Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 306 Dark Warlock Association

Chapter 306 Dark Warlock Association

"Queen, don't be anxious. I have just arrived here. I don't know anything about the specific situation. You want me to come up with a plan. This is too embarrassing."

"At the very least, you have to tell me the information you have."

Wayne's tone was unhurried, and he turned around and found a seat to sit opposite Arch Druid Mossack.

The old man probably arrived recently. Five years have not changed him much. After seeing Wayne look over, the old man also greeted Wayne kindly.

It seemed that she realized that she was too anxious, but Queen Calanthe was never one who was willing to admit her mistakes. She bit her lip and said in a strong tone:
"Let Ms. Yennefer and Geralt tell you the specific situation. They have been investigating for several days and should have more information than me."

"However, it should be clear that Pavetta is my only daughter, and I must not let anything happen to her."

"No matter who the enemy is, you don't need to hide it from me. I will let them know how terrible an angry mother is."

Wayne nodded after hearing this. Counting the time, Princess Pavetta had been missing for nearly ten days. As a mother, Queen Calanthe did have reason to be anxious.

But as he said before, going to the Dryad Queen to cast a prophecy before coming to Cintra was the simplest way he could think of. In the final analysis, apart from some predictions about the future plot, he Apart from understanding, he is not a very smart person, nor can he predict the future.

About half an hour later, Yennefer brought Geralt and a young female warlock to the parliament hall.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Geralt and Yennefer told everyone the results they found.

After listening to Geralt's story, Wayne scratched his chin in surprise and asked:

"In other words, according to the results of your investigation, a few days before Princess Pavetta disappeared, a man wearing a cloak to prevent others from seeing his appearance appeared several times where the princess lived."

"And after the princess disappeared, this person never appeared again."

"So, that person is most likely a warlock and the mastermind of the kidnapping, right?"

Geralt nodded upon hearing this, and then looked at Yennefer.

When the plump and beautiful sorceress saw her boyfriend looking over, she calmed down her distracted expression, crossed her arms, looked at Wayne seriously, and said:
"Wayne, I've already checked those places."

"There are indeed traces of chaos magic being mobilized. It should be the work of a warlock."

"Moreover, I also felt a familiar dark smell from their magic power."

"Although I have very little memory of that time, I vaguely sensed that it should be the dark magic used by those fallen warlocks when we were in the fog."

"I think the person who kidnapped Princess Pavetta is probably someone from the Dark Warlock Society."

"This kidnapping operation was probably planned by them."

After hearing Yennefer's words, Queen Calanthe immediately became furious. She patted the armrest of the throne hard and said in a rather angry tone:

"I've heard of this organization. It's probably an evil warlock group that emerged in recent years after the events in the Kingdom of Kaedwen."

"I heard that these bastards got together with monsters and lived in the wilderness, forests and ruins. They always attacked villages and towns, kidnapped lone passers-by, and even led monsters to attack cities in some kingdoms. The phenomenon."

"I didn't expect these guys to be so bold and have already reached out to the royal family of Sintra."

"Damn it, those losers from the Warlock Brotherhood always look arrogant and always despise the royal authority."

"Now they've caused trouble that they can't solve themselves, and they've put the whole north into trouble."

"I want to tell them the news and ask them to send warlocks over to help me find my daughter."

"Pavetta better be fine, otherwise, I will definitely cause trouble for them."

Listening to Queen Calanthe's indignant speech, Wayne acted quite calmly and hid his face, most likely to cover the demonic tattoos on his face and the ugly face eroded by the magic of hell. This is indeed in line with the characteristics of the Dark Warlocks.

However, most of these guys were already unconscious after Demon King Baal was eliminated and the space cracks in the dark world were sealed. They definitely did not capture Princess Pavetta to study the ancient blood.

With their intelligence, it is estimated that they are no longer able to complete such advanced research.

So there is a high probability that someone behind the scenes instigated them to do this, or there are other purposes.

As for the final outcome, there is currently too little information to make a decision.

"I do not advise you to do this, Your Majesty."

Seeing everyone else looking at him, Wayne cleared his throat and continued:

"Princess Pavetta, as the owner of the ancient blood, is quite a secret."

"The people from the Dark Warlock Association kidnapped her, and this is most likely the reason."

"If you want to tell this news to the Warlock Brotherhood, maybe their warlocks can help you find the princess." "But in that case, this secret will never be kept secret."

"At that time, you can only pray that among the many warlocks in the north, there is no one who is so crazy about studying ancient knowledge."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for Princess Pavetta to live a safe and peaceful life in the future."

"In order to obtain the ancient blood, there should be many people who will take risks."

Queen Calanthe's expression changed after hearing this, and then she looked at her husband, King East, and seemed a little undecided.

Although she is a strong woman and one of the few outstanding figures among the kings of Sintra, as a mother, she absolutely loves her daughter and cannot accept any danger to her young daughter's life.

As a captain who always sailed in violent storms in the past, King East had a very good psychological quality. He did not panic, but sighed, patted his wife's hand and said:
"Dear, since we have invited Master Wayne and Master Geralt this time, as well as the help of two professional warlocks, Ms. Yennefer and Ms. Isa, we should not cause any more trouble for them."

"Arch Druid Mossak will also be able to help."

"Leave this matter to professionals like them. We just need to support it silently."

"If this matter encounters difficulties in the end and cannot be resolved, let's notify the Warlock Brotherhood."


After leaving the palace, it was already evening. Wayne led everyone back to the luxurious hotel that Sianna had purchased. Geralt and Yennefer also moved here.

As members of the Demon Hunter Order, they have all seen the pile of gold on the top floor of the castle. They are accustomed to the behavior of upstarts like Wayne, and have gradually enjoyed the convenience and fun of rich people.

At the very least, Geralt has never been polite to Wayne regarding money. Ever since he discovered that Wayne had become an unimaginably wealthy person, the daily necessities he used every day were quickly upgraded to the same level as those of ordinary rich people. Really In a sense, it explains what it means to move from frugality to luxury.

"What do you think about this, Wayne."

"If it is really someone from the Dark Warlock Society who did it, how should we deal with them?"

Sitting in the gorgeously decorated hall on the first floor, Geralt held a glass of high-end red wine in his hand and asked with a slight frown.

They usually deal with monsters, although there are some that are smarter. Generally speaking, their intelligence is at the level of beasts.

Spellcasters like warlocks are definitely the most dangerous enemies. Not only do they possess a variety of mysterious curse spells, their direct lethality far exceeds that of most monsters.

The tragic defeat when he was besieged by fallen humans three years ago had already cast a shadow in Geralt's heart. He could not guarantee that he would be so lucky this time and survive being injured like that.

Wayne saw Geralt's worry. He reached out and patted his good brother on the shoulder, and then said:
"I have already thought of a way, leave this matter to me."

"Tomorrow you and Yennefer will stay in the palace to protect the safety of Queen Calanthe and little Ciri."

If the main messenger behind this incident is Vilgefortz, it is indeed dangerous for Geralt and Yennefer to face that guy.

Then the best choice is to let them stay in the palace, which will also protect Xili's safety. Although the little girl has not attracted anyone's attention for the time being, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. Don't hope that the time will come. The inside was also lost.

Having said this, Wayne hesitated for a moment and decided to speak frankly:
"You know, Geralt, I also have ancient blood, so I am more sensitive to this aspect and have a special sense."

"There is something I think it would be better to tell you."

Seeing that his powerful brothers were so serious, Geralt also asked with a serious expression:

"What is it, Wayne?"

Wayne was silent for a second and then said:

"I met your girl of destiny, Xiao Xili, at noon today."

"Although she hasn't shown it yet because she is too young, I can sense that the concentration of ancient blood in her body is purer than that of her mother, Princess Pavetta. It can even be said that among all the descendants so far, The purest existence of the ancient bloodline."

"According to the prophecy of Dryad Queen Esna, there will be a child of destiny with ancient blood in the future who will determine the fate of the world, just like the ancient prophecy."

Having said this, Wayne looked at Geralt's somewhat uncertain expression, and then continued:

"Actually, I always thought that person was talking about me, and I was the legendary child of destiny."

"However, since Xili also has this special bloodline in her body, then this little girl will definitely be involved in all kinds of troubles in the future, and she will continue to struggle in the turbulent tide of fate."

"No one else should know about this before her bloodline awakens."

"So you'd better think carefully about how to choose in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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