Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 368 Conditions for the 8th Evolution

Chapter 368 Conditions for the Eighth Evolution
A week later, Su Ze successfully merged the dismantled "Raging Waves" skills with "Rhinoceros Collision" and "Gravity Field" respectively.

Gravity field (quasi-divine skill): Can control the gravity within the field, and can also condense a gravitational chain to pull targets outside the field to any position within the field.The domain is filled with sleeping toxin, which can affect both the body and the soul. The living body infected with sleeping toxin will quickly fall into a deep sleep until it falls into a state of eternal sleep and dies.Stealth units in the field will be forced to reveal themselves and be marked for 10 minutes. During the period of being marked, even if the target leaves the field, the target's location can still be sensed.

Rhinoceros (quasi-magical skill): Lock on a target within the range and launch a charge towards it regardless of the terrain. All living beings passing by will be attacked by air waves and fall into dizziness. The target living being will receive double impact damage and stun effects. Immune to all damage and control during the charge.

There's nothing much to say about "Gravity Field", except that it has the ability to reveal and mark. "Rhinoceros Collision" is unexpected, and it integrates quite well with the effects of those two skills.

In the past, "Rhino Collision" only caused impact damage and stun effects to enemies on the charging path, relying on body collisions, but now it directly changes into range damage and range stun.

To put it simply, wherever you pass by, everyone around you will suffer.

This skill is no longer just a charging skill, it has become a battlefield skill like "Blood Devouring".

When the two armies are fighting, they directly lock the target behind the enemy and launch a charge. The enemy on the road will be shocked to death and stunned a large area.

It is a pity that "Gravity Field" and "Rhinoceros Crash" have not been directly upgraded from sixth-level skills to magical skills, and they are still stuck at the quasi-magical skill level.

However, it is completely acceptable. The gap between sixth-level skills and divine skills is indeed very large, and it is not easy to cross it at once.

At this point, Su Ze has lost another "Ten Thousand Wrathful Waves" skill, and needs to be subtracted at the god level. So far, Su Ze has melted three skills.

And this will continue, the number of his skills will become less and less, and the quality of his skills will become more and more refined.

The next thing he wanted to integrate was the attack skill. After hesitating for a moment between "Needle Strike" and "Weakness Attack", Su Ze chose to integrate "Needle Strike" into "The Strongest Shot" first.

The "Needle Strike" skill had previously removed the sleeping poison effect, and now the effect is relatively pure, which is to pierce the target's body and soul at the same time and cause an explosion.

Therefore, there is nothing to dismantle, and the entire "needle strike" skill is directly integrated into the "strongest shot".

The fusion of two complete skills is a quasi-magical skill. As long as the fusion is successful, it will definitely be upgraded to a magical skill.

However, the resistance he faced was also extremely high. Fortunately, "The Strongest Shot" was very inclusive, and after Su Ze completed his seventh evolution, the fusion skills were obviously easier than at the legendary level, so the fusion was not difficult, but Time consuming is also inevitable.


While Su Ze was in retreat, a change was quietly brewing on the Blue Star.

The hidden Nian clan strongmen gathered together and launched a surprise attack on a God's Dice.

There are currently three legendary powerhouses in the three Blue Star continents. They are all the masters of each continent. It is impossible for these three people to protect the dice of gods all day long, so what they can do is to send a few more supreme powerhouses to protect the gods. The dice.

But the Nian clan strongmen gathered this time came from three continents, and there were quite a few supreme strongmen. They concentrated on besieging the God's Dice in Yandi Continent.

The comprehensive strength of Yandi Continent is already at the bottom among the three continents, and the number of Supremes is not large, which also results in their defense force deployed in the God's Dice being relatively weak.

After a lot of fighting, the Nian people paid the price of losing several supreme beings, successfully controlled the dice of gods, and sent a message for help to the Nian family's home planet.

By the time the ruler of Yandi Continent arrived at the Dice of Gods, those Nian Clan powerhouses had already retreated.

Chen Suifeng and the master of Xueyuanzhou quickly received the news, and they immediately began to respond and arrange backup plans.

They all know that the Nian people will make a comeback and the sky of Blue Star will change.

Once the powerful ones from the Nian Clan's home planet arrive, it will never be possible for them to continue to be in power. Instead, they will all be replaced by Nian Clan members.

Therefore, they must make plans in advance, turn from light to dark, hide, and avoid the first wave of limelight.


Su Ze didn't know what happened to Blue Star, but he had long expected that the Nian people would come back sooner or later.

After more than half a month, he finally successfully integrated the "needle strike" skill into the "strongest shot".

After the fusion of skills, Su Ze renamed it "The Strongest Blow" because considering that other attack skills will continue to be incorporated in the future, the attack form of this skill will also continue to change. Calling it "The Strongest Blow" will last forever. Be applicable.

The strongest blow (seventh level divine skill): Absorb the surrounding energy and material and compress it into the body, and choose to integrate the characteristics of the other three skills mastered to release a double piercing attack targeting the enemy's body and soul. After hitting the target , causing an explosion in the target's body and soul.The larger the user's size, the more powerful the skill.

The "Strongest Strike" skill was, as expected, upgraded to a seventh-level magical skill, while Su Ze's number of skills was reduced by one again.

Although it is also a seventh-level magical skill, Su Ze can clearly feel that the "strongest blow" is of higher quality than "blood-devouring" and "sponge".

Obviously, there is also a gap between seventh-level magical skills. Although there is no distinction between S-level and E-level skills like the skills below seventh level, the gap is obvious and can be felt.

"The Strongest Blow" is already considered a powerful seventh-level magic skill, which may be A-level or even S-level. Among Su Ze's skills, except for "Evolution Divine Grace", currently only "Meteor Impact" can rival it.

"Blood Devouring" and "Sponge Body" have only just entered the threshold of magical skills.

Su Ze could have a premonition that if he continued to integrate skills into the "strongest blow", he would be launching an attack on eighth-level Moon God-level skills.

However, firstly, it is a bit difficult for Su Ze to fuse the Moon God-level skills at this stage. Secondly, if he continues to fuse, he can only fuse "weakness attacks".

"Weakness Attack" is still a quasi-magical skill at present. Even if it is integrated into it, it may not be enough to upgrade "Strongest Strike" to the eighth level.

So after thinking about it, Su Ze gave up this plan and waited until he became stronger and his "weakness attack" skill was upgraded before trying again.

The next thing to sort out is the status skills, which are also Su Ze's most numerous skill types. This is a big project.

Because there are too many status skills, it is definitely not feasible to directly knead them together like dough.

Su Ze previously integrated the "Liquid Life" and "Expansion" skills into the quasi-magical skill "Body Control". His original plan was to use "Body Control" as the main body and gradually integrate other status skills. Now it seems that something needs to be done. Adjustment.

He planned to use a two-pronged approach, dividing his status skills into two parts. One part was integrated into "body control", and the other part was integrated into another status skill using the "sponge body" as the main body.

In the future, when he becomes the Moon God or even the Sun God, these two skill levels will also be raised, and then these two skills will be combined into one.

As for what criteria to use to classify all status skills, Su Ze already had an idea.

He plans to classify the skill effects based on whether they can be normalized.

Some status skills can be effective for a long time. As long as Su Ze can keep up with his consumption, such as "Indomitable Will" and "Ant Power", he can always turn them on and take effect.

In addition, the liquefied and expanded state fused together by Su Ze can also be maintained forever without time limit.

But this is not the case for some skills. For example, "blood-devouring" requires continuous killing to maintain. The same is true for "sponge". Once the absorbed energy is saturated, the state of absorbing energy will be invalid. Even if the energy is released at this time, it will cause The skill is on cooldown.

Therefore, Su Ze's idea is to integrate the status skills that can be normalized with the "body control" skill as the main body, and the remaining status skills that cannot be normalized with the "sponge body" as the main body.

After deciding on the idea, Su Ze started immediately.

He has many normal status skills, but the non-normal status skills are currently mainly "Blood Devouring" and "Sponge Body".

These two skills are already magical skills, so it is naturally impossible for Su Ze to directly fuse the two.

His goal for this retreat was to upgrade as many magical skills as possible, so he would start with normalized status skills first.

After thinking for a while, Su Ze targeted the "Indomitable Will" skill and prepared to integrate this skill directly into "Body Control".

This fusion took another half a month. Su Ze felt that the skills after the fusion could no longer be called "body control". After all, he was now controlling not only the body, but also the soul.

Hence the new name "self-mastery".

The level of naming remains stable.

Self-mastery (seventh-level magical skill): The body and soul merge into one, providing mutual amplification. When being attacked mentally, they will jointly bear the damage from the mental level and reflect the mental damage back to the attacker.The body and soul can be freely controlled within a certain range, and both the body and soul receive bonuses adapted to the current body shape, and the body can be liquefied.

After upgrading to a magical skill, in addition to all abilities being enhanced, the biggest change is that mental strength can also be enhanced by body size.

When he expands in size and transforms into a giant, not only will his physical body be strengthened in all aspects, but his mental power will also be enhanced. In this state, whether it is the rebound of mental damage or the active use of mental attacks, he will become stronger.

At this point, Su Ze has mastered six magical skills.

They are: Self-control, Strongest Blow, Blood Devouring, Meteor Impact, Sponge Body, Evolution Divine Grace.

There are four quasi-magical skills, namely: rhinoceros collision, sky and sea wings, gravity field, and weak point attack.

There are seven sixth-level skills, namely: ant power, regenerative body, knowledge is power, body of thunder god, eye of reality, real-time simulation, and space jump.There are 17 skills in total, which is 22 skills less than the peak number of 5 skills.

But this is not enough. We need to continue to subtract. The number of sixth-level skills is still too many.

If you want to achieve the eighth evolution and become the Moon God, three conditions must be met.

1. All skills have been upgraded to level seven or above;

2. Master at least one moon god level skill, which is the eighth level magic skill;

3. The original genes have been perfected to a certain extent.

Although Su Ze is still early in his eighth evolution, he naturally has to make early plans for skill upgrades.

With the ability to disassemble and reassemble skills, Su Ze has an advantage over other evolvers. He is confident that he will have no problem meeting the two conditions. As for the third condition, the requirements are very vague.

I learned from the Pope that if you don’t rely on plundering the original genes of foreign races, but just perfect your own race’s original genes, you need to reach 20% perfection of your own race’s original genes before you can proceed with the eighth evolution.

However, that is the path of the filthy ones. It is impossible for normal evolvers to perfect their own race's original genes to 20% in the Star God stage. They usually perfect part of their original genes and plunder other races' original genes.

As for the amount required to plunder the original genes of other races, this cannot be quantified.

According to the degree of perfection of each person's original gene, the number of other people's original genes required to be plundered is also different.

The more perfect the original genes of one's own race are, the less the original genes of other races need to be plundered.

In addition, when it comes to plundering the original genes of other races, different races are also different.

The original genes of a strong clan may outweigh several or even dozens of weak clans.

The effect of plundering one Witch Clan Star God is comparable to robbing hundreds of Nian Clan Star Gods.

However, Su Ze is not worried about this third requirement, because the inheritance left to him by senior Ao Zun contains a large number of genes originating from other clans.

"We have to find a way to continue subtraction and reduce the number of sixth-level skills."

Su Ze thought about it. He planned to integrate the "Ant Power" skill into "Self-Control", "Eye of Reality" into "Gravity Field", "Space Jump" and "Wings of Sky and Sea", "Knowledge is Power" and "Real-time Simulation". "Waiting for material upgrade.

What to do with the "regenerated body" and "thunder god's body"?

These two skills are both status skills and physical skills, but they are somewhat different from other status skills.

Su Ze's plan is to split the "regenerative body" into two parts: "self-healing ability" and "regenerative core".

Then the "self-healing ability" was integrated into "self-control". As for the "regeneration core", it was a bit of a headache, especially since it also had the effect of a "regeneration fruit", which Su Ze didn't know how to deal with.

"Strictly speaking, 'Regeneration Core' is a non-normal status skill. It is equivalent to a life-saving trump card that will be automatically triggered when dying. As long as there is a Regeneration Core, I will have an extra life. But once After using it, you also need to spend time concentrating.

"This is somewhat similar to the 'Spongy Body' skill. Do you want to try to integrate it into the 'Spongy Body'?"

As soon as this idea came up, Su Ze thought it was worth trying, so he tried to separate the "Regenerative Body" skill.

He split the "regenerative body" into two parts: "self-healing ability" and "regenerative core".

"'Self-healing ability' is integrated into 'self-control', and 'regeneration core' is integrated into 'cavernous body'..."

Just as Su Ze was planning to do this, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind...

Sometimes it's like this, plans are plans, but new inspiration will always burst out during the actual operation.

It's like writing a novel. An outline is an outline. In the process of writing, there will always be some wonderful ideas that make you kick out the outline.

"The self-healing ability of the 'regenerative body' is strictly different from those normal status skills..."

Although those skills that have been integrated or are planned to be integrated into "self-mastery" can be turned on on a regular basis, with no time limit and no cooldown, they all have consumption.

And to put it simply, they still have "switches" that only take effect when they are turned on. If the skills are not turned on, they will not take effect.

But the self-healing ability of the "regenerative body" is not like this. It fundamentally changes Su Ze's physique. There is no switch and this ability has always been there.

This is the same principle as the strengthening of "knowledge is power". It is a passive effect with no additional consumption and is always effective.

So wouldn’t it be more appropriate to integrate self-healing abilities with “knowledge is power” skills?

Drawing inferences from one example and drawing analogies, Su Ze thought of another skill, "Thunder God's Body."

"Thunder God's Body" is actually a pure physical skill, not an attack skill. It has two effects, namely "lightning immunity" and "body electricity storage". It has an attack effect purely because the "electricity" itself has Has attack effect.

It's like a cup filled with sulfuric acid. You can't say that the cup is a weapon.

The "Thunder God's Body" skill itself also has no consumption. It directly changes Su Ze's physique. Isn't it also suitable to be integrated into "Knowledge is Power"?

Next, Su Ze began to verify his guess to see if it was feasible.

It took a full month for Su Ze to integrate the "self-healing ability" and "regeneration core" of the "regenerative body" skill into the "knowledge is power" and "sponge body" respectively.

The fusion process is not difficult. Su Ze clearly feels that these skills are consistent with each other, but it is relatively slow and time-consuming.

During the fusion process, he could feel that the reason for the slow speed was because this fusion had caused major changes in both skills.

Sure enough, Su Ze was pleasantly surprised by the final fusion effect!
Knowledge is power (quasi-divine skill): Passive skill, each skill mastered will gain one cell enhancement.

It seems that there is no change, it is just an upgrade to a quasi-magical skill, but in fact, the ability of cell enhancement has changed.

The previous cell strengthening was more about improving Su Ze's overall physique, strength, speed and defense.

However, after integrating the "self-healing ability", the process of cell strengthening will also focus on strengthening the self-healing ability.

Su Ze's whole body felt warm, and a surge of energy surged in. This was the compensation and enhancement of his "knowledge is power" skill.

This time of compensation and enhancement, the main enhancement is the self-healing ability!

After the strengthening was completed, Su Ze felt it carefully and found that his body's self-healing ability was now more than three times stronger than before!
And this is not the limit. In the future, if you obtain new skills, the number of times of strengthening will be increased, and your self-healing ability will be even stronger.

The "Knowledge is Power" skill upgrade will also compensate and strengthen the self-healing ability.

It can be said that this is a very successful fusion, which not only improves the quality of skills, but also strengthens the effects of skills.

In addition, the fusion of "regenerative core" and "cavernous body" was beyond Su Ze's expectation.

Sponge body (seventh level magical skill): It can absorb all energy attacks and store them in the body until the energy is saturated.It can release the energy in the body at once and launch indiscriminate attacks on the surroundings. After that, the skill will be in a cooling state, and the energy in the body can also be extracted to make energy fruits.Condensate a "regeneration core" in the body. When entering a dying state, the regeneration core will automatically fragment and release life energy to instantly heal all injuries in the body. It can also actively fragment the regeneration core, which can absorb the body's energy and convert it into life energy to accelerate the regeneration core. The speed of condensation.

The various abilities of the regeneration core actually fit perfectly with the "sponge body".

Even the "Regeneration Fruit" ability, which has been of little use, now has new applications, greatly raising the upper limit of the "Sponge Body" skill.

With the previous "sponge" skill, when the absorption capacity was saturated, there was no other choice but to release the energy in the body and put the skill on cooldown.

But now there is another option, which is to make energy fruits.

You can make energy fruits to consume the energy in your body and make it unsaturated again.

As for the effect of the energy fruit, it depends on what energy is extracted.

Extracting life energy has the same effect as the previous regeneration fruit. It is still healing. Su Ze can still extract life energy directly from the regeneration core to make regeneration fruit.

If the energy extracted is fire, electricity, wind, etc., the regenerated fruit produced will be the corresponding elemental bomb when thrown.

It not only increases the output, but also extends the skill limit of the "sponge". With the consumption of energy fruits, the "sponge" can also absorb more energy attacks.

This wave of fusion is very profitable!

(End of this chapter)

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