Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 383 The second evolution

Although the Sun God was not detected, it does not rule out the existence of the Sun God on the other side.

As a Apollo-class spacecraft, the Rubik's Cube can be discovered by ordinary Apollo experts, but there are always Apollo experts who have special hidden skills, or perhaps the Apollo experts on this planet are temporarily out of town.

"If you want to truly understand the strength of this group of Dou Clan, you still have to find someone to ask."

Although he had this plan, Su Ze did not rush to arrest people on this planet.

To capture the common people of the Dou clan, they must know very little about the intelligence from the upper echelons, so they must at least capture a Star God.

But arresting someone in someone's home base can easily scare someone away. Maybe they will search around and end up in Zexing.

"It's better to leave first. The purpose of this trip has been achieved."

Su Ze discussed with a few people and decided to play it safe. The purpose of this trip was to find the location of the Dou Clan's lair, and now he has achieved his goal.

As for dealing with these Dou Clan in the future, we need to take a long-term approach.

"If you want to arrest someone and ask for information, you can go to the Dou Clan who are looting outside, but there is no rush to do it now. When we plan to take action against the Dou Clan, we can arrest the Dou Clan Star God in advance and ask about the situation.

"The most important thing at the moment is to improve our strength. The gap between our strength and others is too big now."

Lin Hua and others nodded, looking a little ashamed. Su Ze said it nicely, saying that he wanted to improve their overall strength, but in fact they would not make any big breakthroughs in the short term.

In the end, it mainly depends on Su Ze's strength.


Su Ze understood that this matter could not be delayed for too long, and the hidden danger of the Dou Clan must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Therefore, after he returned to Zexing, in addition to arranging routine affairs and distributing some resources, he immediately entered a state of retreat.

At present, he is only one step away from the eighth evolution, and he only needs to digest the evolutionary substances in his body.

Normally, the time for digesting evolutionary matter is also calculated in years. Fortunately, he still has the Sand of Time, which can speed up the process.

At this time, there was no need to worry about saving non-renewable resources like the Sands of Time.

After Su Ze absorbed a large amount of the Sand of Time regardless of the cost, the evolutionary substances in his body were quickly digested.

Next is the eighth evolution.

Su Ze was still making preparations as before every time he evolved, adjusting his physical and mental state.

He took a day off and walked around on the surface of Zexing. He saw that everything in Zexing was now on track, and all he had to do next was give it time.

After Brother Ya on Ze Star, a new Star God was finally born. This time it was a strong man from the Lin Hua Kingdom whom Su Ze was not very familiar with. He only knew that he was also a high-ranking member of the Blue Star Party and had no choice but to fight with Chen Suifeng. Still staying in Blue Star, but choosing to follow Su Ze to explore the starry sky.

It is foreseeable that more and more Star Gods will emerge next.

As they go out for trade and plunder again and again, Zexing's resources become more and more abundant, and everyone grows faster and faster.

With advanced energy supply, absorption of god-level extracts, evolution liquid to transform the body, and various natural medicines to speed up digestion, the number of Star Gods on Ze Star will explode in the next six months to one year.

By then, Su Ze's starry sky vigilante team will begin to take shape.

After a day of relaxation, Su Ze returned to his retreat room and began his eighth evolution.

From the Star God to the Sun God, the color of the power of evolution will no longer change, it will always be purple.

Therefore, this evolution is different from the past. There is no color transformation due to the power of evolution.

But the color is the same, but there is still a big difference in the quality of the power of evolution. The power of evolution of the Moon God level is obviously higher than that of the Star God level.

As soon as the evolution began, the power of evolution in Su Ze's body boiled. Under the stimulation of the power of evolution, Su Ze felt that something was activated in every cell of his body.

"That's the original gene..."

Su Ze entered the state of genetic introspection and saw that all the original genes he had absorbed shone brightly, especially the original genes belonging to the human race, which emitted the most dazzling light.

The original genes of other races around them are the stars, so the original genes of the human race are the Yaoyang.

So far, Su Ze has absorbed hundreds of original genes from all races.

Some are inherited from inheritance crystals, and some are indirectly absorbed from the bodies of Dou Clan and Bag Clan strongmen when they plunder them.

Among them, the one with the lowest degree of completeness is only about 1%, and the one with the highest degree of completeness is the original gene of the Dou clan, which is as high as 31%.
On the other hand, the original genes of other races are only about 11% complete.

But at this time, all the original genes of other races that he absorbed were rotating around the original genes of the human race, like stars over the moon.

At this time, Su Ze vaguely felt that these original genes seemed to have established some kind of connection with the outside world.

Su Ze is strengthening himself by absorbing energy from the outside world.

"The original gene comes from the original Supreme Creator God. Even the world was created by him. It is not surprising that the original gene can absorb the power of this world to strengthen itself."

Su Ze thought for a while and felt that it made sense, so he immersed himself in the evolutionary process, feeling the changes in his body and even his genes.

Somehow, from nowhere or through what channels, countless special energies gathered outside Su Ze's body, and these energies penetrated into Su Ze's body.

Su Ze's body immediately strengthened at a speed that could be clearly felt.

Absorbing external energy, or the power of heaven and earth, to strengthen oneself...Su Ze suddenly felt that this theory was very spiritual.

No wonder the three god-level stages are named after "Sun, Moon and Stars", probably because they have to absorb the "essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon".

But strengthening the body and soul is just an incidental result of these powers, and their target is Su Ze's original genes.

This energy penetrated directly into Su Ze's cells and began to act on the original genes in his body.

Those energies are integrated into hundreds of original genes of other races, causing these hundreds of original genes to surround one place and cast a beam of light on the central human race's original genes.

It seems that the original genes of these other races are the sun, while the original genes of the human race are grass and trees, and energy is obtained in this way.

Gradually, Su Ze saw that the original genes of the human race were growing rapidly!

The completeness rose from 11% to 15% in the blink of an eye!

Completing evolution will increase the integrity of the original gene, which Su Ze has known for a long time.

This is true for every race. Apart from plundering fellow races, this is one of the few ways to quickly increase the integrity of the original genes of the race.

When he evolved for the seventh time, because he evolved perfectly, his original genes increased a lot.

But according to this growth momentum, Su Ze felt that the integrity of his original gene was growing too fast.

Su Ze has been killing gods for several months now, but none of these moon gods have a completion rate of more than 20% of their original genes.

There is not even one that reaches 20%, the highest one is 18%!

But Su Ze exceeded 15% in a moment, and exceeded 18% in a moment, heading straight for the 20% mark.

20% of the genetic integrity of one's own race is the threshold for the Moon God, but to have this integrity when he first becomes the Moon God, in fact, almost only the dirty ones can achieve it.

In order to have super high integrity of their own original genes, the dirty people paid the price of being filled with stench and being alienated from their relatives.

What you gain is a faster evolution speed and a strong combat power among the same level.

But it seemed that Su Ze could possess the original genetic integrity that only a dirty person could achieve without much effort.

Su Ze guessed that there must be a reason for this. After thinking for a moment, he came up with two conjectures.

First, because he plundered a large amount of other people's original genes. According to this process, it was the other people's original genes that he absorbed that transformed the power of the outside world into some kind of ability, strengthening the human race's original genes.

Therefore, it is very likely that the more original genes of other races you master, the more your own race’s original genes will increase during evolution.

The number of original genes of other races that Su Ze currently possesses has far exceeded the threshold for the eighth evolution.

The reason for this is not only because of the inheritance left by senior Ao Zun, but also because of his continuous leapfrogging to kill enemies.

It is better to plunder one moon god from another race than to plunder a hundred star gods.

Secondly, Su Ze guessed that it might have something to do with the "favor of evolution".

The skill "Evolutionary Grace" is very special and is obviously related to his racial talent, so it is naturally closely related to his original genes.

Although the growth rate of the original genes has slowed down, it is still pushing forward slowly.

Finally, when it broke through the 20% mark, it exhausted its strength, and finally the integrity of the human race’s original genes was fixed at 21%!The power of heaven and earth absorbed in the body has been exhausted.

At the same time, there were almost no obstacles, and Su Ze completed his breakthrough and officially became the Moon God!
The power of evolution is being upgraded due to the strength of the original genes. Su Ze's genes have also been transformed, his physique has been strengthened, his soul has grown, and all his skills have been enhanced.

Life level determines the upper limit of skill level.

When Su Ze was in the Star God stage, even if he had mastered the eighth-level skills, he could not fully exert his power.

The same goes for artifacts. Eighth-level artifacts can only unleash their true power in the hands of a strong person above the Moon God.

Therefore, skills such as the Shadowless Needle and "Space Shuttle" were like pearls covered in dust in Su Ze's hands before.

But it's different now. At this time, Su Ze has truly become an eighth-level being, a powerful Moon God!
After the integrity of the human race's original genes broke through the 20% level, Su Ze felt that he had awakened new talents.

To be precise, the "evolutionary induction" ability has been upgraded!

The previous evolution sensing ability only allowed Su Ze to sense the surrounding skill upgrade materials that were suitable for him.

But now after this upgrade, the evolutionary sense has another sensing ability - sensing the original gene that is missing!
To put it simply, he can now sense whether the people around him have the original gene that he lacks.

For example, Su Ze's current Dou Clan original gene integrity is as high as 31%. If he captures a Dou Clan Star God, all of his original genes may have overlapped with the Dou Clan's original genes that Su Ze has mastered.

If Su Ze plundered it, it would be a waste of resources and would not improve him in any way.

But Su Ze couldn't tell whether the other party had the part of the original gene that he lacked, so sometimes it was impossible to avoid this waste of resources.

But now that his evolutionary sensing ability has been upgraded, Su Ze no longer has such troubles.

As long as he uses his evolutionary sensing ability to scan, he will know how many original genes the opponent has that he does not possess, and then decide whether to plunder.

This ability is obviously very useful for collecting the original genes of other races.

As this new ability appeared, Su Ze suddenly paused and felt that this new innate ability had some connection with the "Evolutionary Grace".

It seems...this ability has been strengthened in some way.

Becomes more precise!

Su Ze mentally explored the place of seclusion and looked into the hall of the underground base. At a glance, he saw Old Wall holding a magazine and reading it with gusto.

Su Ze tried to use his evolutionary sensing ability on Old Wall, and a message suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Plunderable: 3% of the human race's original genes"

This is too detailed, too precise and too easy to use!

Su Ze lamented that after being strengthened by the "Evolution God's Grace", his evolutionary sensing ability has become even more abnormal, and he can even see the race and number of the original genes that can be plundered.

If he is a dirty one, he can kill Old Wall at this time and plunder 3% of the original genes of the human race.

"If a dirty person from the human race masters this innate ability, the threat will be quite great..." Su Ze withdrew his mental power.

Although he has just entered the Moon God, Su Ze is confident that his combat power is already the strongest among the Moon Gods.

When he was a Star God, he could easily kill the Moon God, even the Moon God of the third-rate race Dou Clan. Now that he has stepped into the Moon God, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he kills the Moon God like a dog.

"How strong is the overlord race?"

Su Ze felt that perhaps only the Moon God of the overlord race could compete with him, but this was just a guess.

After all, he has not had contact with the people of the overlord race, so he cannot accurately estimate the strength of the overlord race.

Maybe...the overlord race is also vulnerable.

"Even if I, the Moon God, are invincible, it is still not safe to annihilate all those Dou clan members."

Su Ze woke up from the short-term joy after the breakthrough and had to think about the real problem. There were too many Moon Gods in the Dou Clan!

And he is only one person, and the other Zexing humans only have the combat power of Star Gods at most.

Even if there were no Sun Gods among the Dou Clan, Su Ze would not be able to withstand the siege of more than ten or twenty Moon Gods. After all, it was difficult for Su Ze to defeat four hands with only two fists.

"The strength is still not enough, but I still have a lot of original genes that I have not absorbed."

There are still a large number of original genes to be absorbed in the inheritance crystal.

In the previous Star God stage, Su Ze could only absorb original genes with a completeness of less than 20%. Now that he has entered the Moon God stage, he can absorb those original genes of other races with a completeness of 20%-49%.

After absorbing these original genes, Su Ze's strength can be greatly improved.

The reason why he was able to step into the Moon God so quickly was that the original genes in the inheritance crystal provided him with great help and saved him a lot of time.

If he were to collect so many original genes by himself, it would take a lot of effort and countless life-and-death battles.

Even if he hadn't inherited the original genes in the crystal at the beginning to lay the foundation for him and improve his strength, he might not be able to leapfrog and kill the Moon Goddess of the Bag Clan, and his growth rate would naturally not be so fast.

Advantages snowball, and these original genes in the inheritance crystal are equivalent to giving him the first snowball.

And it may be because Senior Ao Zun is too strong. Among the original genes he left behind, very few have a completeness below 20%, and the largest number are those with a completeness above 50%.

This means that even after he becomes the Sun God, this inheritance crystal can still be of great help to him.

Among the inheritance crystals, there are about seven or eight hundred original genes of other races with a completeness of 20%-49%.

And there are more than a thousand channels with a completeness of more than 50%!
"When I absorb those seven or eight hundred original genes, my strength will reach a new level, and I will be more confident in dealing with those Dou clan members.

"But before that, let's capture a Dou Clan Star God and come back for interrogation."

Su Ze left seclusion early and did not continue to absorb the original genetic inheritance.

"Congratulations to Star Lord for being promoted to Moon God!"

Feeling the aura exuding from Su Ze, Lin Hua, Lao Wall and others all congratulated him.

The news spread, and the entire Zexing was celebrating. The first Moon God was finally born in their Zexing!
As the master of Ze Star, Su Ze's strength becomes stronger, and the safer people living on Ze Star feel.

Su Ze didn't let the fun down, and ordered a banquet to be held to celebrate with Zexing's middle and senior management.

At the end of the day's celebration, he drove the Rubik's Cube, took Brother Ya, Lin Hua and others on a trip to Qianhuan Star.

During the time Su Ze was in seclusion, Lin Hua and the others never left Zexing, let alone Qianhuanxing, which caused a shortage of some resources on Zexing.

This trip was mainly to capture a strong man from the Dou Clan and bring him back for interrogation. He also went to Qianhuan Star to replenish resources.

On the way there, Su Ze flew invisibly at super-light speed all the way to Thousand Fantasy Stars. Naturally, there were no accidents on the way.

At Thousand Fantasy Star, Su Ze and others worked separately, quickly purchased various resources, and sent the damaged Nebula for repairs.

Just repairing this spaceship cost a lot of money. Fortunately, Su Ze now has a rich family and can afford it.

After everything was done, Su Ze took everyone to transfer to the newly repaired Nebula and return to Zexing.

On the way, he deliberately deviated his position and passed by the planet where the Dou people temporarily settled.

After a while, a group of Dou people chased them in a spaceship.

The spaceship chasing them was also Luna-class, and it was actually equipped with a star catching net.

A large net flew out and accurately caught the Nebula, which was flying at high speed.

The material of the star catching net was extremely tough, and it was constantly deformed by the impact of the Nebula, but there was no damage, and the Nebula was firmly trapped in the net.

"Hahaha!" Amidst the wild laughter, a group of fighting clans disembarked from the spaceship behind and surrounded the Nebula.

"People inside, listen, you have been surrounded by us, surrender obediently, offer your spaceship, and spare your life!"

The door of the Nebula spaceship opened in response, which surprised the leading Moon God of the Dou Clan. He did not expect that the fat sheep he encountered this time was so understanding and opened the spacecraft without any ink.

However, there was only one person who got off the spacecraft. A very young-looking man stepped off the spacecraft.

"Nian clan!"

Seeing a young man from the Nian tribe coming down from the spaceship, all the Dou tribe members were stunned, and the proud smiles on their faces stopped abruptly. (End of chapter)

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