Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 46 Evolutionary Theology

Chapter 46 Evolutionary Theology
In the rental room, Su Ze, Liu Wenyin, and Aunt Yun were eating around the table.

Su Ze said with emotion: "The situation is changing so fast, we have no time to escape, and the storm is already here."

The news of Feng Buqing's massacre of the hunter team only broke out yesterday morning, but in the afternoon, the public opinion was raging. Information about Feng Buqing's identity and the filthy person spread wildly on the Internet, forcing the officials of Muguo and Luo Fanguo to Take action now.

"There's something very wrong with this and there's clearly someone behind it."

Aunt Yun snorted coldly, and said, "Who else could it be? It's obviously those pretenders!"

Su Ze was taken aback: "You mean Evolution God?"

The Sect of Evolution is currently the only legal religion in Lin Huazhou. They believe in the "God of Evolution". Among the six countries in Lin Huazhou, except for the Luo Fan Kingdom, the other five countries do not respect the Sect of Evolution. Blocking attitude, let them preach, but do not provide any policy support.

Only Luo Fan Country, because of the huge gap between the rich and the poor, has a large number of poor people here, which also makes Luo Fan Country a fertile ground for the development and growth of religion.

When people are stuck in the quagmire and see no hope, faith becomes the last light they can embrace when they are in the dark.

In order to maintain the stability of its own rule, the officials of Luofan Kingdom hit it off with the Evolution Sect and introduced many policies to facilitate the Evolution Sect's preaching.

In today's Luo Fan Kingdom, the Evolution Theology is prevalent, and even in the dirty and crowded slums, there are majestic and majestic Evolution Temples.

Liu Wenyin said at this time: "Yesterday, on the Internet, regarding the stench of the filthy people, it has been emphasized that it is the curse of the God of Evolution. It is said that the filthy person is a person abandoned by God. This is obviously the tone of the Evolution God."

"What is their purpose for doing this?" Su Ze was puzzled.

"They're just pushing the boat along the way, creating panic, and profiting from it." Liu Wenyin picked up her mobile phone and showed it to Su Ze. There was a news on it, saying that from yesterday to today, countless people from the Luo Fan Kingdom poured into the Evolution Temple. Pray to the gods and ask for the blessing of the god of evolution.

To show their sincerity, believers often donate part of their meager income to the temple.

The news was also accompanied by a picture, countless men and women in ragged clothes, sallow and emaciated, blocked the temple of evolution.

Su Ze shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Aunt Yun said: "Why don't we leave today, if we stay any longer, I always feel that something will happen.

"It just so happens that many people are fleeing to other places in order to seek refuge, and we are inconspicuous among them."

"But Aunt Yun, your injury still needs rest." Liu Wenyin persuaded, "I think it's safe for us to stay in Mengka City. Once Luo Fan Kingdom sends holy-level powerhouses over, it will be a kind of protection for us. "

"The ones who will hunt us down are the Dirty Earth Organization and Ancient Anguo. If there are holy-level powerhouses in Mengka City, I believe these two forces will definitely restrain themselves."

When Su Ze and Aunt Yun heard it, they thought it made sense.

While Aunt Yun was hesitating, all three of them's mobile phones suddenly rang.

Su Ze picked up his mobile phone and saw the headline news pushed by social software: The Lion Army led by General Ye Muni has entered Mengka City early this morning.

"The saint-level powerhouse of Luo Fan Kingdom has arrived."

As soon as Liu Wenyin finished speaking, she realized that Su Ze's expression was not right.

"what happened to you?"

Su Ze took a deep breath and asked, "How many Ye Muni generals are there in Luo Fan Kingdom?"

"I've only heard of this one. This General Yemuni is a newly promoted saint in the Luo Fan Kingdom. He just completed his fourth evolution a few days ago. He has worked in the military for many years and is a powerful figure in the military. He's rated very highly."

Su Ze laughed dryly and said, "As far as I know, Zhao Yuanyi has a good friend who has been with him for many years, and his name is Ye Muni."

He still remembered that Zhao Yuanyi had told him to go to Luo Fan Country to find General Ye Muni.

Liu Wenyin stood up abruptly, and said, "Hurry up and pack your luggage, I hope there's still time."


Muguo, Qinggu City.

Zhang Fantie stood respectfully in front of Zhao Yuanyi, talking about the clues he had found recently.

"So he went to Luofan Kingdom with a woman called Dr. Liu, who still had a butterfly stage?"

Zhang Fantie nodded: "There are four hunters who have confirmed this statement."

Zhao Yuanyi frowned. Zhang Fantie's words contained too much information, involving fifth-order strange objects and holy-level powerhouses from the dirt organization, which made him feel that the development of the matter was a little out of control.

He didn't understand how a small chrysalis could be involved in such a high-level event.

If he didn't pay attention, that kid not only found a backer, whoring hundreds of millions of S-grade extracts for free, but also climbed over the Black Rock Mountains, and escaped the pursuit of the elders of the dirty soil organization.

It was obviously carved out of the same mold, so why doesn't his son Zhao Lingxiao have this ability?
"One more thing." Zhang Fantie said: "When I found the four hunters, people from other forces had already interrogated them, and they were suspected to be people from the ancient Anguo."

Zhao Yuanyi lit a cigar, took a puff, and ordered: "Have someone check on that Dr. Liu, and take someone to Mengka City to look for it. Now General Yemuni is in Mengka City. Guard, I will greet him and ask him to arrange manpower to assist you."

After Zhang Fantie left, Zhao Yuanyi picked up his mobile phone and dialed an overseas number.

Zhao Yuanyi: "Hello General Ye Muni, I am Zhao Yuanyi, I have something to trouble you."

Ye Muni: "If you talk like that again, I'll die."

Zhao Yuanyi: "Haha, today is different. Now that you have become a saint, your status has risen. I dare not call you Xiaoni anymore."

Ye Muni: "If you fart, let it go!"

Zhao Yuanyi: "I really need you to help me with something. I want to find someone in Luo Fan Country. He is likely to be in Mengka City, or he may escape to another city..."


The three of Su Ze quickly packed their luggage, went out quickly, and came back quickly.

It was fine when I came, but I can't get out!
The entire city of Mengka was suddenly under martial law at all intersections out of the city, and their identities had to be checked when they left the city. Su Ze and the three of them couldn't come up with an ID card, so they had to turn around and come back.

Trapped in Mengka City!
When Ye Muni came to Mengka City, the first order he gave was not to deal with the turmoil in the Black Rock Mountains, but to restrict the residents of the city from leaving the city, which was obviously unreasonable.

Su Ze already felt from it that Ye Muni's actions had something to do with his "ex-father".

"Now we can only play by ear, and take one step at a time."

If Aunt Yun recovers her strength, the three of them can still try to forcefully break through and run out. Without Aunt Yun's fighting power in the butterfly stage to clear the way, they can only stay in the rented house.

Aunt Yun said: "If there is another ten or eight days, I will almost recover. Then I will take you out!"

Su Ze expressed doubts. Ye Muni and Zhao Yuanyi must have other means in the follow-up. Can they last until that day?

(End of this chapter)

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