Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 431 Floods and Beasts

Su Ze killed five of his men in one fell swoop, attracting a lot of attention from those around him.

"They want to escape." Su Ze explained with a grin.

We also want to escape... Many of the people around us were forcibly recruited into the army, and they all want to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

Unexpectedly, before setting off, five people were killed for escaping.

But what shocked them even more was Su Ze's strength. He could kill five powerful men of the same level with one strike. Even the overlord race couldn't do that, right?
For a moment, everyone around him looked at Su Ze with fear and apprehension. No one dared to run away, for fear of becoming the next person to be killed.

"Good job!"

"These guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death should be killed!"

The two Nian clan sun gods immediately flattered him. They had seen a little bit of Su Ze's strength and knew that Su Ze was quite strong, but they didn't know that he was so strong.

Su Ze ignored the two of them, looked around and ordered: "Everyone gather in one place and move forward. Let's see who dares to escape!"

He wanted everyone in the third echelon to gather together to prevent anyone from running away, making it difficult for him to chase them down.

The two Nian Clan Sun Gods were stunned. Seeing that Su Ze was acting like this, he wanted to seize the command of the third echelon. However, the position given to Su Ze by the Wu Clan was only that of squad leader. Was he trying to take the position?
It stands to reason that the two of them should take over the command at this time. After all, they are the confidants of the Wu clan. This third echelon is basically a miscellaneous force recruited by force. The two Nian clan should be regarded as the highest status. .

But the two Nian clan sun gods glanced at Su Ze and didn't dare to say anything.

If Su Ze wants the command, just give it to him. Anyway, he has good intentions to prevent anyone from escaping... The two comforted themselves.

Following Su Ze's order, the surrounding miscellaneous troops did not dare to say anything because of Su Ze's power, and moved closer to one place.

But at this moment, several people suddenly flew out, trying to escape.

This may indeed be the last chance to escape. Once concentrated, under Su Ze's surveillance, it will be difficult to escape from the large army.

Su Ze was well prepared. The tenth-level "God's Realm" manifested through the dream suddenly opened, covering all the people around him. Those who wanted to escape were also pulled back by the gravitational chain.

The escapees were caught, and Su Ze killed them on the spot without hesitation and plundered them.

The treasures on several people's bodies were also put away directly by Su Ze.

At this time, everyone saw that something was wrong.

It felt like Su Ze was looking for trouble to kill people, and the purpose seemed to be for the original genes, heads, and the treasures on everyone's body.

The five people had attacked Su Ze before, and it was reasonable for Su Ze to kill them. Now these people were just running away, and Su Ze had already controlled them and prevented their escape.

The next normal approach should be to leave it to the three overlord races.

But everyone thought it was normal. If they had Su Ze's strength, they would do the same thing.

Who enters the secret realm of creation, not for the chance of the ancestor god?
If you have the chance, of course you should kill more people and gain more benefits.

At the moment, they did not have the strength or courage to resist Su Ze, so they could only cheer up one by one and prepare to act in full compliance with Su Ze's orders and never give Su Ze any leverage.

The result can be...

Su Ze saw that everyone was gathered in one place, and the God's Domain had no intention of taking it back. He raised his hand and fired the "strongest blow"!
He did not use the locking and ignoring defense effects of the "weakness attack", but directly extracted the various energies in the "strongest blow" magazine space and exploded into a blow of mixed energy.

Wind, fire, lightning, light and darkness, curses...all kinds of energy are intertwined, and the terrifying energy fluctuations that erupt are enough to destroy a small galaxy.

Everyone's faces showed astonishment, they couldn't believe that Su Ze would kill them directly.

This man who spoke righteously and shouted "how dare you rebel" one moment, rebelled the next moment?

So you don't even have to make an excuse to kill them?

They guessed wrong. They thought Su Ze would find some excuse to kill them, but in the end, Su Ze didn't need to find any excuse at all.

Just trick them into one place so they can be killed easily.

They wanted to escape, but it was already too late. The gravitational restraint of the tenth-level "God's Domain" forced them to wait for death.

The two Nian sun gods had faces full of despair and regret. What kind of monster did they bring back?

There was a loud noise, and the sky collapsed. If it were not for the secret space, the destructive power caused by this blow would be unimaginable.

The secret space is extremely stable, which reduces the damage to the terrain environment.

However, the group of testers from all races, who withstood this blow head-on, had no bones left.

Only a few who have the means to resurrect are in the process of being resurrected.

Su Ze strolled up to the newly resurrected trialists and casually touched up his wounds.

This third echelon was mainly composed of trialists from various second- and third-rate races. The human race was over seventy, and all of them were killed by Su Ze in an instant.

Most of the space props on them were blown up, and various artifacts were scattered on the ground.

Su Ze waved his hand, and gravity sent all the artifacts to him, and he put them away.

The flesh and blood energy from the death of more than 70 sun gods all poured into Su Ze's body, maximizing the increase in combat power.

Su Ze sucked water like a long whale, took a deep breath, and extracted and absorbed the evolutionary matter and original genes floating in the field.

The parts he didn't need were given directly to Hua Wu and Li Cuihua.

With such a big movement, even though the first and second echelons in front were already more than a thousand miles away from the third echelon, exceeding the limit of mental detection, they still noticed anomalies in the rear.

It's just that they have already handed it over before, and no one has come back to check the situation for the time being.

In the hearts of the three dominant races such as the Wu Clan, they did not pay attention to the miscellaneous troops in the third echelon. They had already planned to kill the donkeys in their hearts. They planned to kill these miscellaneous troops after the original tribe was dealt with. Brush your luck.

It's a pity that Su Ze got there first.

After hastily collecting the loot, Su Ze expanded his body and turned into a liquid, rushing toward the battlefield ahead like a torrential river.

His current extreme size has turned into a liquid state, which is completely comparable to the sea, and even vaster than the sea. The rolling water covers the sky and the sun, and instantly submerges the battlefields of the Wu Clan, Pan Clan, Spirit Clan, and Yuan Clan.

Faced with the menacing torrent, everyone had to temporarily stop fighting and use various means to resist and prevent the torrent from approaching.

However, not everyone has this strength. Except for the trialists of the overlord race, everyone else was almost defeated by Su Ze's attack. They tried every means but were defeated by the torrent, and were finally submerged in the flood. In the blink of an eye, they were destroyed. It was swallowed up and completely silent.This round of erosion directly caused Su Ze's number of kills to exceed [-] and continue to climb towards [-].

A cry of surprise suddenly came from behind the original tribe.

When the leader of the original trialists saw the situation behind them, his eyes were splitting. Their last remaining human sun god also died in the torrent impact just now!
The torrent was so fierce that everyone could only protect themselves for the first time. However, the human sun god was trained by them to have almost no fighting power. He had no means of self-protection and died miserably in an instant.

This means that their original tribe mobilized troops and sent 50 sun gods to carry out the mission. After more than [-] sun gods died, it completely failed.

They gave up their chance to become ancestral gods, and their original tribe's thousand-year management and investment of countless resources were all in vain.

The people of the Wu Clan, the Pan Clan, and the Spirit Clan, after confirming that the human race trialer was dead, felt relieved. No matter what, they could not let the leader of the human race fall into the hands of the original race.

They also changed their faces very quickly. Since the threat has been eradicated, and the four overlord races present now, their subjects have almost died under the impact of the torrent. There is not much difference in strength between them. At this time, they There is no need to fight for life or death.

On the contrary, they now have a common enemy, which is this strange torrent.

The leader of the Wu clan directly sent a message: "Everyone, since the human trialer is dead, there is no need for us to continue fighting until both sides are injured. Let's stop here and deal with this flood together."

The leader of the Pan tribe made a loud sound and said: "This is how it should be."

The Spirit Tribe said: "There is no problem in joining forces, but the original tribe will have to hand over the humans they control in the future. It is up to the four of us to jointly cultivate and compete together."

Even now, it still wants to get some of the human race from the original race.

The leader of the original tribe snorted coldly. Although he felt unhappy, he also knew that it would be wise to join forces at this time. He said: "I don't have the final say in the affairs of the tribe. What I can make the decision is to share with you some information about the human race. intelligence."

The leader of the Spirit Clan did not expect him to take charge of this matter. This was a matter that only the senior leaders of their clans were qualified to make decisions on, so they did not raise any further objections.

The four families agreed in an instant to join forces to fight the flood.

While they were discussing, Su Ze took the time to absorb the trialists who were swallowed up by the torrent he transformed, and absorbed all the original genes he needed.

The testers of the four overlord races all withstood the impact of the first wave of the torrent, and many even managed to do so with ease.

At this time, they were already fighting back, using various means to attack the surrounding floods.

Su Ze quietly opened the "sponge body" to absorb all kinds of attacks, and was preparing a second wave of offensive.

The leader of the Wu clan said solemnly: "This flood is very unusual. I sensed a powerful soul body in it... It's not very strong. It's about the same as me. This means that all the floods may be one and the same." The body of a living being.”

His words shocked the others.

This boundless flood is actually a single life form?
They thought they were being attacked by some strange social life.

The leader of the Spirit Tribe also testified: "Yes, I tried to control this water, but failed. These water flows are integrated and alive."

The Eldar have absolute control over the elements and can gain insight into more information about elemental energy.

The leader of the Wu Clan added: "Judging from the soul aura, although his soul is powerful, like me, it has not reached the level of the Ancestral God. This means that he is probably not a life in the secret realm, but a trialer like us. .”

"How is it possible!" Many people couldn't believe it and couldn't imagine that there would be such a powerful trialer.

The leader of the aboriginal clan's eyes flickered: "What you said reminds me of a guy. More than 50 sun gods from our aboriginal clan died in his hands..."

Before he finished speaking, the sky and the earth suddenly changed, the stars moved, and the earth rumbled.

This is... the secret realm has shrunk again!
Su Ze killed more than 100 people in that moment, causing the number of trialists to directly reach the standard for the next contraction of the secret realm.

The contraction of the secret realm is not completed instantly, there is a process.

Su Ze did not wait for the contraction of the secret realm to be completed, but directly attacked the remaining overlord race trialists.

These overlord race trialists continued to attack Su Ze's liquid body, causing Su Ze's body to lose a lot, but they also accumulated a lot of energy for Su Ze.

Su Ze directly detonated the energy and released it all at once, causing many testers of the four overlord races to feel tremendous pressure.

They quickly gathered together to resist.

The Pan Clan is famous for its defense, and its defense is the most astonishing. The Pan Clan formed an iron wall and withstood this round of elemental explosions, and also blocked this round of attacks for the Yuan Clan and the Wu Clan.

The Eldar also seemed to be able to do it with ease. It was not that they had strong defenses, but that they had a special physique that was almost immune to energy attacks.

After withstanding the attack, they began to counterattack frantically, using various means to quickly evaporate Su Ze's liquid body.

The Wu Clan tried to launch spiritual attacks on Su Ze, but they were all resisted by the combination of Su Ze's spirit and body, and even triggered the counter-injury effect, causing the Wu Clan to no longer dare to use their best spiritual attack.

Su Ze's thoughts whirled and he quickly analyzed that the one who threatened him the most now was the Spirit Tribe. Various elemental energy attacks were so powerful and wide-ranging that even his "sponge body" skill could not fully absorb them, constantly draining his body.

Next is the primitive tribe. In terms of energy attack, they are not as good as the spirit tribe, but they are not weak either.

The Pan clan has strong defense but slightly lower output.

The Witch Clan is the weirdest, but it poses the least threat to Su Ze. It seems that he has always restrained his spiritual opponents.

The first thing to be eradicated now should be the Spirit Clan, but the Pan Clan will provide protection for the Spirit Clan, so to kill the Spirit Clan, you must first break through the Pan Clan's strongest shield.

In fact, Su Ze could also go directly to the "Forbidden Demon Realm" and abolish the output ability of the Spirit Clan, but in that case, the skills of the two fields would not be superimposed, and his own "God Realm" would also be forced to close.

When the God's Domain is closed, he will lose considerable increase in strength, and lose flesh and blood energy to repair his body.

So Su Ze chose to break through the Pan clan's defense head-on.

The fight just now made Su Ze vaguely understand the reason for the strong defense of the Pan clan.

As mineral beings of the Pan tribe, their bodies are entirely composed of special minerals, which are called the hardest material in the universe.

And Su Ze noticed a hint of rules in it.

Their bodies have their own rules, and these rules are "unbreakable"!
Regardless of whether you attack physically or with energy, he relies on rules to resist.

If you want to break through the Pan clan's defense, you must break the rules.

But this cannot be done with the ninth-level "Breaking Sword". (End of chapter)

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