Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 460 The strongest man in the universe

Let the Holy Ancestor run away.

Su Ze looked at the puddle of meat in front of him, and naturally knew that the Holy Ancestor could not die like that. He must have used some secret escape method that ignored the space blockade.

In fact, Su Ze can do this. Brother Ya has a resurrection skill "Flesh Statue". He only needs to build a statue in advance. Even if he dies, he can be resurrected from the statue.

However, Brother Ya's skill level is low and cannot be used to resurrect Su Ze. However, Su Ze can use dreams to imitate the "flesh statue" skill, which can also be used as a trump card for his own resurrection.

Without thinking too much, Su Ze quickly turned around and returned to the place where Panshi died, absorbing the free evolutionary matter.

Pan Shi, as a veteran semi-supreme expert and the strongest person in the Pan clan, although his personal strength is not as good as the original saint, he is still comparable to the saint ancestor god, the spirit emperor and others.

The number of original genes it possesses should be around 8,000.

However, more than two thousand of them were snatched away by the Holy Ancestor.

There were more than 5,000 genes left, and the part that Su Ze already possessed had to be eliminated. However, with the effect of "origin strengthening", 300 original genes were finally added to Su Ze!

The number of Su Ze's original genes has reached 8,300!

This battle was quite fruitful, as the number of original genes increased from 7,500 to 8,300, an increase of 800.

At his level, it is already a huge improvement, and the original genes become more difficult to collect as you get to the later stage.

However, the Pan clan was really in bad luck. The two and a half supreme leaders were all killed. Although the Pan clan would not be exterminated, it would never regain its former glory.

This is tantamount to annihilation for the Pan Clan. Those hostile races and enemies of the Pan Clan will definitely divide the Pan Clan. Although there are still many powerful ancestors in the Pan Clan, they are destined to hide in Tibet for a long time. Living in darkness for a while.

They may even never see the light of day, or they may be exterminated after countless years.

Unless the Pan clan can regenerate a strong person to take charge.

This is the tragedy of the big clans. A small clan has so many ancestor gods, which is enough to survive in the universe, and even live well. However, if a big clan like the Pan clan does not have a semi-supreme powerhouse, it will only become the fat that other big clans miss. , unable to gain a foothold at all.

For the human race, it is even more exaggerated. Even if Su Ze's strength has reached this point, the human race still cannot live in the sun like other races and still needs to hide.

After plundering the evolution material of the rock, Su Ze's first thought was to go to the Saint Clan and continue to cause trouble for the old man of the Saint Ancestor.

That old guy robbed him of more than two thousand original genes, so naturally he couldn't just let it go.

But he immediately thought that the old guy from the Holy Ancestor would definitely not be waiting for him to come to the door in the clan. By the time he rushed over, he would probably be hiding somewhere long ago.

Even the other ancestral gods of the Holy Clan have mostly gone into hiding for the time being.

After the Saint Ancestor recovered from his injuries and plundered the original genes of more than two thousand rocks, his strength may have improved. By then, with the cooperation of another one and a half supreme masters of the Saint Clan, the two of them would be able to fight Su Ze.

The key is that the current Pan clan is a treasure house, and Su Zeyu can take it at will. No one can compete with him. If he misses this opportunity, he will never find such a good opportunity again.

Two and a half of the Pan Clan's supreme leaders died in battle. Naturally, the news of the battle here could not be hidden from the other ancestral gods of the Pan Clan.

There are already many ancestor gods on the run.

But it was not too late for Su Ze to stop them now. Except for some who had already escaped in advance, Su Ze was confident that none of them could escape.

Moreover, the Pan clan still has a lot of resources and wealth that it is too late to take away. If he leaves at this time, he will miss out on this overwhelming wealth.

Su Ze himself has no need for these evolutionary resources at the moment, but the human race needs them. The astonishing wealth accumulated by a dominant race will definitely add fuel to the rise of the human race.

In fact, the most precious resource is the ancestral gods of the Pan clan themselves.

After weighing the two aspects, Su Ze gave up going to the Saint Clan to cause trouble immediately, and instead took the time to plunder the Pan Clan's resources.

The spiritual power covered the entire Pan clan area. The fleeing ancestor gods were locked by Su Ze, and the gravitational chains flew out, catching them one by one.

Only a few people with special means escaped the capture of the gravity chain, so Su Ze spent more effort and teleported over to catch them one by one.

A moment later, Su Ze controlled a large number of Pan clan ancestor gods.

On the other side, he split off to search for resources on various planets of the Pan clan. Unfortunately, the home planet was destroyed by Su Ze, but fortunately, the public star fields and public planets controlled by the Pan clan are still there.

The wealth of the Pan clan is astonishing. It will definitely not be possible to plunder all these resources in a short time. Su Ze can only pick the big ones first.

Every minute and every second passed, Su Ze's gains increased at an alarming rate.

But the biggest gain is actually the more than 40 Pan Clan ancestral gods that Su Ze has in his hands!

There are even some top ancestral gods among them.

That's not all the powerful ancestor gods of the Pan clan. Many of the ancestor gods of the Pan clan escaped early and were not caught by Su Ze. There are also some ancestor gods who are out of the clan and are not in the clan.

Not to mention the hidden ancestral gods of the Pan clan scattered everywhere to prevent the annihilation of the clan.

This is the foundation of the Overlord Race. It is too difficult to exterminate a Overlord Race. Even if Su Ze has the strongest personal combat power in the universe, it will be difficult to do so.

Su Ze controlled all the more than 40 Pan clan ancestor gods in his hands and put them into the dream space.

These Pan Clan Ancestral Gods can be used to enhance the strength of Brother Ya and the others, and can also be used to cultivate more Human Race Ancestral Gods.

The worst thing is that they are all parasitic, giving the human race more than 40 more ancestor gods fighting power.

He was about to continue searching for the Pan clan's resources when he suddenly paused and turned his head to look in one direction.

There, a figure suddenly appeared.

It is the leader of the original clan and the most powerful person in the universe, the original saint!

Why did the original saint appear here?

Su Ze thought for a moment and realized that it must be the Holy Ancestor's fault!

The Holy Ancestor himself did not dare to come over and snatch the Pan Clan resources from Su Ze, but he also did not want to see Su Ze pocketing all the Pan Clan resources alone, so he leaked the news to others and caused trouble for Su Ze.

This is purely harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself.

Su Ze gritted his teeth, remembering this grudge.

What is certain is that the Holy Ancestor will definitely not only leak the news to the original tribe, but the semi-supreme experts from other major forces may also arrive after a while.

Yuan Sheng glanced around and said in a solemn tone: "You actually killed Pan Shi!"

He was shocked in his heart. Even he, who is known as the strongest man in the universe, could not kill the rock alone.

But Su Ze did it!

This made him have various associations and speculations about Su Ze's strength.

The Holy Ancestor of the Dog Day... Su Ze cursed in his heart. The Holy Ancestor had passed the blame to him. After all, backstabbing allies was not a good reputation.

Although Su Ze also contributed a lot to Pan Shi's death, without the sneak attack of the Holy Ancestor, Pan Shi would not have died so easily.

Su Ze was not happy to take the blame for others in vain, so he went back to ask the Holy Ancestor for payment.

"Excuse me. Without the help of the Holy Ancestor, I wouldn't be able to do that." Su Ze sneered. In fact, if Su Ze is one-on-one with Panshi, he has a high chance of killing them, but there is no harm in hiding his strength appropriately.

Speaking of which, Su Ze's real strength before was actually no better than Panshi and Saint Ancestor, and was even slightly inferior in terms of the number of original genes.

The reason why he was able to suppress the two of them was entirely due to his high level of "Dream Making" skill. A little bit of level suppression gave him a huge advantage.

When the Holy Ancestor heard this, he immediately understood five or six points of the truth, which was in line with his guess.

"You can play here slowly, I won't accompany you." Su Ze waved his hand and left decisively, with no intention of talking nonsense with Yuan Shengduo.

Now that the original saint has arrived, Su Ze knows that he cannot continue to search for the resources of the Pan clan with peace of mind.

It was estimated that the other semi-supremes would arrive soon. In order to avoid being besieged by a few old guys, Su Ze decided to leave early.

But it doesn't matter, the Pan clan's most precious resources, those ancestral gods, have already been collected by Su Ze.


However, Yuan Sheng gave a soft drink and waved his hand to seal the space.

"What do you mean? You want to keep me?"

Yuan Sheng shook his head, took one step forward and appeared beside Su Ze, saying, "Try your strength."

After saying that, he punched Su Ze.

This punch seemed ordinary, but in fact, space and time were distorted wherever the punch struck. This punch did not follow a normal spatial path, nor was it struck on the correct timeline.

Su Ze's brows jumped, the original saint had hidden his strength!

He had been chased by the original saint once before. At that time, he was outside the secret realm of creation. The original saint had captured him in front of the ancestors of all races. However, at that time, the original saint did not show such a powerful strength. Reverse time and space at the same time!

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

The human race is a living example.

Before you are strong enough to fight against the universe, keeping a low profile is the safest choice.

It turns out that the original saint's strength has always been stronger than everyone thought, but he has always had reservations.

Even such an aboriginal race is still feared by all races in the universe. If the original saint shows his true strength, I am afraid that the aboriginal race will make the same mistakes as the human race.

Yuan Sheng's punch demonstrated his powerful skills in space and time.

There are many semi-supreme experts who are proficient in the way of space, but those who are proficient in time are almost never heard of.

Yuan Sheng is better than Su Ze in the use and control of the way of time, or in terms of skills.

Su Ze just wanted to block the punch, but the punch was still on the way, but it had already landed on him, not in the front, but in the back.

Space and time were distorted. The punch hit Su Ze ahead of schedule, and it hit not where the fist should have landed.

Su Ze's use of time is not so magical. He currently only masters simple "time acceleration" and "time deceleration", but his acceleration effect is so powerful!

Time accelerated tens of thousands of times, causing Su Ze to run forward the moment Yuan Sheng's punch first came into contact with him, before the force was fully exerted.

This allowed Su Ze to remove most of the power of the punch.

Su Ze's body was shaking. After he transformed into a liquid form, many bodies still evaporated directly.

Accelerating time by tens of thousands of times, Su Ze quickly recovered from his injuries while rushing towards Yuan Sheng's face, punching him crazily one after another.

This is the first time that he has used his own time acceleration in combat. It's not that he didn't want to use it before, but this tens of thousands of times of time acceleration is extremely unstable and difficult to control in combat situations.

He has always used such a fast acceleration state only when digesting evolutionary substances or fusing skills.

But now, with the improvement of strength and the integration of skills to make the "dream making" skill more powerful, Su Ze has also started some new attempts.

Yuan Sheng's expression changed. He could also accelerate his own time, which was a relatively simple application in the time field.

But he can't be as fast as Su Ze!

Yuan Sheng couldn't accelerate tens of thousands of times. He reluctantly imposed the ultimate time acceleration on himself, but it was only a few thousand times.

He could only use space to continuously guide Su Ze's attacks elsewhere.

He did not use the time distortion ability to distort Su Ze's attack. Obviously, the ability in the time domain is more difficult to apply to himself than to others.

But such a large time gap can obviously not be made up by space distortion. What's more, Su Ze's use of space is not bad, and he can reversely repair the space distortion caused by the original saint from time to time.

The final result was that Yuan Sheng was beaten.

But while this guy was being beaten, he didn't forget to fight back.

Give it to Su Ze if you feel cool.

When both of them are not weak physically and their speed reaches this level, they find that the most effective output is close combat fists and kicks.

After a while, the two of them stepped back and separated.

Both of them consume a lot of energy. Maintaining their own high-speed time acceleration in a combat state consumes too much, and both of them suffered serious injuries.

Because Su Ze switched to liquid form, except that his body size shrank significantly, there were no obvious injuries.

But the original saint was a bit miserable. His lime-white skin was covered with blue blood, and there were holes one after another on his body.

In the battle just now, it was actually Yuan Sheng who suffered the loss.

In the use of time and space, the original saint skill is superior, but Su Ze's use of time and space comes from the "dream making" skill, and the "dream making" skill suppresses the original saint skill in terms of personality.

This also leads to the fact that Su Ze's time acceleration crushes the original saint in terms of effect.

However, it was impossible for Su Ze to rely on these slight advantages to kill the original saint.

For the same reason, the original saint couldn't kill him.

Moreover, if the two of them do not continue fighting, they also know that the injuries will continue to worsen, and both sides will be injured, and they will probably be missed by other semi-supremes who come later.

The two of them seemed to have been fighting for a long time, but in fact, due to the acceleration of time, it only happened in an instant.

The two of them tacitly agreed to stop, Yuan Sheng immediately recovered from his injuries, and Su Ze left directly through the space.

"The original saint has hidden his strength. The saint ancestor has never exposed the micro-universe in his body before. These old guys who have lived for countless years should not be underestimated. I don't know what they are hiding."

After Su Ze stayed away, he was still thinking in his heart. He originally thought that after plundering the sun and the rock in the stone, his strength might be invincible in the universe, but now it seems that it is not enough.

Even stronger!

"We must continue to integrate skills and improve the status of the 'Dream Making' skill!" (End of this chapter)

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