Evolve from cloning.

Chapter 97 Extract from Wind Tiger

Chapter 97 Extract from Wind Tiger

This is the first time Su Ze heard this kind of statement. Originally, if he wanted to complete the fourth evolution, he had to absorb three tubes of advanced extracts during the butterfly stage, otherwise he would fail.

Liu Wenyin also confirmed this statement, saying: "The fourth evolution is a hurdle, a leap in the level of life. If there is no three-tube fourth-order advanced extract to lay the foundation, it is likely that due to insufficient physical fitness, it will not be able to withstand the power of evolution. transformation, resulting in evolutionary failure."

Aunt Yun said: "There is currently no fourth-order A-level extract stored in Dongli Country, and it is impossible for me to let the country's holy-level powerhouses take the risk to hunt fourth-level A-level beasts outside Lin Huazhou for me.

"Moreover, there are only four holy-level overlords in Dongli Kingdom, but there are hundreds of people in the butterfly stage like me. Everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for the fourth-order high-level extract, which is why there are a lot of fourth-order low-level extracts in the Dongli Kingdom's treasury. , but none of the fourth-order advanced extracts."

Su Ze was silent for a moment, and said, "What if I come out with this tube of extract? Aunt Yun, would you like to try it?"

"You?" Aunt Yun was stunned.

Su Ze took out a tube of extract that glowed with the light of green evolution from the box and put it on the table, saying: "This is the extract I extracted from that tiger-like beast that I don't know the specific species, but since It's a tiger-like beast, and its grade won't be low. It's at least Tier [-] B-grade, maybe even A-grade. I'll let my sister identify it later.

"If it's not A-level, I still have 100 million evolutionary technology points. Even if I can't buy a fourth-level A-level extract, it won't be too bad. I will think of a way when the time comes. In short, you don't have to pay for the extraction. things to worry about."

Now even Liu Wenyin was shocked. She didn't expect Su Ze to be so rich. One million evolutionary technology points is already equivalent to the value of one tube of fourth-order B-grade extract. Su Ze actually owns two tubes in a pupa stage. Four-stage advanced extract!
It took a long time for Aunt Yun to come back to her senses, but she still shook her head and said, "You can save these resources for your own use in the future. With this tube of extracts and 100 million evolutionary technology points, plus the foundation you have laid now, you will be promoted in the future." The holy level is already half successful, there is no need to waste these things on me, an old woman."

These things are too expensive, and she dare not accept them. It would be fine if she succeeds, but she doesn't know how to pay them back if she fails to hit the holy level.

Su Ze smiled: "You don't know me yet? I don't like S-level extracts at all. If you don't become a holy level, who will take me to hunt fourth-order S-level beasts in the future?"

It would be a lie to say that Aunt Yun was completely unmoved. She stared into Su Ze's eyes and said seriously: "If I fail to evolve, all your resources worth tens of billions will be in vain. Don't you feel bad?" ?”

"I'm definitely distressed, but not for these resources, but for the loss of my mother Yun, whom I just recognized."

Su Ze seemed to be joking, but Aunt Yun saw seriousness and firmness in Su Ze's eyes, without any hesitation.

"Okay!" Aunt Yun straightened her back, "I'll take a gamble with you, ma'am! If you win the bet, I'll go all out to kill the fourth-order S-class beast for you, and don't cry if you lose the bet. "

Aunt Yun seemed to let go of her worries and decided to give it a go.

Su Ze smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for you to cover me, Mommy Yun."

Seeing that Aunt Yun agreed to come down, Liu Wenyin also showed a smile, picked up the tube of fourth-order extract provided by Su Ze, and said, "I'll go to the laboratory and use an instrument to identify this tube of extract."


It didn't take long for the identification results of the tube's fourth-order extract to come out.

【Extract from Wind Tiger】

Level: Tier [-] A

Available skills: Overlord of the Wind, Roar of the King, Seal of the Beast King
Su Ze and Aunt Yun were very pleasantly surprised when they got the news, it turned out to be a fourth-order A-level extract!

In this way, Aunt Yun can absorb it directly.

Soon, Liu Wenyin returned to the villa, and handed the extract from Fengzhihu to Aunt Yun.

Without saying a word, Aunt Yun immediately ran back to her room and began to absorb the extract.

In fact, absorbing high-grade extracts is also very risky. Many people who ventured to absorb high-quality extracts failed and were seriously injured, and some even died. However, most of them happened when they absorbed the first tube of extracts just after completing evolution.

Aunt Yun had already absorbed two tubes of fourth-stage extracts at the stage of butterfly transformation. With the foundation laid by those two tubes of extracts, and then absorbing a tube of A-level extracts, the chance of failure is not high.

Su Ze and Liu Wenyin were waiting in the living room. Su Ze took advantage of this time to ask Liu Wenyin some questions in his heart.

"Sister, I saw a storage ring on Feng Buqing's body. It's very miraculous. What kind of strange thing is that?"

Su Ze has been coveting Feng Buqing's storage ring for a long time, and really wants to get one for himself.

Liu Wenyin said: "It should be made from the fruit of the fifth-order spiritual plant 'Qiankun Wood'. Qiankun Wood has a skill called 'Space Compression', which can compress a larger space into its own fruit. People get Its fruit can be made into various ornaments, and there is space in it."

"So it's not a strange thing... so what is the approximate price of this kind of space jewelry?"

"It's probably about the same price as the fourth-order B-grade extract. Qiankun wood is relatively rare, and it bears fruit more slowly."

"That's it... In fact, it's not troublesome to carry a bag and a suitcase with you."

Su Ze gave up the idea of ​​buying a space ring, let's talk about it later when he gets rich.

Originally, he thought he was quite rich, but it turned out to be nothing more than that, mainly because the things he wanted were too expensive.

Su Ze asked again, "Sister, do you have any idea about the upgrade of my regenerative body skills?"

Liu Wenyin nodded and said: "This kind of situation is very rare, but it is not impossible. This is an external influence that promotes skill upgrades. It can only be said that the tree marrow is very compatible with your regenerated body skills.

"In fact, skills can be upgraded, but only holy life forms can do it, and there are many restrictions and conditions. You can complete a skill upgrade during the chrysalis transformation, which is an opportunity that can't be met."

"Holy-level powerhouses can upgrade their skills?" Su Ze asked in surprise, "The S-level skills I have worked so hard to acquire will be equalized and lose my advantage when I reach the holy level?"

Liu Wenyin shook her head: "Skills that are inherently weak, no matter how you upgrade them, the upper limit is very low, and skills that are inherently strong have more room for improvement, so don't ignore every skill before the holy level, they determine your strength. The upper limit of strength at the holy stage."

Su Ze nodded, and he probably understood. It's like the ground-drilling skill of a gopher mouse, how strong can it be no matter how upgraded it is?Humanoid excavator?
"Then what happened when Feng Buqing absorbed the extract of the spiritual root tree and mutated it? Didn't it mean that human beings cannot absorb the extract of the spiritual plant?"

(End of this chapter)

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