Chapter 38
Luo Fan Country, located in the middle of Lin Huazhou, has a large population and a large population.

Mengka City is a border city in the Luofan Kingdom. It was very poor and backward in the early days. Later, because of the backing of the Black Rock Mountains and the completion of the transit road, it became a necessary place for trade between the two countries. Now it is developing fairly well.

On the outskirts of Mengka City, at the border with the Black Rock Mountain Range, a team of seven people slowly stood still.

It was seven or eight o'clock in the morning, and the hunters from Mengka City who went hunting in the mountains occasionally passed by, so they couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

All seven of them were exhausted. Except for Liu Wenyin, the clothes on the other six were all tattered, covered in mud spots and blood stains.

"Thank you for your escort all the way, I have settled the commission, let's part here."

Liu Wenyin looked at the four hunters in the team, politely but keeping a distance.

They all have legal identities, and they can return to the pastoral country directly from the transit road, without having to cross the dangerous Black Rock Mountain Range.

The four looked at each other, thanked each other, and turned to leave.

Before leaving, the two cocoon-breakers glanced at Aunt Yun vaguely.

At this time, Aunt Yun was full of white hair, hunched over, with age spots on her face, and looked old and dying, but her eyes were as sharp as a sword, watching the four of them leave.

Originally, Su Ze carried Aunt Yun down the mountain, but on the way, Aunt Yun said that she had almost recovered, so she insisted on walking down by herself.

Su Ze also knew her intentions, and after confirming that she was fine, he let her go.

These four hunters did not choose to leave like most of them after the team was attacked by the herd of beasts, but chose to continue to escort Liu Wenyin. They had gone through a screening process, and they were all trustworthy and dutiful people.

But money touches people's hearts, after Aunt Yun exposed the fifth-order wonder, it is hard to guarantee that they will not become greedy.

After all, the value of Tier [-] rare objects is immeasurable. In any country, it can be regarded as the treasure of the country. When the temptation is strong enough, as long as you are not a saint, you may not be able to keep your heart and give in to the greed in your heart.

Especially those two cocoon-breaking hunters, who tested Aunt Yun a lot along the way, and they obviously had their minds turned.

It's just that Aunt Yun's impeccable performance made the two cocoon-breakers confused, and they dared not gamble. That's it.

"What about you?" Liu Wenyin looked at Su Ze, "Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm following you, sister."

Su Ze was not familiar with Luo Fanguo's place of life, so he planned to familiarize himself with Liu Wenyin's situation before making a decision, and he still had some things he wanted to know about Liu Wenyin.

Watching the four hunters disappear from sight, Su Ze said, "I'm afraid they will cause trouble after they leave."

Liu Wenyin shook her head and said: "Let's talk about the future, they have put in a lot of effort along the way, and Aunt Yun is currently in a bad state, so it's not suitable for me to do it again."

Aunt Yun's face turned pale suddenly, the light in her eyes quickly dimmed, and she was about to fall down when she staggered.

Fortunately, Su Ze had quick eyesight and quick hands, and supported her.

It turned out that Aunt Yun had already run out of gas, and she was just holding on along the way.

"Quick, let's go to the urban area first."

Su Ze was afraid that the two cocoon hunters would come back again, so he immediately carried Aunt Yun on his back and walked away quickly.

Su Ze took Liu Wenyin for a trot all the way, and after walking for 10 minutes, he came across an electric tricycle.

After getting in the car, the old man who was driving the car said something. Su Ze used Lin Huazhou's common language to communicate with him, but he couldn't.

Fortunately, Liu Wenyin, the top student, was there, and she and the uncle chatted for a while, and negotiated the price and destination.

"You know Luo Sanskrit?" Su Ze asked curiously.

"I have learned all six languages."


Riding a tricycle on a country road, what you see along the way, old houses, messy wires, garbage everywhere, groups of stray dogs, and weather-beaten people all show the poverty and backwardness of this country .

The comprehensive national strength of Luo Fan Kingdom is not weak, but the gap between rich and poor is also notorious, ranking first among the six countries.

Every city in Luo Fan Kingdom has a special area for the rich, which is forbidden for the poor, and there are also slums with the smallest area but the largest population, and Mengka City is no exception.

Su Ze's destination is neither a rich area nor a slum, but an ordinary community where many middle-class people live.

After more than two hours of bumpy tricycles, they arrived in the urban area of ​​Mengka City. They immediately changed to a taxi. After an exchange, the driver took them to a very busy street.

"The driver said that it is very convenient to stay and eat here, and many businessmen from Muguo will choose to settle here." Liu Wenyin said.

Su Ze looked at this street. It was very lively, but it was still dirty and the surrounding buildings were also very old, as if he had returned to the countryside in the 90s of his previous life.

Su Ze and the others are not short of money, but the inspection in the rich area is strict, there are security checks everywhere, and none of them can use their real identities. It will be difficult for them to move forward in the rich area, and they can only settle here.

It's a bit broken here, but there is also an advantage, that is, you don't need to register your identity to stay in a hotel.

"Let's find a place to live first."

Su Ze and Liu Wenyin asked passers-by, and without asking a few people, Su Ze met an enthusiastic fellow from Muguo, and on the recommendation of the fellow, the three of them checked into a nearby hotel.

Although this hotel should be called a "hotel" in Su Ze's opinion.

After checking in, Su Ze found his own room. Although the room was small and the furniture was old, it was still clean.

Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun lived next door to him. They were both too tired and needed a good rest.

Su Ze went to take a shower first, put on clean clothes, fell on the bed, and lay on the bed in large characters, took a deep breath, and felt relaxed from the inside out.

He finally escaped from the Mu Country!
For him, Panshi Prison is a small cage, and Muguo is a big cage. He can't sleep or eat in Muguo, which is the home of the Zhao family, and he has to worry about being caught by the Zhao family at any time.

It's different when it comes to Luo Fan Country. No matter how powerful the Zhao family is, they are limited to Mu Country, and it is impossible to stretch their hands so far.

He just needs to be careful and keep a low profile. If the Zhao family wants to find him in Luo Fan Country, which has the largest population among the six countries, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

But it is not absolutely safe, Su Ze has not forgotten that he still has an enemy, the dirty soil organization.

After Feng Buqing went crazy, Su Ze wasn't sure if the dirty soil organization would continue to track him.

In addition, Su Ze remembered that Zhao Yuanyi also had a good friend in Luo Fan Country who held a high position. Originally, he planned to let Zhao Lingxiao join his friend after arriving in Luo Fan Country.

It is not ruled out that Zhao Yuanyi will use the power of that friend to search for him in Luo Fan Country.

In the final analysis, if you want to be truly safe, you still need to improve your own strength.

But these are all things to say, Su Ze just wants to sleep well now.

(End of this chapter)

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