Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 405: Sun God intercepts and kills

The next final item, the Dimensional Ring, fetched a higher price, because the Dimensional Ring was originally a ninth-level artifact and was worth a lot of money.

In the end, the Holy Clan gritted their teeth and took it, and the transaction price could buy fifteen ninth-level artifacts!
Get rich!
Su Ze was excited. According to this transaction price, he would probably have a lot of savings left after buying the giant space props and the ninth-level beast!

But it's one thing to take the photo, and it's another thing to get the money smoothly.

The auction of such a sensitive treasure at this time will definitely attract attention.

Dou Yi was the apparent holder of two bloodline treasures, and the only people who knew his identity were the witnesses from the Alliance Chamber of Commerce and the Public Star Territory official.

But since the witness knows about it, the Spirit Clan must also know it. Whether the news will be leaked within the Spirit Clan is unknown.

Similarly, there is no guarantee whether there will be leaks from within the Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

Apart from anything else, the Saints will definitely be particularly interested in the owner of the two bloodline treasures, and will speculate on the origin of his bloodline treasures, and whether he has more bloodline treasures in his hands.

Maybe some action will be taken.

Su Ze knew that this matter would only be over if he put the money in his pocket, successfully escaped and ensured safety.

As soon as the dimensional ring was successfully auctioned, Su Ze didn't pay attention to the last auction item and went straight to the auction house.

Dou Yi, who was at the auction site, also made a move at the same time and came to the backstage of the auction house, waiting to get the money.

Many staff members of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce gathered in the background and were busy, and a manager of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce came to greet them.

The official witness also came over. He was obliged to follow up the whole process and ensure that both parties fulfilled the contract.

"When will I get the money?" Dou Yi asked straight to the point.

The manager of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce smiled and said: "Please wait a moment, the auction will end later, and I will pay you as soon as the money arrives.

"There are also giant space props, all prepared for you."

Dou nodded and waited for a while in the background. The last item in the auction was successfully auctioned, and the auction ended successfully.

Some people got up and walked out, and some came to the backstage to pay and pick up the goods.

Dou Yi entered a tea room in the backstage first, and a moment later, the manager of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce walked in together with the witness.

"According to the contract, in this auction, your two items were sold together...after deducting the handling fee...there is still..., and then deducting the price of a giant space prop..."

The manager of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce made a calculation for Dou Yi. Dou Yi added up and found that there was no problem, so he nodded and the two parties settled the payment on the spot.

Dou Yi got a giant space prop and a sum of money. This giant space prop was different from ordinary space props. Ordinary space props were basically small and exquisite, such as a ring and a bracelet.

However, giant space props are not small in size. The one Dou Yi got was a large ball with a diameter of more than one meter. It was smooth but without any luster.

The space contained within it is infinite and can accommodate the entire solar system.

But the space inside is a vacuum, without air or any matter.

Fortunately, although this giant space prop is not small in size, it can be packed into other space props.

Otherwise, going out with such a big guy would be too conspicuous.

In order to buy this giant space prop and the ninth-level dark blood beast, Su Ze spent all his savings. Fortunately, the two bloodline treasures were sold at a good price, allowing him to save some money.

After the money and goods were cleared, the witness also brought a document and asked Dou Yi to sign it after confirming that it was correct, and his task was completed.

Dou Yi readily signed, in a pseudonym of course, and then stood up to leave.

He now has a huge sum of money, a giant space prop, a living ninth-level dark-blood beast, and a lot of money. He must complete the handover with Su Ze as soon as possible.

Walking out of the auction, people were coming and going on the streets. Not long after the auction ended, many people were still stranded on the Treasure Star. After all, you have to queue up to use the teleportation array to leave, and the teleportation array is not enough to transport so many people at once.

Dou Yi walked among the crowd. The Moon God's strength was inconspicuous, and no one paid much attention to him.

But Dou Yi wasn't sure if anyone was paying attention to him secretly, but he couldn't care less at this time.

What is certain is that no one will openly attack him, blatantly break the rules of the Eldar public star field, and provoke the Eldar.

Anyone who dares to do this will definitely be inseparable from the territory of the Spirit Clan.

Even the Eldar themselves will not break the rules. If they break the rules themselves, the impact will be worse than if others break the rules. Once the news gets out, no one will dare to do business in the Eldar public star domain again.

Of course, the premise of all this is that it is in the open. If something happens in a place where no one knows and no one is paying attention, it will be difficult to tell.

Therefore, the flow of people on the street at this time is the safest protection for Dou Yi.

Su Ze also understood this, so he was ready to complete the handover with Dou Yi here.

He passed by Dou Yi, and the two of them completed the handover in an instant.

A small space ring passed from Dou Yi's hand to Su Ze's.

This kind of handover is not clever. If someone is paying attention, they will definitely find it, but there is no better way.

It is actually more dangerous to find an unattended place to hand over.

After the handover was completed, Su Ze and Dou Yi went their separate ways. They took different batches of teleportation arrays from different directions and left Jingbao Star.

The destinations of the two were also different. Su Ze teleported directly to the entrance of the core area, where the spaceship docked, while Dou Yi Ze randomly found a planet to wander around.

At this time, Brother Ya and the others had already left the public star field on another Apollo-class spacecraft, the Brave, and were waiting for Su Ze outside the public star field.

Su Ze boarded his Luna-class spaceship parked outside and did not take the Rubik's Cube directly.

The spacecraft slowly left and headed towards the outskirts of the public star field.

This wave of people left with him. Many people came specifically to participate in the auction. After the auction was over, they all left one after another.

Su Ze flew in the direction with the most spaceships, and finally landed on an ordinary planet near the exit of the public star field.

The scenery on this planet is pleasant and it is a good place for vacation and travel.

But Su Ze has no such intention now... The reason why he landed here is just because there are many people here.

Dou Yi has been fine so far, but he is not sure whether he has been targeted.

Su Ze can now directly pilot the spacecraft to leave the public star field and meet up with Brother Ya and the others.

But if someone follows him secretly, it is equivalent to bringing danger to Brother Ya and the others.

After thinking for a while, Su Ze gritted his teeth and decided to use the substitution technique directly!

Regardless of whether he has anyone following him, it is safest to just use the substitution technique.

However, you need to make some preparations before using the substitution technique.

The technique of replacement cannot bring other lives, and he now has a ninth-level dark-blood behemoth on his body.

This dark blood beast was sealed, unable to move, and locked in a space prop.

Su Ze's solution is very simple, that is... kill him directly!
Although it was a ninth-level alien beast, it was restrained by the seal and could not fight back at all. Su Ze directly used the weapon to kill it and kill it.

However, he deliberately controlled it and did not let the weapon absorb the energy of the dark blood beast, maintaining the integrity of the body.

It is also possible for the Shepherd King to use corpses to resurrect the soul, and it is also possible to use the recently deceased corpse, but in order to ensure that the fighting power of the ninth-level alien beast is retained after the resurrection, it must be ensured that the evolutionary substances and various energies in the body are not lost.

After killing the dark-blood behemoth, Su Ze used a substitution technique in the spaceship. He didn't even want the Luna-class spacecraft, and exchanged places with the exchange partner that had been prepared on the Brave.

The power of space fluctuated violently. Where Su Ze was originally, a circle of ripples appeared in the space. Su Ze's figure disappeared and was replaced by a star god of the Maruchi tribe.

This was specially prepared by Su Ze in advance. The star god prisoners controlled by flesh and blood parasites were specially used as scapegoats.

At this time, Su Ze had appeared on the Brave spacecraft outside the public star field.

As soon as Su Ze appeared, Brother Ya and others gathered around him. Su Ze didn't waste any time and directly ordered:
"Let's go, the spaceship is moving at full speed!"

The Brave increased its speed to the limit and flew towards the coordinates of the super star.

Su Ze went straight into the room, preparing to let the Shepherd King resurrect him while it was still hot.

At the same time, the Mars star god on the other side who was transferred to the Luna-class spacecraft in the public star field drove the spacecraft, left the public star field, randomly chose a direction, and flew towards the boundless universe.

But as soon as it left the area surrounding the public star field, it seemed to encounter invisible resistance and the spacecraft was forced to stop.

A ray of light condensed into a figure that seemed both virtual and real. There were eyes on the front and back of his head and four arms. He was a saint!
The saint landed on the spaceship and tore it apart with his hands, tearing a crack into the spacecraft, but immediately frowned.

He stepped into the spacecraft through the crack, and saw a marsupial star god lying on the ground, lifeless.

"There's actually a new person..."

He was convinced that the star god of the marsupial tribe was not in the spaceship before, but a moon god who had hidden his race. …

On the other side, Su Ze sensed the death of the parasitized Mars star god and said to himself: "Sure enough, someone is targeting me."

The order he gave was to have the Star God of the Bag tribe commit suicide as a warning if he encounters an accident. Now that the Star God of the Bag tribe is dead, whether it was suicide or homicide, it illustrates the problem.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't bother with this replacement technique.

However, the cool-down period of the substitution technique is a full month, and he will no longer be able to use this biggest life-saving skill for the next month.

Su Ze no longer thought about this matter and concentrated on the work at hand.

Among the soul-nourishing jade stones, King Mu has absorbed a lot of tonics during this period, and his soul condition has been adjusted very well.

King Mu is ready, but Su Ze is not yet.

He was busy treating the injuries of the dark-blooded behemoth.

After repairing the fatal injury of the dark-blooded behemoth, Su Ze allowed the Shepherd King to start seizing the dark-blooded behemoth.

To be precise, it's not called seizing the body. After all, the dark-blood behemoth is dead. Now the Shepherd King can just take over the body directly. There is no difficulty.

It is a Sun God-level soul. It takes over the corpse of a ninth-level alien beast. The level is matched and there will be no situation where it is unable to do what it does.

As for the seal on the dark-blood beast, Su Ze has not yet lifted it. This is also a method to restrain the Shepherd King after he resurrected from his corpse.

Su Ze must wait until the flesh and blood parasite succeeds and completely controls the Shepherd King before Su Ze can unlock the seal.

Otherwise, Su Ze wouldn't be able to control a ninth-level giant beast that suddenly rebelled.

The process went smoothly, and the Shepherd King took over the body of the dark-blood behemoth with ease. The dark-blood behemoth, which was as big as a mountain, suddenly opened its eyes, staring straight at Su Ze with its black pupils filled with blood.

Su Ze knew that if it weren't for the seal, King Mu would definitely attack him without hesitation at this time.

He sneered and said: "Next, cooperate obediently and complete the parasitism. Don't resist. If you resist and the parasitism fails, I will not give you a second chance."

The dark-blood behemoth was silent for a while, then opened its mouth to respond, mouthing human words: "Yes."

Su Ze immediately shot out a ball of water, got into the body of the huge dark blood beast, and began to parasitize.


Half an hour later, Su Ze walked out of the lounge with the shrunken dark-blood beast.

"This is……"

Everyone in the spaceship focused their attention on the little beast behind Su Ze.

The dark-blood behemoth has shrunk to the size of a large dog, but its violent energy fluctuations intertwined with darkness and blood, as well as the starry sky behemoth's unique wild aura, are still eye-catching.

"Let's call the new member of the team...'Mu Mu' from now on," Su Ze introduced.

The dark-blood behemoth wanted to protest, but because of the parasitic influence, he was absolutely loyal and unable to question his master's decision, so in the end he just lowered his head and said nothing.

"Did you encounter any accidents on the road?" Su Ze asked casually.

"No, we were very careful along the way. Even if we found traces of the star pirates, we didn't take action." Lin Hua replied.

But he hesitated, as if he had something to say.

"What's wrong?" Su Ze asked.

"A few of us shared our experiences in selling supplies and found some anomalies. I wonder if I was overly concerned."

"tell me the story."

"When Old Wall and I went to sell spaceships, we happened to encounter a chamber of commerce that was recycling second-hand spacecrafts at a high price. The price offered was slightly higher than others, so in the end, the two of us sold a large number of spaceships on hand to that chamber of commerce.

"We didn't think much about it at the time. We just thought that a certain chamber of commerce was in urgent need of spaceships, so we offered a higher price. However, after communicating with others, we discovered that many of the low-level resources we had had been sold to that chamber of commerce. "

Lin Luo on the side added: "That chamber of commerce has discount photos and recycles all kinds of low-level resources. Large quantities and good prices. As long as the quantity is large, the recycling price offered is indeed higher than other companies, so I contacted other people and gradually got them. The low-level resources were sold to them.”

"So, a lot of the stolen goods we got from suppressing bandits along the way were sold to this chamber of commerce..." Su Ze frowned and asked, "What is the name of this chamber of commerce?"

"Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce."

The name of the Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce seems to be related to the beast clan... Su Ze suddenly had some bad associations in his mind.

At this moment, their spaceship suddenly shook violently!

The space jump was forcibly interrupted, and the speed dropped below the speed of light.

Enemy attack!

Everyone in the spaceship was shocked, and stood up one by one to check the situation outside the spacecraft.

"Did you meet space pirates?" someone asked.

Star pirates are equipped with equipment specially designed to interrupt space jumps of spaceships. If they encounter star pirates, it won't be a big problem.

Ordinary star pirates are not that strong, but Su Ze and the others are not afraid now that they have the Dark Blood Behemoth as a fierce general and the Sun God-class spaceship.

Su Ze looked solemn and used the Brave's detection system to explore the surroundings, and soon discovered something!

What intercepted them was a spaceship, a Apollo-class spacecraft!

The spaceship is equipped with a ninth-level "space net" device. The space net is a higher-level and more expensive device than the star catching net. It is called a "net", but it is actually a means of space imprisonment.

By cutting and strengthening a space, the space jump state of the target spacecraft is interrupted and it is imprisoned in this space.

This is much stronger than the Luna-level star catching net installed on the Rubik's Cube.

Those who could afford such equipment seemed to be no ordinary space pirates. Su Ze suspected that the other party was prepared.

At this time, the hatch of the spaceship opened, and a strong middle-aged ape man stepped out of the spacecraft.

Sure enough... As soon as he saw the ape man appear, Su Ze was [-]% convinced of his vague guess.

At this time, hiding in the spaceship could no longer solve the problem. Su Ze understood that a battle was inevitable.

"You stay in the spaceship, don't go out, Dark Blood... Mu Mu, be prepared and support me immediately if a fight breaks out."

Su Ze gave instructions and stepped off the spacecraft.

"Who are you, sir, and why are you blocking our way?" Su Ze asked.

"Star Guards?" asked the middle-aged ape tribe.

Su Ze looked confused: "What Star Guardians?"

The middle-aged ape tribe sneered: "All your stolen goods have been sold to our Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce, so there's no need to pretend."

This time, Su Ze's guess was completely confirmed.

The Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce deliberately recycles spaceships and low-level resources at high prices because these are the most common resources in the hands of star pirates.

The purpose is to lure the members of the Star Guardians to show up!

There are always traces of those spaceships and resources, especially second-hand spaceships. Many of them look like they were looted.

Therefore, Lin Hua, Lao Wall and others may have been exposed long ago and have been under the surveillance of the Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce.

Fortunately, Su Ze and Dou Yi were in the public star field and had no direct contact with Old Wall and others. The Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce should not know that the two bloodline treasures were also auctioned by them.

Of course, it is impossible for the Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce to target them with nothing to do. There must be a reason.

Along the way, Su Ze's only encounter with the Orcs was when he killed the Orc Moon Gods in Mengxing and robbed their shop.

It seemed that it was this matter that brought the other party to the door.

"Is that store in Mengxing the property of your Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce?" Su Ze asked directly.

"That's right, the ape moon god you killed was my son!"

After the words fell, the middle-aged ape clan no longer concealed his murderous intention. The sun god's powerful momentum was like a volcano erupting, as if the actual murderous intention was firmly locked on Su Ze.

He jumped up and punched Su Ze like a falling star.

"Take your head and sacrifice it to my son!" (End of Chapter)

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