Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 462 He is crazy!

Now that Su Ze wants to continue to improve his strength, it is already difficult to make a breakthrough in terms of the number of original genes.

Now the only way to strengthen the leader's buff is through genocide and annexation of other tribes.

Or continue to fuse skills to improve the status of the "Dream Making" skill.

Comparing the two, it is simpler and more reliable to continue to fuse skills.

Annexing other tribes will cost more energy and may not yield any results.

So Su Ze chose to continue in retreat and integrate the remaining skills.

Now Su Ze only has two skills: "God's Domain" and "Self-Control" that have not been integrated into the "Dream Making" skill.

These are also his two most powerful skills besides "Dream Creation". They are a fusion of many skills and also absorb a large number of advanced upgrade materials.

These two skills themselves are close to semi-supreme divine skills.

If possible, Su Ze still hopes to fuse a creation skill.

But he felt that even if these two skills were integrated into the "dream creation" skill, it was almost meaningless, and there was little hope of integrating the divine skill of creation.

But Su Ze had no other choice. Apart from skill fusion, there were almost no other ways to improve his ancestral skills.

Skills can be upgraded either through skill fusion or by absorbing more advanced materials from the outside world to upgrade skills.

When the skill is already an ancestral skill, it cannot be upgraded unless it absorbs semi- to high-level materials.

The semi-supreme material comes from the semi-supreme life, which is a realm that even alien beasts and spiritual plants cannot touch.

There are only a dozen semi-supreme beings in the universe, and regardless of the difficulty of killing them, the probability of getting just enough upgrade materials suitable for you from them is so small that it is almost negligible.

Therefore, the "God's Domain" and "Self-Mastery" skills have basically no hope of further upgrading and can only be used for fusion.

As for the upgrade materials for the "Dream Making" skill, there is no need to think about it, unless there are creation-level and suitable materials.

Speaking of which, Su Ze really knew one thing, and that was the inheritance of creation authority in the secret realm of creation.

But the price of obtaining that inheritance was something Su Ze was unwilling to bear.

Su Ze's priority was to integrate the "God's Domain" skill.

This time the integration process is destined to be longer than before. If Su Ze had not had the ability to accelerate time, it would probably take tens of millions of years.

Fortunately, Su Ze is now more proficient in the use of the "dream creation" skill, and the effect of accelerating his own time is stronger in non-combat states.


While Su Ze was in seclusion, the outside world was also experiencing a chain reaction due to the decline of the Pan clan and the rise of Su Ze.

Now the four major forces have sent a large number of manpower to search for the hidden ancestral god of the Pan clan throughout the universe.

Whoever can exterminate the Pan clan will immediately have the capital to go to the end in this big clan war. Even if the Yuan clan succeeds, the Yuan clan will directly seal the victory.

Of course, it is almost impossible to annihilate the Pan tribe. Everyone is keen to find the ancestor god of the Pan tribe to ensure that the Pan tribe will not be exterminated by other races.

By then, each clan will have one or two living ancestor gods of the Pan clan, and each clan will not be able to let the Pan clan be wiped out.

Even Su Ze will do this. He also has many Pan clan ancestor gods in his hands, and he will keep the weakest ones.

Firstly, it can ensure that the Pan tribe will not be exterminated by other races, and secondly, what if it can be missed in the future?

The situation in the universe is also quietly changing.

The original four major forces, due to the withdrawal of the Pan Clan, caused the Saint Clan to lose its allies and become the weakest force.

Naturally, some people are interested in the Saints, and some are even more afraid that the Saints will collude with the original tribes who are also unaligned. Therefore, both the Universe Alliance and the Spirit Witch Alliance intend to deal with the Saints.

The Saint Ancestor naturally saw this, so he chose to sell the Original Saint to divert his hatred, and conveyed the information Su Ze told him to the Universe Alliance and the Spirit Witch Alliance.

Let both the Universe Alliance and the Spirit Witch Alliance know that Yuan Sheng has hidden his strength.

The key is that when Su Ze described the strength of the original saint, he had gone through "artistic processing" and it was already a lot of exaggeration. When the saint ancestor conveyed it to the Universe Alliance and the Spirit Witch Alliance, he added more fuel and jealousy.

So when the news reached the ears of the Universe Alliance and the Comprehension Alliance, the original saint's strength was already so strong that it was almost invincible——

There is only one step left to gather 10,000 original genes and become the second creation-level life in the universe after the Supreme Creation God!

Is this still available?

If this news is true, once the original saints gather 10,000 original genes, all their tribes will have no way to survive!

However, there is no evidence that this news came from the Holy Ancestor, but the Holy Ancestor said that the news came from Su Ze.

This makes both the Universe Alliance and the Spirit Witch Alliance doubtful.

But we cannot ignore it. If it is true, if we do not eradicate this hidden danger as soon as possible, once the original saint becomes the creation life in the future, everything will be too late.

So the Holy Ancestor took the initiative to propose that the three parties could come forward together to test the original Saint's strength.

Even the Holy Ancestor is willing to be a pioneer.

The Holy Ancestor said this, so the Universe Alliance and the Spirit Witch Alliance agreed.

So, what was originally the plan of the Universe Alliance and the Spirit Witch Alliance to deal with the Saints together turned into a three-party fight against the Original Clan.

However, in the previous battles, the three parties had accumulated too much hatred, and it was impossible for them to really work together. They were just using each other.

So after Su Ze went into seclusion for several years, a three-pronged test against the original tribe began.

The Saint Clan created friction with the Original Clan, and the Saint Ancestor personally took action to lure out the Original Saint.

After the original saint appeared, the Spirit Emperor, the Witch Ancestor, and the three and a half supremes of the Universe Alliance appeared one after another, besieging the original saint together, and forced out the original saint's true strength.

In the end, Yuan Sheng defeated six with one, relying on the use of time and space, and retreated.

The original Saint's true strength was not as exaggerated as the Saint Ancestor described, but it was also so powerful that it made everyone fearful and frightened.

However, Yuan Sheng was not the only one to hide his strength. In this battle, Saint Ancestor also did not reveal his trump card.

In addition, Su Ze had suspected before that Wuzu might also have a hidden card.

Therefore, when Su Ze obtained this information through the undercover agent he controlled, he couldn't help but sigh. The Universe Alliance seemed to be powerful, but in fact, the real powerful races in the universe were still the old overlord races.

Currently, among the four major forces, Su Ze is the least optimistic about the apparently strongest cosmic alliance.

The Universe Alliance is nothing more than an alliance composed of a group of first-rate powerful races. Not to mention a loose sand, it is just a ball of sand mixed with water.

When the water evaporates, it will disperse.

Although the fantasy race among them has now become the dominant race, it is more than a little behind in terms of heritage and high-end combat power.

The leader of the Huan Clan, Huan Bing, is not as powerful as the Saint Ancestor and the Witch Ancestor, let alone the Original Saint. All alliances are only temporary, temporary cooperation driven by interests. As the war between the big clans progresses to the later stages, one race after another is eliminated, and the disintegration of the alliance is inevitable.

In the end, the three strongest tribes are the Original Clan, the Witch Clan, and the Saint Clan. It’s hard to say for the Spirit Clan. It depends on whether the Spirit Emperor has any hidden cards, otherwise he will just follow in the footsteps of the Pan Clan.

The Universe Alliance is destined to become a victim.

When to sacrifice depends on when other races take action.


The universe is changing and undercurrents are surging, but in the dream space created by Su Ze, there is peace and tranquility.

This place is like a paradise, where the human race and the tree spirit race are free from the intrusion of the cosmic war and live in peace and order.

After the tree spirits surrendered to the human race, they lived a dream life that they had never dared to imagine.

They are close to nature and love the sun, and now they can bathe in the light of super stars every day.

Although they are still the weakest fourth-rate race, they are constantly improving their strength through other means.

The first is the chlorophyll capsule. This thing is very useful for the human race, and the same is true for the tree spirit race.

Even because of the addition of the Tree Spirit Tribe, the current production of chlorophyll capsules has increased significantly. The talent of the Tree Spirit Tribe can help increase the production capacity of chlorophyll capsule raw materials.

With the help of chlorophyll capsules, the Tree Spirits can evolve more efficiently, and they can also receive various resources from the human race. Their evolution speed is many times faster than before.

In addition, their talent in cultivating spiritual plants is unparalleled, and the cultivation of Variety Flower has made rapid progress since they joined.

Now, not only the human race, but also the god-level powerhouses of the Tree Spirit Race each have a god-level Variety Flower with them, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. They are no longer the "universe" with weak combat effectiveness and a love for nature and peace that all races in the universe had in the past. gardener".

The development of the human race is naturally more rapid.

The first is the growth of population. The number of people in Zexing is constantly expanding. Zexing, which was originally empty, is now rich in land.

And the center of Zexing, Zecheng, is a treasured place that countless humans struggle to get into.

If you can own a house in Zecheng, you might be able to get a planet in the future.

Everyone knows that Ze Xing will definitely be the mother star of the human race in the future.

However, after the over-expansion of population, Zexing has become more and more crowded, and has to move in several new habitable planets for human beings to live.

In terms of strength, the human race is also constantly emerging with new strong men.

In the tenth year after Su Ze went into seclusion, Lin Hua and Chen Suifeng became ancestral gods one after another, and the human race added two more ancestral gods.

In addition, Li Yongguan, Gu Chenguang, Zhang Tai and others are also expected to break through the Ancestral God. It is only a matter of time.

Aunt Yun and Zhou Wenshan are not very successful. Despite Su Ze's special care, they are still qualified to become sun gods and have little hope of becoming ancestor gods.

However, Aunt Yun is satisfied. When she first met Su Ze, she never even thought that she would be able to reach the Saint level in this life. Now she has become a sun god, with unlimited lifespan and a worry-free life. What else is there to be dissatisfied about? ?

Liu Wenyin also struggled to become a sun god, but she has good talent and potential, and has the hope of becoming an ancestor god in the future, but she is focused on research and has no intention of improving her strength.

Speaking of Liu Wenyin, we have to mention the "Pope", another genius evolutionist in Zexing. Although the Pope wears the skin of the human race, he is still essentially a Nian race.

Therefore, after the Nian clan was exterminated by Su Ze, his path to evolution was completely cut off, and even his racial talents disappeared.

Without the original genes belonging to his own race, and without the ability to plunder the original genes of other races, the Pope retained his god-level body and soul, but his strength also regressed, barely remaining with a combat power comparable to that of a seventh-level alien beast.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to fight, as long as his brain works.

Another Nian tribe member in Su Ze's hands, "King Mu", had previously snatched away the ninth-level alien beast, the dark-blooded giant beast, with Su Ze's help. Therefore, the annihilation of the Nian tribe had no impact on him, and he still had the combat power of the ninth-level alien beast. .

The dark-blood beast has now become a sparring beast at the Zexing training ground, specifically responsible for serving as a sparring partner for the strong men on Zexing.

Zexing is prosperous, and Su Ze's old friends are getting better and better.

Even Su Ze's "mascot" Feng Buqing was completely cured of his madness after being drained of his research value, and is now taking root in Zecheng No. 1 Evolutionary College.

He was prohibited from continuing to absorb human extracts, gave up plundering evolution, and could only evolve in the direction of spiritual plants.

This guy is quite content now. He is exposed to the sun every day and his strength is improving rapidly without taking chlorophyll capsules.

Every time when freshmen enter school, a large number of freshmen will come to visit Feng Buqing, the "human tree", and listen to others introduce the grudges and disputes between this human tree and their great leader.

To the current Zexing people, Su Ze is a legend. Every part of his past is a legend and has been written into textbooks for future generations to admire and learn from.

Moreover, their great leader is still creating legends and will surely lead the human race to new heights. This is the consensus of all Zexing human races.


In Su Ze's twelfth year of retreat, another big event happened in the universe.

Someone finally took action against the Universe Alliance!

Several parties had joined forces before to force out the hidden strength of the original saint.

In the following years, out of fear of the original saint, all parties have been targeting the original clan intentionally or unintentionally, and even looking for opportunities to surround and kill the original saint.

But these were all the benefits that Su Ze had enjoyed before. Unexpectedly, Yuan Sheng could also enjoy them now.

However, Yuan Sheng was very cautious and never gave all parties this opportunity, especially since he was so superb at using time and space, it would be too difficult to surround and kill him.

Because the other three forces could not find a chance to get rid of the original saint, they have never dared to do anything to the original tribe.

After several years of silence, Yuan Sheng finally began to fight back.

The first ones he dealt with were the first-rate powerful clans in the Universe Alliance.

Relying on the way of time and space, the original saint broke into the home planets of various races, forcibly plundered the top ancestors, and then retreated calmly.

The semi-supreme experts in the Universe Alliance are generally not very strong, with basically only five or six thousand original genes. How can they stop the original saint?

This is just like Su Ze from before, rushing to various tribes to burn, kill and loot, but the tribes were unable to do anything to him.

But the original saint is different. The original saint has a clan. All the races in the Universe Alliance cannot believe that the original saint dares to do this.

Isn't he afraid that the Semi-Supreme Supreme of the Universe Alliance will turn around and take revenge on the original tribe?

The original saint seemed to have let go of his fists and plundered several tribes in the Universe Alliance.

None of the semi-supremes of the Universe Alliance could keep him or stop him.

"He's crazy!"

The leader of the Universe Alliance, Huan Bing, scolded with a stern face.

After Su Ze, there is a second semi-supreme powerhouse in the universe who acts recklessly and regardless of the consequences. (End of chapter)

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