Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 455: Chaos in the Universe

When Su Ze saw Brother Ya who had become the ancestral god, he also sighed in his heart and said with a smile:

"I have prepared a big gift for you."

After that, he gave the top ancestor gods he captured this time to Brother Ya.

With these top ancestral gods for Brother Ya to plunder, Brother Ya will soon catch up in strength and become a top ancestral god.

It will also be a big help to Su Ze at that time.

Brother Ya was also excited, not because he was happy that he had finally become an ancestral god, but because he was happy that he could finally help Su Ze.

He was chasing after Su Ze, just to do his part and not wanting Su Ze to fight alone.

He often thinks of the day when he and Su Ze first met. He was just a frustrated little anchor, and Su Ze had just completed his first evolution at that time, and his strength was not as good as him.

In the blink of an eye, they have become the top figures of the human race and the pillars of the human race.

Brother Ya looked back at his past of just a few decades. His destiny began to change from the moment he met Su Ze, and the curve of his destiny spiraled upward.

Following Su Ze, he became famous, took revenge, had a "family", and walked step by step to where he is today. Because of this, he always had a gratitude to Su Ze that was more than friendship.

"Boss, I will be able to help you soon!" Brother Ya was full of fighting spirit and grinned.

No, you can't... Su Ze has managed all the major clans in the universe to be submissive this time. No one should dare to provoke him in a short time. If anyone does, it will only be that old guy.

His current opponents are all semi-supreme strongmen, and they are veteran semi-supremes like the leaders of the overlord race. Ordinary semi-supremes are no longer qualified to be his opponents.

Even if Brother Ya becomes the top ancestor god, it is obviously impossible for him to participate in a battle of this level.

However, Su Ze didn't have the nerve to hit Brother Ya, so he patted Brother Ya on the shoulder: "Come on!"

Brother Ya was encouraged until a few days later, the news that Su Ze played with the semi-supremes of all races and destroyed the six major star regions of the Spirit Tribe, the Witch Tribe, and the Orc Tribe came back to Ze Xing...

Brother Ya could only sigh tiredly. It was too difficult to catch up with Su Ze.

Because Ze Xing is now in a closed dream space and isolated from the outside world, he is slow to receive news from the outside world. The outside world has already spread crazy news, and it took several days for someone to bring Ze Xing back.

This was because Lin Hua and others would go out to purchase supplies every once in a while, so they heard the news.

This is troublesome news for all races in the universe, but exciting news for the human race.

For a time, the entire Zexing was praising their leader's legendary achievements.


Brother Ya, Li Cuihua, Flower Witch, Tree Spirit Limu, plus Su Ze, there are currently five ancestor gods in the human camp.

And three of them are the ancestral gods of the human race. The human race is finally not that declining race that will be exterminated at any time.

For this reason, a big banquet was held on Zexing, and the whole family celebrated together.

Celebrating the birth of several new ancestor gods is also a celebration of the prosperity of the human race.

After Su Ze celebrated, he did not immediately leave Zexing to go out to make trouble. He knew that he had made such a big noise this time, and now was the time when all races were most vigilant.

It is difficult to win against a large clan, but there is little gain in attacking a small clan, and it is meaningless.

He now has seven thousand complete origin genes. He has collected all the origin genes of the Pan Clan, Wu Clan, Saint Clan, and Spirit Clan. In addition, he has also collected most of the origin genes of each first-class powerful clan.

This means that it will be very difficult to continue to improve personal strength now.

He has collected the original genes of most races, but there are still some scattered small tribes that he doesn't bother to touch.

There are only one or two ancestral gods among the universal tribes of the fourth-rate races. If you want to obtain the complete original genes, you almost have to exterminate them.

And the ancestor gods of these fourth-rate races are well hidden. For example, the ancestor gods of the Bag tribe don't even know where they are in the universe.

The third-rate races are similar. The number of ancestor gods in the race may be slightly more, but there are only one or two ancestor gods with complete original genes of the race, and they don't know where they are hiding now.

But speaking of it, Su Ze has not collected all the original genes of the original tribe.

The original race has the largest number of original genes, with about a thousand genes. Su Ze has collected five or six hundred genes from other ancestor gods, and nearly half of them have not been collected yet.

If we can find an opportunity to plunder a top ancestor god of the original tribe, his strength should be greatly improved.

However, the original tribe had always been cautious and did not give Su Ze this opportunity.

For example, this time, the other four families of the overlord race all took action against Su Ze, but the original tribe only stood still, which also gave Su Ze no chance to sneak attack on the original tribe.

In the short term, if you want to continue to rapidly improve your own strength, besides attacking the original tribes, there is only one way, and that is to launch a war of genocide against other races!

Destroying other races, plundering the leaders of other races, and annexing the original genes of other races can also quickly increase the strength, but the prerequisite is that it must target larger races.

Yuan Sheng, the leader of the original tribe, does not have the ancestors of the clan such as the Witch Ancestor and the Holy Ancestor. The number of original genes is not really much greater than that of the Witch Ancestor and others, but his strength can slightly suppress the Witch Ancestor and others.

This is because the original genes of the original tribe are powerful, and their original genes contain the original genes of thousands of other races.

Assume that the original saint and the witch ancestor both have eight thousand origin genes. They are both race leaders and have the blessing of the leader buff. However, the original leader BUff with a thousand origin genes is definitely better than the witch who only has seven or eight hundred origin genes. The Clan Leader Buff is powerful.

When two people have the same number of original genes, the leader Buff can widen the gap in strength.

If Su Ze can annex other races, even those he has already plundered, it will also enhance his leader Buff.

The human race is at a disadvantage compared to the overlord race in terms of leader buff. The number of genes contained in the human race's original genes is about 500, which may be a little lower than the Pan race, which is the weakest among the overlord races.

Compared with the original tribe, the gap is even greater.

“If you want to exterminate the clan, it will be difficult to destroy the small clan but the harvest will be small. It will be too difficult to destroy the big clan. The big clan is powerful and has many ancestors.

"But if you want to take action against the original tribe, the original saint has been guarding the original tribe. If you attack by force, the pressure will not be small."

After thinking about it, Su Ze decided to stay in Zexing for the time being and watch the situation and look for opportunities.

But of course he was not idle. He used this time to continue integrating skills.

This time the fusion is the "Forbidden Breaking Weapon" skill.

The "Forbidden Breaking Weapon" skill is an ancestral skill that was upgraded after absorbing the weapon type. It has ever-changing functions and can be transformed into any weapon. It has some similarities with the effects of dreams. This time the fusion was no more difficult than the last time, and after incorporating "Meteor Impact", the "Dream Making" skill was improved in all aspects, and the effect of time acceleration was stronger, so it only took more than half a year this time. The skill fusion is completed.

After the fusion, the "dream creation" skill also has the effect of breaking rules, and it is no longer rigidly adhered to the form. There is no need to gather weapons to break the rules. The rules can be broken within the coverage of the dream.

Regardless of the form, only the personality is concerned. Unless the personality is higher than the "dream creation" skill, the rules can be offset.

After the fusion was completed, the level of the "Dream Making" skill was faintly improved, and the power in all aspects was once again enhanced.

Su Ze used several ancestral gods under his control to go undercover. While in seclusion, he was always aware of changes in the outside world.

During the more than half a year that he was in seclusion, many changes occurred in the universe.

As he expected, all the races in the universe did become more united under the pressure he put on them, but that was not always the case.

In the first half year of Su Ze's retreat, the connections between the major forces had indeed become closer.

In the past, only the four major overlord races cooperated with the Universe Alliance, and the original tribe had always been excluded, but this time even the original tribe wanted to participate.

The Pan Clan and the Saint Clan actually formed an alliance and moved their home stars to two adjacent star fields to help each other.

A big reason why these two families can form an alliance is that they can't do anything to each other.

The Pan Clan is indestructible, but their output is weak. The Saint Clan is physically powerful, but they can't break the stinky stone of the Pan Clan.

Both tribes pose no threat to each other, so they can form an alliance with confidence.

The Wu Clan even called on the entire universe to involve the ancestral gods of all races, large and small, to form a temporary "anti-humanity alliance". All races would fight against the human race, and first eliminate the unstable factor of the human race, and restore peace to the universe.

However, only the big clans responded. The small clans did not want to become cannon fodder pawns. They just wanted to hide and wait until the big clans finished fighting before coming out.

It's a pity that such unity among the big clans only lasted for half a year. In recent months, drastic changes have occurred within the Universe Alliance!

Several races with semi-supreme experts reached a tacit understanding, and at the same time they took action against other first-class powerful races that did not have semi-supreme experts.

Launching a war of genocide within the alliance and stabbing allies in the back is not unkind.

However, those first-class powerful clans that lacked semi-supreme experts were not defenseless. Most of them had taken some precautionary measures, such as arranging for several ancestor gods to hide in advance.

In the end, the six first-class races in the Universe Alliance were eliminated, but of these six, only two were exterminated, and four still had their ancestors absconding.

Among the two families that were exterminated, one was from the Hui clan.

The Hui tribe was also unlucky. There was originally a semi-supreme leader in charge and there was no danger of annihilation, so they did not make preparations.

By the time Huiyang was killed by Su Ze, it was already too late to make preparations and he had already been targeted.

In the end, there were only eight races left in the Universe Alliance, and these eight races had semi-supreme experts in charge.

Among them, the Huan tribe became the biggest winner, annexing the Hui tribe. The number of original genes directly exceeded 500, and they became the new overlord race!

Although the other races did not become the dominant race, they destroyed a large number of ancestor gods of the six first-class races, which greatly enhanced the overall strength of each race and created several more top ancestor gods.

Not only the Universe Alliance, but the overlord race is also doing this kind of thing quietly. They are attacking their own subjects!

Those subjects of the overlord race are actually old scalpers raised by the overlord race. They usually instruct them to work, and when necessary, they are directly killed for meat.

Now all the major clans are frantically improving their strength. It is a good time to "slaughter the cow". Everyone can see that the universe is about to be in chaos. If you want to be the final winner in this chaos, you must make yourself as powerful as possible.

If you hesitate, you may be like the Nian clan raised by the Wu clan, and end up taking advantage of outsiders.

The five overlord races quietly destroyed their own subjects to enhance the overall strength of the race and enhance the combat power of their leaders.

The first-class powerful races in the Universe Alliance are at war with each other, leading to the annihilation of two first-class powerful races and the near-annihilation of four first-class races.

The number of intelligent races in the universe suddenly dropped sharply.

The situation in the universe has changed drastically, but Su Ze did not find a suitable opportunity to take action.

The civil strife in the Universe Alliance broke out suddenly, and Su Ze did not seize the opportunity to get involved. Other overlord races quietly annexed their subordinate tribes, and they did so silently and without any effort. Su Ze also had no chance to intervene.

He can only continue to wait and continue to improve his strength.

The improvement brought by skill fusion is more impressive than Su Ze thought. Therefore, although the outside world is improving their strength, Su Ze is not panic because he is also improving.

He continued to retreat and fused skills, this time with the "Strongest Strike" skill.

During Su Ze's retreat, the major races in the universe also completely tore off their pretense and began to attack other races!

The cause was the Universe Alliance. With the addition of a dominant race in the Universe Alliance, the other seven races were naturally lowered. So they also looked for improvement, so they set their sights on the outside world and began to attack some second- and third-rate races and launch a war of genocide.

The peace of the universe is a tacit understanding reached by several top forces under mutual restraint. Once one party breaks this tacit understanding, the other parties will inevitably follow suit.

Each large clan regards other small clans as their own stored food. It is impossible for them to watch this food being eaten by the Universe Alliance, making the Universe Alliance stronger and giving them more powerful enemies in the future.

Once one party enters the arena, the other parties can only enter the arena to grab food.

The universe was also completely in chaos!

All public star fields suddenly became deserted, one by one public planets were closed, and the false prosperity of the universe was instantly shattered.

Overnight, the peace that had been maintained for countless billions of years was broken, and the universe seemed to have returned to the era of all races competing for hegemony, the era of cannibalism.

The small tribes are like prey, fleeing and hiding, while the big tribes are like hunters holding shotguns, walking in the dense forest of the universe, looking for prey.

The difference is that hunters are always attacked by prey, but small tribes often have no power to resist when chased by big tribes.

The final result will only be that the number of small tribes will become smaller and smaller, they will be annexed and exterminated, while the big tribes will become stronger and stronger.

In the midst of the turmoil sweeping the universe, some small tribes that had had friendship with the Tree Spirits contacted Lim, the leader of the Tree Spirits, hoping that Lim could help them become loyal to the human race and gain the same protection as the Tree Spirits. .

Su Ze did not refuse anyone who came, but he did not plan to bring these small tribes near Zexing. Instead, he planned to build a separate dream space for the loyal tribes to hide.

The human race is alone and needs allies. Even weak allies can sometimes play an unexpected role. (End of chapter)

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