Chapter 122

Lu Yi shook his head and said casually: "It's not a big deal, don't worry about it."

With that said, he carefully put Qin Jianxiu on the small bed.

"Yiyi, just smile, don't be so serious." Qin Xiujin said in a low voice.

"Are you okay?" Lu Yi said blankly, ignoring his words.

Qin Xiujin forced a smile: "It's okay, I'm fine."

Just this one action made Qin Jianxiu's face pale, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"You need to rest." Lu Yi frowned and said.

Qin Jianxiu still wanted to say something, but all the strength he had saved with great difficulty had been used up. He had been brewing for a long time, but he couldn't make a sound.

As soon as Lu saw this, he simply reached out and covered his eyes. Ten seconds later, Qin Jian's muscles relaxed and he fell into sleep.

"Huh? Where's the girl in Tsing Yi?" After Wu Cheng greeted Master Zhang to get into the car, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Lu Yi rolled his eyelids, and said, "Don't worry about her, she will catch up with her when she brings her back, drive first, and take Xiu Jin to the hospital."

Wu Cheng subconsciously looked at Master Zhang.

Master Zhang snorted softly: "What are you looking at me for? Just go, and when you get to the hospital, you can just come and pick her up again."

Hearing this, Wu Cheng immediately sat in the driver's seat and started the car.

He thought, if the girl in Tsing Yi asked, he would say that it was because Qin Er Shao's illness could not be delayed, so he didn't wait for her.

At this time, Tsing Yi was standing at a certain window on the second floor, with screams and curses in his ears.

Gradually, the voice became weaker and lower until it disappeared.

Tsing Yi sighed softly, finally mustered up the courage to take a look inside, and then left without looking back.

After 10 minutes, the vehicle entered the national road.

There was a slight knock of the door, but no one noticed.

Lu Yi looked at Tsing Yi who was depressed, and thoughtfully didn't ask any further questions.

She remembered another thing: "By the way, Tsing Yi, there is one thing I haven't figured out, and I want to ask you for advice."

Hearing this, Wu Cheng subconsciously sat back and looked. Sure enough, at some point, Tsing Yi had already gotten into the car.

"You you you... When did you come up?" Wu Cheng panicked.

"Just when you turned the corner, don't interrupt." Lu Yi said impatiently.

Tsing Yi glanced at her, still showing a lack of interest: "What's the matter?"

"Among the ghosts raised by Qin Yunxi just now, I saw several familiar faces, so, are these ghosts Qin Yunxi's victims?" Lu Yi recalled and expressed his guess.

"Hmm, otherwise what do you think it is? A lonely ghost picked up casually?" Tsing Yi said angrily.

A ghost, a ghost, naturally, after being harmed, it is called a gangster if it works for the person or other things that harmed itself, and in turn harms others.

It's impossible not to be surprised when you see so many ghosts.

In his memory, Qin Yunxi was still a Pianpianjia son. Although some of his personalities were indeed bad, he rarely harmed others directly.

Unexpectedly, 1000 years later, he would treat human life like nothing and do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

This also explains why he didn't show any abnormality when he attacked the Qin family several times before. There are so many dead ghosts around, so they evenly shared the sins he committed.

Alas, different ways do not conspire with each other, this person is hopeless.

Lu Yi frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "Then why didn't I see Dashan?"

Dashan, a simple, honest and lovely burly man, although sometimes he can't turn his head, but he is absolutely loyal to Qin Jianjian.

She couldn't imagine how sad Qin Jianxiu would be when he heard the news about Dashan after he went back.

Tsing Yi gave her a strange look: "He's not dead, how do you want to see him?"

"Ah?" Lu Yi couldn't help being surprised.

Even Master Zhang who was sitting by the side couldn't help cast a curious look.

Tsing Yi was suddenly stared at by two eyes, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Cough, well, he was killed at the foot of the mountain. At that time, Qin Yunxi was afraid that other people would pass by. After confirming that the mountain was dead, he hurriedly took Qin Xiujin away. He didn't take away the soul of the big man, so when I arrived , I found a wisp of purple energy protecting his last lifeline, so I saved him." Tsing Yi explained helplessly.

"Let me tell you first, I'm not willing to help others. This big guy has met me a few times, and occasionally he can send me some things. I just do it smoothly." Tsing Yi saw the difference in the expressions of the two of them. , hastily emphasized.

"... Oh." Master Zhang indifferently withdrew his gaze and continued to close his eyes.

"No." Lu Yi frowned and said, "You said that Dashan is not dead, so why would Aunt Qin say that?"

"Cough..." Tsing Yi's eyes instantly became a little dodgy.

"So, you did this too?" Lu Yi said, looking at Tsing Yi who looked strange.

Tsing Yi's expression froze, and he loudly concealed his guilty conscience: "It's not that everyone is lost, I must let you know."

"Then you can't just ask Aunt Qin to tell me the news of Dashan's death, right? Don't you know that this word can't be said casually?" Lu Yi took a deep breath, feeling a little headache.

"Then I didn't expect that you came to me directly without even looking at it." Tsing Yi immediately retorted.

In the end, she felt deeply that she was not wrong, and became more confident.

Master Zhang rubbed his temples and said, "Okay, okay, stop arguing, if you keep arguing, the patient will be woken up by you."

When the two heard this, they immediately stopped talking.

Master Zhang looked at the appearance of the two, and whispered: "It's true that the two of them are not three years old together."

Wu Cheng drove directly towards the People's Hospital in the urban area. I don't know if it was their luck. They didn't encounter traffic jams or red lights along the way, and they arrived at the hospital very smoothly.

After arriving at the hospital and going to the emergency department, Lu Yi immediately picked up Qin Jianxiu as usual, and strode in.

After the registration was completed and the attending doctor was arranged, Lu Yi put Qin Xiujin on the hospital bed and watched as the nurse sent Qin Xiujin to the operating room.

The door of the operating room is white, and the light on it is very dazzling. Lu Yi rubbed his face, not looking at the three characters "in operation", and forced a smile: "Master Zhang, Mr. Wu, Tsing Yi , you go eat something first, and then take a good rest, you don’t need to come over tonight, as long as I’m here to guard you.”

"Okay, then you can stay here by yourself, I'll go back first. Give me those two." As she spoke, she stretched out her hand towards Lu Yi and winked.

Lu Yi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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