Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 67 Mutant Giant Crocodile

Chapter 67 Mutant Giant Crocodile
Brother Ya seems to be reckless, but in fact, his heartstrings are always tense, his mind is highly concentrated, and he is ready to run away at any time.

He reached out and pushed away a thick layer of silt, but there was still silt under the silt.

He continued to dig, but after digging for a long time, there was nothing.

Ya Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Brothers, there is nothing."

Su Ze looked at the live broadcast, but his face was solemn, and he noticed a detail.

The bottom of the river is full of Van river crocodiles, but the area where Ya Ge is standing does not have a single Van river crocodile.

Su Ze immediately sent a rocket and sent a barrage to remind him that there are no Van River crocodiles in the surrounding area, which is abnormal, so he should be careful.

As the big brother on the list, the barrage he sends has special special effects, which are very conspicuous, and Brother Ya noticed it right away.

"It's the details of our big brother. It makes sense. I suspect that there may be a water monster hidden under the river bed, so I decided to go ashore first..."

Su Ze felt a little relieved when he heard this, and thought that this guy didn't commit suicide without a bottom line, and his reminder was still useful.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is full of "Congxin" and "You have changed".

Ya Ge coughed and said, "I decided to go ashore first, and then go down to see what's hidden under the river bed!"

Su Ze realized that he had underestimated Ya Ge's ability to kill.

He didn't even know what level of beast the legendary water monster was, so he dared to provoke it.

Soon, Ya Ge went ashore and found a place where there was no Van River crocodile.

Without keeping the audience waiting too long, Brother Ya rested for a while, then set off again, using the earth escape skill to escape underground.

The live broadcast screen went black, and when it turned on again, it had already appeared underground.

It seemed to be an underground cave, with damp soil on the walls all around, and a layer of water on the ground, almost up to the knees.

"Brothers, there really is a cave under this river bed!" Brother Ya took a picture around with his mobile phone, and it was just a corner of the cave.

"Let's go ahead and take a look."

Brother Ya didn't take two steps, when he turned a corner ahead, he stopped suddenly.

Su Ze looked at the screen on the phone and stood up abruptly.

In an instant, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was densely packed with several layers.

Su Ze had to turn off the barrage, looked carefully again, and then directly sent a message to Brother Ya: "Quick retreat!"

There is nothing else in the live broadcast, just a paw, a paw bigger than a human.

The entire live broadcast screen can only fit this one paw.

One can imagine what kind of body shape the owner of this claw should have.

If you want to play this thing, it should be handed over to Altman.

The shape and structure of this claw made Su Ze feel a little familiar. After carefully comparing the details, he found that the claw of this giant beast was almost [-]% similar to the claw of the Van River crocodile.

So there's a giant Van River crocodile living in this cave? !
At this moment, the paw suddenly moved.

Ya Ge's complexion changed, and he said: "Brothers, it's awake, let's retreat first!"

In the next moment, he retreated to the ground in an earth escape.

Before he could stand firmly on the shore, suddenly there was a huge earthquake, the ground trembled, and the water level of Baicrocodile Bay suddenly dropped a lot.

The surrounding Van River crocodiles fled one after another, hiding far away.


There was a huge wave of [-] meters on the surface of the water, a big tail that was as long as the telephone pole but much thicker than the telephone pole stood up from the water, and then a big guy slowly surfaced.

This is a huge Van river crocodile with a size beyond imagination.

In other words, it is not appropriate to call it the Van River crocodile. It is no longer known what species it is, but it must be a relative of the Van River crocodile.

The size of the Vatican crocodile is already big enough, but compared with this giant crocodile, it is nothing.

The giant crocodile stared straight at Yage with cold eyes, then suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Yage.

As soon as it landed, it was the Van River crocodile's signature skill "Thousand Raging Waves", and the ground sank into a depression, forming a huge pit. The few Van River crocodiles on the land who had no time to escape were either directly killed by the shock, or struggled on the ground with their skins and flesh bruised. .

Fortunately, Brother Ya reacted quickly, and a Tudun escaped the attack range of Nu Tao Qianzhong.

At this time, the bullet screen was full of discussions about "water monsters", and some people kindly reminded Brother Ya to leave as soon as possible.

There is no doubt that this giant crocodile is the legendary water monster. Its huge size matches the video data released back then.

Brother Ya didn't dare to wave anymore, so he retreated directly, and then turned off the live broadcast.

Su Ze also got up immediately and asked the crew to stop advancing, and then continued to drive forward, entering Baicrocodile Bay.

This little boat couldn't stand up to that giant crocodile.

Not long after the boat stopped, Ya Ge came back all the way through the water.

Ya Ge's face was pale, he slumped on the deck, and said, "What kind of monster is that?"

Su Ze said: "It should be a mutant. The alien beasts in the Fan River are the group of alien beasts with the highest probability of mutation and evolution."

In Su Ze's known information on the alien beast, there is no record of this giant crocodile, and it cannot be found even on the Internet, so this giant crocodile may be a unique mutant.

Generally speaking, any kind of strange beast and spiritual plant has one or more common evolutionary routes.

For example, an ordinary squirrel, under normal circumstances, would only evolve into three first-order alien beasts, namely, the drilling squirrel, the flying squirrel, and the armored squirrel.

And these three first-order rat-like beasts also have a fixed evolutionary route. For example, the gopher will only evolve into a second-order rat, a treasure-hunting mouse or a mountain rat.

But sometimes the stimulation and influence of some external factors may cause the alien beast to deviate from its inherent evolutionary route and evolve into other unique alien beasts.

This kind of evolution is called mutation evolution.

A mutated and evolved alien beast may not necessarily be stronger than its original evolution route, or it may be weaker.

But this giant crocodile has obviously become stronger, and it is more than a little bit stronger. The ordinary Van River crocodile has no power to resist it.

"That giant crocodile is too outrageous!" Yage exclaimed, "Can you believe it? It's just a second-order beast."

"Are you sure? It's not the third level?" Su Ze's pupils shrank slightly, and his heart beat faster.

"I'm sure, when it first used its skills, the light of evolution flowed on its body surface, it was orange." Ya Ge confirmed.

Su Ze's heart skipped a beat.

Before, he was quite fond of Fanhe Crocodile's Rage Thousand Skill, but he disliked its power being too weak.

The enhanced version of the Thousand Raging Waves used by this giant crocodile is not weak, it is even frighteningly strong.

It's just that this giant crocodile is too strong, he and Brother Ya may not be able to handle it.

Ya Ge took a mouthful of the silt in his mouth and said, "That beast is definitely S-rank!"

Is it S grade?

Su Ze shook his head. He had seen the undead salamander of the second rank and S rank, but in terms of size and destructive power, the undead salamander was far inferior to this mutated giant crocodile.

The only thing that the undead salamander is stronger than the mutant giant crocodile is probably the self-healing ability.

Even if the mutated giant crocodile is S-level, it is definitely the top one in S-level.

(End of this chapter)

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