Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 156 Tangled Choices and Middle-earth

Chapter 156 Tangled Choices and Middle-earth

That night, Wayne's cooking skills were once again highly appreciated by the sorceresses. They chatted and enjoyed the food, and had a pleasant dinner.

After dinner, Wayne took out the Gwent cards and was about to teach Margarita how to play cards. Unexpectedly, this gentle headmaster was actually a master of this kind, and he was also very interested in the challenge of the witcher.

But it is a pity that it is undoubtedly quite difficult to defeat Grandpa Wayne through the Gwent card on the lucky day.

However, under Wayne's deliberate suppression of strength, everyone still had a good time through the Gwent card game.

In the following days, Principal Margarita's healing spells were indeed powerful. The injury, which could be called a difficult problem in front of many people, was a piece of cake in front of this plump female sorceress, and Terri was quickly cured. Si's injury.

Perhaps because of the long vacation time and the sorceress' desire for power, after Triss's injury was cured, the royal advisor, who had been on paid leave for nearly a month, immediately returned to her busy work. Wayne, who accompanied her to recuperate, was free.

And soon, Ye Naifa also offered to say goodbye. After the white wolf was pulled out of the brothel by Ye Naifa, he was pulled away by the sorceress without even getting dressed and without a formal farewell. .

But after Master Wayne was free, life not only did not become easier, but fell into some entanglements.

The reason for his entanglement was none other than the deathclaw eggs that were about to hatch.

This thing is no better than a direwolf cub. The shape of the deathclaw is similar to that of a tyrannosaurus rex, and the initial growth rate is also very fast. In the world of demon hunters, it is almost a brand new species.

If it is raised at home like the direwolf, when it grows up, it will definitely cause panic among ordinary people, and it will also attract the attention of interested people.

And if you want to domesticate this cub, you have to be by its side every day, use animal taming skills and the captive ability of the newly acquired food, and strengthen your relationship with this cub through feeding and training. The time spent is certainly not short.

But this is where the entanglement lies. It is now late March 1251. According to the development of the plot, Ciri's grandmother, Queen Calanthe, will soon hold a ceremony for her daughter, Ciri's mother, Princess Pavita. It's a wedding party.

According to Wayne's idea, he very much hoped to be able to participate in this very interesting dinner.

Because at this dinner party, not only can you see the future southern emperor, the hedgehog boy Emhyr, but also Princess Pavita awakens the power of the source warlock, and makes the child in her belly become the white wolf Zero Destiny's Child.

This is also the beginning of the main plot in the Witcher series, the fateful connection between the fateful daughter Ciri and her old father Geralt.

It's a pity that the deathclaw cub is undoubtedly a very powerful boost for Wayne in future battles.

It was impossible for him to swagger through the wizarding world with such a small thing, adding all kinds of risks.

After struggling for a few days.

Wayne finally decided that he would go to Middle-earth to practice in seclusion for a period of time.

This is not only to lay a good foundation for the future adventures in Middle-earth, but also to concentrate on cultivating the cubs of Deathclaw, so that they can become their future help, and it is also to calm down and polish their own strength.

Since the awakening of the ancient blood, he has not calmed down for a while and improved his skills. He is indulging in all kinds of beauties every day, and he is a little carried away.

Practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Compared with the world of the witcher, the middle-earth world has a very special advantage. In that world, the time flow rate is only one-fifth of the world of the witcher. Two or three years, when he returned to his own world, only about half a year had passed, and winter hadn't even arrived yet.

But that's fine, although I missed the story between Geralt and Ciri's parents, but again, without his intervention, this matter should be on the right track according to the development of the original book, and there will be no butterfly effect. Daughter of Destiny who affects the future, the birth of Ciri.


Middle-earth, The Shire.

When Bilbo Baggins woke up, he found that the sky had already brightened. After washing up, he first went to his fully stocked food warehouse, took a bunch of ingredients, and prepared a hearty breakfast for himself in the kitchen.

Then, with these foods, they came to the huge dining table in their own house and enjoyed a sumptuous meal.

Sausage cheese with potato salad and a steaming bowl of beef and onion soup.

After breakfast, he opened the door according to his usual habit, and went to the mailbox to see if he had any new letters.

Suddenly, the postman in the village, 14-year-old Brutt, was barefoot and carrying a large bag of tools, excitedly ran towards the market, passing by his house.

This was his neighbour, the village carpenter, the son of old Brut.

Seeing this, Bilbo immediately stopped the young man curiously, and asked:

"What's the matter, little Brutt, seeing you running in such a hurry, has anyone in the market researched a new delicacy? Or is it that the new tobacco is already on sale?"

With some excitement on his face, little Brutt said to Bilbo:
"No, Uncle Bilbo, there came a big man from the market, and he hired twenty hobbit lads for a gold bar to help him build a house across the river."

"My father is also going to work there. I heard that the wages paid by that big man are twice the normal wages. Now many people are rushing to do that job."

"Hey, that big man is really too tall. I guess it's less than half his height. This is the first time I've seen a big man."

"I heard that he plans to settle in the forest on the other side of the river, and will invite all the hobbits in our village to hold a party tonight."

"Now, he is still buying all kinds of food and fine wine in the market, and then sent all the people to the open space on the other side of the river, where an open-air party will be held at night."

"It's been a long time since I've encountered such an interesting event. I'm going to join in the fun."

"By the way, he is accompanied by a little wolf cub with white fur all over his body. He is very cute. My sister Fanny likes it very much. Just now she kept clamoring for me to catch one too."

The young man's mouth was very sharp, and Barbara said a lot of words. After he finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Bilbo, and then immediately ran towards the market with brisk steps.

Bilbo was also surprised when he heard that the Shire, as a hobbit settlement, had always been a very peaceful place.

For hundreds of years, everyone worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, living a life of men farming and women weaving. Few outsiders came to their village.

What's more, he is still a legendary big man.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, curiosity overcame surprise, and Bilbo also put the letters he had received back into the house, and then took his favorite pipe and ran towards the market barefoot.

He has been staying in this village almost since he was born, and the last time he saw a big man was decades ago when he followed his mother, Belladonna, to a human town for shopping.

(End of this chapter)

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