Chapter 106 He is no longer a god

Both left and right are dead, but Lu Yi doesn't want to die.She hasn't changed Qin Xiujin's fate against heaven, how could she die?As soon as she gritted her teeth, she slid her finger across her wrist, and a stream of bright red blood spurted out, all spraying on the Donghuang Bell.

With the blessing of spiritual energy in the blood, the Donghuang Bell suddenly became the size of a fist from the size of a little finger, but this was not enough.

Lu Yi swiped her arms a few more times, and her hands became dripping with blood in an instant, while the Donghuang Bell greedily absorbed all the spiritual energy, and instantly grew to the size of a bucket.

Before Lu Yi could be happy, the barrier shattered with a "click".

Lu watched helplessly as a large block of ice fell towards him.

She still maintained the seal gesture, with a hint of panic in her eyes, lowered her head, and hid behind the Eastern Emperor Bell.

However, the Donghuang Bell is only so big after all, how could it possibly protect Lu Yi all behind.

Even though she was very careful, an ice pick pierced her calf.

Severe pain came from the calf, and Lu Yi let out a muffled snort, almost unable to keep the handprints.

Going on like this is not an option, if it goes on like this, before she activates the Donghuang Bell, she might be decapitated.

What else is in the backpack?By the way, there are also Talismans, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman.

Water can conduct electricity, so ice can also conduct electricity. How can Feng Yi standing on the ice be alone?

It should be like this... Lu Yi thought with some uncertainty.Forget it, it's about this time, a dead horse can be treated like a living horse.

A trace of irritability flashed in Lu's eyes, but now there is still an important question, how to throw the Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman to Feng Yi.

While thinking about it, another ice pick hit her calf, and a trace of blood flowed from Lu Yi's lips. In the next second, she felt something was wrong.

She lowered her head abruptly, only to see two ends of ice picks sticking out of her calf, the ice pick directly penetrated her calf muscles, and a little tip of the ice pick appeared from the other side.

The blood that should have spewed out directly condensed into ice, hanging on her wound.

Not only that, the place near the ice pick was also covered with a layer of ice, and the ice layer gradually spread to her thighs.

These are no ordinary ice cubes.As soon as Lu had this thought, he instantly felt that the place covered by ice had lost consciousness, and the spiritual power in his body was also slowly rushing towards his calf.

A flash of anger flashed in Lu Yi's heart, this thing can also absorb spiritual energy!
A bloody look flashed in Feng Yi's eyes, and he smiled playfully: "Mortal, come on, now please tell me, how do you want to shake the big tree?"

He raised his hand and swung a huge ice pick, flying towards Lu Yi.

Lu Yi watched the red light flash by, and almost thought he was wrong.How could Feng Yi, the god of water, have a bloody aura?Unless, he is already possessed!

Thinking of this, a turbulent sea arose in her heart, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this matter was very likely.

"She can't do it alone, so what about us?" The three masters who were stunned by Feng Yi woke up at the same time. They gathered around Lu Dayi and propped up the barrier. The ice cone hit the barrier and shattered instantly. .

The other two propped up the barrier, while Master Zhang turned around to deal with Lu Yi's injury.

Seeing Lu Yihun's blood-soaked appearance, Master Zhang felt very distressed: "Tell me about you, didn't you say you're going to come back? What are you doing here again? When the time comes when you go back with injuries, we can't explain it clearly."

As he said that, he attached spiritual power to his hand, trying to get the ice pick off Lu Yi's leg first.

Lu Yi gritted his teeth and reminded: "This ice cube will absorb spiritual power. I have a fire-controlling talisman in my bag. See if you can burn it directly."

"No, in this way, the Fire Control Talisman will also burn you." Master Zhang refused thinking about it.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the ice cube: "Look, how can you say... NND, it really absorbs spiritual power! Why is it still like a dog's skin plaster, and you can't shake it off?"

Master Zhang frantically took out the Fire Control Talisman from Lu Dabao and stuck it on the ice cube in his hand.

He was afraid that one would not be enough, so he posted three at once.

Under the action of the Fire Control Talisman, the ice cube quickly turned into a puddle of water and flowed out from Master Zhang's hand.

"It seems that the power of this fire-controlling talisman and the ice cube can cancel each other out." Master Zhang nodded, feeling that his analysis was very reasonable.

"Old Zhang, can you hurry up, what are you doing?" The master who spoke was an aunt, and she was wearing a very beautiful national costume.According to Lu Yi's shallow knowledge, it should be Miao nationality.

Upon hearing this, Master Zhang immediately took out three fire-controlling talismans, and stuck them all on the ice on Lu Yi's leg: "It's fine, it's fine."

After he finished speaking, he saw a pile of untouched Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman in his bag, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

So many Nine Heavens Thunder Talismans?Can't she draw it all by herself?
He looked up subconsciously, and saw Lu Yi making a look at him.

Master Zhang pointed to the Nine Heavens Shocking Thunder Talisman in the bag, and then pointed in the direction of Feng Yi.

Lu Yi blinked and agreed with his guess.

"Old Zhang, have you finished your dawdling? We can't hold on any longer." The aunt's voice sounded again.

"Here we come." Master Zhang's eyes flashed, he reached out and grabbed a handful of Nine Heavens Thunder Talismans, and threw them all at Feng Yi when he was not paying attention.

"It's useless. He's a water god, not an evil thing. The Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman should have no effect on him." After throwing it away, Master Zhang took the position of the aunt and propped up the barrier.

After all the ice picks melted, the frost covering her feet also slowly disappeared, and the blood on Lu Yi's legs gushed out directly.

Seeing this, the aunt hurriedly tapped a few times near her wound to stop the bleeding, and then slowly poured the medicine in the small bottle onto Lu Yi's wound from a small bottle in her arms.

"Oh, what a crime, such a beautiful little girl, with such a deep wound, I'm afraid there will be scars in the future."

When Feng Yi was proud, he thought that what Master Zhang was throwing was still an ice talisman, and he didn't even try to hide for a while, letting the talisman hit him.

"Boom..." A thunderbolt struck down directly, and Feng Yi's smooth and straight silver hair became a little curly.

Only then did Feng Yi realize what it was, his expression changed immediately, and he began to avoid the thunder.

However, no matter how he hides, as long as he is still on the ice, there is no way for him to really escape.

After a while, Feng Yi's hair soared into the sky, and his silvery white turned gray-black, and his handsome face also turned gray.

Looking at this scene, Master Zhang almost dropped his eyes, and murmured incredulously: "This is impossible, he is a water god, with a godhead, how could he be regarded as an evil thing by the Shocking Thunder Talisman?"

"Perhaps, he is no longer a god." Lu Yi said in a deep voice.

She was guessing before, but now she is completely sure.

"Bold mortals, I'm going to kill you." Feng Yi was completely enraged, and he commanded two dragons to attack Lu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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