Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 42 Olive Branch (for further reading)

Chapter 42 Olive Branch (for further reading)
Luofan Kingdom and Dongli Kingdom have had territorial disputes for many years, and the relationship between the two countries is not good. Dongli Kingdom wants to send strong men to meet Liu Wenyin, and it is estimated that it will take some time to go through the entry procedures.

Before that, they could only wait for Aunt Yun to recover her strength before continuing to set off.

Otherwise, relying on Su Ze and Liu Wenyin's two chrysalis transitions, there is no guarantee of safety.

So Su Ze also very much agrees with Liu Wenyin's plan.

"Sister, help me contact Dongli Country and arrange an identity for me." Su Ze said, "My previous identity is useless, and I probably have already been made a wanted criminal by the Zhao family."

"This is easy to handle, but if you think about it, I can only help you with the ID card of Dongli. From now on, you will be from Dongli."

Liu Wenyin's words meant something, and Su Ze could hear it.

He smiled: "I am an orphan, without father or mother, it doesn't matter what country I am from."

Hearing what Su Ze said, Aunt Yun and Liu Wenyin's eyes softened a little.

"Besides, I only have you two relatives now. You are all from Dongli, and of course I am also from Dongli."

Su Ze heard the temptation and wooing in Liu Wenyin's words, and he responded to her wooing in a half-joking way.

As a clone and time traveler, Su Ze has no sense of belonging to any country in this world. He just wants a legal identity, and it doesn't matter which country he is.

Now he has met a strong enemy, although the Dongli country is weaker, it is at least one of the six countries, and it is covered by a dominant country, and he still understands the reason why it is backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Coupled with the relationship between Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun, he will have a higher starting point when he joins Dongli Country.

So far, Su Ze has clarified his goal for the next stage, and followed Liu Wenyin back to Dongli Country.

Seeing that Su Ze agreed to be naturalized in Dongli Kingdom, Liu Wenyin had a smile on her face, and said, "Then you can accompany me to see the house first, Aunt Yun estimates that it will take about half a month to fully recover her combat power, we live every day The hotel is not convenient, so we should rent a house first."

"it is good."


Watching Su Ze leave the room, Aunt Yun lying on the bed looked at Liu Wenyin and said, "Dr. Liu, do you believe what he said?"

"I believe it, but I still want to prove it."

Liu Wenyin picked up the phone, opened the chat software, found a contact, and sent a message: Help me find the relevant information about Zhao Lingxiao, the son of Zhao Yuanyi, the Minister of Finance of the Mu Kingdom, and the whole story of the rape and murder of Princess Zhu Zhi.

The death of Princess Zhu Zhi caused a lot of uproar some time ago, and the related information is not difficult to find out.

Not long after, Liu Wenyin received a large number of pictures and text messages on her mobile phone.

Looking at the handsome and sunny boy on the phone screen, which was exactly the same as Su Ze in her mind, even the details were exactly the same, Liu Wenyin couldn't help frowning.

She didn't believe that there were two people so similar in the world, even twin brothers couldn't be exactly the same.

Her first reaction was that Su Ze lied to her, and Su Ze was Zhao Lingxiao.

But seeing Zhao Lingxiao's bad past, she couldn't combine the image of this rich and evil boy with Su Ze. Su Ze gave her the feeling that she was not such a person.

"Maybe it's a disguise-like skill..." Liu Wenyin said to herself, as far as she knew, there were at least a dozen disguise skills, which could completely disguise a person into another person's appearance.

Liu Wenyin continued to flip through the phone, carefully looked at the information on Princess Zhu Zhi's case, and soon realized something was wrong.

This case can be said to be full of doubts.

First of all, the motive of committing the crime cannot withstand scrutiny. In addition, Zhao Lingxiao escaped after committing the crime, and was not arrested by Zhao Yuanyi until half a month later. There is also a lot of room for maneuvering.

The most strange thing was that the day before the execution, two inmates in Panshi Prison attempted to escape and killed Zhao Lingxiao.

Although through DNA comparison, it was confirmed that the deceased was Zhao Lingxiao, but Liu Wenyin still felt that there was definitely something hidden in it.

Liu Wenyin frowned. She lacked some key information and couldn't deduce the truth of the matter, but the weirder the whole thing was, the more she felt that what Su Ze said was true.

In the end, Liu Wenyin asked the person on the other end of the phone about the recent movements of the Zhao family, and learned that the Zhao family had launched a campaign against pornography and illegal activities in Heiyan City some time ago, and conducted a blanket search of the entire Heiyan City.

"It matches what he said. It seems that the Zhao family is indeed hunting him, so he should not be Zhao Lingxiao."

Aunt Yun was a little strange and said: "Dr. Liu, you are not uncommon for all kinds of geniuses, especially in Gu'an University. What kind of geniuses are there? Why are you so concerned about this kid?"

"Among the geniuses I've seen, I'm afraid no one can compare to him."

"Why do you say that?" Aunt Yun didn't expect Liu Wenyin to have such a high opinion of Su Ze.

Liu Wenyin said: "First of all, he possesses skills that are highly valued by the filthy organization, and the filthy organization's vision is not low.

"In addition, you still remember that he entered the chrysalis stage for the first time, and the undead salamander extract was the first tube of extract he absorbed during the chrysalis stage, but when he defeated Li Gaojie, if I read correctly, he should have used The rock scorpion's 'needle strike' skill, the rock scorpion is a second-order alien beast."

Aunt Yun was startled. Many skills looked similar when used. She didn't see which skills Su Ze used at that time, but she believed that Liu Wenyin was a professional, so she couldn't make a mistake.

"So this kid has just entered the pupal stage? He also absorbed the rock scorpion extract before that?" Aunt Yun asked.

"No, he is indeed entering the chrysalis stage, and my 'Evolution Eye' can't be mistaken." Liu Wenyin said, "He absorbed the rock scorpion extract at the mortal stage!"

"Leapfrog absorption of extracts? No, it's impossible!" Aunt Yun couldn't believe it. "As far as I know, there is no such precedent in history!"

Liu Wenyin said: "Historically, there have been very few top geniuses who have managed to absorb extracts by leapfrogging, but they are often in the stage of chrysalis transformation or breaking out of the cocoon, and can leapfrog the absorption of second-order extracts in the mortal stage. He is indeed No. 1."

Aunt Yun was still shocked, and said: "A mortal life form that has not undergone evolution has a fragile constitution and cannot withstand the pressure brought by leapfrog absorption. How did he do it?"

Liu Wenyin smiled lightly and shook her head: "That's why I said, among the geniuses I've seen, I'm afraid no one can compare to him."

"However, it has only been 1000 years since our Blue Star entered the evolutionary era. It is normal for some things that we cannot understand or explain to happen."

Aunt Yun was silent for a moment, nodded her head in agreement, and said, "In this way, Su Ze is indeed worth wooing."

"Counting it all together, our Dongli has not produced a new saint-level powerhouse for 70 years. We have been relying on the older generation to support us, and we have not received them."

Speaking of this, Aunt Yun sighed, and then continued: "Dongli's younger generation has no shortage of hardworking people, many of them are so-called geniuses, but they are too stable, according to the experience of the seniors, follow the teacher's arrangement , step-by-step training, becoming stronger, I always feel that there is a lack of spirituality and drive, causing most of them to be like me, and the butterfly stage is coming to an end.

What Dongli really lacks is a genius who can amaze an era! "

"I hope Su Ze's joining will cause some waves in this pool of stagnant water."

(End of this chapter)

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