Chapter 74
In this food delivery record, it can be seen that there is a laboratory that has no food delivery record before, and did not start delivering food until two days ago.

And the food delivered is very interesting, half of it is the food of Luo Fan Kingdom, and the other half is the special dishes of Dongli Kingdom.

"Amida was quite thoughtful, knowing that Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun couldn't get used to their Luo Fan's sticky food."

Seeing this, Su Ze thought that there was a high probability that Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun would be under house arrest in this laboratory.

Seeing the food delivery record, Ya Ge realized: "That evolutionary expert is from Dongli?"

"Yeah, otherwise why Amida wanted to arrest her, she just didn't want her to go back to Dongli."

Ya Ge hesitated: "Then if I help you like this, am I not betraying my motherland?"

Su Ze said with a smile: "Just trying to find a way to meet and pass a message, it's not that serious."

Brother Ya is not stupid, he knows that this matter is not that simple.

Seeing him like this, Su Ze said, "I'll give you ten more, no, twenty 'sixth-order extracts'!"

Brother Ya suddenly smiled: "What kind of gift is it? See you! Just transfer the money directly."

He sold his little patriotism for a good price.

Su Ze also laughed, and was not disgusted with Ya Ge's behavior. These days, those who are willing to do things after receiving money are good people. Those who can collect money and work hard like Ya Ge are so attractive.

Brother Ya immediately led Su Ze straight to the laboratory area.

"The area in front is dedicated to the top scientists in the academy." Ya Ge said, pointing to the area in front.

It is said to be a laboratory, but each laboratory is an independent building. From the outside, it looks like a round fortress.

Each of these laboratories is not small in size, and they are far apart from each other. Unlike the public laboratories, there is not a single student here at a glance.

"The people who live here are all top figures in the academic world. Everyone is highly respected and holds important positions. Ordinary students would not dare to come here." Brother Ya explained.

The two walked all the way in and finally found the target laboratory.

Ya Ge said: "This place is very remote, the surrounding laboratories are all vacant, it seems that Amida really attaches great importance to that Dongli evolutionist, and find such a place where he will not be disturbed. "

Su Ze looked at the laboratory in front of him from a distance. The whole metal structure was airtight, and only one door was closed tightly.

The two didn't dare to approach rashly, but first discussed how to get in.

Seeing Su Ze staring at him, Brother Ya shook his head repeatedly and said, "I can't get in here."

"What about the trick you used to get out of the crocodile's stomach?"

"My trick can only be used once in a short period of time. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out once I get in."

Su Ze was lost in thought.

Breaking in by force is definitely not realistic.

So how do you get in there?

He suddenly thought of the meal delivery record.


"The work-study students in our school are responsible for the food delivery work. When he comes to deliver the food at noon, let me go up and negotiate. I'm sure there will be no problem!"

After Brother Ya said so, Su Ze gave it to him with confidence, and the two stayed nearby until lunch time.

Sure enough, I saw a black and thin male student riding a tricycle with a food delivery truck on it.

The black and thin student moved the food delivery truck down, pushed it and walked towards the laboratory.

Ya Ge immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"I'll deliver the food, you can go back."

The black and thin student seemed a little nervous, and stammered, "Who are you...?"

"I'm your senior." Ya Ge leaned into his ear, whispered a few words, and then took out a hundred-yuan bill and stuffed it into his hand.

"Thank you senior!" The black and thin student held the money with a trace of excitement on his face.

Brother Ya was pushing the food delivery truck, and when he turned around, he saw that the black and thin student was still standing where he was, so he couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you leave?"

The black and thin student pointed to the dining car: "I'll go in and clean up the dishes in half an hour."

"I'll clean it up for you, you go and do your work first!"

After Ya Ge finished speaking, he looked back after a while, and found that the black and thin student just rode the tricycle a little farther, and did not leave.

He shook his head and murmured: "This kid, are you afraid that I will steal the meal? At first glance, he looks like a freshman who has just entered school. Just like me back then, he is cautious, and he is afraid of getting into trouble when he does anything."

Su Ze came over and asked, "What did you say to him?"

Yage said: "I told him that I asked the professor in the laboratory to do something, but I had no chance to contact him, so I asked him to do me a favor and give me this opportunity to deliver meals."

Su Ze nodded, took the food delivery car, and said, "I'll deliver it."

Su Ze looks like a young man, he looks more like a student, and he is more suitable to deliver meals than Ya Ge.

Moreover, Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun might not trust Brother Ya, it would be better for Su Ze to deliver the meals.

Su Ze pushed the dining car all the way to the door of the laboratory and rang the doorbell.

The camera above the doorbell flickered, and then the door was opened. A middle-aged woman with short hair and a strong figure glanced at Su Ze and said, "Come in."

Su Ze entered the laboratory, pushed the cart along the corridor, and looked around from the corner of his eye all the way.

The interior space of this laboratory is very large, and the most middle area is the test area, which is divided into several rooms with transparent glass, and various experimental instruments are placed.

The outermost circle is various rooms, including a dedicated gym, a bathroom, a restaurant, and many rooms with closed doors. I don't know the specific purpose.

Su Ze saw a total of three people outside, all of whom were female evolutionaries, but did not see Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun.

The burly woman suddenly said from behind: "Where are you going to push it? You don't know to stop when you pass by the restaurant."

Su Ze pretended to be panicked and apologized repeatedly.

"Clumsy, what about the one who delivered the food in the morning? Why did you change it to you?"

"He has something to do at noon, let me help."

The burly woman didn't say any more, she stepped forward and knocked on the door of a room, and said, "Professor Liu, it's time to eat."

After a while, the door opened, and Liu Wenyin came out, and she saw Su Ze pushing the food delivery cart on one side.

There was no change in her expression and eyes, she just said, "I'll just eat in my room."

The burly woman said to Su Ze: "Why don't you bring the food in quickly?"

Su Ze quickly picked up the dishes from the Dongli Kingdom on the delivery truck and delivered them to Liu Wenyin's room.

Liu Wenyin's room was very large, with two beds, a desk and a tea table inside.

As soon as he entered the room, Su Ze saw Aunt Yun sitting at the tea table.

Aunt Yun also saw him, and blinked her eyes with obvious surprise.

She was not only surprised that Su Ze appeared here, but also wondered why Su Ze gained so much weight?
Under the watchful eyes of the strong woman, Su Ze didn't have a chance to say anything to Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun. He just put the food on the tea table and said, "Please take it easy, I'll come later to clean up the tableware."

(End of this chapter)

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