Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 423 Flower Witch’s new skill, soul poison

Su Ze stepped into the black hole-like entrance to the secret realm of creation, and immediately felt a suction force that he could not resist, and the next second he was swallowed by the entrance to the secret realm.

The surroundings were dark, and his mental power was locked inside his body, making it impossible to detect the surrounding situation.

I just feel like my body is falling.

Until the surrounding darkness dissipated, a layer of mist enveloped him and fell on a mountain peak.

"This mist is weird!"

Su Ze immediately discovered that his mental power was restricted by the fog, and its range was greatly reduced, and it could only cover the surrounding area for about a thousand miles.

Even if the sensing tentacles are released, this distance limit cannot be broken.

In addition, the range of domain skills seems to have been forcibly reduced. It can also only cover a thousand miles in radius, which just overlaps with the mental power detection range.

Reducing the scope of mental power exploration greatly increased the danger of this trial.

Thousands of miles away can be crossed in a blink of an eye by a strong Sun god, which means that once two testers meet, as long as one of them wants to fight, they can start fighting in the next second.

There is no time to escape and maneuver.

Sure enough, just like the legend, this secret realm of creation is where the trialists who are forced to enter kill each other.

Su Ze checked his storage ring and found that, as he expected, the flower witch had disappeared.

The flower witch is essentially a witch tribe, a sun god of an intelligent race, so he will be treated as a tester when entering the secret realm of creation.

Fortunately, he used the marking ability of "God's Domain" and the marking ability of "Space Charge" in advance to double mark the flower witch.

Su Ze closed his eyes and felt the mark, and quickly determined the location of the flower witch. It was a bit far away from him, but it would only take a few minutes to fly over at full speed.

The problem is that if you fly at full speed, you may be attacked on the road.

Su Ze tried to use "space charge" to teleport to the flower witch, but unfortunately failed. It seemed to be blocked by the special mist in this secret realm.

This is definitely possible in the outside world. As long as the "space charge" locks on the target, it can teleport there regardless of the distance.

In this special fog, space movement with a range of more than a thousand miles is disabled.

"It seems I can only rush there by myself."

Su Ze covered the maximum distance with his mental power and moved quickly towards the location of the flower witch. Although it was not moving at full speed, it was estimated that it would only be a dozen minutes away.

There are only a few minutes left on the mark on Hua Wu, and he must rush over as soon as possible.

As he walked forward, Su Ze looked at the secret realm of creation.

This secret space has various environmental landforms, sometimes it is mountains and forests, sometimes it is grassland, sometimes it is desert, sometimes it is snow-capped mountains...

It feels very unreal.

It seems that just like the legend, it is a space specially created by the Supreme Creator God.

Su Ze found several tenth-level alien beasts on the way, but most of them were sleeping, and since he deliberately avoided them, no alien beasts attacked him.

The strange beasts here are only tenth level, and every one of them is an ancestral god level strange beast. This is very unreasonable.

Because he didn't sense the evolution materials suitable for him, Su Ze never took action against these strange beasts.

Even if you kill the alien beasts here, you can't take them out, so if you sense that a certain alien beast has materials suitable for you, otherwise there is no point in fighting the alien beasts.

A few minutes later, Su Ze met the first tester in the secret realm. He was a sun god from a powerful fantasy clan.

At the same time that Su Ze's mental power discovered the other party, the other party also discovered Su Ze.

However, Su Ze passed by without causing any trouble, but this behavior was a sign of lack of confidence in the eyes of the Sun God of the Fantasy Clan.

Originally, he hesitated and did not take the initiative to attack Su Ze. It was obvious that Su Ze ran away, so he immediately chased after him.

"Since you rushed to deliver it, I had no choice but to accept it."

Su Ze had no choice but to stop and look back at the Phantom Clan Sun God rushing towards him.

His eyes were slightly dazed, and various illusions appeared in front of him.

What the Phantom Tribe is good at is the interference of illusions. Illusions are layered upon layers. Often when you think you have broken through the illusion, you may just fall into another illusion.

The Phantom Clan will take advantage of this time to harvest the lives of their enemies.

Su Ze was in a trance, with a look of horror on his face, and then punched out, breaking the illusion.

After breaking free from the illusion, he grabbed the Phantom Sun God who was about to sneak attack him, and blasted the opponent's head with one punch.

But I saw the bloody face of the Fantasy Sun God squirming and making a sound: "Guess whether this is true or false?"

Su Ze smiled: "What do you think?"

The Sun God of the Fantasy Clan suddenly sounded frightened: "You...you...where are you!"

There was a crash, a sound similar to the cracking of a mirror, and the world in front of him suddenly shattered. The Sun God of the Fantasy Clan found himself being held in Su Zette's hands like a dead dog.

"No, I should have killed you. How could it be..."

The Sun God of the Fantasy Clan had a look of disbelief on his face.

"There are no multiple illusions, you are just in your dream all the time." Su Ze sneered and started to plunder the sun god of the fantasy tribe.

The other party thought that he had used multiple illusions to deceive him, and then approached him and attacked and killed him. These were just dreams he had weaved for the other party.

Su Ze opened the "Domain of Gods", first plundering the original genes of the fantasy Sun God, and then devouring the opponent's flesh and blood energy to temporarily enhance his own strength.

In this secret realm of creation, you are likely to encounter a siege, so it is necessary to use the effect of the "blood-devouring" skill to increase your own combat power.

Now this strength increase is different from before. There is no need to keep killing people to maintain skills. As long as the field is opened, the strength increase effect can always be maintained.

However, this flesh and blood energy is also constantly being lost, and the amplification effect will also weaken with the passage of energy. If you want to stabilize the effect, you still have to keep killing people.

The last thing is to search for the loot on the opponent.

People who enter this secret realm of creation don't know if they can get out alive, so they don't bring too many things with them, just a few artifacts for daily use and some medicine for healing and recovery.

Su Ze didn't even look at it and collected them all. He probably wouldn't need these things in the secret realm, so he could only keep them for later when he went out and sell them for money.

After quickly cleaning the battlefield, Su Ze continued to approach the flower witch.

It is said that killing people in the secret realm will give you a hidden "lucky bonus", but he only killed one, so he can't tell it for the time being.

Su Ze planned to rendezvous with the Flower Witch first, and then go to kill everyone. Of course, he did not forget that the main purpose of his trip was for the human sun gods trained by the three original tribes.

Halfway through the journey, the mark on the flower witch disappeared. This mark did not last long.

However, Su Ze knew the approximate location, and the flower witch would not move at will, so he only had to follow the direction to find it.

A few minutes later, when Su Ze was less than a thousand miles away from the flower witch, he finally used his mental power to explore the flower witch's location.

However, I also saw a few trialists wandering around the flower witch.

They were three Orc Sun Gods, from different racial branches. One of them had a tiger head and the word "king" between his eyebrows. He was clearly from the Tiger Clan, the royal family of the Beast Clan!

The other two people are also powerful tribes among the beast tribe, one is the "elephant tribe" and the other is the "leopard tribe".

The Elephant Clan and the Leopard Clan are both truly top-notch races, and the Tiger Clan’s natural abilities are said to be close to catching up with the dominant race.

The three orcs obviously made an appointment to enter the secret realm together, and quickly met through a special contact method after entering the secret realm.

These three sun gods did not directly attack the flower witch, but they were quite curious about the flower witch and were chatting with each other.

They were confused by the flower witch and didn't know whether this thing was a spiritual plant or a strange beast.

But whether it is a spiritual plant or a strange beast, there should be no spiritual plant or beast below the tenth level in this secret realm of creation.

But the flower witch's aura was clearly at the Sun God level.

It can't be that this thing is a trialer like them, right?

They had never heard of such a weird intelligent race.

The only people who can enter the Creation Secret Realm from the outside world for trials are the sun-god warriors of the intelligent race, and the beings in the secret realm are all at the tenth-order Ancestral God level without exception.

In their eyes, the flower witch seemed to fit neither of the two.

At this moment, Su Ze appeared. Everyone's mental perception range was the same, so when Su Ze discovered these three orc sun gods, they also discovered Su Ze.

The three orc sun gods looked at each other, and without saying a word, they headed towards Su Ze together.Su Ze is now pretending to be a second-rate race, the Flame Clan, and he is alone. Facing three first-rate powerful tribes, the Sun God, he has no chance of winning.

Entering the secret realm of creation, they are here to kill people. Of course, the three of them will not miss this good opportunity.

Only by killing more people will you be more likely to encounter upgrade materials suitable for you. Otherwise, if you just look around aimlessly, you will probably get nothing until the end of the secret realm.

But high-end hunters often appear in the form of prey.

Not only did the three Orc Sun Gods think this was a good opportunity, Su Ze also felt the same way.

Three at a time, this gift is a bit heavy, he must accept it!

In this year, Su Ze's strength has not stopped improving, and a year ago he was able to easily crush the Japanese geniuses of the dominant race.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the current Su Ze is placed among a group of Sun God testers, he will be like a tiger among sheep.

Although there is a saying that "too many ants kill an elephant", if there are not many, then there must be enough!

Just three sun gods, obviously not too many.

Su Zeshen's domain expanded, surrounding the three sun gods, and exerted gravitational suppression on the three.

The three Orc Sun Gods all have to release their own domain skills, and their domain skills are all ninth level. When domains of the same level collide, it will depend on whose domain skills are of higher quality.

Su Ze is naturally confident in the "God's Domain". Among the ninth-level domain skills, they are definitely powerful. However, the problem is that the opponent is three against one.

So he directly used dreams to interfere with the three of them.

In this secret realm of creation, Su Ze's biggest reliance on using less to fight more is his "dream-making" skill.

As long as he can drag the enemy into a dream, no matter how many people come, he can defeat them all.

"Dream Making" is an ancestral skill, so it is relatively easy to deal with a group of sun gods.

Although other genius sun gods may also master the ancestral skills, generally speaking, sun gods who have mastered the ancestral skills will not enter the secret realm of creation.

For any clan, the sun god who masters the skills of the ancestral god is the perfect offspring of the ancestral god. As long as the clan finds a way to supply enough original genes, it is very likely to become the next ancestral god.

No race would be willing to risk such a seedling of the Ancestral God in the secret realm of creation. If it fell inside, it would be a loss of blood.

Under the interference of Su Ze's dream, the domains of the three orc Sun Gods were released and then retracted.

Among them, the word "king" lit up above the head of the sun god of the tiger tribe, and with a tiger roar he broke free from the control of the dream. He wanted to wake up his two companions, but was smashed into the ground by a star from Su Ze.

Just 2 minutes later...

Su Ze shrunk the realm of gods, and at his feet lay the shriveled corpses of three orc sun gods.

One against three is too easy, and even with this Tiger Clan Sun God, if he spent a little more time, the other two could basically kill him instantly.

In less than 10 minutes after entering the secret realm of creation, he had already killed four sun gods. At this rate, there might not be enough sun gods in the secret realm for him to kill.

Moreover, after devouring the flesh and blood energy of the four sun gods, the increase in his strength cannot be underestimated, and it will be easier for him to snowball behind him.

After packing up the trophies, Su Ze waited there for a while, but no one came.

It seems that the movement of the battle just now was limited by the special thick fog in the secret realm, and did not attract anyone to find out.

He still wanted to wait and kill a few more, but now he could only find the prey by himself.

Su Ze took the flower witch with him, found a random direction, and started looking for his opponent aimlessly.

On the other side, he was also having spiritual communication with the flower witch.

After getting along for such a long time, Su Ze and the flower witch are completely familiar with each other. The flower witch can communicate with Su Ze in a simple way.

Su Ze asked Hua Wu to contribute in the subsequent battle.

This time he entered the Secret Realm of Creation and planned to find some suitable resources for the Flower Witch to speed up its growth.

But if you want to find suitable resources for the Flower Witch, you must also let it get some heads to increase its luck.

He planned to give up a few heads to Hua Wu if conditions allowed.

Although it is said that after killing more than 100 people, each additional person killed can improve the integrity of the original genes of the family, but Su Ze doesn't care much about this.

When he becomes the Ancestral God and has the Leader Buff added to him, he will be able to directly possess the complete original genes of the human race.

Su Ze led the flower witch in one direction for a long time. He didn't know if the lucky points gained by killing four people were added to the dog, but he didn't even meet a single trialist.

As for suitable upgrade materials, of course I haven't encountered them yet.

Instead, he was attacked by a tenth-level strange beast.

Although Su Ze was not afraid of the tenth-level beast, there was no benefit in killing it, so he ran away from the battle.

He suspected that the flower witch had brought bad luck. Ever since he brought the flower witch, his good luck seemed to have disappeared.

Because the scope of exploration is limited, and we don’t know how big this secret space is, we can only find a certain direction and keep walking.

"I promised that killing people would bring me good luck. Where did my luck go?" Su Ze complained in his heart.

Walking aimlessly in this white mist, he was so bored that he felt sleepy.


Suddenly, the flower witch sent a message to Su Ze.

It senses the resources that are right for it!
Within Su Ze's mental field of vision, a huge mushroom exuded terrifying pressure at the level of an ancestral god.

The flower witch felt that the resource suitable for him was the tenth-level mushroom.

"Did all my luck come to you?" Su Ze was speechless. It was Hua Wu who came across the needed resources first, not him who had already taken four heads.

Mushrooms are neither alien beasts nor spiritual plants. They are considered to be fungi-evolved life, which is quite special.

Su Ze also didn't expect that this big mushroom would have evolutionary resources suitable for flower witches.

But think about it, it’s hard to say what species the flower witch belongs to now.

Now that they have met, Su Ze naturally wants to capture it and strengthen the flower witch's combat power.

In the subsequent battle, he also hoped that the flower witch could help.

The combat power of the ancestor god-level beings of non-intelligent races is inferior to that of the weakest ancestor god of the intelligent race, and is far inferior to the ancestor god Zuka of the Nian clan who was killed by Su Ze.

Since Su Ze can kill Zuka, he will have no problem dealing with this tenth-level giant mushroom.

He asked the flower witch to assist him... Actually, he didn't need it, but he still needed to properly train the flower witch's fighting ability when he had the chance.

He himself rushed forward to fight the big mushroom.

You don't need to think about it to know that this big mushroom is definitely not good at melee combat. There is a high probability that it will use either energy attacks or mental attacks.

For this kind of opponent, Su Ze has experience. He uses the "Dream Making" skill to manifest the ancestral god-level forbidden demon realm, weakening [-]% of his combat power in minutes.

This was the trick he used against Zuka Zu God.

The key is that Zukazu God can still run. Of course, this tenth-level big mushroom also has the ability to move, but without the assistance of energy skills, its moving speed is a bit anxious.

Just relying on his strong vitality, he spent more than ten minutes with Su Ze, and finally Su Ze lifted the umbrella.

The flower witch directly absorbed the evolutionary material of the big mushroom and actually gained a new skill!
The Flower Witch is very special. It has nine skill columns, but the skills in six of them can only be obtained through self-awakening. Only the skills in three skill columns can be obtained by absorbing evolutionary substances.

It was born as a sun god, so logically it should be able to directly obtain the ancestral divine skills, but in reality the upper limit of these three skill columns is the ninth level divine skill.

Probably the rules of the universe do not allow such a buggy race to exist. If you are born, you can obtain the ancestral skills, which is equivalent to getting a direct ticket to the ancestral gods in advance.

However, the upper limit of these three skill columns is the ninth-level divine skill, but it does not mean that the flower witch cannot absorb the ancestral divine skill.

For example, now, the skill that the flower witch obtained from the tenth-level mushroom is called "Soul Toxin". It is a real ancestral skill. However, after the flower witch obtained it, the skill level was suppressed to the ninth level.

Maybe after it evolves into the Ancestral God, this skill can be naturally upgraded to the Ancestral God Skill.

It can also choose the same method as other Sun Gods, through skill fusion or absorption of material upgrades, to upgrade this skill to level ten in advance.

The new skill "Soul Poison" obtained by the Flower Witch is a good skill. It can poison through mental attacks, and it is a toxin that directly targets the enemy's soul. It can quickly corrode the target's soul. If not dealt with in time, the soul will rot and die directly.

From then on, the Flower Witch was no longer an empty shell of a sun god without corresponding attack methods. (End of chapter)

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