Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 8 Your Health Is My Greatest Wealth

Chapter 8 Your Health Is My Greatest Wealth
Su Ze found it unbelievable that such a BUG skill of Evolution God's Grace came from a first-order extract.

He knows that there must be many secrets in it, but he is too weak now to explore it.

He continued to sort out the memories in his mind...

Zhao Lingxiao was ecstatic after getting the ability to evolve God's favor, and only then told Zhao Yuanyi the cause and effect of the incident, and he cut it first and played it later.At that time, he was already wanted by the whole country, but he knew that his minister father would definitely save him.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Zhao Yuanyi has no choice, so he came up with the method of using the cloned person as a scapegoat and feigning death to escape.

And Zhao Yuanyi's arrangement for Zhao Lingxiao was to let him hide first, digest the extract of Princess Zhu Zhi as soon as possible, and increase the intensity of training to improve his physical fitness, so that he could absorb the fourth tube of extract and complete the first evolution.

Zhao Yuanyi planned to send Zhao Lingxiao abroad after the clone was executed.

The memory ends here, and the others are all trivial matters. Su Ze also stopped sorting out, picked up the handbag, and dug out the documents in it.

An ID card, the photo on it is almost [-]% similar to Zhao Lingxiao, but the name is not Zhao Lingxiao, but Chen Kun.

Good guy, Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand?
Obviously this is the new identity Zhao Yuanyi arranged for Zhao Lingxiao.

In addition, there is a passport, which is also in Chen Kun's name, and it is also endorsed with the visa of Luo Fan Kingdom next door.

It seems that Zhao Yuanyi intends to send Zhao Lingxiao to Luofan Kingdom next to Mu Country, and all the procedures have been completed.

Su Ze put away his documents, looked at the changing night scene outside the window, and suddenly remembered a very important thing!
His clone was born half a month ago, so he has no memory of Zhao Lingxiao's last half month.

And in this half month, did Zhao Lingxiao absorb the fourth tube of extract?Have you completed your first evolution yet?
If Zhao Lingxiao had already completed his first evolution, then it wouldn't work for him to pretend to be Zhao Lingxiao, because there was a fatal flaw.

He has neither completed evolution nor possessed Zhao Lingxiao's fourth skill, so he will definitely be exposed after a long time.

Whatever you are afraid of, Zhang Fantie, who is driving, sees Su Ze's nervous face through the rearview mirror, and he rarely comforts him: "Don't worry, with your current physical fitness, your skills are all top-notch. , the strength is not weak anymore, even if you go to Luofan Kingdom, you will be able to gain a foothold."

Su Ze's heart skipped a beat, Zhao Lingxiao has really evolved to the chrysalis stage!

The first three stages of evolution are collectively referred to as extraordinary-level life forms, named after the three stages of insects turning into butterflies, namely pupae transformation, cocoon breaking, and butterfly transformation, and those who have evolved more than four times are collectively called holy-level life forms .

As for those like Su Ze who have never evolved once, they are called mortal life forms.

There is still a big gap between a mortal life form and a pupae life form. Once he fights in front of Zhang Fantie or Zhao Yuanyi, he will definitely be noticed.

Now I only hope that Zhao Yuanyi can arrange for me to go abroad as soon as possible. Once I get to Luofan Kingdom and leave Zhao Yuanyi's field of vision, I won't be afraid of being exposed... Su Ze calmed down, thinking that he should also find an opportunity to complete the first as soon as possible secondary evolution.


The car was driving on the streets of Qinggu City in the early morning. After entering the urban area, it became obviously lively. The neon lights flickered outside the car window. From time to time, groups of drunk young people and coolly dressed black silk girls could be seen.

As the capital of Muguo, the nightlife in Qinggu City is quite colorful.

The Zhao family owned many properties in Qinggu City, both openly and secretly. Zhang Fantie drove the car into an alley, and at the end of the alley was a quiet courtyard.

Zhang Fantie parked the car in the courtyard, Su Ze was about to get out of the car, but found that Zhang Fantie didn't unlock the car door, but pushed down the window for him instead.

He looked out the car window, and saw a handsome old man with slightly white temples walking towards him, it was Zhao Yuanyi.

"The warden of Panshi Prison called to question me, saying that you made a lot of noise?" Zhao Yuanyi asked standing outside the car door.

"There was an accident, but it also eliminated the trouble." Su Ze said.

Zhao Yuanyi nodded. He didn't take this matter too seriously. He just killed a few more death row prisoners. He has already used the increase in the financial allocation of Panshi Prison next year as a bargaining chip to appease the director of Panshi Prison and promised to use his connections to help Panshi Prison. Cover it up.

"I have already arranged a private plane at Qinggu Airport, and I will take you to Heiyan City, and then take a car from Heiyan City to Luo Fan Country. After arriving in Luo Fan Country, go find General Ye Muni. He is my friend for many years. They will arrange your study and life there.”

Zhao Yuanyi paused, and continued: "Work hard over there, and strive to become a holy life body as soon as possible. At that time, with your evolutionary divine grace skills, you will not be afraid of King Mu, and you can return to Mu Kingdom in a fair manner."

Su Ze was overjoyed, what do you mean?Are you going to send him away now?
That's great!
As long as he leaves Zhao's house, he doesn't have to worry about revealing his identity.

Su Ze nodded again and again: "I will definitely not relax, and will become a holy life body as quickly as possible!"

In fact, according to Zhao Lingxiao's personality, at this time, he will definitely not forget to strengthen the relationship between father and son, and he will ask his father and father for a while, but Su Ze can't do it.

Although his blood was also from the Zhao family, Zhao Yuanyi neither gave birth to him nor raised him, and even wanted him to be Zhao Lingxiao's scapegoat. It was absolutely impossible for him to recognize such a person as his father.

Su Ze felt that the reason why people are human is because they have their own dignity and bottom line.

At this time, Zhao Yuanyi suddenly took out a bank card and handed it to Su Ze: "You need money everywhere when you are away from home. I have saved [-] million in this card, and the password is your birthday. Ask me when you run out." .”

"Thank you Dad!"

Su Ze took the bank card and said emotionally: "You must take care of your health, your health is my greatest wealth!"

This sentence, Su Ze said sincerely.

He is a clone, without father or mother, so it is not too much to recognize a father, right?

"Okay, don't waste time, let's go quickly."

Zhao Yuanyi was also a little uncomfortable with his son's sudden flattery, he turned his head to look at Zhang Fantie in the driver's seat, and said, "Fantie, Ling Xiao will trouble you to take care of him in the future."

"The minister's kindness to me is as great as a mountain, and these are what I should do." Zhang Fantie said seriously.

Su Ze at the side suddenly realized something.

and many more!

Something is wrong!

According to this meaning, Zhang Fantie also wants to accompany him and escort him to Luo Fan Country?

Will he continue to protect him even when he arrives in Luo Fan Country?

All of a sudden, Su Ze's heartstrings that had just been relaxed tensed again.

Zhang Fantie can not only protect him, but also kill him. Once he reveals that he is not Zhao Lingxiao, he will not even have a chance to run.

Moreover, this exposure will happen sooner or later, and it is impossible for him to never make a move in front of Zhang Fantie.

It's over! It's over!

Just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's den again.


PS: For the new book issue, I try to update two chapters at once at this point, so that those who stay up late can read it immediately, and those who wake up early tomorrow can read it as soon as they wake up

(End of this chapter)

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