Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 1061 Consideration

Chapter 1061 Consideration
Since Szarak's fleet took advantage of the properties of the Star Scrolls, it was not easy to find them even with psychic powers.

The location Uslan pointed out on the star map was the first place he thought there were traces.

The Eldar prophet closed his eyes again as the fleet began to sail faster than light toward the location pointed out by Uthlan.

The thread of fate attached to the curtain between reality and subspace was clearly visible in Uslan's eyes. During the preparation of the fleet, he had already read the brain of a human named Talon and saw part of the star scroll.

This kind of sight brings a sense of déjà vu to Uslan. He cannot directly find the location of the star scroll through the sense of déjà vu, but he can see the many threads of fate in an instant, and where they may intersect Or find the impact of the star scroll in reality in the huge network composed of changing destiny threads.

The Star Scroll and the Szarak fleet that uses it are not subspace creatures, and their existence will have an impact. This is inevitable in reality.

There are some threads of destiny that have been affected by the appearance of star scrolls, such as the fate of a soldier, the fate of an army, the fate of a galaxy... Among these fates, Uslan is like a tailor arranging threads. The thread of destiny on the curtain and achieve your purpose.

The super-light voyage ended, and the huge fleet arrived in an unmanned galaxy.

There is nothing here.

Qin Mo looked back at Uslan and wanted to ask him, but decided not to bother after seeing the prophet's state.

At this time, Admiral Quallen of the Solar System was on the bridge in the form of a projection. He stood in the corner, pondered for a while, and suddenly said to Qin Mo: "I have an opinion. I'm afraid we won't be efficient enough if we search one by one. When we searched the places guided by this alien prophet, the enemy ran away, so we have to wait for it to predict a few more places before running there..."

The Necron most likely set a trap.

Qin Mo's eyes were still staring out the window.

Uslan was trembling all over, and it was obvious that using his psychic powers with all his strength had brought a lot of burden to him.

The fleet once again entered the state of super-light navigation.

"Your suggestion is that you lead the Solar System Fleet to separate from our Tyron Navy and jointly search for the three places guided by the Eldar Prophet?" Adam interrupted Quaren's proposal.

The human part of the Emperor stood next to Uslan, seemingly doing nothing, but in fact he was also working with Uslan to sort out any part of the thread of fate that was suspected of being affected by the Star Scroll.

From the perspective of the admiral of the Solar System Fleet, the Necrons captured a fragment of the Star God, and then the Lord of Tyrone rushed to the rescue with everyone. This matter looked like a trap.

"Three locations." Uslan opened his eyes again and pointed to the three locations on the star map.

"Yes." Quallen nodded and admitted.

The atmosphere was a bit heavy.

Adam narrowed his eyes and stared at Qualen.

Quailun looked at everyone present with some concern.

Qin Mo turned to look at Adam: "Continue."

But the Tailong people also have strength. They are not stupid. They must have considered that this might be a conspiracy, but they still came because force gave them the confidence.

This is both a celestial engine and a star god. Once a fight breaks out, it would be okay if the Imperial Navy, which does not have the advantage in all aspects, cannot keep up with the Tyron Navy. If both sides throw all kinds of incomprehensible weapons at each other, they cannot avoid it. It would be bad if it was affected.

After thinking about it like this, Qualen proposed that he would lead the Solar System Fleet to search for one of the three most likely locations where enemies were pointed out by Uslan. What the Necrons wanted to deal with the most was Talon and his gang, and Szarak's fleet should It would be better not to let the Imperial Navy collide head-on. This is what Qualen thinks.

And the opinions he expressed were to express his thoughts in a nice way, and they were not obscure or difficult to guess.

"Adopt Admiral Quallen's advice and divide the troops into two groups." Qin Mopin understood what Quallen meant and responded, "It's just that we are dealing with the fleet directly belonging to Szarak, so your solar system fleet must be careful."

"Although the Solar System Fleet is not as good as the Tyron Navy Armada, it is still the elite among the elite of the Imperial Navy, with nearly ten thousand ships and hundreds of millions of people. If we collide head-on with the enemy, it will delay them until the Tyron Navy arrives, and this battle will be finalized. "Qualun said.

The admiral was very confident and indifferent on the outside, but he was actually relieved and wiped his sweat.

Quan Lun thanked Qin Mo in his heart, and his words also expressed the difficulties tactfully.

To put it simply and directly, it is: You Tyrone people do not lack the strength of our Solar System Fleet, but the Solar System Fleet is already a huge fleet in the Imperial Navy, and the reason why the Solar System Fleet is here is, to put it bluntly, The Regent and the Warmaster still need to show their respect as allies of the Empire.

Our solar system fleet is not much more than ours, and our solar system fleet is not much less than ours. But if the solar system fleet follows the Tyron Navy and collides with Szalac's fleet, tragic casualties are inevitable, and the consequences will be unbearable for the Imperial Navy.

The conversation between Quan Lun and Qin Mo was only a few words, but Quan Lun had already conveyed a lot of information.

After saying this, the Imperial Navy left the super-light speed state, took some time to adjust, and then sailed towards one of the three locations pointed out by Uslan.


On board the Solar System Navy flagship.

When Qualen ended his long-distance communication with the bridge of the Glory Humanity, he focused on the command deck of his flagship.

"The leader of Tai Lung cares about his subordinates and is reasonable and considerate. No wonder the Tai Lung people admire him so much." Quallen smiled and looked at his subordinates on the command deck.

Just now, Qualen's projection was on the Tyrone Navy flagship, but he himself was still in the flagship of the Solar System Fleet, so what he said was heard by others.

Some people agree with Quan Lun, and some people don't.

Quallen was inevitably questioned.

"What if we encounter those skeletons first?" a captain asked in a deep voice.

"The target of the Skeleton Frame is the Tyrones. We will not encounter them." Quarren said, "Even if we encounter them, it will not be an entire ace fleet belonging only to the top ruler of their alien civilization. Now the enemy is secretly We were in the Ming Dynasty, why would they leave the Tai Lung Navy alone and choose to come over to destroy us? "

As he spoke, Quan Lun paced back and forth and continued to calculate.

"We still have to participate in this void battle, but we can't jump over to join the battle as soon as the Taillon Navy is attacked. Otherwise, the two sides will be throwing weapons at each other at that time. If we jump over, can we repair the Taillon Navy's ships or can we help them? As a shield."

"The Lord of Tailong also knows what I am thinking."

Quaren raised his head and looked at the new navigator sent by the Adeptus Mechanicus to connect the brain and the star chart device.

"After they start fighting, you wait for the communication from Tyrone Navy. They will ask us to jump over to help after the most intense stage of the battle is over. You must keep an eye on it."

(End of this chapter)

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