Chapter 61

Brother Ya shivered when Su Ze saw him, and said, "Brother, you dangle like this, it makes me dizzy."

Su Ze shook his head. He just thought of Brother Ya's escape technique, which might be useful.

But when you think about it carefully, it's a bit too taken for granted.

If he can obtain Liu Wenyin's position now, maybe Ya Ge can escape to Liu Wenyin's side, and let him bring Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun out.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know where Liu Wenyin and the others are now.

Once this opportunity is missed, when Amida returns, it will be almost impossible to save someone from under the nose of a veteran holy overlord.

What is certain is that Amida will bring Liu Wenyin and the others back to Luofan Academy.

It is even more unrealistic to go directly to Luofan Academy to save people. As the highest institution in a country, there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden inside Luofan Academy, and the place where Liu Wenyin is under house arrest has to be considered in every way. That's not realistic.

I'm afraid Brother Ya would not dare to take the risk.

It seems that Liu Wenyin was taken away by Amida, but in fact behind Amida is the whole Luofan Kingdom.

Keeping Liu Wenyin in Luofan Kingdom is in the interests of Luofan Kingdom, and will also get the support of the entire Luofan Kingdom.

There is only one country that can fight against another country.

Therefore, Su Ze understood that he should find a way to contact Dong Li.

It's just that he has no way to contact the official people of Dongli Kingdom.

"Let's try first, see if we can contact Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun, and then make the next decision."

"If it doesn't work, I'll smuggle to Dongli to rescue the soldiers first, but... hurry up, Aunt Yun is running out of time."

Su Ze glanced at Brother Ya again. It's not that Brother Ya's escapism is useless, and he may be able to use it later. No matter how bad it is, it can help him smuggle to Dongli Country.

After clearing his mind, Su Ze picked up his phone and sent Liu Wenyin a message: I'm fine, how about you?
In order to prevent the information from being intercepted by others, Su Ze didn't say too much, but simply reported that he was safe.

The next plan is to hurry while waiting for the news.

All the way north.

Regardless of whether the next stop is to go to Luo Fan Academy first, or go directly to Dongli Kingdom, they must head north.

"Go, let's eat!"

Su Ze and Ya Ge escaped together, left the Black Rock Mountains, and appeared in Mengka City.

Su Ze really didn't dare to eat the small restaurant on the street of Luo Fanguo. Fortunately, Ya Ge led the way this time. Ya Ge has a bit of face in the local area, so he easily led Su Ze into the rich area.

Compared with the poverty and backwardness outside, the rich people's district is full of feasting and feasting, full of modern atmosphere.

The two picked a good restaurant and chatted while eating.

"Brother Ya, let's add a friend, so we can keep in touch in the future." Su Ze said proactively.

"Okay, big brother, don't always call me Brother Ya, I have a name, Yarga."

"Okay, Brother Ya."

The names of these people from Luo Fan Kingdom are so strange that Su Ze can't be bothered to remember them.

At this moment, Su Ze's cell phone rang suddenly, it was Liu Wenyin who replied the message, there were only six words: Everything is fine, don't read.

Su Ze frowned. Just as he thought, Liu Wenyin and the others' communications were restricted, and every message would probably have to be reviewed by people from Luo Fanguo, otherwise she wouldn't just reply with these simple six words.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to go to Luo Fan Academy first.

Anyway, even if you go to Dongli, you have to pass by Luofan Academy.

"Brother Ya, are you familiar with Luo Fan Academy?" Su Ze asked.

"Rovan College? That's my alma mater."

"Sorry, brother Ya, you are a brilliant student who graduated from Luo Fan Academy."

"Cough!" Brother Ya coughed in embarrassment, and said, "I haven't graduated yet."

Su Ze was stunned for a moment, his eyes were strange, Brother Ya seemed to be in his thirties, and he hadn't graduated yet?

Brother Ya blushed, and said stiffly: "I failed the actual combat assessment, but that's not my fault! It's clear that the assessment teacher became angry and gave me small shoes."

Next, Brother Ya told Su Ze vividly about his glorious deeds during the assessment.

Brother Ya is an evolutionary of the Combat Department. When he graduates, he needs to complete the actual combat assessment. His goal is to defeat the assessment teacher who has suppressed his strength.

As a result, when it was Brother Ya's turn to take the assessment, for half an hour, he didn't let the teacher touch the corner of his clothes. Of course, he didn't touch the corner of the teacher's clothes either.

"I have life-saving skills all over my body, what can I do?
"I don't have an attack skill, so let me pounce on her chest with a small fist?
"That bitch didn't suppress her strength in the end, and still couldn't touch me. She couldn't get off the stage, and she gave me a 'failure' directly. The reason was 'the candidate is timid and afraid of fighting'. Are you saying it's ridiculous?"

Su Ze was stunned, and asked: "Then why don't you absorb an attack skill, your life-saving ability is already invincible, and with an attack skill, you can grind others to death."

"You think I don't want to?" Yage sighed, "I once absorbed a tube of extract, which had four attack skills, but I just absorbed the only life-saving skill. Every time I absorb the extract, the attack skill They all seem to walk around me."

"After I acquired five life-saving and escape skills in a row, I resigned to my fate and decided to go on this road!
"You should have heard that if you want to become a powerful evolutionary, you must specialize in a certain point. The price of omnipotence is mediocrity. Some people specialize in mental power, some specialize in strength, some specialize in speed, and some specialize in fire attack... Why can't I specialize in life-saving?"

Ambition appeared in Yage's eyes: "I have no turning back for a long time. I, Yarga, want to become the first life-saving saint in the six countries!"

"Okay!" Su Ze applauded, "Brother Ya has ambition!"

"I am born to be useful. I believe that your life-saving and escape skills will definitely be useful!"

For example, be my driver... Should I say it or not, the escapism skill is really fast.

I would like to call you Ya Pa Pa Pao, Red Rabbit Among People, Ya Ya Express...

Among the evolutionaries that Su Ze met, Liu Wenyin was similar, without any attack skills, but Liu Wenyin was a scientific researcher, not a combat evolutionary.

Moreover, Liu Wenyin's mental power is far stronger than that of the same level. When the evolution level goes up in the future, it will be as powerful as adding a few mental attack skills.

Just like Amida, Amida is a typical template for a research-type evolutionary to a combat-type evolutionary.

Brother Ya was full of excitement, as if he had met a bosom friend, and pulled Su Zeduo to drink two glasses of Coke.

"Brother Ya, I have something to discuss with you. I'm going to visit Luo Fan Academy. I want to invite you as a tour guide. How about it?"

Ya Ge hesitated: "This...but I still want to broadcast live."

"The spirit root tree incident is probably settled today. What hot events in Mengka City will be broadcast live later? You should also go out and look for new hot spots.

"You are different now, the holy battle has been broadcast live, don't you want to go back to live broadcast the multiplayer battle against the venomous lizard?
"Trust me, the next headline will be at Luo Fan Academy!"

(End of this chapter)

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