Spoiler History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 542 Yan people return to gold

Chapter 542 Yan people return to gold
Hebei, Hebei!
What Fang Xuanling said could be said to have completely torn apart Du Mu's words and crushed them into pieces, making both the civil and military officials in Zhenguan lower their heads in deep thought.

Li Shimin even looked back and carefully examined the map of China that he had seen countless times.

The mountains are like hooks and sickles, the rivers are like folding fans, the ground is as flat as a mirror, and the sea is as wide as a disk.

This is a vast land that has been neglected throughout the ages.

On this detailed map, Guanzhong, which is praised as "bounded by mountains and rivers, with fertile fields for thousands of miles, is the most beautiful place in the world," is less than one-tenth the size of Hebei.

Li Shimin still remembers the words he used to persuade his father after Jinyang launched an army.

"The heroes of Guanzhong rise up together, but they don't know who they are attached to. If the drums are moving to the west, they will be touched and found, just like the ears of objects in a bag!"

This view cannot be wrong, but things have changed after a hundred years of peace.

The Anshi Rebellion dealt a heavy blow to Li Tang. Li Shimin seemed to be able to see a thin scholar raising his arms and shouting to his descendants:

"The loss of the Tang Dynasty in Hebei is like a man who has lost his pearls and still survives; the loss of the Tang Dynasty in Hebei is like a man who has lost his legs and can hardly be called a country!"

Thanks to the fairly complete system of selecting soldiers in the Northern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei stood out with his extremely outstanding physical fitness and the marksmanship and archery skills he learned from his apprenticeship in his hometown. He successfully became the leader of a team of thirty people and became a junior officer.

[Yue Fei always had far-reaching ambitions, and when he came of age, he met the Song and Jin Dynasties and concluded a maritime alliance. The main theme of this period was to conquer the Liao Dynasty and capture the Yan Dynasty.

At the same time that Yue Fei rushed to the battlefield with his troops, the Northern Song Dynasty veteran Yang Keshi and the Northern Liao surrender general Guo Yaoshi, a slave of three surnames, jointly led 3,000 people to attack Yanjing at night. Taking advantage of the empty defense of Yanjing, they easily Then he invaded Yanjing.

After reporting to his superiors and leading 200 people to quell the banditry in his hometown to put his skills to the test, Yue Fei was already excited and wanted to accomplish something extraordinary.

The first thing the Northern Song Dynasty army did that night when they invaded Yanjing was to massacre the Khitans and Xi people in the city.

Cross the river and make the Northern Expedition!
In the end, Li Shimin sighed deeply:
"What a pity that a hero should be humiliated at the hands of a mediocre king!"

Moreover, before the Northern Liao Palace was captured, the Song army had already shown its ugly face in Yanjing:
“Drinking alcohol, robbing property, and engaging in sexual immorality.”

But unfortunately, soon, the Northern Song Dynasty gave Yue Fei a heavy blow.

It should be noted that General Yue's first battle in the army was quite dazzling.

When things developed to this point, the Northern Song Dynasty's second campaign to conquer Liao and capture Yan went smoothly beyond everyone's expectations, but the situation soon took a turn for the worse.

"The Han people all climbed up to the battlements, criticized the Khitan, Xi and other families, killed thousands of people, and caused bloodshed in the thoroughfares."

The Song army's broken military discipline caused a stalemate in the battle in Yanjing City. The Khitan people who resisted desperately in the city successfully dragged the Liao generals to return for reinforcements. In the end, the combined internal and external attacks caused the Song army to be wiped out. Only the coach Guo Yaoshiya, Yang Keshi and others He managed to escape "only with his own body".

Therefore, joining the army became a matter of course.

This young man was determined to join the Hebei leg for his Song Dynasty.

More than two hundred years later, a young peasant boy faced the emperor who was fleeing south and raised his arms and shouted for orders for the Northern Expedition.

The destruction of Yanjing's surprise army was only the beginning. Liu Guangshi, who was stationed in Zhuozhou and commanded the forward army, saw Guo Yaoshi and others escaping miserably. He mistakenly thought that the main force of the Liao army was coming, and he burned the baggage tents without authorization and retreated.

This retreat and burning sent a wrong signal to the rear army. The tens of thousands of troops saw the flames in front but no friendly troops sent orders. Some took the initiative to retreat and others chose to wait for military orders. This ultimately caused tens of thousands of troops to be in chaos and eventually led to "self-inflicted violence". They trampled each other and trampled on each other, killing and injuring many people.

Upon seeing this, the Liao army pursued them one after another and defeated the Song army at the Baigou River line. The number of casualties and casualties was "unknown." The only highlight of this battle was that the 32-year-old Western Army general Han Shizhong led more than 50 cavalry at Hutuohe to break through the formation. He captured the flag and routed more than 2,000 Liao cavalry to break through the encirclement, saving the last trace of face for the Song army. .

Considering that when Han Shizhong was fighting Xixia, he rode into the battle alone and killed the prince-in-law of the Xixia supervisory army, causing the enemy army to collapse. It is not too outrageous for more than fifty people to break out of the encirclement by riding on their faces and seizing the flag.

But everything that happened was still too exciting for Yue Fei, who was new to the battlefield.

The prepared swords and spears were not used, and the well-maintained bow was not drawn. The young general retreated with the large army in a daze. Before he could react, the Northern Song Dynasty's expedition to Liao and Yan ended with It ended like a farce.

Shortly after the withdrawal, a letter from home indicating that his father had died of illness was sent to the army, and Yue Fei simply chose to return home to observe his filial piety.

As for the Northern Song Dynasty, the two expeditions to Liao and Yan ended in failure. In the end, Song Huizong and other emperors and ministers had no choice but to "buy back" Yanjing with property from the Jin people who destroyed Liao, in order to save the face of the imperial court.

The Jin people were not stupid. What they sold to the Northern Song Dynasty were the six states of Yanyun that had been captured and Yanjing, which was almost an empty city, to watch Huizong's performance.

Huizong did not live up to the expectations of the Jin people. First, he showed his generosity and exempted Yanjing from taxes for several years. However, Yanjing's financial corruption soon forced him to find a way.

In this regard, Huizong can only say that he returned to his old business. He first invaded and seized the land of the people of Youzhou, and then handed over the remaining land to Guo Yaoshi and other Liao generals for distribution.

Later, the Salt Introduction Law of the Song Dynasty was implemented in Youzhou area, which doubled the price of salt. Later, after officials sent here from the south, the price of salt increased nearly ten times.

Simple two-handed operation made the people in Youzhou area miserable. As a result, when the Jin army was in trouble again, the Jin people only ordered three slaves named Guo Yaoshi and others to return all the houses and land to the original owners and stabilize the price of salt, which successfully made the "Yan people return to their hearts." .

At the same time, under the operation of Huizong's court, the Hebei region added another miscellaneous tax called "Shu Yan Qian" to subsidize the finances of the Youzhou region.

The result is actually not surprising: Youzhou did not receive subsidies, Hebei's finances became more corrupt, and Yue Fei, who had been reduced to a tenant farmer, could not survive. This year, there was a record of going to the landlord's house to borrow grain.

In the same year, the number of thieves and thieves in Hebei, where people were living in dire straits, soared, and some even bullied Yue Fei at his doorstep.

After killing a group of thieves, Yue Fei made a sad decision:

Otherwise, why don't you join the regular army and see if you can ensure peace in the world? 】

〖Zhang Fei: Is this Song general a fool?

Hey, look at what you said, Mr. Zhang, if you can support yourself in the Northern Song Dynasty, you won’t be unable to support yourself at all.

The people of Youzhou still had some illusions about the Song Dynasty in the early days. For example, they did help the Song army during the Gaoliang River period, but later...

No matter whether the Hammer Emperor’s surname is Yelu, Zhao or Wanyan, whoever plunders less and pays less taxes will be a wise king!
In fact, it is not difficult to find out if you look at history, how many years have Hebei and the Central Plains been separated from each other? Li Yuan killed Dou Jiande to rebel in Hebei, Erfeng was punished for his attack on Liaodong and Hebei, Wu Zetian came to power and allowed the Khitan to invade Hebei, not to mention the Anshi Rebellion. From this point of view, Zhao Da's vision of insisting on regaining the sixteen states of Yanyun was quite advanced.

You can even calculate forward. Guangshen's three expeditions to Goguryeo also caused Hebei to suffer. The Guanzhong nobles oppressed Hebei for more than a day or two. It is no wonder that Hebei people supported the native Dou Jiande in the late Sui Dynasty.

Zhao Kuangyin: The sixteen states of Yanyun will be returned to the Song Dynasty, so that the country will be intact!
Don't be ridiculous, buddy... the sixteen states of Yanyun are complete, no matter what, I have to bring Jiaozhou with me.

Jiaozhou is not complete. It has already opened up the sea. Let’s take Yizhou Island with us and fish for Ryukyu by the way.

Then it’s not too much to come back from the Western Regions, right?

Zhao Da had better think about how to deal with his younger brother first. 〗

(End of this chapter)

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