Chapter 120
After approaching the living room, Lu Yi didn't stop, and walked directly towards the bedroom.

Her speed was very fast and smooth, and the smoothness caused a trace of doubt in her heart.

Isn't it Qin Yunxi's style to go so smoothly?

Did he think that he would be safe if he set up a concealment formation outside?

This thought flashed through Lu Yi's mind, and he turned and walked into another bedroom.

The layout of the two bedrooms is the same, with beds, wardrobes, desks, bright lights, and a sweeping view of the room without any abnormalities.

Not on the ground floor.This thought flashed across Lu Yi's mind, and he turned and ran towards the second floor.

This self-built house has three floors, and she couldn't believe that Qin Xiujin could not be found after looking through each floor.

The layout of the second floor was different from that of the first floor. There were three bedrooms. There was no problem with the first two bedrooms until Lu Yi reached the door of the third bedroom.

Unlike the other rooms, there was no light in it.

Lu Yi stopped, raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Xiu Jin? Xiu Jin, are you inside?"

Qin Xiujin seemed to hear a knock on the door in a daze, and Lu Yi's question came along with it.

He moved his fingertips and wanted to speak, but found that even if he opened his mouth, he couldn't make any sound.

Lu Yi waited at the door for a while, but he didn't hear any sound, and couldn't wait any longer, so he directly pulled the doorknob, ready to open the door.

Using her wrist, she pressed down on the doorknob.

The doorknob didn't move at all, she frowned and continued to increase her strength.

"Click" the doorknob snapped off.

Lu Yi's expression froze, he looked at the doorknob in his hand, his eyes were obscure, it seemed that it was indeed inside.

She raised her voice, "Xiu Jin, protect yourself, I'm coming in."

After she finished speaking, she directly raised her foot and kicked it up.

"Bang" the door fell straight down, the light from the living room shone into the bedroom, and one could faintly see a person lying in the middle of the room.

Lu Yi was overjoyed, and was about to rush in, when suddenly his heart tightened, and he subconsciously hid in the living room.

Looking up again, I saw a man and a woman guarding the door, their faces were pale, their eyes were dull, and they rushed towards Lu Yi directly.

After seeing the faces of the two clearly, Lu Yi couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Qin Yunxi is really not a thing, even if he kills a person, he even detains the soul of a person here for his use.

No wonder there were no traps along the way, they were all waiting for her here. If she hadn't reacted quickly, she might have been pierced by Lu Yingying's long nails.

Just as she was thinking, she suddenly felt a coldness behind her back, she hurriedly hid to the side, only to see several green-faced and fang-toothed people slowly approaching her behind her.

Lu Yi remembered the stories he had read in books when he was a child. In ancient times, there was a story of "serving the tiger", which was about people who were killed by a tiger helping the tiger to kill other people.

The "伥" here refers to ghosts. Later, after being found out about this by evil demons and heretics, after decades of research, they finally understood how to turn people into ghosts and do things for themselves.

Right now, Lu Yi looked at these dozens of ghosts, and couldn't help feeling chills in her heart. Downstairs, she really thought that Qin Yunxi only had three lives in his hands, but from what she saw now, there were more than three, thirty would be more than enough.

Such a cruel and merciless person is truly unacceptable.

Lu Yi raised his hand and drew several fire-controlling talismans, blocking the ghost's footsteps, then turned over and jumped directly from the window.

After arriving downstairs, Lu Yi saw dozens of ghosts on the first floor, Tsing Yi and Master Zhang were resisting, Wu Cheng held a pistol, kept a safe distance, and kept shooting at Qin Yunxi.

Although he couldn't see those ghosts, he knew something had happened when he saw Master Zhang and Tsing Yi's actions.

This is not going to work, Lu Yi pursed his lips, thought for a moment, took out a stack of talismans from the side and walked to Wu Cheng.

"Low your head and close your eyes." Lu Yi said loudly.

Wu Cheng immediately bowed his head to do so, Lu Yi's fingers brushed across his eyelids, it was icy cold.

In the next second, Wu Cheng opened his eyes and saw the chaotic situation in the arena.

"Protect yourself." Lu Yi put all the talismans in Wu Cheng's hands.

Wu Cheng looked at the scenery in front of him, his complexion turned pale, but he still nodded firmly.

Lu Yi took the mahogany sword and the rest of the talisman and turned around and rushed towards the gate.

"Tsing Yi, Master Zhang, cover me up."

Hearing Lu Yi's voice, the two shouted at the same time: "Why are you back again?"

"There are more than a dozen upstairs. I can't beat them. Come down and get some equipment." Lu Yi explained.

"Since you've come down, you don't need to go up, just stay." Qin Yunxi sneered, commanding the ghost to rush towards Lu Yi.

With a mahogany sword in one hand, Lu stabbed and twitched, and with a few talismans, he instantly beat a ghost out of his wits.

"Hurry up, stop talking nonsense." Master Zhang said a little irritable.

"Good skill." Tsing Yi praised.

As she said that, she reached out and grabbed a ghost next to her, and with force in her hands, she directly twisted its head off.

Qin Yunxi's neck stiffened, and he raised his voice: "Tsing Yi, as long as you are willing to stop now, we can start over."

"Bah, do you think you are some rare thing? It's not enough for my aunt to be cheated by you once, and I have to rush to be cheated by you again? Is my aunt so stupid in your heart?" Tsing Yi sneered, with the The action became more and more severe.

Lu Yi seized the opportunity and rushed upstairs.

If she read correctly, the ghosts who were on the second floor also went to the first floor one after another, so now her pressure is much less.

Sure enough, after reaching the second floor, only Lu Yingying and Gu Linxuan were left guarding the door.

Seeing her coming, the two rushed towards Lu Yi directly.

Now that Lu Yi has a mahogany sword in his hand and a few talismans left in his arms, how could he be afraid of the two of them.

Two or three times directly subdued the two of them. In the end, a trace of confusion flashed in Lu's eyes, but he finally took the talisman in his hand.

Now that he has become a ghost, there is absolutely no possibility of reincarnation.

Lu Yi sighed and finally walked into the room.

I saw that just as she calculated, Qin Xiujin was soaked in blood, lying on a huge formation, his limbs were cut open, and the blood from the wound was still coming out drop by drop, falling on the lines below. superior.

The originally slightly dull lines now appear bright red and bewitching.

Holding back the tears in his eyes, Lu Yi stretched out his hand, cut off the chains that bound him, and then stopped his blood, calling out cautiously: "Xiu Jin, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Qin Xiujin managed to open his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly bent, and he opened his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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