Chapter 372

After hearing what the Pope said, Su Ze couldn't understand and was shocked.

I originally thought that the Luo Fan people were already having a great time, but I didn't expect that there are many talents from all races in this universe.

As an upright man, he would not go to such a place.

The two went straight to the commercial area of ​​​​Qian Huan Star, which is also the largest area in the entire Qian Huan Star. It contains the headquarters of major chambers of commerce in the universe, an auction house, and a mercenary building where you can receive and issue tasks...

Su Ze's goal is the market area.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the market area, the electronic map in his hand was connected to the network of the market area. Su Ze could browse the resource information on sale in each shop and even each stall from the electronic map.

The entire market area is divided into peripheral stall areas and central shop areas.

The stall areas are all set up by stalls, which are very mobile. They upload product information themselves, which may be substandard or even counterfeit.

The merchants in the shopping area all have long-term leases, and they have deposited a lot of money with Huanzu as a deposit, so their reputation is guaranteed.

However, the rent of shops on public planets is not cheap, so the prices of things sold in shops are generally on the high side.

The prices of the items at the stalls are lower, but it tests one’s discernment.

If you buy fake goods in a store, you can even come to your door and ask the owner of Qianhuanxing to seek justice for you.

But if you dig a hole in the stall, you may not be able to find the person. Even if you find the person, others will be able to default on the bill. If you can't produce evidence, you will have to admit that you are unlucky.

Therefore, there are many professional liars who travel around major public planets setting up stalls all year round. The rules prohibiting conflicts on public planets have also become their protective umbrella.

The major public planets do not provide any guarantee for stall transactions, and this is also because this can allow more people to choose to go to the shopping areas to consume, ensure the stability of business in the shopping areas, and also boost the rental prices in the shopping areas.

Su Ze came here mainly to sell all kinds of messy low-level resources in his hands, and to purchase some commonly used seventh-level resources, such as various extracts and digestive medicines.

For this kind of transaction, you naturally have to go to the shopping area to find merchants.

In addition, Su Ze also needs to buy a tube of eighth-level extract to cast eighth-level rare objects, and this eighth-level extract must match the shadow jade.

That is to say, the main skills are extracts of shadow or dark systems.

The statement that there is no extract in the universe is generally called "evolutionary fluid" or "evolutionary crystal", depending on the form of the evolved material.

Su Ze entered the keywords "eighth level", "dark system" and "shadow system" in the search bar of the electronic map, and a bunch of results came out immediately.

Suzer pulled up to the Pope and sifted with him.

To be precise, the Pope was screening, and Su Ze was watching. There were quite a few qualified resources, and he didn't know how to choose.

While sliding the mental image, the Pope introduced to Su Ze how to screen evolutionary substances.

"Those strange objects on Blue Star are all naturally formed, that is, after the death of alien beasts, spiritual plants, or human evolvers, the evolutionary materials in their bodies use their residual bodies as carriers to form magical objects.

"As for the artificially created wonders, we can choose the carrier ourselves. Your eighth-level shadow jade is originally a superior eighth-level material, which is far better than those remnants and corpses. Excellent carrier materials can complement each other with evolutionary materials. To promote each other, the power of the created wonders will be taken to a higher level.

"In addition to the carrier material, another factor that determines the power of strange objects is naturally the evolutionary substance in them. You should also understand this. On Blue Star, all strange objects are natural wonders, and the carriers are all residual bodies. There are no high-level objects. They are inferior to each other, but the strange objects from human evolvers are obviously stronger than the strange beasts and spiritual plants of the same level.

“This is because the evolutionary materials of intelligent races are stronger than those of non-intelligent races.

"Now that you have excellent carrier materials, if you want to create a top-level eighth-level rare object, what you are missing is the evolution material of the intelligent race with similar attributes."

After the Pope explained this, Su Ze also understood that the next screening could eliminate those eighth-level evolutionary substances from alien beasts and spiritual plants, and only select those from intelligent race evolvers.

A little comparison can reveal that the price of evolutionary materials from intelligent races is slightly higher than the evolutionary materials of alien beasts and spiritual plants.

However, spending a little more money will get a considerable increase in the power of the rare object, and Su Ze will naturally not be reluctant to part with it.

Soon, the two screened out five products that met the conditions.

"The evolutionary crystal of the Moon Goddess of the Bag tribe contains the dark attack skill 'Dark Bite'."

"The evolution crystal of the Flame Moon God contains the dual skill of fire and shadow 'Shadow Burning'."

"The evolution crystal of the Moon God of the Pan tribe contains the shadow skill 'Shadow Thorn'."


Su Ze discovered that most of the evolutionary matter in the universe is made into crystals, that is, evolutionary crystals. It may be that solid forms are easier to transport and preserve than liquids.

Some of these five evolutionary crystals came from stalls and some from shops.

Su Ze took a fancy to the evolution crystal of the Pan Clan's Moon God at a glance.

Because the advantages are so obvious.

First of all, the Pan tribe is a dominant race with powerful talents. In theory, their evolutionary materials are of higher quality;
Secondly, the Pan clan is a rock-based life, and his carrier, the shadow jade, is also a mineral-based material. The two fit together very well;

And most importantly, it's cheap!

It can be said that among these five evolutionary crystals, its overall quality is the highest, but its price is the cheapest. Although it is only slightly cheaper than the other four, it is attractive enough.

However... this is obviously unreasonable.

There are many unreasonable places, not just one or two.

"The Pan tribe is the dominant race, do these people dare to openly sell their evolutionary crystals?" Su Ze asked.

The Pope sneered: "It must be false. You see, this information comes from the stall area. There are many fake people in the stall. However, the Huan Clan and the Pan Clan are far apart, and the two tribes still have old grudges. The Huan Clan was once beaten by the Pan Clan. The tribe has invaded before, so selling the evolution crystals of the Pan tribe on the territory of the Huan tribe is not a big problem.

"In fact, among the five major overlord races, except for the Wu tribe, which has a thin population, the other four tribes have many strong ones, and some of them often fall. It is not uncommon for the overlord race's evolutionary crystals to be traded privately in the universe."

Su Ze nodded. He also felt that there was something wrong with the evolutionary crystal of the Pan clan. It was probably sent out by a liar to fish for fish.

He sifted through these five options, and apart from the evolutionary crystals of the Pan tribe, his favorite was the evolutionary crystal of the Moon God of the Bag tribe.

This evolutionary crystal is for sale in the shopping area.

Su Ze decided to go see this evolutionary crystal first and sell his own resources.

Finding the shop, Su Ze and Pope walked in.

The shop owner was a Moon God-level alien, but he didn't recognize the specific race.

Seeing Su Ze, even though they were just a star god and a legend who had not yet become a god, the shop owner did not hesitate and stood up to greet them.

Su Ze directly stated his intention, and the two parties sat down and talked for a while, but in the end they still couldn't agree on the price.

"The number of bag people is overflowing in the universe, and the price of their evolutionary crystals is naturally slightly lower than that of other races. The price he sells is a bit expensive." The Pope said to Su Ze.

Su Ze also knew that the prices in the shopping area were higher. He originally thought he could negotiate the price, but unexpectedly the shopkeeper's price was very high.

Su Ze took the opportunity to find a shop with a fairly good purchase price, sold all the low-level resources he had, and used the money to purchase a batch of seventh-level resources.

After that, he went to see another shop selling the Dark Element Moon God Evolution Crystal. However, this shop seemed to be quite disdainful of the Nian clan and had an arrogant attitude. Not only did they refuse to bargain, they heard that Su Ze and the others wanted to barter. Transaction, but also want to lower the purchase price of the Shadow Stone, want to make money on both sides.

"Why don't you go take a look at the evolution crystal of the Pan Clan's Moon God on the stall."

Su Ze no longer had the interest to continue shopping in the shopping area, so he simply took the Pope directly to the stall area.

They went straight to the stall that claimed to sell the evolutionary crystals of the Pan clan.

As a result, when Su Ze saw the stall owner from a distance, he immediately became happy.

Isn't it a coincidence? It's the Pouch tribe again.

This bag tribe is indeed numerous in number and can be seen everywhere.

At the same time, Su Ze also understood that the evolution crystal of the Moon God of the Pan tribe was [-]% fake.

After all, this stall owner is a member of the Bao tribe who is famous for cheating and kidnapping.

But since you’re here, you might as well take a look.

Su Ze was not worried about being deceived. After all, the pope he was following was a genius evolutionist from the Nian tribe, who had researched all kinds of evolutionary materials.

The Pope is confident that he will not look at the seventh- and eighth-level evolutionary items.

Seeing Su Ze and the other two people, the stall owner of the bag clan showed a flattering smile: "What do you two adults want to buy?"

This bag stall owner is no more than a star god, but the items on the stall contain several eighth-level resources. I don’t know where they came from. He may just be a stall keeper, and the boss behind it is someone else.

Of course, it is also possible that these eighth-level resources are fake.

The Pope ignored the stall owner and went straight to the purple crystal on the stall, bending down to take a closer look.There is a transparent energy cover on the stall. This is a protective measure that each stall comes with. You can only look at the things on the stall. If you want to reach out and touch, you need the consent of the stall owner.

This is to prevent someone from deliberately damaging or stealing the goods on the stall.

The Pope looked at it for a moment, and his brows furrowed more and more.

"Fake?" Su Ze asked in a voice message.

"No, it looks real."

If it were fake, the Pope wouldn't be surprised at all, but just because it looked real, it made him hesitate.

Su Ze raised his eyebrows. Could it be that he really picked it up and missed it?
"Are you sure?" Su Ze asked.

"It's [-]% to [-]% sure it's true. If I get up close and personal with it, I can make sure I don't get it wrong." The pope said confidently.

When Su Ze heard this, he looked directly at the stall owner and asked, "Can you take it out and show it to us?"

The stall owner of the Nian tribe smiled happily and said: "Of course, we are absolutely assured of the adults of the Nian tribe."

Having said that, he calmly turned on the video recording function on the stall to prevent Su Ze and the two from snatching the goods.

If there is no video evidence collection and someone directly puts the goods into the storage props and refuses to admit it, it will be unclear at that time.

Immediately afterwards, the stall owner took out the evolutionary crystal and handed it to the Pope.

The Pope touched it carefully, looked at it repeatedly, and even injected a bit of evolutionary power to observe the changes in the crystal.

After a while, he sent a message to Su Ze: "100% sure it's true."

Su Ze remained calm and asked the Pope to return the evolutionary crystal first, and deliberately asked: "Can the price still be cheaper?"

"This is not cheap at all. The two adults know what they are doing at first glance. They should know that the price I sell is already very cheap. I am in a hurry to use money, otherwise I will not sell it cheaply."

Su Ze nodded, always feeling that there was something fishy about this matter.

He glanced around with the corner of his eye and found that the stall owners around him were paying attention to him intentionally or unintentionally, with various emotions in their eyes.

There are those who take pleasure in others' misfortune, and those who enjoy the show.

"I'll think about it again." Su Ze pulled the Pope out of the stall.

The two of them took a stroll around the surrounding stalls. He stopped to look at each stall and buy some small and optional things.

When he came to one of the stalls, Su Ze sent a message to the stall owner: "I saw you reminded me with your eyes just now. Thank you very much. I wonder what tricks the bag people are playing?"

The stall owner was the only one around who warned Su Ze with his eyes.

The boss remained silent and did not respond to Su Ze.

"If you are willing to tell the truth, I will definitely not implicate you, and I will give you a thank you gift."

This time, the stall owner finally responded: "The valuable items in that shit stall are all specially marked. After you pay the money and put the items into the storage props, he can then use them as other items." Items replaced."

So that's it...Su Ze suddenly realized and thanked him. He also bought some small things at the stall, but when he paid, he paid for a small bottle of evolution liquid.

He took the Pope to the next stall while communicating with the Pope.

"That must be a space-based skill. There should be some kind of secret mark on the evolutionary crystal, which can be replaced with other items." The Pope said, "We completed the transaction on video, handing over the money with one hand and the other with the other. Goods, even if you find out later that the items have been swapped, you won’t be able to provide evidence and you will have to suffer a loss.”

"Is there any way to restrain it?"

Su Ze was quite excited about the evolutionary crystal of the Pan clan.

The Pope thought for a while and said: "There are two ways I can think of at the moment. One is a stupid way. Instead of putting the evolution crystal into a storage item, keep it in your hand and go directly to the casting machine to use the evolution crystal. Naturally, there is no fear of being stolen back.

"The second way is to put it into a high-level storage item. His space skills can reach level [-] or even level [-]. As long as there are level [-] space items, he can't break through."

A space prop of level nine or above?
It seems that there are.

Su Ze thought of the eyeball left behind by Creation Mengdie, which contained countless overlapping spaces.

Those are the eyeballs of ancestral god-level beasts, and their status is definitely sufficient.

"Let's go shopping!"


Su Ze took the Pope back to the Bao people's stall and successfully completed the transaction.

Because he did not have the universal currency on his body, Su Ze used the seventh-level ore Shadow Stone in exchange.

Of course, the Shadow Stone is not as valuable as the Moon God-level evolutionary crystal, but the Shadow Stone that Su Ze dug up is large enough and its total value is astonishing.

So much so that after exchanging the Pan Clan's evolutionary crystals, Su Ze still had a small piece of Shadow Stone left in his hand.

Because he understood the idea of ​​the bag stall owner, Su Ze kept raising the purchase price of the shadow stone during the transaction. In the end, the bag stall owner agreed to the transaction.

"Oh, what a loss. Please take care of my business next time." The stall owner of the Baogu tribe shook his head and sighed.

The acting was quite similar... Su Ze got the stuff and didn't bother to talk to him, so he flew straight to where the casting machine was.

Flying to a deserted place, he took out the eyeball of the dream butterfly, separated a clone, and entered the space inside the eyeball with the evolution crystal.

Su Ze prepared a two-pronged approach, not only letting the clone hold the evolution crystal, but also sending the clone connected to the evolution crystal into the eyeball space.

Make sure to be foolproof.


Just when Su Ze and others had just left, the stall owner of the bag tribe suddenly showed a smile on his face, took out a communicator, and said some code word to the other end.

They specialize in eating this bowl of rice, and of course they have to consider the possibility that the guests will use it to cast artifacts directly after buying the evolution crystal.

Therefore, after the transaction is completed, they will not wait too long and will immediately take back the evolutionary crystal.

"After finishing this job, it's time to change places." The bag stall owner thought happily, waiting for good news to come from the other end of the communicator.

At this time, inside a house in Qianhuanxing’s residential area.

A marsupial woman with a pocket on her belly holds a stone in her hand and pours energy into it.

The stone lit up, then dimmed quickly without any reaction.

The bag woman's complexion changed and she tried again, but the result remained unchanged.

Her space skill can leave hidden marks on two items. When she holds one of the items, she can remotely swap the positions of the two items.

"How is it possible? How could it fail!"

Even if the other party did not put the evolutionary crystal into the storage item, but kept holding it in his hand, he should have sensed it. At most, the exchange process was interrupted by the other party's interference, and there would be no reaction.

Could it be that that person has a ninth-level space prop on his body?

She didn't even dare to think about ancestral god level space props.

She immediately told the news to the marsupial stall owner at the stall.

After the bag stall owner received the news, he was instantly stunned. He really lost money this time!

He felt heartbroken, and the loss was obviously not too much. After all, Su Ze also gave him a lot of Shadow Stones, but that was not what he calculated.

"I was supposed to get these Shadow Stones for free, but now I even got a Moon God Evolution Crystal in them. No, I have to find a way to earn them back!"

He suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked into the communicator: "You said that person has ninth-level space props?"

"Yes, what do you want to do?"

"Those two are not very strong. One is a star god and the other has not yet become a god. The two of us can take care of them as we please."

"How do you know there are no other masters protecting them? They have ninth-level space props, so they must be rich or noble."

"Haha, they can't even get a penny out, they all rely on barter to buy things, and they also like to bargain. From the first glance, they don't look like rich people. They probably picked up some shit somewhere.

"Besides, you are the God of the Moon, so you are not easy to control them both."

(End of this chapter)

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