Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 93 Meeting Professor Feng Again

Chapter 93 Meeting Professor Feng Again

Su Ze and the others didn't wait long before they saw Liu Wenyin and Aunt Yun being escorted to the stadium.

At this time, Ya Ge also bought milk tea and came back.

Su Ze took the milk tea from Brother Ya and said, "Come on, come with me to pick up my sister."

Brother Ya looked at Liu Wenyin approaching from a distance, and exclaimed, "This is our sister? She's so beautiful!"

As soon as Su Ze left, Zhou Wenshan and Li Fayi quickly followed.

Su Ze walked up to Liu Wenyin and handed her the milk tea in his hand: "Sister, Aunt Yun, welcome home."

Liu Wenyin took the milk tea, took a small sip, and showed a sweet and gentle smile on her face. This scene was captured by a reporter from Dongli TV Station and became the cover of tomorrow's news headlines.

"Thanks to my younger brother, I can go home." Liu Wenyin said with a slight smile.

She knew that Su Ze had done a lot of things to save her. She and Aunt Yun also watched the live broadcast of the ruling battle just now.

Aunt Yun said with emotion: "It is indeed thanks to Su Ze this time, otherwise Dr. Liu would not be able to return to Dongli, and I would not be at ease even if I died."

She also didn't expect that the boy who was brought along with her in Heiyan City would one day become their savior.

Zhou Wenshan stepped forward and said, "Okay, let's catch up on the old days when we get back to Dongli. After all, this is not our territory, so we should leave as soon as possible."

Several people nodded.

Su Ze hurriedly pulled Brother Ya and introduced him: "This is a friend I met in Luo Fan Country. This time, he successfully rescued my sister. He did a lot of hard work. This time he must go to Dongli with us. Otherwise, Luo Fan Kingdom may not have a place for him."

Brother Ya was very moved. At this time, Su Ze hadn't forgotten to give him credit.

About Brother Ya, Su Ze had already greeted Zhang Tai, and Zhang Tai said a few words in Principal Zhou Wenshan's ear.

Zhou Wenshan nodded and said: "The one who helped Dongli is our friend Dongli.

"I'm going to say goodbye to the Holy Envoy, and when I come back we will set off to return home."

Su Ze and others waited for Zhou Wenshan in place, and the audience in the surrounding stands began to leave one after another. Soon, a circle of people surrounded them, pointing at them from a distance.

These are the teachers and students of Luo Fan Academy. Because Li Fayi, who was full of evil spirit, was guarding here, they did not dare to approach, but most of them glanced at Su Ze from time to time, discussing something in a low voice.

Su Ze didn't care at all, but when he accidentally spotted a face in the crowd, he couldn't help but froze.

It was a bald, fat old man with a meaningful smile on his face, staring straight at Su Ze.

When Su Ze saw this face, the memory rolled in his mind, and some fragments and pictures continued to emerge...

Feng Boyi!
Muguo evolution expert, professor of Muguo Royal Academy, creator of Su Ze's body.

How could he be here!

As a leading figure among Muguo's evolutionists, Feng Boyi is better than Liu Wenyin in terms of qualifications and fame. He is not staying in Muguo, so why did he end up at Luofan Academy?
Su Ze went to look for Feng Boyi in the crowd, and found that he had already turned and left, only seeing a back.

I have to check it when I go back... Su Ze kept this matter in his heart. Feng Boyi was one of the few people who knew his clone identity, so Su Ze naturally paid special attention to him.

And there is another point, Su Ze has been wondering, can such a powerful skill as the Evolution Divine Grace really be replicated through cloning technology?
He once learned from Feng Buqing that the ability to evolve divine grace comes from "blood crystallization". Although he didn't know what blood crystallization was, he knew that this skill was very special when he thought about it with his toes.

If a large number of clones can be copied through cloning technology, is it necessary for the dirty soil organization to go through so much trouble?
"Come on, let's go to the airport first."

Zhou Wenshan came back, and a sentence interrupted Su Ze's meditation.

Zhou Wenshan and Li Fayi, the two saint-level overlords, and Aunt Yun and Zhang Tai, both of the butterfly stages, were capable of flying. They each took two or three of them and flew to the Mori City Airport together.

Among them, Su Ze and Liu Wenyin were together and were taken by Principal Zhou Wenshan to fly. They were the key protection objects.

When they arrived at the airport, everyone quickly boarded the plane. Just like when they arrived, Chief Li Fayi still chose to fly with the plane and escorted him outside the plane.

After the plane took off, Su Zeben wanted to ask Liu Wenyin some things, but there were too many people on the plane, so he decided to go back and ask after thinking about it.

Su Ze took out his mobile phone and searched for the keyword "Feng Boyi".

There are many results on the webpage, one of which is very eye-catching, it is the news of the past two days: the famous evolutionist Feng Boyi joined the Luofan Academy as the professor of evolution of the Luofan Academy!
After clicking on the news, Su Ze read it carefully, thoughtfully.

Feng Boyi resigned from Muguo Royal Academy, left Muguo, and became a professor at Luofan Academy. What is he planning?
He is a native of the Shepherd Country. He is a highly respected senior in the academic circle of the Shepherd Country. The treatment he receives is definitely the top in the industry. Why did he choose to leave his hometown at this age?

I'm afraid it's because I'm worried about Zhao Yuanyi's revenge...

Feng Boyi personally cultivated the clone, and finally killed the main body and ran away. This must be a mess, and Zhao Yuanyi will not just let it go.

In Su Ze's memory, when Zhao Yuanyi first approached Feng Boyi and wanted to breed a clone for Zhao Lingxiao, Feng Boyi refused.

However, Feng Boyi had been researching cloning technology in private in violation of the ruling country's ban and the Mu country's laws, and was caught by Zhao Yuanyi, and finally had to compromise under Zhao Yuanyi's threat.

The scene at that time flashed through Su Ze's mind:
"Professor Feng, I've already explained the situation to you. How are you thinking?"

"Minister Zhao, cloning technology is a forbidden technique. You should know better than me how serious the consequences of abusing cloning technology are." Feng Boyi shook his head.

"But as far as I know, you have never given up your research on cloning technology, right? You have even conducted human experiments long ago, and there are successful cases."

Feng Boyi's complexion changed slightly: "Minister Zhao, I don't know what you are talking about. Before becoming a scientific researcher, I am a law-abiding citizen first!"

"Really?" Zhao Yuanyi smiled, "I heard that the female assistant in your laboratory is still your student. Her body was found three years ago, and I suppressed the news, but as far as I know , now she is still working under you, right?

"Her family members have not noticed any abnormalities so far. It has to be said that Professor Feng's technique is really superb and flawless. Even his biological parents can't see it."

Cold sweat broke out on Professor Feng's forehead, and then his energy was taken away like a wilted old cucumber, his face drooped, and he said in a low voice: "I can try, but success is not guaranteed.

"At present, the technology I have mastered can only perfectly clone unevolved mortal life forms." Feng Boyi looked at Zhao Lingxiao behind Zhao Yuanyi, "In order not to increase the difficulty, your son should stop absorbing the extracts before the clone is completed. Don't evolve."

(End of this chapter)

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