Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 50 Division of Saints

Chapter 50 Division of Saints
At night, Su Ze and the three of them slept in the car and made do with the night.

Su Ze originally thought that he could hide here for two or three days, but he didn't expect to be reported by the local villagers the next day, saying that they were acting suspiciously.

A middle-aged man with a pot belly in the uniform of a security officer and a few street-like young men surrounded Su Ze and his car.

Su Ze said helplessly: "I can only rush."

They couldn't stand the investigation and could only choose to flee.

Aunt Yun said: "I'll open the way, you just drive forward."

Aunt Yun didn't do anything at all, she just mobilized the power of evolution in her body, and the yellow light of evolution flowed in her palm. She waved at a group of people, and immediately everyone stepped back consciously to make way for Su Ze.

Among these people, only the security officer was in the chrysalis transformation stage, and the others were ordinary people at the mortal level. Facing the butterfly stage, how could they have the courage to block the way.

Su Ze drove the car for more than ten kilometers in one breath. He knew that after they left, the security guards would definitely report the matter, and they would soon attract Zhang Fantie's people.

"It looks like we're getting ready to go into the mountains."

He knew that Zhang Fantie would definitely mobilize his men and focus on searching the rural village in the south of the city. They couldn't hide for too long.

Liu Wenyin said: "Today, the four saint-level powerhouses from Luo Fan Kingdom and Mu Kingdom have entered the Black Rock Mountain Range. They want to kill the Spiritual Root Tree. The situation will soon become chaotic, and we will definitely have a chance to break through."

Aunt Yun said: "I'll go to patrol the neighborhood, and we'll go into the mountains immediately if there's any situation."

She has basically recovered from her injuries now, and her strength has recovered by [-] to [-]%. It is basically not in danger if she does not fight against her peers.

After Aunt Yun left, Su Ze and Liu Wenyin took out their mobile phones and watched the live broadcast. Today is the day when four saint-level powerhouses enter the mountain to fight against the Spirit Root Tree. How can such a big scene be missed? It has entered the Black Rock Mountain Range and started the live broadcast.

"Brothers, the fight has not started yet, let's take advantage of this time to analyze the current situation for everyone.

"First of all, I would like to introduce to you two saint-level powerhouses from Luo Fan Kingdom, one is General Ye Muni, the other is the dean of Luo Fan Academy, Mr. Amida, Mr. Amida is not only a powerful An old-fashioned saint, and a senior evolutionary expert."

Liu Wenyin showed surprise: "It turned out to be him."

Su Ze asked curiously, "You know him?"

"Well, I met him once at an academic exchange meeting. He is a knowledgeable scholar."

Brother Ya continued to introduce: "The two holy-level powerhouses from Muguo are Mr. Li Shangmao who has retired, and Mr. Qu Jianbai, the presiding judge of the Supreme Court of Muguo."

Su Ze also showed surprise: "It turned out to be him."

Liu Wenyin tilted her head: "You know each other?"

"Yes, Zhao Yuanyi belongs to Qu Jianbai's faction, and the biggest backer behind him is the chief judge."

It can be seen that the two holy ranks sent by the two countries are obviously stronger, and they are both old-fashioned holy ranks who have been famous for a long time. Obviously, they attach great importance to the spiritual root tree and are bound to win.

Many people in the barrage in the live broadcast room are asking: Why don't they do it yet?
Yage lowered his voice and said: "It's not that I don't want to do it. In fact, as soon as I entered the mountain today, the four saints planned to do it, but they found traces of filthy people. Now I suspect that there are filthy people in the Black Rock Mountain Range other than Feng Buqing. Come in.

"The four saints mean to clear up all unstable factors first, and then do anything to the spiritual root tree. Now they are tracking the traces of the filthy ones."

Su Ze and Liu Wenyin glanced at each other, knowing that someone from the dirty soil organization must have come, and if the four holy-level powerhouses are afraid, there is a high probability that they will also be holy-level.

At this time, Ya Ge moved the camera, and a large mountain appeared in the live broadcast screen, and a huge gap was split in the middle of the mountain.

"I deliberately found an angle to show you a closer look at this spiritual root tree."

With Yage's control, the picture continued to zoom in, but the clarity of the picture gradually decreased, and finally saw the scene in the cracks in the mountain.

A straight trunk runs through the entire mountain from top to bottom. This trunk is different from other trees, it is covered with roots. This big tree buried deep in the mountain has no branches, only countless roots. With a few scattered leaves.

Those roots are extremely thick and intertwined, taking root in the entire mountain.

Liu Wenyin said solemnly: "This is not an ordinary spiritual root tree, the roots have grown to this extent, it is already close to the fifth-order spiritual plant!
"It seems that in a few years, this spiritual root tree will be able to complete its fifth evolution and become a fifth-order spiritual plant 'Panlong Root', but now that it has exposed its own existence, there is no chance for that."

Su Ze asked: "After the fifth evolution of the spiritual root tree, it is called 'Panlong Root'? Is it abnormal evolution?"

"En." Liu Wenyin nodded, "When the spirit root tree evolves for the fifth time, it will discard the trunk and evolve into a group of movable roots, gaining the ability to move quickly underground, which is more flexible and faster than ordinary earth escape skills. .”

"The fifth-level spiritual plant, doesn't it mean that there is no opponent in the Six Kingdoms? It seems that the Six Kingdoms don't have a holy level that has evolved five times?"

Liu Wenyin said: "The Six Nations themselves don't have one, but the Juggernaut owns it..."

Su Ze asked: "We human evolutionists who have evolved more than four times are called saints. Isn't there a specific division? The extraordinary stage is also divided into three levels: chrysalis transformation, cocoon breaking, and butterfly transformation."

Liu Wenyin explained: "Being extraordinary and becoming holy, the evolutionary who has evolved three times before is at the extraordinary level, while the evolutionary who has evolved four to six times is at the holy level, which we call 'holy level' for short, so the holy level refers to Evolvers who have evolved four to six times, as for those who have evolved seven times or more, that is a higher level.

"The number of strong people at the holy level is rare, and their status is lofty, and their strength is divided according to their social status.

"A strong man who has evolved four times is often a giant, so he is called a 'overlord'; a strong man who has evolved five times is enough to be respected in a continent, so he is called a 'supreme'; as for a strong man who has evolved six times, Each of them has left a strong mark in the history of human evolution, so they are honored as 'legends'."

"That's why." Su Ze said that he, a scumbag, was taught.

Although he is ignorant but eager to learn, he feels that there is always endless knowledge to be learned by Liu Wenyin's side.

At this moment, there was a sound of knocking on the car window, and Aunt Yun stood outside the car door at some point.

Su Ze unlocked the vehicle, and Aunt Yun immediately opened the door and sat in, saying, "There are many people surrounding us, let's go now, let's go into the mountain!"

Su Ze didn't talk nonsense, and immediately started the car and drove towards the Black Rock Mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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