Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 483: Punching a boat, forging iron and grinding tofu

Chapter 483: Punching a boat, forging iron and grinding tofu

"Daming Palace?"

Li Shimin muttered this name, and immediately thought of the "Da Ming" chapter in the "Book of Songs".

Then I felt a little envious - in the Tang Dynasty, Li Longji had the Daming Palace and Wu Zetian had the Wanxiang Palace.

Only he and Li Zhi have to live in the sultry and humid Tai Chi Palace in summer and be tortured by the humidity and heat?

Li Shimin immediately felt unhappy.

For example, two years ago, when he was suffering from dampness, Changsun Wuji suggested building a pavilion to protect himself from the dampness. He hesitated for a long time before deciding.

Why do future generations carry out large-scale construction projects without any mercy?

No wonder everyone has the appearance of a faint king, no wonder some emperors have fled!

So Li Shimin also changed his mind on the spot and whispered:

"When the Western Region becomes more peaceful and the waves calm down, I will personally build the Daming Palace!"

These words made Empress Changsun burst into laughter, and then she quickly covered her face and said:

As a person who is familiar with architecture, Yan Lide is probably the person in this palace who understands its function best.

The ministers were finding fault with etiquette, or wondering how mosquitoes and flies could be as harmful as rats.

So Li Shimin just smiled and said nothing.

The teasing between the husband and wife stopped briefly, but Empress Changsun took the pen and paper seriously, and on the short table on the couch, she also seriously copied down all the New Year events mentioned in a few words by future generations.

Lei Zu invented sericulture when he was the Yuanfei of the Yellow Emperor. Although Jiang Qi was the pioneer of bee taming today, if he could discover the method of beekeeping in later generations, it would be considered a meritorious achievement.


Li Shimin also understood the queen's thoughts in an instant.

Now that it is known that this product can also kill mosquitoes, Yan Lide seems to have seen its very broad prospects.

Li Shimin looked over and saw that the Queen's records were very detailed, such as the key points of Laba porridge being made from grains and fruits, such as the dispute over sucrose and honey related to the New Year's Eve, and he also wrote in beautiful small characters on the side, "Maybe we can try new things in the Forbidden Garden." Animal bee method”.

Of course, he would not waste the people's energy to create a "wonder" like the Vientiane Shrine and "destroy the country".

Li Shimin didn't take it seriously and nodded in agreement.

But the Tai Chi Palace that was passed down in the second year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign in the former Sui Dynasty was indeed inconsistent with the image of the prosperous Tang Dynasty that he wanted to create personally.

The slurry and paste made from lime are the best for wall painting and brick bonding.

Pang Tong felt that this judgment was too simple.

Adding lime when smelting iron can also make the iron purer and make it easier to forge steel.

Yan Lide, on the other hand, kept trying to guess its location based on the simple words "Hunan" and "Gan".

"If Your Majesty had had this intention, why would you suffer from dampness diseases every year?"

"This Hunan and Jiangxi should refer to the land of Jingyang."

After all, he also visited the Xiangjiang River when he was in Jingzhou. This river runs through the south of Jingzhou, which is hard to forget.

It was equally easy for Gan. After all, the administrative seat of Luling was in Gan County, and he remembered it clearly.

Kong Ming silently wrote the words "high temperature kiln" on the paper, and then drew a line between the high temperature and the kiln. When he learned that later generations would have methods such as firing porcelain, Kong Ming thought about how to make it possible.

The good news is that he finally saw the hint from his younger generation. The bad news is that after traveling to Jingyi and Jingyi, he had already broken the misunderstanding in his thinking. When he was in Chengdu, he tried out the method of using coal as the base and yellow mud to seal the kiln. Ways to heat up.

The prompt was very good, but it was a pity that it came a little late. Kong Ming smiled helplessly and crossed out the three words together, but he still had a sense of accomplishment in his chest.

But then I remembered something else:

"This Ming Dynasty's "Tiangong Kaiwu" can be called a treasure to us, and it can also be called a treasure book in the Ming Dynasty. There is no doubt that there are omissions."

"Future generations can condescendingly point out their fallacies, but how will future generations view this generation that has dominated the world for five thousand years?"

Although the words were difficult to pronounce, Pang Tong easily understood the meaning, but it was difficult to understand the important points in a short time, so he could only shake his head and said an answer that was not an answer:

"Change can lead to improvement, and improvement can last for a long time. Change will occur after a long time, and this may be the principle that has been followed."

[Twenty-five, grind tofu.

Some people say that the history of China is a history of "eating".

In this history, Tofu is definitely the most colorful one.

China is the irrefutable birthplace of tofu, but in Chinese history, it is no longer clear who invented tofu.

According to the "Song Supplementary Records" written by Xie Chuo during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, the art of tofu... King Huainan of the Han Dynasty also started his art in the world.

Zhu Xi of the Northern Song Dynasty wrote the poem "Tofu" and wrote an annotation for it: the method of tofu began with Liu An, King of Huainan in the Han Dynasty.

But what is relatively paradoxical is that in the history books, from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, in the nearly one thousand years of history, the word tofu has never been mentioned.

After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, Elder Meng, who had lived in Bianliang for a long time, was forced to move to Jiangzuo. "Tokyo Dreams" written in memory of the prosperous scene in Bianjing became the last elegy of the Northern Song Dynasty.

This work describes the grand scene of the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty before the fall of the country in detail. There are more than 300 dietary records, but there is no tofu in it.

Therefore, in the early years, some people believed that tofu was actually invented in the Song Dynasty. However, Song Confucian scholars preferred to pay more attention to the past than the present, so they gave King Huainan the title of the inventor of tofu.

Of course this is not the case, and the reason is very simple. According to the current records of the Japanese state, in the same era as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, "Tang Fu" was among the sacrifices they offered to the gods.

This thing has many names such as Dou Fu and Dou Fu in the writings of Japanese literati. However, whether it is from the name or pronunciation, it can be confirmed that it is tofu. And if we extrapolate from the name Tang Fu, it is not difficult to guess. This thing was introduced to the Japanese country from the Tang Dynasty.

It was not until after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty that Wu Zimu recalled the grand scene of Lin'an City in the Southern Song Dynasty and wrote "Meng Liang Lu" for the first time that records of fried tofu and tofu soup appeared.

Regarding these two kinds of food, Wu Zimu explained, "They are the places where the younger generation goes... The lower class people go to the market in order to get enough food."

This record can make people guess why there is no record of tofu in the Han and Tang Dynasties:

Mostly because the price of paper had not been completely suppressed before the Song Dynasty, and at that time tofu was a food that was not on the table, so it was not worthy of being recorded in the book.

In fact, the four simple steps that modern people are familiar with are grinding beans, filtering the pulp, boiling the pulp, pressing the pulp, and removing the pulp water. It is extremely difficult for the ancients who inherited it from time to time to study, let alone the step of brewing the pulp. Whether it is gypsum, acetic acid, or brine, the appearance of the tofu produced is also very different.

It was not until the Ming Dynasty that the craftsmanship of tofu made great progress, and its appearance gradually became as smooth as water and as bright as a mirror. Only then did this food finally reach the level of elegance and was sought after by literati.

Therefore, it can also be said that the "Twenty-five-year-old tofu" among the Chinese New Year customs that has been circulated to this day can only be traced back to the Ming Dynasty.

However, it can be said that tofu had a powerful effect that no one could imagine in the Ming Dynasty. 】

(End of this chapter)

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