Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 78 Evidence (Please order first!)

Chapter 78 Evidence (Please order first!)
Brother Ya was overwhelmed by Su Ze's words.

As if incarnated as the male protagonist of Shuangwen, seeing his future self achieve the holy level in Dongli, become famous and become famous, and then return to Luofan Kingdom, Moni Mosang knelt at his feet and begged for mercy, and Luofan Academy hung his photo high in the school On the Wall of Fame, the government and people of the Luo Fan Kingdom begged him to return to China as the patron saint of Luo Fan.

"Just became a saint, the people begged me to go back to the country"

It sounds a bit nonsense, and what's even more nonsense is that Brother Ya really thinks something is wrong.

He has only known Su Ze for a few days, and he has earned [-] million yuan, which he would never have imagined before.

I feel that following Su Ze, although I have experienced more dangers than usual, the rewards are really great. This is because Su Ze is only a chrysalis. Once Su Ze's evolution level rises, maybe he can really take him to fly.

As for the danger... what his brother Ya is not afraid of is danger!

Brother Ya didn't agree to Su Ze immediately, he planned to see if Su Ze could rescue the two "backers".

If he could, he made up his mind to follow Su Ze to Dongli.

Anyway, in this Luofan Kingdom, apart from hatred, there is nothing he can't let go of.

After calming down, Brother Ya asked, "Brother, how are you going to save those two backers?"

Su Ze took out the folded paper from his pocket, shook it in front of Brother Ya, and then spread it out.

When he went in to deliver the food, he didn't have a chance to communicate with Liu Wenyin, and he didn't know what Liu Wenyin wrote on this piece of paper.

There is writing on both sides of this paper.

A string of numbers was written on one side, which should be a phone number.

On the other side, it is a letter.

Su Ze read it carefully and fell into deep thought.

This letter was not addressed to him, but to the official of Dongli Kingdom.

This is a distress letter!

Apparently, Liu Wenyin understood that only the officials of Dongli Kingdom could save her at this time, just like she was imprisoned by Gu'an before, and Dongli sent people to rescue her in the end.

As for why Liu Wenyin wrote such a formal distress letter... Su Ze thought for a moment, and roughly understood that this was not only a letter, but also a key piece of evidence.

The letter clearly stated how she and Aunt Yun were forcibly taken back by Amida and illegally imprisoned, and clearly stated where she was detained, and Liu Wenyin's fingerprints were printed on the bottom.

This is the ironclad proof that she was imprisoned by Luo Fan Kingdom!
Dongli Kingdom wants to negotiate with Luofan Kingdom, and it also needs to learn from the famous.

Liu Wenyin has been out of contact for many days, so Dongli Country could not have guessed that Liu Wenyin might have fallen into the hands of Luo Fanguo?
But it's just speculation, without any evidence, Luo Fanguo will never admit it.

Even if the Dongli country makes a big deal and attracts the attention of the dominant country, it is also unreasonable for the Dongli country.

But with this letter, it will be different.

Su Ze pondered for a moment, sorted out his thoughts, took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone number on the back of the letter.

If he guessed correctly, this number should be able to contact the official of Dongli Kingdom.

The phone was connected before it rang twice, and a calm male voice came: "Hello, who is it?"

Su Ze said in a deep voice: "Dr. Liu Wenyin gave me this number, she is in trouble now."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone before asking, "Who are you?"

"My name is Su Ze."

"I know you, Dr. Liu mentioned Ni, where is she now?"

"She and Aunt Yun were caught by Amida and imprisoned in a laboratory of Luo Fan Academy."

"Apart from this number, did Dr. Liu tell you anything else?"

"She also gave me a letter, a letter asking for help from Dongli Country."

Su Ze heard the man on the other end of the phone take a deep breath before saying, "Please keep that letter safe and pay attention to your own safety. I will contact you later."

The phone hangs up.

Su Ze also decided to stay in Mori City temporarily, waiting for the next development of the matter.

In the afternoon, Su Ze and Ya Ge went to the life pharmaceutical branch in Mori City to buy some evolution medicines.

"Strongness Pill" Su Ze is eating jelly beans, and he has almost eaten it. Although he will not take the "Strengthening Pill" until he has completely digested the mutant giant crocodile extract, he will need some sooner or later.

"Healthy Digestion Tablet" is a magic medicine to aid in the digestion of extracts. Su Ze plans to buy more this time and try to digest the evolutionary substances accumulated in the body in one go.

When he came to the store, Su Ze asked smoothly, "Is there any tonic that works better than Qiangshen Pill?"

The shopping guide lady said: "The Qiangshen Pill is already the best nourishing medicine available at the pupa stage and below. The better effect is the tonic taken by the evolutionary stage."

Can I bear the tonic taken by the cocoon-breaking evolutionary... Su Ze thought for a while, and bought two bottles of milder medicine.

Su Ze felt that he couldn't treat himself like an ordinary chrysalis. He even absorbed the extracts by leaps and bounds. It's not too much to take a drug by leaps and bounds, right?
"What about health and digestive tablets, is there a better alternative?" Su Ze asked again.

The shopping guide lady said: "Healthy Digestive Tablets are the star product of our company. Among the synthetic drugs, there is no better drug effect than it. Only some natural drugs can outperform it, but the price will be many times higher. The price performance ratio is not good." high."

Natural medicine, that is, the parts of Lingzhi that have various medicinal effects, such as the pith of the Linggen tree.

Compared with synthetic drugs that can be produced in large quantities, the price of natural drugs will definitely be much higher.

Su Ze thought for a while, and said, "Take me to have a look."

When they came to a high-end showcase made of crystal, the shopping guide introduced several natural medicines to Su Ze.

"This is the juice of the 'Time Ring Tree'. A bottle is [-] milliliters, which is exactly the amount to be taken at one time. The medicinal effect is almost twice that of the Digestive Tablet, and the price is ten times that."

"This is the root hair of 'Baby Ginseng'. One hair can be divided into three doses, and the effect is equivalent to three times the health and digestion tablet, and the price is twenty times that."

"This is the petal of the 'Amorous Flower'. Its efficacy is five times that of the Healthy Digestive Tablets. The price is almost [-] times that of the Healthy Digestive Tablets. And it only accepts point trading or bartering of high-level evolutionary items."

Su Ze thought about it, and bought a baby ginseng root, three bottles of time ring tree juice, and a bottle of fitness digestion tablets.

He didn't buy too much of these two natural medicines, he just bought some to see the effect.

In this way, more than 2000 million yuan was spent!
I can see Ya Ge being speechless, he has never been so extravagant, every time he buys evolutionary medicines, he always chooses the most cost-effective economical medicines.

After buying the medicine, Su Ze didn't go back to the hotel where he stayed last night. He asked Ya Ge to book the presidential suite of the most luxurious hotel in the area.

Because there are two bedrooms, he can drink drugs and dance in his own bedroom at night.

When they came to the hotel, as usual, Brother Ya completed the check-in procedures, and then the two of them checked in again. Brother Ya gave up the larger master bedroom to Su Ze sensibly.

Su Ze closed the door and locked it, ready to retreat.

However, at this moment, Dong Liguo's call finally came back.

(End of this chapter)

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