely solid and filled with gold.

Su Ze felt the friendly atmosphere on the ring, and he naturally understood something.

"This ring symbolizes the original gene?"

"And that solid part represents part of the original genes that I have mastered so far."

It seems that this is the new ability that appeared after the "Evolution Divine Grace" was upgraded to a magical skill, which allows him to intuitively observe the progress of the improvement of the original gene.

The skill "Evolution Divine Grace" is indeed not simple, and has many secrets. No wonder Ao Zun attaches great importance to this skill and binds it to inheritance... Su Ze thought about many things, and finally understood why he had the ability from the mortal level. Many innate abilities that are different from ordinary people.

He can freely choose skills, can sense upgrade materials that suit him, can upgrade skills in advance during the extraordinary stage, and can digest evolutionary materials faster than others.

If you think about it carefully, these abilities seem to be in line with the main theme of "evolutionary affinity", which is to help evolvers evolve better and faster.

The skill "Evolution Divine Grace" helps me activate human talent skills in advance?
Su Ze was stunned, and his consciousness exited this space and returned to himself.

He quickly closed his eyes and felt the effect of the god-level "Evolutionary Grace" skill.

Evolutionary grace (god-level skills): Each evolution stage can have an opportunity to obtain new skills through plunder, and master the ability to disassemble and reorganize skills.

(End of this chapter)

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