Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 428 Familiar Artifact

When Su Ze discovered the two warring parties, the trialists of the Universe Alliance and the Saint Tribe also discovered him.

However, no one cared. At this time, they had no time to care about Su Ze and the two kittens. They only regarded Su Ze as a tester who was passively attracted to watch the excitement.

A mere two or three testers would have little impact on the situation on the field.

Su Ze asked Li Cuihua to add all kinds of buffs to him, and he took the lead and rushed forward.

Every second of delay may lead to the loss of one head, but there is no need to delay.

"Stop, you guys stop! Don't fight anymore!"

Su Ze shouted, and everyone heard it, but no one paid him any attention.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with him.

Who are you?Just stop if you say stop?

If I stop but the other side doesn’t stop, won’t I suffer a loss?
Seeing that a Cosmic Alliance trialist was about to be killed by a Holy Tribe Sun God, Su Ze flashed over and smashed the Saint Trial Trial's head with one punch.

Then he grabbed the opponent's body and directly plundered the original genes.

The trialists on the Saint side of the camp were filled with joy.

Xindao, is this person from the Universe Alliance camp?What a strong strength!

But the next moment, Su Ze conveniently beat the Sun God of the Universe Alliance to death and plundered it together.

The flesh and blood energy of the two people was swallowed by him, and as the "God's Domain" opened, his strength increased.

The testers in the Saint camp were all startled. It seemed that they had guessed wrong. Su Ze was not from the Universe Alliance.

And the Universe Alliance also reacted...

A third party force has come to co-author again!

Moreover, this third party seems to have a few people.

Su Ze was alone at the moment, and the flower witch was taken into the space prop by him. After Li Cuihua added the buff to him, she looked at him from a distance and did not get closer.

At this time, the trialists from the Universe Alliance and the Saints camp were all angered.

Su Ze is too arrogant!

A person who dares to get involved in the battle between their two camps is too arrogant.

And when they came up, they killed one person from each camp.

No matter how strong you are, can you defeat one against a hundred?

The leader of the Saint Tribe and the leaders of the Universe Alliance looked at each other, and the two sides instantly reached a consensus - kill Su Ze first!

A group of people turned their guns on Su Ze and blocked him with overwhelming attacks.

Su Ze showed a pleased smile... Look, he really resolved the conflict between the two parties and united the two parties to deal with the outside world.

Su Ze fired his "strongest blow" and blasted the two enemies closest to him into pieces. Then he used the "Dream Making" skill to spread out the tenth-level "God's Domain", covering everything on the field. people.

"Force Field!"

The invisible gravity formed a copper wall and iron wall, dragging all the attacks towards Su Ze and smashing them back.

Only the mental attack was not controlled by gravity and still fell on Su Ze.

However, Su Ze had already activated the state of body-spirit unity, and his body and soul shared the damage. In addition, his soul was already powerful, and with Li Cuihua's blessing, these mental attacks were similar to tickling him.

Even the mental retaliation effect that comes with the state of body-spiritual unity, the retaliation damage was returned one by one, causing several people to faint.

Before entering the Creation Secret Realm, although Su Ze could compete with the weak ancestor gods, he was not so invincible. Faced with the siege of so many sun gods, especially the elite sun gods from strong clans, he would definitely not be able to withstand them.

But after many promotions in the Secret Realm of Creation, he has truly reached a level above the Sun Gods of the same level, crushing them.

This gap is already difficult to fill with numbers. No matter how many Suns there are, it will be difficult for them to pose a threat to Su Ze.

Unless there are many top sun gods who have mastered the ancestral skills.

But obviously, there is no such existence among these people.

It has only been a month since the Creation Secret Realm was opened. It is estimated that no one except Su Ze has obtained the ancestral skills from it.

At this moment, all the testers' expressions changed. More than 100 sun gods joined forces to attack Su Ze, but they were all blocked by him without causing any harm to him!

This is a bit outrageous.

Su Ze was not polite to them. There were more than 100 people. It would take a long time to kill each one with one punch. He had to hurry up.

The weapon in Su Ze's left hand turned into a sword, and the forbidden sword in his right hand condensed. Both swords came out and started to cut the grass.

Naturally, these trialists would not sit still and wait for death, but resisted and fought back one after another.

But Su Ze activated his "sponge body", expanded his body, and transformed into a giant. Normal attacks that landed on him were like rocks and were absorbed by him.

If he felt threatened by some powerful attacks, he would use gravity to block or dodge them.

Some rules-based attacks were killed by him with one strike of the forbidden sword.

Su Ze entered an uninhabited land and started harvesting heads like crazy.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten testers were killed.

At this time, the twenty or so Saint Sun Gods finally took action. They looked solemn and felt that Su Ze was difficult to deal with, so more than 20 people surrounded him.

The Saint race is known as the race with the strongest physical talent in the universe.

Su Ze also wanted to try the power of the strongest body, so when facing the saints, he did not use his skills and chose to fight directly.

Su Ze knocked back a Saint Sun God with one punch. The Saint Sun God vomited blood and half of the bones in his body were almost shattered.

Although the powerful self-healing ability was quickly repairing his body, looking at Su Ze who was unharmed, it was clear who was stronger and weaker.

Seeing that Su Ze actually defeated a saint with pure physical strength, the surrounding testers, especially other saints, felt unbelievable.

Those saint race trialists felt that the pride and dignity of their race had been trampled on.

You can defeat a saint, but you cannot defeat a saint purely by relying on physical strength. That would be even more uncomfortable than killing them.

"What race are you from!" A saint shouted angrily.

Su Ze showed himself to be a second-rate Yan tribe, but at this point, if anyone still believed that he was a Yan tribe, that would be silly.

It is impossible for the Yan tribe to have such combat power, and Su Ze did not use the fire element power that the Yan tribe is best at from the beginning to the end.

Su Ze ignored it. He was not interested in talking to the dying person. In his eyes, everyone around him would become his lucky value.

He just had a fist fight with the Saint Sun God. Although he won, he could faintly feel something unusual about the Saint's body.

In order to verify his guess, he used gravity to try to pull the Saint Sun God.

But as soon as his gravitational force touched the opponent's body surface, he was easily punched away by the opponent.

The Sun God of the Saint Clan sneered: "My Saint Clan's law-breaking body is not afraid of your trivial skills." Sure enough, Su Ze guessed right. The Saint Clan can become the dominant race by relying solely on the strength of the body, so it must have its faults. A place for people.

The physical body of the saint has its own "law-breaking body" effect. Similar to Su Ze's forbidden sword, the physical body has the ability to break the rules.

Su Ze had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the five overlord races, the Wu Clan, the Aboriginal Clan, and the Saint Clan. As expected, none of them were simple.

The talents are frighteningly strong.

Su Ze took action directly in the next second, and various attacks exploded together, including the energy absorbed by the "sponge body" before was also released.

This explosion hit the group of saint trialists closest to him.

The saints have law-breaking bodies, and the law does not touch them. Once they want to run away, it is difficult to leave them behind. Once they escape in this secret space that limits the detection distance, there is nowhere to track them.

Therefore, Su Ze wanted to keep all these saints as soon as possible.

At this moment, the twenty or so saint clan warriors around were caught off guard, and they were all hit. The unlucky ones were directly seriously injured, and the luckier ones were slightly injured and could not escape.

Su Ze held two swords and killed them. The two swords instantly crushed four or five holy sun gods.

The other saint trialists fled one after another, and Su Ze teleported to catch up with them, slashing them down one after another with a sword.

A few of those who ran the farthest were froze in place under the dual influence of direct dream interference and the mental attack of the flower witch.

When Su Ze teleported over, he raised his sword and dropped it, his body being crushed into pieces.

For sun gods of other races, even if their bodies are shattered, it is not a fatal injury.

But for the saints, the physical body is their foundation. This is their strongest point and also their weakest point. If the physical body is destroyed, there will be no way to survive.

Su Ze used his evolutionary sensing ability to quickly identify the bodies, and the corpses that were useful to him were directly carried over by gravity and quickly plundered.

If it is of no use to him, throw it into the space props and let the flower witch absorb it.

Even if the physical body is shattered, the original genes and evolutionary materials are still there and can still be plundered.

The flesh and blood energy is directly absorbed by the "God's Domain".

In fact, even if the physical body is directly evaporated, the original genes and evolutionary materials will still remain for a while and can be directly plundered and absorbed.

In just a few moments, Su Ze killed all twenty saint sun gods.

When the other remaining trialists saw this scene, they were so frightened that they dared to confront Su Ze and fled away one by one.

But Su Ze was not afraid of them escaping, as the realm of God always enveloped them.

Under the restriction of gravity, everyone was held in place, unable to move even an inch.

Some were strong enough to bear the pressure of gravity and move forward with heavy loads, but they were pulled back to the original place by a gravitational chain before they could go far.

It is difficult for them to resist the tenth-level "God's Domain".

Only a very small number of geniuses from all races, or those who have the means to resist gravity, are not controlled by gravity and can escape quickly.

However, they became Su Ze's first targets.

He teleported over and killed them all with just a few swords.

There were originally about 110 trialists in total, but now when I counted them, I found that there were only more than 70 people left.

He has killed more than 30 people.

The rest of them also had despairing looks on their faces at this time. They didn't expect that Su Ze could really fight one against a hundred!
Moreover, more than 100 of them were left unable to fight back, and now they can only become lambs to be slaughtered.

Naturally, Su Ze would not show mercy, and what followed was a mechanically repetitive and boring killing time.

A few minutes later, Su Ze took back the God's Domain. The battlefield had been cleaned, and there was nothing but shriveled corpses on the ground.

Li Cuihua came closer timidly and glanced at Su Ze fearfully. The scene of Su Ze's massacre just now shocked her, a sun god who grew up in a greenhouse.

"For you." Su Ze threw over a few corpses that neither he nor Hua Wu needed.

Li Cuihua's face showed joy, and she immediately put her fear of Su Ze behind. This was not the first time she had plundered and absorbed the original genes. Every time her strength improved, she felt extremely wonderful.

Su Ze and Hua Wu also seized the time to absorb and plunder the original genes.

After death for a certain period of time, the original gene will dissipate, so it must be absorbed as soon as possible.

Su Ze also conveniently fed all the flesh and blood energy of more than 100 sun gods to the weapon species, making it take another big step towards the ancestral artifact.

After the three of them finished plundering their original genes, they waited for a while and saw no one coming, then left the battlefield.

As for the treasures behind the more than 100 trialists, Su Ze had naturally looted them long ago.

After this battle, his head count has reached more than 400!

The hidden luck value is greatly increased, and it will be easier to "pick up treasures" later.

The number of original genes exceeds [-]!
Among them, more than 50 have a completeness of [-]%.

There were countless artifacts, various medicines, and countless harvests. Su Ze was going to find a quieter place to take stock.

It seemed that the two groups just met just after the secret space had shrunk, and that's when the conflict broke out.

The two gangs were just trying to fight each other, not thinking that one of them could devour the other, but who knew that Su Ze would be lured over and he would eat them all at once.

The shrinking of the secret realm has caused more than just this wave of battles, and battles are also breaking out in other places at this time.

Su Ze walked around and found no other trialists for the time being, so he had to stop and count the harvest first.

Since entering the secret realm, he has killed more than 400 trialists and harvested hundreds of various artifacts!
Among them, there are more than 400 ninth-level artifacts and more than 200 eighth-level artifacts.

When entering the Secret Realm of Creation, you can't bring anything else with you unless you can, but you must bring the artifact you have.

Therefore, everyone basically has a ninth-level artifact. Because the eighth-level artifact has little effect, they carry less of it. They are basically functional artifacts.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't carry the ancestral artifacts in the Secret Realm of Creation, Su Ze might have been able to capture some ancestral artifacts.

As for all the other messy drugs, Su Ze couldn't count them all, and he couldn't figure out the functions of many of them.

These medicines can only be thrown back to the Pope and Liu Wenyin to identify them, keeping the useful ones and selling the useless ones.

As for these massive ninth-level artifacts, they are an astonishing wealth.

As Ze Xing was not short of money for the time being, Su Ze did not plan to sell it. Later, more Ze Xing and Moon God experts would have a ninth-level artifact.

However, among these artifacts, Su Ze discovered a familiar artifact.

The ninth-level artifact, the Dimensional Ring!
Isn't this the bloodline artifact he auctioned off in the Eldar public star field?

Back then, he killed two sons of the Dou Clan's Ancestral God and obtained two artifacts with the bloodline of the Dou Clan's Daman Ancestral God. One of them was absorbed by him, but the Ancestral God's blood was left behind. He took the Ancestral God's blood and the Ring of Dimension together. Auctioned.

The final buyer was none other than the Holy Clan.

Who would have thought that after going around in circles, the Ring of Yuan would be back in his hands this time.

Obviously, this was brought in by a certain Saint Trial Trialist. (End of chapter)

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