My farm does not raise idle dragons

Chapter 99 Team 1 must be neat and orderly

Chapter 99 A team must be neat and tidy
When Lu Xi woke up in the morning, he didn't see Zhuo Zuo and Xiao Yuan, so he wasn't too surprised. He washed up as usual, made breakfast, and then went out to find the two cubs and come back for dinner.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the door, he saw about ten people staggering around in the yard, all wearing patrol uniforms.

Lu Xi's first reaction was that Marco ran out with someone, but after careful observation, he found that this was not the case.

These dozen or so people should be members of another patrol group that Marco placed outside.

So, how come they fainted and appeared here?

Lu Xi raised his head and looked around again, but still didn't see Xiao Yuan and Zhuo Zhuo. Just as he was wondering, a loud noise suddenly came from the door.

Lu Xi looked over and saw that it was the Xinwa Village hunting team that had just been formed yesterday. Xiao Yuan and Zhuo Zhuo were leading the team, Cross was directing from behind, and the rest were all carrying a lot of things.

Lu Xi glanced over and saw several complete tents and some scattered daily necessities.

Are you going somewhere to loot?Lu Xi opened his mouth slightly, but did not ask.

Cross directed everyone to put things at the door, and after asking Lu Xi for instructions, he walked into the yard himself.

Zhuo Zhuo and Xiao Yuan were falling behind him now. Zhuo Zuo looked proud with his head held high, as if he was waiting for Lu Xi's praise. However, his slower and slower steps revealed that he was not too sure in his heart. disturbed.

Xiao Yuan is very pure. It simply feels that what he and Zhuo Zhuo are doing seems inappropriate, so his guilty conscience is directly displayed on his face.

As soon as Lu Xi saw this scene, she made a guess in her mind. Looking at Zhuo Zuo and Xiao Yuan, she didn't say anything. She waved directly to Cross and sighed, "Tell me. What happened last night.”

Cross was not a fool after all. Even if he didn't realize what happened at the time, he would definitely have noticed it later when he reviewed the whole incident.

Without any idea of ​​hiding anything, Cross recounted everything that happened last night.

After confirming that all members of the patrol team had been drugged, Zhuo Zhuo and Xiao Yuan took Cross back to the farm. They called out the others and moved all the patrol team members back to the farm.

Then he went back and brought back all the things that the patrol members had left behind.

After going back and forth several times, it was just dawn.

Lu Xi sighed deeply when he heard that Zhuo Zhuo wanted to help Lu Xi solve the trouble of the patrol outside by drugging him.

What she couldn't understand the most was that Zhuo Zhuo's method actually succeeded.

Of course, luck accounts for the majority of it.

The first point is that because Lu Xi was worried that Zhuo Zhuolong's identity would be exposed, he did not bring Xiao Yuan and Zhuo Zhuo to appear in front of Marco's patrol team. Therefore, these people in the patrol team only knew that Miss Lucy had two magic pets, but they did not Know what Miss Lucy's two familiars look like.

The reason why Marco knew that Lu Xi had two familiars was because he sensed elemental fluctuations - the elemental fluctuations of humans and monsters were very easy to distinguish and were completely different.

Humans or monsters who do not hide their elemental power are as conspicuous as lights in the dark in the eyes of other people or monsters who possess elemental power.

The second point is that the monsters around Lingbo Farm are attracted and driven by members of the patrol team, but they cannot guarantee that every monster will follow the route they planned. It is very dangerous for any accidents or deviations to occur. normal.

So when Anne saw Xiao Yuan and Zhuo Zhuo, she didn't recognize them as Miss Lucy's magic pets. She just thought that a few monsters had accidentally approached them.

The third point is that Cross, who was given important responsibilities by Xiao Yuan and Zhuo Zhuo, did not understand what they meant. He felt that he was just here to help and deliver something, which were the big red apples in his arms.

Therefore, when he saw Annie and others, he did not act suspiciously, because he really didn't know anything, and he didn't even know that the patrol team existed.

And the last point is that Cross's status is so low that the patrol team didn't even bother to ask him. They just took him in for the sake of Lingxuan Farm to prevent him from going back to deliver letters and deliver news.

The most important thing is that if Cross's slave is kept, Marco can also send him out in exchange for favors after negotiating good terms with Miss Lucy at Lingbo Farm.

In short, a lot of coincidences added up and it became what it is now.

Lu Xi glanced at the sleepy patrol members on the ground who looked like they were dead, and after a moment of silence for their misfortune, he asked Cross to command people to carry them to Rowim's house and send them to meet Marco.

At the same time, he turned to look at Xiao Yuan and Zhuo Zhuo. Zhuo Zhuo looked very proud at first, but as Lu Xi ignored him, the proud expression on his face gradually turned hesitant.

Afterwards, I realized that I might have done something wrong, so I gradually became quieter and quieter.

Seeing the two cubs peeking at him carefully, Lu Xi couldn't criticize them too much. After all, these two cubs actually did this kind of thing for her.

But this kind of thing cannot be tolerated. We should criticize when we should criticize, and educate when we should educate.

Looking at the pile of tents piled at the entrance of the yard and the daily necessities left by the patrol, Lu Xi's eyelids jumped. Good guy, not only did he stun the people and catch them, but he also didn't leave anything for them.

These things are of little use to Lu Xi, but for the residents of Xinwa Village who are camping in the square, they can solve their urgent needs.

After only one day, even if the carpenter Kent taught them how to make tents, there were not many results. Most people still slept on the ground in the open air. Fortunately, the temperature has not dropped too low yet.

So Lu Xi was not polite and directly distributed these things to the villagers in Xinwa Village.

The patrol team wanted to plot against Lingbo Farm, but they were caught by Lu Xi. There was no need for Lu Xi to be a clean and good old man, leaving things that were useful to him without taking them.

After all, there is such a thing as "trophy".

After all the people and items inside and outside the yard were cleared, Lu Xi turned to look at the two nervous cubs. There were so many people just now that it was difficult to educate them directly.

It's time to settle accounts now.

After a good meal of criticism and education, Lu Xi looked at the two cubs with watery eyes. Even though he knew that the monsters did not cry so easily and were probably pretending to show them to her, he couldn't help but feel soft.

He coughed dryly and said, "Forget it, the food has been in the house for a long time, let's eat first."

No matter how angry Lu Xi was, he couldn't do anything but deny food to the two cubs.

However, Lu Xi still asked again and again, "Everything you do in the future must be discussed with me before you do it. You are not allowed to make your own decisions. Do you understand?"

Lu Xi trusted these two cubs and felt that they would never do anything to harm him, so he gave them the greatest degree of freedom.

But Lu Xi forgot that the two of them were just cubs that were just born. They had experienced very few things. Even though they were very smart, the decisions they made when faced with many things were not necessarily correct. .They still need Lu Xi's teachings, and they need to experience more things before they understand what they are doing is the right thing to do, instead of just doing things on a whim and with a flash of inspiration like now.

This time they were lucky and were able to achieve their goal by mistake, but what if their luck is not good enough next time?

Lu Xi hoped that they could understand this. The two cubs nodded repeatedly without any intention of refuting.

They may not understand some things yet, but they know that Lu Xi will not harm them, so they are willing to listen to Lu Xi, and that is enough.

The problem of time can only be solved by time.

Marco stayed up half the night and had to confirm that Miss Lucy seemed to have no intention of paying attention to him. Near the early hours of the morning, he found a place to relax for a while.

The living room has a large space, and the indoor temperature is not too cold. There is no wind or rain. It is not a problem to just find a place to lie down. The environment is much better than outside.

Not long after he fell asleep, there were suddenly very messy footsteps outside the door. Marco suddenly woke up, frowning and thinking about what happened.

Although there was a lot of noise outside, no one was chatting, so Marco couldn't guess for the moment and could only wait silently.

After about ten minutes of fussing, all the sounds dissipated, and Marco finally saw the Lingbo Farm member named Rowim opening the door to the living room and carrying a man wearing patrol uniforms in.

Rowim's body is very strong, but his age and his facial aura make it easy for people to overlook the strength of his body.

Seeing Rowim carry a man in effortlessly, Marco couldn't help but adjust Rowim's threat level in his heart.

Although becoming an elemental warrior puts a big distance between you and ordinary people, ordinary people are not without threat to elemental warriors. There are some ordinary people with extraordinary talents. Although they do not have the blessing of elemental power, their power is still considerable.

Then Marco noticed the man who was carried in - wasn't this the captain of Annie's patrol that he had arranged to meet him outside?
Although he was thinking about so many things, Marco's movements were not slow at all. He ran straight to Rowim's side and punched out, but held back his strength.

He didn't plan to kill Rowim directly, which would be equivalent to tearing his face. Instead, he planned to hold Rowim hostage and demand that the forbidden barrier in this room be opened and let them out.

Rowim didn't dodge, Marco hit him with one blow, just like the male low-level elemental mage hitting the elemental magic on the wall, without any effect.

Marco couldn't help but widen his eyes. Even though he had seen many things in the world with Mayor Sunch, he still had never seen this scene before.

How can a farm's defensive elemental array be extended to a human body? ? ?
It's no wonder that this person dared to walk in so casually. He was really confident.

Marco retracted his fist calmly, without any embarrassment, and took Anne from Rowim's other shoulder.

"What's going on?" Marco asked in front of his men with an unchanging expression, as if he occupied some moral high ground.

"I'm not sure what happened. It's just that Miss Lucy just ordered someone to be sent here." Rowim still had a decent smile on his face, as if he didn't even see Marco rushing over and punching him.

"There are a few people behind. I'll bring them here. As for the guests, please don't leave this room without Miss Lucy's permission."

Rowim turned around and left the room, leaving the door open but not closed.

Marco frowned, not knowing what Rowim meant. He put the unconscious Annie aside, rubbed his wrist, and signaled with his eyes to one of his subordinates.

The subordinate nodded sensibly and rushed towards the door. As expected, he was blocked by something transparent like a wall.

Marco stared at the unobstructed door and tried hard to think about the reason. Before he could figure it out, he saw Rowim walking over with two more people on his shoulders.

I didn't see any movement from Rowim. He walked directly in from the door, put down the people, and then walked out again.

The patrol members who quietly followed Rowim towards the door and tried to walk out together bumped into an invisible transparent wall.

Marco looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly had some absurd thoughts in his mind, as if the room itself could tell who could enter and who could leave.

So Rowim doesn't need to do anything at all, no need to recite passwords, no need to recite incantations, no need to use elemental magic weapons.

It seems ridiculous, but yet so real.

The Rolette family...even if there is only one farm left, is it really something that Mayor Sean can provoke?Marco couldn't help but become suspicious.

It wasn't until the next day that Marco saw Annie and a group of people getting up from the ground, rubbing their heads, looking quite confused.

After seeing Marco, the group of people were shocked. They probably guessed that they had done something wrong. However, the drug was so effective that they were still confused. They couldn't remember what they had done wrong. , they could only sit there and start to be in a daze.

Marco took one look at these idiot-like subordinates and became angry. He turned his head away from them and ate the wild rice porridge sent by Rowim by the spoonful, along with some dried meat he brought in his contract package. good.

Not long after finishing the meal, Anne, as an elemental mage, was the first to wake up completely. She recalled what she had encountered and recounted it. At the end of the story, Anne was also confused.

She finally heard what Cross said, but it didn't seem like a coincidence, especially since they appeared here, but there was no need for Cross to lie to them at that time, so how could he say that? The words.

After listening, Marco waved his hand, "The reason is no longer important. Now that we are all here, we can only wait for Mayor Sean to find out that we have lost contact and then send others over."

Fortunately, when their patrol came out, they brought contact elemental weapons with them. Although they could only be used once every five days, three days had passed since the last report.

If Mayor Si Enqi doesn't receive any contact from them in another two days, he will know that something happened here.

Marco sighed secretly, but at that time, all the good impression he had accumulated with Mayor Sunch was gone.

 Work schedule adjustment was a big failure.

  The reason - I was hungry in the middle of the night, so I got up and ate three bags of crispy noodles, a bowl of rice, drank a bottle of mineral water, and made a bag of Youlemei milk tea.

  Then I ate to my stomach, felt like vomiting but couldn't, and wanted to sleep with my stomach full.

  Look to the sky, what kind of idiot am I?

  The good news is that it has been adjusted a bit, and it was updated earlier today.

(End of this chapter)

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