Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 407 "Knowledge is Power" Qualitative Change

Time passed little by little, and Yuan Shan's patience gradually wore away.

He didn't understand how Su Ze, the Moon God, could maintain so many skills at the same time for so long?

During this long period of time, Su Ze never stopped doing all kinds of "scraping" on them.

Although it was said to be scraping, Su Ze's attacks actually came from eighth-level magical skills, and Yuan Shan and the mutated giant ape were not able to ignore them.

At this time, Yuanshan was almost soaked by the sleeping toxin, and he felt a little drowsy. The surface of his body was even "disintegrated" with wounds, but fortunately they healed quickly.

Even memories are temporarily lost.

Su Ze is happy to see this kind of war of attrition.

Although it is a stalemate, in fact, the balance of victory will continue to tilt towards his side as time goes by.

Yuan Shan and the mutated giant ape have no replenishment. They are constantly consuming and unable to make ends meet.

But Su Ze was able to continuously get replies from the resistance and attacks of the two.

"We can't go on like this..." Yuan Shan also woke up and approached his spaceship, wanting to enter the spacecraft.

To end the current situation, the only way is to turn off the space network and unblock this space.

But if you want to close the space network, you must enter the spacecraft to operate.

And once the space network is closed, Su Ze and the others will have the possibility of escaping.

But Yuanshan couldn't care less. If he continued to waste it like this, he felt that he might be the first to be unable to hold on.

He is a sun god, but it would be too frustrating if he was eaten alive by the moon god!
Naturally, Su Ze would not let him get his wish, and immediately strengthened his body, allowing his liquid body to be directly metallized and turned into "molten iron".

Yuanshan's pace became difficult, and he could only overcome obstacles along the way and break through obstacles.

Su Ze released the dark-blood behemoth at the right time, using the darkest realm to confuse his perception, making him unable to find the location of the spaceship.

Yuan Shan had no choice but to gather the long sword again and cut through the darkest realm.

But the dark-blood behemoth refused to give in, and the domain skills were activated without cooling down. Once the domain was broken, he re-activated it.

It's just that it consumes a lot of money to open the field every time. If this continues, the dark-blood behemoth will definitely not be able to support it first.

But Su Ze was just stalling for time. While the dark-blood giant beast was entangled with Yuan Shan, Su Ze launched a fierce attack on the mutated giant ape!

All kinds of elemental fruits and all kinds of artifacts are frantically greeting the mutated giant ape!

The mutated giant ape was already in poor condition, and was immediately injured after being harassed by this attack.

Of course Yuanshan was also aware of Su Ze's intention, but at this time he was in a dilemma.

Should we go to the spaceship first to lift the space blockade?Or should we rescue the mutated giant ape first?

If the space blockade is not lifted, even if the mutant giant ape is saved, they will still be trapped in this space and be continuously consumed by Su Ze.

But if the mutated giant ape is killed by Su Ze, even if the space blockade is lifted, he will still be unable to defeat the combined forces of Su Ze and the dark-blooded giant beast. At that time, he will probably have no choice but to run away in despair.

It seems that neither side is a good choice.

But after a slight hesitation, Yuan Shan approached the spacecraft first.

It wasn't because of anything else, it was just that he thought that it seemed like he couldn't do anything in the past except being beaten with the mutated giant ape.

In this state, Su Ze was not afraid of their attacks.

I just hope that the mutant giant ape can hold on until he closes the space blockade...

Yuan Shan regrets it very much now. Why didn't he bring more men over?
If there were others in the spaceship at this time, he would be able to get out of the predicament immediately as long as the space blockade was lifted.

At this time, Su Ze was extremely glad that he had upgraded his "sponge body" to the ninth-level magic skill before. Otherwise, he would never have been able to trap a ninth-level alien beast and a sun god like this, and he would have been destroyed long ago. .

As Yuan Shan got closer to his spaceship, Su Ze went crazy and attacked the mutated giant ape frantically.

At this time, the shortcomings of the mutated giant ape were even more exposed. Although its body was powerful, Su Ze's attacks did not pose any fatal threat to him. However, relying only on its body's fists and feet, it had no strong defensive skills and could not deal with the liquid Su Ze. Not a threat.

When Yuan Shan finally reached the vicinity of his spaceship with great difficulty, the mutated giant ape was already covered in wounds. Although they were all superficial wounds, the damage to his skin was equivalent to breaking his solid external defense.

Seeing that Yuan Shan was about to enter the spaceship, Su Ze directly put away the Dark Blood Beast and at the same time put away the Brave One in the corner.

Then, he directly released all the energy accumulated in his body!
Su Ze's body was like an erupting volcano, with raging energy centered on him raging around him.

Originally, the power of this energy burst might barely reach the sun god level. Even though it was a threat to Yuan Shan and the mutated giant ape, it was not a big problem.

But now this space is blocked, and the energy has nowhere to disperse. It is concentrated and explodes in this small space, which causes the destructive power to be continuously amplified, and the explosive energy can only be digested within this space.

To put it simply, the small space doubled the power of Su Ze's energy burst!

This blow directly depleted the energy of the protective shield of Yuanshan's Sun God-class spacecraft, causing a lot of damage to the spacecraft.

This blow also injured Yuan Shan. Although he used his defensive skills immediately and took out his defensive artifact, he was still inevitably injured, and half of his body was exposed with bones.

But the worst thing is the mutated giant ape. It has no defensive artifacts or any defensive skills, so it can only rely on its strong body to resist.

But even if you are made of iron, how many nails can you drive?

The mutated giant ape at this time, or should be called the "Bone Ape", has a broken body, and there are only a few good pieces of meat on the huge skeleton. The powerful self-healing power is quickly repairing its body.

Being in this confined space, Su Ze was naturally not immune. Most of his liquid body was evaporated, and he could only break the regeneration core to repair his body.

Su Ze has a regeneration core, Yuan Shan's injuries are relatively the least severe, and he is also quickly swallowing healing drugs. Only the mutated giant ape has nothing, relying solely on self-healing, and it is the most seriously injured.

Su Ze would not miss this good opportunity. After the regeneration core instantly repaired his injuries, he killed the mutated giant ape with a "rhinoceros".

And he also released the dark-blood behemoth, and together they besieged the mutated behemoth, taking advantage of its illness to kill him!
Yuan Shan's expression changed, and while stuffing medicine into his mouth, he flew towards Su Ze and the others.

At this time, another figure suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Yuan Shan.

"court death!"

Yuanshan was so anxious that when he saw that the person blocking him was a Star God, he suddenly showed an angry look on his face and punched him casually.

Su Ze, it’s okay if the Moon God can fight with him, but now even the Star God dares to provoke him?
You guys take the sun god too seriously!

Yuan Shan punched out and immediately knocked out the person blocking his way. However, his eyes flashed as the person appeared again.

Yuan Shan weighed the broken corpse in his hands and confirmed that he had really killed one just now. Why did another one appear exactly the same?


Little did he know that this was Brother Ya's "tail-cutting to survive" skill.

Yes, it was Brother Ya who stopped Yuan Shan.

Yuan Shan felt that he had been provoked. An ant provoked the god, but the god pressed it down with his finger and did not crush it to death.

"I see how many lives you have!"

Yuan Shan punched across the space and hit Brother Ya again.

Brother Ya knew very well that if the strength gap between himself and Yuan Shan was too big, he would definitely be defeated by one move, so this time he directly activated the "invincible" skill.

A layer of golden light enveloped him, blocking Yuan Shan's punch.

Brother Ya's invincible skill is also a rule-based skill, and it is a powerful rule-based skill. It can basically take effect beyond one life level. This skill has now been upgraded to the eighth level by him, which is enough to resist the attack of the Sun God.

If Yuan Shan attacks with that long sword that breaks the rules, Brother Ya will definitely not be able to block it, but he can still block a punch.

Two consecutive attacks failed to kill or even injure a little Star God. In addition, Yuan Shan was forced into such a situation by Su Ze Yue God, which made Yuan Shan somewhat broken.


He no longer held back his hand, and the long sword that could cut rules appeared in his hand, and he struck out with all his strength, slashing at Brother Ya.

This time, even if Brother Ya had any life-saving rule-based skills, he couldn't use them.

But when the sword struck down, it fell into the air.

Brother Ya seemed to evaporate on the spot, and Yuanshan was sure that the other party did not use space skills to teleport away, because he did not feel any space fluctuations.

His eyes were red and he looked around. After a few breaths, he finally saw Brother Ya appearing not far away.

This time Brother Ya used the "void" skill, which is not a rule-based skill. Yuanshan's long sword could not affect Brother Ya in the state of nothingness.

Brother Ya was afraid that Yuan Shan would give up chasing him, so he quickly provoked and provoked hatred: "Curly-haired baboon, come and beat me!"

In fact, he didn't need to provoke him, and Yuanshan would not let him go. He raised his hand and shot an energy-condensed sharp arrow at Brother Ya.

The speed of the arrow exceeded the speed of light, but Brother Ya was already prepared, and his body disappeared again, replaced by a shadow.Yuan Shan roared angrily and looked around, but saw no sign of Brother Ya again.

At this time, Ya Ge has returned to the spacecraft. He has exhausted all means. If he continues to wander around, something will really happen.

"Boss, I can only help you so much." Brother Ya sighed.

If he were the Moon God, he would at least be able to deal with Yuan Shan for a while. If he were the Sun God, he would be sure to kill Yuan Shan. But he is just a Star God and there is only so much he can do. Try to win a few more battles for Su Ze. seconds.

Others in the spacecraft looked even more ashamed, unable to do anything.

In fact, these few seconds that Brother Ya bought for Su Ze were crucial.

It was these few seconds that allowed Su Ze and the Dark Blood Giant Beast to successfully capture the mutant giant ape. When Yuanshan drew his sword and looked around but could not find Ya Ge, it was already too late to rescue the mutant giant ape.

He only saw Su Ze smashing the mutated giant ape's head with a sword and starting to plunder.

The evolutionary matter in the mutated giant ape was absorbed by Su Ze, and he immediately felt the changes in his body. The "knowledge is power" skill was being upgraded!
In his genes, the group of gene chains belonging to "knowledge is power" is being rewritten.

The "Knowledge is Power" skill was upgraded to the eighth level, and a large number of special abilities emerged in Su Ze's body, supplementing his body.

But this is not over yet, the level of the "Knowledge is Power" skill is still rising!
At this time, Yuan Shan made a new move. Seeing that the mutant giant ape was killed, he did not hesitate and flew straight to his spaceship.

He knew that the situation was over and that if he stayed, there would be only danger and no chance of killing Su Ze.

There was no way Su Ze would let him run away, and regardless of the fact that his skill upgrade had not been completed, he hit Yuanshan with a "rhinoceros collision".

With a bang, Su Ze knocked Yuan Shan back a step. The two exchanged a few moves. Su Ze was completely suppressed because the "sponge body" skill temporarily went into cooling down, and he had no means to absorb the opponent's attacks.

But Yuanshan was actually secretly frightened, because he could clearly feel that Su Ze's power at this time was much stronger than before!

This speed of strength improvement is too exaggerated!
Moreover, the Moon God showed such fighting power, which was really unbelievable.

If it's not offended, that's fine. Now that it's offended, such an enemy must not be allowed to grow!
Yuan Shan has decided that once he escapes, he will mobilize the entire Four Beast Chamber of Commerce and even the entire Beast Clan to pursue Su Ze.

If Su Ze is not killed, he will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.

At this time, the dark-blood behemoth finally came over and joined forces with Su Ze to fight against Yuan Shan, which immediately made Su Ze's pressure much less stressful.

Yuan Shan had no intention of fighting at this time and only wanted to escape, but Su Ze and the dark-blood beast were entangled with each other.

"You can't kill me, so why not just let it go." He shouted.

Judging from the situation, this was indeed the case. Su Ze and the Dark Blood Behemoth had the upper hand, but they did not crush Yuan Shan.

Su Ze didn't take it seriously. When the "Sponge Body" skill cooled down, he could slowly wear Yuan Shan to death.

Moreover, he fell in love with Yuan Shan's "sword that can cut rules", which seemed to be a skill.

It just so happened that he still had a skill slot, so the decision was left to this skill.

Maybe he can encounter better skills in the future, but Su Ze must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Blue Star is still waiting for his rescue.

It was rare to meet a sun god with good skills. Su Ze didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he naturally didn't want to let Yuan Shan leave.

After all, his other conditions have been met, and the super star is about to be obtained. He only needs a new skill to meet all the conditions for the ninth evolution.

The more Yuanshan was beaten, the more frustrated he became, and his heart was filled with regret. As a veteran sun god and a senior member of the Four Beasts Chamber of Commerce, he naturally had no shortage of means to escape.

But he was trapped in a cocoon, and the space blockade limited his means of escape.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's spend it like this!"

Once he became ruthless, he planned to fight Su Ze and the others in a protracted war.

But while Su Ze was typing, huge changes were still taking place inside his body.

After completely absorbing the evolutionary material of the mutated giant ape, his "knowledge is power" skill has finally been upgraded to level nine!
Liu Wenyin once predicted that the "knowledge is power" skill will undergo a qualitative change in the future, from "cell enhancement" to "gene enhancement".

Su Ze originally thought that this qualitative change would occur when "knowledge is power" was upgraded to a magical skill, but it did not.

Now upgraded to the ninth-level magical skill, it also doesn't have it.

After upgrading to the ninth level magical skill, it only made Su Ze's physique stronger, stronger, and more resistant to elements...

But there was no qualitative change.

This made Su Ze suspect that the so-called qualitative change would only occur if he upgraded to the Ancestral God-level skills.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Su Ze suddenly discovered that the "Knowledge is Power" skill began to uncontrollably merge with another skill!
It’s “the grace of evolution”!
These two skills are like magnets attracting each other. To be precise, it is the "Evolution Divine Grace" that exerts a great attraction on "Knowledge is Power", making "Knowledge is Power" involuntarily come closer.

This was beyond Su Ze's knowledge. He had never heard of such a situation.

However, he didn't mind seeing what would happen if the two skills were fused, so he didn't stop it.

The fusion of skills this time was a spontaneous act of the two skills, without any repulsion or resistance, and the fusion went smoothly.

But this smooth process was interrupted halfway through the integration.

Fusion failed!

The two skills are separated again.

There seems to be some kind of mediator missing between the two, preventing the two from completely integrating, ultimately leading to the failure of the integration.

What is missing?
Su Ze had no time to think about this problem, because he discovered that the "Knowledge is Power" skill had changed after the fusion was terminated!
Although the fusion failed, the "evolutionary grace" still had some influence on "knowledge is power" during the fusion process.

It's like a man and a woman falling in love. Although they didn't get married in the end, the woman also experienced some changes because of the man's influence.

Knowledge is power (ninth-level magical skill): Passive skill, each skill mastered can obtain a genetic enhancement.

When Su Ze felt it carefully and realized the effect of "knowledge is power", he was immediately shocked.

The qualitative change he had been looking forward to, the "gene enhancement" he had been looking forward to, did not appear when he upgraded to the ninth level divine skill. Instead, it appeared after the integration with the "evolutionary grace" failed.

If the fusion fails, you are so awesome. What will be the effect if the fusion succeeds?
Su Ze felt itchy for a moment and wished he could force the two skills to merge.

But then, "knowledge is power" began to take effect, and genetic enhancement began!

For the skill "Knowledge is Power", each upgrade will provide compensatory strengthening for the previous strengthening times.

Even after Su Ze fused skills many times, the number of skills has become much smaller, but it has not affected the number of enhancements.

The previous enhancement was aimed at the cellular level, but now it has been upgraded to the genetic level, and its meaning is completely different.

If the previous cell strengthening was to strengthen the surface, it is equivalent to ordinary people's efforts to strengthen their bodies.

The current genetic enhancement is to strengthen the foundation, which is equivalent to directly injecting gene potions and transforming into Captain America instantly.

More detailed, more powerful, and more effective!
Su Ze's body began to dissolve and reorganize from the inside out.

After a while, he melted into a puddle of viscous liquid.

"Mu Mu, hold on for a while!"

Su Ze said in a message.

Yuan Shan was overjoyed when he saw Su Ze's sudden change. Feeling that an opportunity had come, he immediately counterattacked violently, making the dark-blood beast howl.

The poor dark-blooded behemoth is no match for Yuanshan at this level when fighting alone. It has to face Yuanshan's fierce counterattack while also protecting Su Ze.

He could barely hold on, and soon he was covered in injuries and miserable.

But fortunately, Su Ze's genetic recombination was finally completed!
Su Ze, who was covered in liquid, stood up again and returned to his human form.

"You, you are..." Yuanshan's eyes suddenly widened.

Because at this time, Su Ze no longer had the disguise and restored his human image.

Obviously, as a veteran sun god from a first-class powerful clan, Yuanshan knew about the existence of the human race and recognized Su Ze's race.

Su Ze clenched his fists, feeling the beautiful feeling of strength in his body.

He didn't waste any time, jumped up, approached Yuan Shan, punched Yuan Shan, and blew Yuan Shan's head off.


Su Ze grabbed Yuan Shan's body and plundered his favorite skills. (End of chapter)

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