Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job

Chapter 327 The Temptation of the Elf King

Chapter 327 The Temptation of the Elf King
As a precious metal, magic-blocking gold was very scarce in the past and was almost difficult to buy on the market. Most of it was kept privately by warlocks and nobles. It was a secret weapon-level treasure, and could even be said to be a family heirloom.

However, since some human residents migrated to Kevir and Powis hundreds of years ago and established their own kingdoms there, this special metal has gradually begun to become more available on the market, with the quantity more than ten times that of before.

Not only do some wealthy businessmen have channels to purchase these precious metals, but even some civilians can get some through special channels.

The outflow of these magic-blocking metals has threatened the status of the caster class, and also given human rulers hope of fighting against the judiciary.

The attitudes of these two have greatly enhanced the popularity of this magic metal, and also made a fortune for the kingdoms of Kevir and Povis, which are rich in magic-resistant gold.

According to research by mineralogists, although the reserves of magic-resistant gold in other kingdoms are quite scarce, in Kevir and Povis, they have the world's largest magic-resistant gold veins. About [-]% of the magic-resistant gold in the entire continent It's all contained there, which is why the magic-blocking gold is circulating more and more frequently on the market today.

But even so, it is an extremely expensive metal, worth as much as gold of the same weight, and is always in short supply, rarely circulating in large quantities on the market.

Even with Wayne's financial resources, he could only monopolize most of the supply on the market, and the quantity obtained was not enough to forge armor for the giants.

Moreover, the effect of this metal is within the scope of the position. There is no need to integrate this metal into the armor. You only need to wear a magic amulet to defend against most magic attacks.

Otherwise, if you want to use this metal to forge full-body armor, its cost may be sky-high.

However, the Giant Heavy Armor Legion is one of the important means for the religious order to deal with large-scale armies. In order to solve the worries of this army, the little beautiful cat Julia, who was born in the Kingdom of Keville, has contacted many large mine owners in Keville and contracted All the ores in those mines will be used in the future to control more magic crystal veins using money offensive.

With these veins, we can independently provide more magic-blocking gold to the Demon Hunter Order.

After all, it’s not just the Giant Legion that needs this kind of defensive equipment. If every demon hunter can have a magic-blocking gold amulet, then it will be much easier to deal with spellcasters when they conflict with them in the future. .


While the three people in the sky were discussing things about the Giant Legion, the battle in the forest was also going on smoothly.

The Nilfgaardian army, which had been conducting conventional human wars for decades, never expected to encounter a group of armored giants.

The huge gap in size and individual combat power not only caught them off guard, but the army of tens of thousands was quickly defeated under the brutal slaughter of these giants.

If the other side's commander hadn't responded quickly and immediately issued an order to retreat, perhaps this Nilfgaardian infantry regiment would have suffered heavy losses, or even been completely destroyed in this war.

But even so, in less than two hours of fighting, nearly 1 soldiers died in this forest, and their death was quite miserable. They were either blown to pieces by the giant's weapons, or were killed by The giants regarded it as a human sandbag and crushed it to death in their hands.

Such a miserable scene frightened the Nilfgaardian soldiers. In the process of escaping, they all threw away their heavy weapons and helmets. They were like ants on a hot pot, wishing their parents would give them a few more ones. Thighs, run faster.

Until there were only bloody corpses left on the entire battlefield, more than 200 soldiers of the Giant Legion spread out to various places in the Baihua Valley Forest and began to hunt down the fleeing deserters.

Wayne glanced at the battlefield expressionlessly, turned to Francesca beside him and said:
"The battle is over, Enid."

"I will order Berengar to control the giant army and temporarily station it in the Valley of Flowers, waiting for Nilfgaard's follow-up response."

"Although they suffered a disastrous defeat this time, it is not a big loss to their overall strength." "During this period, you'd better arrange more scout teams in the forest. Don't rule out the possibility of them jumping over the wall. Mobilize more troops to attack Baihua Valley."

Francesca nodded upon hearing this, with a beautiful smile on her face, and said to Wayne:

"Thank you for the help of the Order, Wayne. You helped us drive away the enemies and protect the homeland we depend on for survival."

"We elves will become the best allies of the Demon Hunter Order and provide you with any help we can."

After the two exchanged a few polite greetings on behalf of their respective groups, Elf Sage Ada, who was flying aside, pursed her lips with a cold expression, and suddenly said to Wayne:
"A pretty good show, Wayne."

"But next, do you have time?"

"I want to invite you to come to my laboratory."

Wayne raised his eyebrows when he heard this and looked at the beautiful ascetic face of Elf Sage Ada. He guessed the purpose of this top spellcaster's invitation and asked at the same time:
"Not very busy, but Ada, you must tell me your purpose first before I will consider whether to accept your invitation."

When the Elf Sage heard this, his expression did not change at all, but what he said almost shocked his jaw.

"It's not that hard, Wayne."

"As the most active male owner of ancient blood at present, I just want you to help me and Enid conceive, so that we can be pregnant with your blood and give birth to children who also have ancient blood."

"I've been asking Enid to tell you about this, but she doesn't seem to be telling you what it means to the elves."

"That's why I take this opportunity to formally express to you my opinion as an Elf Sage."

"If you are willing, Enid and I can elect you to be the new Elf King and make your bloodline the royal bloodline of the elves of Baihua Valley."

"In this way, your Demon Hunter Order and our elves will have more trust in each other, and the Demon Hunter Order you focus on will also develop more rapidly."

"This is a win-win for both of us."

Hearing such a bold statement from an ascetic elf beauty like Ada, Wayne was stunned for a moment. He was secretly complaining just now, thinking of finding an opportunity to fuck this arrogant elf sage, but he didn't Thinking that the other party actually proposed it, and the temptation given was so great.

There was surprise on his face, and he did not answer immediately. Instead, he glanced at Francesca, whose face was slightly rosy and did not say anything to refute Ada, and he suddenly felt very moved in his heart.

Although Francesca had hinted at these things in the past, the cooperation between the two parties was not so in-depth at that time, and the mutual trust was not complete enough, so he did not discuss this matter with the sorceress.

Now after such a long period of cooperation, he has indeed seen the sincerity of the elves, so now, should he agree to Ada's invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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