Shuttle between the two worlds to be an invincible hero

Chapter 441 3 The upper clan surrendered

Chapter 441 The Sanshang clan surrendered

The negotiations between the two parties have obviously reached a deadlock again.

But Su Jie is not in a hurry now. In his opinion, he has everything in hand now. After all, there is no one too strong on Blue Star's side, and there is no Dragon Fang here.

"We are here to negotiate, so we hope you can talk to us properly instead of perfunctory us like this." Wang Ruyi said after a moment of silence.

"You were the one who deceived me, right? If you want to go back to Blue Star, are you really just going back to your hometown? If that's the case, I can record an episode of where you were before, so you can see it, how about that? ?”

The veins on Wang Ruyi's head were almost rising. She finally understood that if their answers could not satisfy Su Jie, Su Jie would never let them go back.

But once the news about Shengxian Road is revealed, it will be even harder to go back.

"Humph, you have to know that our hometown is in danger. The demon cultivators and the orcs have begun to move there. If you are not careful, they are likely to enter there. By then..."

"Just kill them then. You don't know, right? I have experienced many battles over there. Now, there are already all casualties there. So for the reason you mentioned, it won't work."

Su Jie shook his head, joking, threatening me with this. You probably don't know that if the demon cultivator over there is too strong, he will be targeted by heaven, but if he is weak, he will not be an opponent at all.

The Sanshang clan looked at each other, and then they realized that Su Jie's strength on the other side was considered super strong. In this way, it was really possible.

Now they are in trouble, the only conditions they can offer are no longer available.

"What if we can make an oath of heaven? I just hope you can take us back to take a look, just one look." Wang Ruyi said.

Su Jie shook his head again and said: "No, let alone the heavenly oath, even if you hand over your soul to me, I will not agree."

Handing over one's soul is equivalent to handing one's life into the hands of the other party. Even so, Su Jie still doesn't agree, which shows that Su Jie is determined not to let them go back.

Hu Guyu slammed the table and stood up: "In other words, we don't have to talk anymore. If this is the case, then we will be mortal enemies from now on, the kind that will never stop."

"Okay." Su Jie looked at Hu Guyu, "This is what you said. If this is the case, then there will be a reason for me to lead an army to destroy your Sanshang clan. I think this is better."

"Sit down." Su Wenji pulled Hu Guyu, are you kidding me.

This is no longer the era of the Mikami Clan. The other races of the Monster Clan will not listen to them. More importantly, the other races are still eager to offend the human race. Then they can unite with the human race and destroy the former Mikami Clan. .

The Jade Pipa cannot be destroyed. This thing will automatically regenerate, but the rebirth will be a new demon clan, so it will be even easier to handle.

Hu Guyu probably thought of such a situation at this time, so she sat down and looked at Su Jie gloomily.

Behind Su Jie, several women also exuded their own spiritual energy.

This spiritual energy made even the patriarch of the Mikami clan feel unbearable.

Then, they realized that no one around Su Jie could hurt him.

Because the ten women have all the Yin and Yang Bagua, if they work together, let alone the leader of the Sanshang clan in the combined stage, even the masters in the Dongxu stage will have to retreat.

How can a miracle appear so easily from the sky, and the treasure of the miracle is a heavenly treasure that they cannot compare with.

On the other hand, Wang Linlin's three women were a little slow down, but even so, the three of them are now at the peak of their strength in the out-of-body stage. As long as they accumulate for a while, they can become masters in the distraction stage. "Okay, everyone, relax. We are here to negotiate, not to quarrel." Wang Ruyi put this matter behind him with a simple sentence.

"Su Jie, if we help you open the dragon tooth seal of our demon clan, can you agree to our conditions?"

"No need, you have seen it, my wife, now I have the Yin Yang Tai Chi and the Bagua War Flag. After I go back, I plan to slowly break open the seal. I believe it is only a matter of time."

Wang Ruyi also snorted, it was really like this, if Su Jie chose to slowly break the seal, they really had no choice.

"It seems like there's really nothing to talk about?"

"That's right, there's no need to talk." Su Jie said with certainty. In his opinion, the three other parties have not communicated with each other at all. What is there to talk about?

After a long time, Wang Ruyi sighed and said, "Give us some time."

"Yes, you can discuss it as you like, but I have to say that you don't have much time, because I still have my own things to do."

After seeing off the guests, the patriarch of the Mikami clan left. It was up to them to discuss it themselves.

For Su Jie, the most important thing now is to have fun with the ladies. If there is no movement from the demon clan in two days, then go back to Blue Star directly.

Fortunately, just one day later, Wang Ruyi and others came to find him again.

"Tell me, what are your requirements and what can you provide me?" Su Jie knew that he must have won, he just wanted to see how much he could win.

Wang Ruyi sighed and said: "We can give you blood, as well as the method to unlock the seal, and the conditions will be discussed after I finish telling you the information I know."

"Yes." Such conditions are still acceptable. After all, tell the truth first, and then we can discuss the conditions. Everything is based on the knowledge of both parties.

"Does Kunlun know?"

"I know." Su Jie nodded. Not only did he know, he had been there once, but he also saw the small world of Kunlun, but it was not opened. The spiritual energy in it was very rich, but why did he mention it here?
"I never thought that Kunlun would still exist after such a long time." Wang Ruyi sighed.

"This is not the point. What is the point?" Su Jie asked.

"The key point is a path to immortality."

Su Jie narrowed his eyes. Isn't that right? Now he got to the point. This road to immortality is the key point.

These three guys must be going back for this road to immortality, so I have to be more careful. After all, once the road to immortality comes out, these three demons may be able to advance higher. By then, say Maybe he really has the strength to penetrate two realms, this is not possible.

It’s better to listen to what they know first before talking about it.

"The Road to Immortality, shouldn't it be in a small world?"

The Sanshang clan looked at Su Jie, you know?

(End of this chapter)

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