Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 401 The Eldar Public Star Domain

Chapter 401 The Eldar Public Star Domain
Su Ze and his party rested for a while on Duobao Star. All the members of the Star Guard got off the ship and went to do what they wanted to do, eat, drink and have fun.

The continuous fighting along the way also made many people nervous, and it was time to relax.

Now that everyone has grown up and is no longer the rookie they were before, Su Ze is not afraid that they will make any mistakes on the public planet.

Subsequently, they sold a large amount of resources, most of which were stolen goods obtained from suppressing bandits.

However, because it was sold by more than a dozen people, it didn’t attract much attention.

In addition, they were disguised as the relatively powerful second-rate race "Yan Clan" this time, which made it even more difficult for anyone to target them.

Su Ze has not sold the Moon God slaves for the time being, because once the slaves are sold, their identities as Star Guards will be exposed.

He planned to sell slaves again before leaving Duobao Star.

At this time, he was in a hotel room, using the soul tonics and poisons he bought along the way to help King Mu deal with the consciousness of the sun god of the Nian clan.

He first targeted the consciousness of the Shepherd King and used various soul tonics. In the process, he used his own mental power to build a barrier to isolate the consciousness of the Sun God of the Nian clan.

However, no matter how isolated it is, when the soul is strong, the consciousness of the sun god of the Nian clan will also be benefited, so then, Su Ze used various soul poisons to poison the soul.

The difference is that this time the Shepherd King's consciousness needs to be isolated to prevent his already fragile consciousness from being destroyed by poison.

But by the same token, if the soul is poisoned, the Shepherd King's consciousness will also be damaged, and it can only be repaired with tonics for another round.

After going back and forth like this, after using a lot of soul tonics and poisons, he finally suppressed the consciousness of the Nian sun god and made him fall into a deeper sleep.

The Shepherd King's consciousness has initially recovered its vitality and is no longer so fragile.

If Su Ze works harder, he can completely destroy the consciousness of the Nian Clan Sun God. However, the suitable corpse of the ninth-level alien beast has not been found yet, so he is not in a hurry.

"We will wait until we reach the public star field of the Spirit Race to find a suitable corpse of a ninth-level alien beast. But before that, we must upgrade the Pope's flesh and blood parasitism skill to the eighth level, otherwise we will not be able to control the ninth-level alien beast.

"But with my current savings, after I bought a space prop that can accommodate super stars, I'm afraid I won't be able to afford a ninth-level alien beast. It seems that the bandit suppression operation cannot stop on the way ahead."


What Su Ze didn't know was that someone was searching for them on Duobao Star at this time.

The docking place of Duobao Star's spaceship is inside a Sun-class spacecraft.

A burly man over three meters tall with an ape-headed body frowned and asked the fox-headed man hunched over in front of him:

"Still haven't found any information?"

"Yes, those people have just disappeared. Not only is there no news around Duobao Star, there is also no movement from several public planets in other directions." The fox-headed man replied.

These two people are the ape tribe and fox tribe among the first-class powerful beast tribe.

The ape man said in a cold voice: "Continue to investigate! They have robbed so many treasures from our Chamber of Commerce, we must not let them go!"

"Yes." The Fox tribe man accepted the order and retreated.

After leaving the spaceship, the respect on the face of the Fox clan man disappeared, showing an impatient look, and muttered:

"Obviously you want to avenge your son, and you say it so grandly. If it weren't for the clan leader's order, I wouldn't be bothered to serve you."

Having said that, the Fox Clan man stopped a group of marsupials who had just docked and asked, "Have you heard of the Star Guardians?"

Seeing that the Orcs, a first-class powerful tribe, stopped them, the group of Maru tribe did not dare to express any dissatisfaction, and quickly shook their heads: "No."

The Fox Clan man waved his hand to let the Bag Clan people leave. He was also wondering in his heart, why did the Star Guard suddenly disappear?

The shop that Su Ze and the others robbed on Dream Star actually belonged to the "Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce". The Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce is jointly owned by the apes, foxes, wolves, and horses among the beasts. Although it is not the top big business in the universe, Chamber of Commerce, but not small in scale.

The shop on Mengxing is just one of their many properties.

That shop is under the responsibility of Yuanshan, the Sun God of the Ape Clan. As the director of the Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce, Yuanshan is in charge of all the business of the Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce in the Phantom Clan's territory.

And he handed over the management of the shop on Mengxing to his son Yuan Kai.

It was undoubtedly a fat job with a lot of money, but Yuan Kai was obviously not satisfied with it. He called his "husband and dog friends" to come up with suggestions, specifically thinking of making money by cheating, exploiting loopholes in the rules, and trapping people.

This indeed brought them a lot of income, until they hit the iron plate, encountered a tough situation, and were taken over by Su Ze.

After Su Ze killed the four Yuan Kai, the Sun God of the Fox Clan who was in charge of Mengxing took action, and Su Ze used the substitution technique to escape.

He thought that the matter would just go away, but Su Ze didn't know that Yuan Kai had a Japanese father who was bent on avenging him.

Yuan Shan pursued all the way, but initially there was no progress. The only clues he had were that the murderer was the Moon God, disguised as a marsupial tribe, and his true race was unknown.

However, being able to kill four moon gods of the same level by one person, including his son Yuan Kai, Yuan Shan thought that the murderer was either a dominant race or a genius among the first-rate races.

It wasn't until later that he heard the name "Star Guards". The Star Guards were famous not only for what they did, but also for their combat power. Each one of them was invincible at the same level and had powerful combat power. They could encounter enemies of most races. Strong men of the same level are instantly killed.

This immediately made Yuanshan think that the murderer of his son might be related to the Star Guardians.

So he followed the clues and tracked down several public planets where the Star Guardians had been active, and even found stolen goods from their stores on some public planets.

This time, Yuan Shan finally confirmed that the murderer of his son was among the Star Guards!
Based on the action route of the Starry Sky Guardians, he deduced that the most likely place for the Starry Sky Guardians to appear at the next stop would be near Duobao Star.

So he came to Duobao Star in advance and stayed there. As a result, many days passed without even hearing any movement.

Usually, when the Star Guard appears in a certain area to suppress bandits, some news will spread.

But this time there was no disturbance, no one was rescued, no star pirate gang was wiped out.

This made Yuanshan have self-doubt. Could it be that his guess was wrong?
Or is it that the Star Guardians have given up?

As a sun god who has lived for a long time, Yuanshan is not lacking in patience. He decided to wait and see.


After resting for a week on Duobao Star, Su Ze and the others set off again and headed towards the Spiritual Race public star field.

However, on the road, they still have to take care of the job of suppressing bandits.

This time Su Ze deliberately deviated from the route and took a long detour to the Spirit Clan public star field in order to prevent others from guessing their route.

As the Star Guardians became famous, Su Ze had to be a little more cautious.

What he didn't know was that as the Star Guards began to suppress bandits again, they also attracted the attention of Yuan Shan, who was chasing after them.

On the way, Su Ze took out a metal belt.

It has been confirmed that another ninth-level bloodline artifact, the Dimensional Ring, will be auctioned in the Eldar public star field. Su Ze must absorb another bloodline artifact, the metalized belt, before the auction.

Otherwise, it may attract people who also hold bloodline artifacts.

However, Su Ze planned to use this ninth-level artifact to directly upgrade the "Sponge Body" skill to the ninth level. To be on the safe side, it would be safer to use other upgrade materials to upgrade the "Sponge Body" to the eighth-level magical skill first.

"After arriving on the public planet of the Eldar, the first thing we are looking for is the upgrade materials for the 'Sponge Body' skill and the upgrade materials for the 'Flesh Parasitism' skill..."

Su Ze pondered for a moment, then called everyone on the spaceship to formulate a plan of action after going to the Eldar public star field.


On their way to the public star domain of the Spirit Tribe, Su Ze and the others took a long detour, so they encountered more star pirates along the way.

They suppressed more bandits, and the Star Guardians became even more famous.

Until... they met a group of star pirates headed by a sun-god-level powerhouse!

After discovering that the opponent had a Sun-god-level powerhouse, Su Ze decisively led the members of the Starry Sky Guards and used the Rubik's Cube to escape at high speed.

That group of pirates also had a Apollo-class spaceship, but they gave up after chasing them for a while, probably because they didn't want to waste time on Su Ze and the others.When the speeds of the two Apollo-class spacecraft were almost the same, the continuous pursuit turned into a competition for endurance, which would take a lot of time.

Generally speaking, no matter which clan a Sun God warrior belongs to, they have a noble status and will not fall into the trap of becoming star pirates.

This is simply not possible anywhere else.

But near the public star field of the Spirit Race, Su Ze and the others unexpectedly met.

"This big place is really different. Even the strength of the Star Pirates has increased with the tide." Ya Ge complained.

"The Sun God is willing to put aside his status to become a pirate, so the income must be high enough, which means that all the people who travel to the public star field of the Eldar are very wealthy." Lin Hua guessed.

"There are more wealthy people entering and leaving the Eldar public star field, and the corresponding strength is stronger. If you don't have any strength, you may not be able to win. This is why the sun god himself ended up becoming a pirate." Old Wall analyzed.

Su Ze waved his hand, signaling for everyone to quiet down, and ordered: "Since the pirates around here are so strong, let's not take risks, stop the bandit suppression operations, and speed up to the Spiritual Clan public star area."

Everyone obeyed the order and accelerated towards the Eldar public planet.

At this time, the Pope came over and said: "Master, those star pirates just now are probably not that simple."

"How do you say it?" Su Ze asked curiously.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but those pirates are not of the same race, they are from all races."

"When you said that, it reminded me that it is indeed strange." Su Ze said thoughtfully.

A group of space pirates are often of the same race, because in this business, they cannot believe in cooperating with people of other races.

"Is it possible that the sun god has conquered and controlled a group of subordinates from various races?" Su Ze guessed.

It is very possible for a sun god warrior to take the lead and subdue a group of subordinates from various races with his absolute strength and control skills. After all, Su Ze now has people from the Nian and Dou tribes under his command. If he wants to, He can also get a group of men of all races to surround him.

"It's possible, but I think another situation is more likely..." The Pope paused and uttered three words: "The dirty one!"

Su Ze's pupils shrank: "Are you sure?"

The Pope said: "I can only say that the possibility is very high. First of all, the filthy people in the universe, also known as traitors, are not tolerated by their own race. They can only break away from the race to stay together for warmth. Naturally, people of any race can have.

"Secondly, generally the powerful Sun Gods hold high positions in their respective clans and would not become star pirates. Only the dirty Sun Gods don't care. After all, they are just street rats that everyone shouts about and they have no dignity at all. And being a space pirate has always been the main source of income for the Dirty Ones."

When the Pope said this, Su Ze also felt that it was very possible. It was a pity that no one got off the spacecraft just now, otherwise the identity of this group of people could be determined by their smell.

"Forget it, even if it's a dirty one, it has nothing to do with us. We can't deal with that Sun God."

Su Ze no longer thought about it, and instead directed everyone on the takeoff ship.

"When we are about to arrive, everyone will spread out first, and every two or three people will board a spaceship, disguised as different races, and pretend not to know each other.

"After each of you has completed your respective tasks, you can go back to the docking station of the spaceship, or you can move around freely to purchase the resources you need. However, after the news of the auction comes out, you must rush back to your respective spaceship immediately and be ready to evacuate. !

"If you have any private matters, you can contact us through this mobile phone. However, the contact range is limited and it will certainly not be able to cover the entire public star field. I will ensure that the place where the spacecraft docks is within the signal coverage."

After Su Ze finished speaking, the Pope handed out mobile phones one after another, and everyone had one.

This is a new generation spiritual communication mobile phone built by the Pope on the road. It uses the head of a spiritually powerful Luna pirate they killed on the road as the base station. The signal coverage is extremely large, and there is no pressure to achieve cross-planet communication, but it is also certain It cannot cover an entire star field.

I saw Su Ze separate a clone and soon transformed into a man from the sea tribe, while he himself disguised himself as a middle-aged man from a third-rate race.

In addition, the Rubik's Cube and several other spaceships each held a Star God-level prisoner, and these prisoners were all controlled by Su Ze using flesh and blood parasites.

Su Ze controlled them not for anything else but to use them as targets for the replacement technique.

This operation was no small matter, and he naturally had to be fully prepared to ensure his own safety.

He still felt a little unsafe simply relying on the reputation of the public star field to protect his life.


The construction of the Eldar public star field can be described as a huge project that shakes the universe.

In other words, the construction of every public star field is a huge project.

There are countless star fields in the universe, and each star field contains at least trillions of planets. This is only counting celestial bodies above the planets. Asteroids and satellites are not included.

However, although there are many planets, there are very few habitable planets among them. After all, most planets have harsh environments and are not suitable for life to survive.

Among these habitable planets, there are naturally very few planets that can awaken the power of evolution.

But the Spirit Race cleared out all the non-habitable planets in this entire star field, leaving only more than [-] habitable planets.

Then by transferring the planets from other star fields, we can gather a thousand awakened planets.

In other words, the entire star field has now been cleared of only more than [-] ordinary habitable planets and a thousand planets that have awakened the power of evolution.

As a result, the entire star field was completely empty, leaving everyone hiding in the shadows with nowhere to hide.

Therefore, there is no place for space pirates in the public star field, because they have nowhere to hide.

Nowadays, more than [-] planets in this entire star field are open to the outside world, and countless people come here for leisure and vacation every day.

Safety is guaranteed here, and no one dares to cause trouble on the territory of the overlord race.

Moreover, there are more than [-] habitable planets here, covering all kinds of environments, and all kinds of landforms can be found.

There are lush rainforests, endless deserts, the favorite planet of the sea people whose entire planet is an ocean without any land, and there are also ancient planets full of primitive features and ancient creatures everywhere...

There are also a variety of novel and exciting entertainment venues and a variety of imaginative services.

In short, there is nothing you can’t think of and can’t find here.

This attracts people from all races in the universe to come here to consume.

Of course, it also attracts countless businessmen who come here to make money.

The commercial center of the Eldar public star field is concentrated on the thousand evolved planets.

Su Ze and the others were not here for a vacation, so their destination was the thousand evolutionary planets.

The entire public star field is divided into the peripheral area and the core area. The outer area can be called the "leisure and entertainment area", and the core area is naturally the commercial area.

Su Ze and the others drove nine spaceships and entered the public planet from different directions.

When entering the outer area, they were subjected to an identity check, but it was relatively loose. The spacecraft and each person's race and evolutionary level were registered. Each person received an exclusive pass and was then released.

This pass is extremely important. It is the identity credential for subsequent activities in the public star field. Once the identity credential is lost, it will be difficult to move forward.

However, this is only a security check in the peripheral area. When entering the core business area, the inspection is more stringent.

A thousand planets in the business district are surrounded by energy shields, with only one entrance.

When entering the business district from this entrance, a second security check is required based on the original one. However, this time the security check is mainly to check whether everyone has any hidden strength.

Su Ze and the others all reported their evolutionary levels according to the truth. They were all Moon Gods and Star Gods. They were inconspicuous in the business district, so they were naturally let in easily.

In the peripheral area, you can also drive your own spacecraft to the planet you want to go to, but it is different once you enter the core business area.

There is a special planet at the entrance, which is used to dock the spacecraft.

If you want to go from one planet to another in the business district, you can only go through the teleportation array. You can't fly there without relying on a spaceship.

And every time you use the teleportation array, you have to pay.

(End of this chapter)

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