Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 1107 Yuton and Luo Bao

Chapter 1107 Yuton and Luo Bao


"All's well, mate."

"We brought back what we wanted, and nothing unexpected happened during this time. Orikan is indeed a master of time. The fact that nothing unexpected happened after we brought him with us is enough to prove his ability."

"It went very smoothly. Very smoothly."

Qin Mo's projection paced back and forth in the office, talking excitedly about the results of the time operation.

Guilliman stood in front of the projection, listening, and nodded happily: "It's good that everything went well. In my perception, you were still talking about the time operation in the last second, and you came back in the next second. That's great."

"Of course." The excitement on Qin Mo's face gradually eased. "I brought back someone you must meet. You can meet that person as long as you return to your residence."

"Ancient Saint?" Guilliman asked with a smile.

"No, of course not the Ancient Sage." Qin Mo shook his head, "But you must go see him."

"Who is it?" Seeing his best friend so serious, Guilliman also became serious, wondering who they had brought back.

"Guess?" Qin Mo, who always pursued to speak plainly, turned into a riddle man at this time.

Guilliman smiled and shook his head: "No matter who it is, I will know after I finish the things at hand and meet him. I plan to split up the Ministry of Justice..."

"Go and see him now, right now." Qin Mo said.

Guilliman became more and more confused, but he sensed something and his pupils slowly dilated.

Before Guilliman could ask again, Qin Mo had already turned off the communication.

Guilliman stood in front of his desk for a while, then put the documents in his hand on the table, looked at the scenery of Terra outside the window, and relaxed for a while.

After all, he didn't dare to guess or speculate who Qin Mo brought back.

This feeling is like being afraid of being disappointed because of unnecessary hope.

But Guilliman still did as Qin Mo said and went back to his residence to meet people.

On the way back to the residence, people kept chasing after the original body after seeing it, and told the original body about things that needed urgent attention.

Including Karga, who rushed back from the front line to report on his work.

But Guilliman just nodded in agreement, and walked forward with a dazed expression, as if he had lost his soul.

Eventually, Guilliman himself arrived at the residence.

He subconsciously slowed down his pace and walked on tiptoe.

Because he was too nervous, Guilliman grabbed the hilt of the Emperor's Sword with force.

The eyes and footsteps passed through the marble corridor of the residence, through the hall, through the blue curtains, and finally came to the innermost room of the residence.

An old lady stood at the window.

Guilliman's pupils suddenly dilated and he stood there in a daze.

He made no sound along the way, but when he appeared behind the lady, she noticed something and turned to look at Guilliman.

"Mother!" Guilliman crossed all the distance between him and Lady Euton in one step, and then he was in a panic. He wanted to hug his adoptive mother, but was afraid that his armored body would hurt her.

In the end, Guilliman simply knelt down, making himself level with his adoptive mother Ku Ku, or even shorter than her.

Jotun looked down into Guilliman's face.

When Guilliman wanted to ask his adoptive mother what happened and why she disappeared, the Primarch was interrupted by what his adoptive mother said.

“You have suffered so much, Robo.” Eudon’s old hand brushed Guilliman’s head back and forth, frowning at the white hair that should have been golden. “It seems that those warriors don’t worry about you at all. They have kept you so busy. What have they been doing all these years!”

"They... they have their duties... and I have... I have things that only I can do..." Guilliman replied, choking with sobs.

The Primarch was still kneeling in front of his adoptive mother. He gently lifted her hand with one finger and stared at her: "What have you been through? What did you go through ten thousand years ago? Why can't I find you? Why can't even your..."

"It's been ten thousand years." Euden looked up in a daze. The life-and-death moment between her and Sergeant Amon did not appear in her next words to her son. She just lowered her head and stroked Guilliman's face, saying softly: "No matter what, I will die one day. I am a mortal after all. Luo Bao, you are a born extraordinary person. Your heart should be as strong and firm as your own existence."

Guilliman's tears dripped down and hit Euden's hands.

"No, no..." Guilliman shook his head. "I will let Calgar take you to the Tyrone Capital System, to the Tyvek Medical World. They have the most advanced life extension technology, and if that doesn't work, they can even perform prosthetic surgery on you... They also have soul stabilization technology... Although it's expensive, Ultramar can afford it. I will definitely accompany you for millennia..."

"Using Ultramar's money for personal use." Jotun poked Guilliman's forehead with his finger. "Should I pay less pensions to the mortal soldiers who died, or rebuild fewer buildings after the war? If I spend money that should have gone to ordinary people, I will feel even worse."

"Lord Talon is my friend. If I ask him, he should be able to improve your physical condition personally." Guilliman added.

After all, Youton came back with Qin Mo. He listened to Qin Mo's explanation on the way and knew why this strange man took him away.

"He's a very nice guy," Euden said. "But although you have a good relationship, you are both rulers. Your actions are not private matters in the eyes of others, and the same is true for him."

Yuton is a kind person, a strong person, and a thoughtful person.

Guilliman felt that he might have some talent in moral character and way of thinking, but he was definitely more influenced by his adoptive mother.

Guilliman was silent, quietly enjoying the reunion with his adoptive mother, while also thinking about her.

Tarasha Udon and King Connor are not husband and wife, the former is the steward of the latter, and the latter is the monarch of the former.

But for Guilliman, one of them was his adoptive mother and the other was his adoptive father, and he learned good qualities from them.

In the countless late nights after waking up, Guilliman would occasionally recall the day when he woke up and returned to Terra to the Golden Throne to meet the Emperor.

Those cold words and curses always made him uncomfortable, but Guilliman also felt that the Emperor had some preference for him.

As soon as I landed, my adoptive parents on Macragge were aware of it and adopted me directly.

As for the hostility of his brothers ten thousand years ago... Guilliman could probably analyze some of the reasons.

Angron landed not far from the future Ultramar sector, but his fate is self-evident.

The same goes for Coates.

Now that he thought about it, it was not without reason that Guilliman felt that he had a good relationship with Corax.

Although Corax did not have adoptive parents who were inspired to take him in, he had miners who loved him. From those miners who squeezed out a bite of food each to feed him, he could also feel the bright and beautiful part of human nature.

(End of this chapter)

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