Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 192 Emergencies

Chapter 192 Emergencies
The entire Leviathan command vehicle is like a moving steel fortress. Compared with this behemoth, the Baneblade tank is as small as an ant.

The transport plane flew to the tarmac on the top of the command vehicle, and Creed, who stepped out of the cabin, saw the two castle masters at a glance.

The two castle masters, Klein Marus and Calvin, greeted the Voskanis who arrived earlier on the top of the command vehicle.

More than 1000 Voskani infantry lined up neatly, and their company commander saluted the two castle owners.

"You have worked hard along the way." Marus waved to the servo skeleton beside him.

A servo skull with a tray inlaid on top of its head flew towards Marus. The tray on the skull's head contained red wine and wine glasses.

Marus, the chief castle lord, poured a glass of wine himself and handed it to the company commander in front of him.

The company commander refused with a blank expression: "Thank you, Lord, but we don't drink alcohol before the war begins."

"It is indeed the most tenacious and tenacious army in the entire Cadian Gate." Marus praised with great satisfaction, and then put the wine glass back on the tray.

Creed stared at Captain Voscany and his soldiers. These people looked resolute and did not look like traitors at all.

"Your landing ship is coming to the plain, right?" Marus asked cordially, "The military parade will not start until your Voskani cavalry arrive. The military parade is prepared to welcome you."

"Soon, the landing ship is already picking up people when we arrive by transport plane." The company commander replied.

"Very good, very good." Marus nodded with a smile, and then looked at the second castle lord, Calvin, who also nodded with a smile. It could be seen that the two of them were concerned about the arrival of the Voscany cavalry. full of expectation.

Marus and Calvin praised the company commander a few more words, then turned around and came to Creed and Klein.

"Why isn't the Eighth Regiment ready for the military parade?" Marus asked with a smile.

"Some troubles happened." Creed casually made up an excuse to prevaricate.

Marus didn't delve too deeply into it. He asked Creed to come here not to ask questions, but to allow him to watch the military parade from the top of the command vehicle.

When Marus was talking with Creed, Calvin walked up to Klein and the merchant guards, admiring the power armor worn by the guards and talking about buying power armor.

Soon, five transport ships penetrated the atmosphere of the fortress world and slowly fell towards the Toyoko Plain.

"The Voskanis are here." Marus looked up at the sky, then picked up the communicator and gave an order: "The military parade can begin."

All the troops on the plain that were ready for the parade moved, and they marched slowly in front of the Leviathan command vehicle, with uniform steps.

Everyone on the top of the command vehicle was led to the edge by the castle masters, overlooking the ongoing military parade.

Klein was very interested in this grand military parade, and he kept his eyes on the slow-moving army in front of the command vehicle.

Creed stood beside the two castle lords, but he was not in the mood to watch the military parade at all, and his eyes kept falling on the Voskanis.

These people did not watch the military parade either. The company commander and his soldiers stood in place together, expressionless and motionless, as if they were a group of statues rather than living people.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and several transport ships carrying all the members of the Voscany Iron Cavalry gradually landed on the plain, and then millions of people stepped out of the transport ships and came to the plain with uniform steps.

Marus and Calvin watched the situation at the transport ship, full of praise for the Voscany cavalry.

From the beginning to the end, Creed stared at the company commander and his soldiers on the opposite side, with his hands behind his back, ready to draw his gun to fight at any time.

However, what puzzled Creed was that the company commander and his soldiers never responded.

"Don't stand still." Malus suddenly turned his head to look at the company commander, "I order you to come and watch the military parade."

"I'm just a company commander." The company commander replied, "I received an order to come to the surface first and report to you that the entire corps is about to arrive."

The attitude of the company commander made Creed even more puzzled.

If the reason why these Voskanis came to the castle owner was to execute the beheading plan, then the best time to start the beheading was when the castle owner sent the invitation just now, but the company commander did not take any action.

Could it be that Lord Tyrone's prophecy was wrong?
As Creed thought about it, his tense muscles gradually relaxed.

"I ordered you to come here, do you want to resist the castle master's order?" Marus laughed.

"But the castle master..."

"Don't always be rigid, now is not a time of war, come here quickly."


The company commander agreed very helplessly. He took off all the weapons on his body and gave them to his subordinates, and then walked towards the empty seat beside Marus.

Creed watched all this from the sidelines. He hadn't completely relaxed his vigilance, but he was already thinking about asking Klein to tell Lord Tyrone afterwards: Please don't send prophecies over again in the future.

"What do you think of this parade?" Malus asked the company commander.

"I'm just a company commander," the company commander replied. "My opinion doesn't matter."

"No, no, your superiors let you go one step ahead, which means they trust you. You should be a very capable young officer. Your opinion is of course very important," Malus said.

"I'm still not in a position to judge the parade, but on behalf of the entire Voscany Cavalry I can thank you for arranging it."


The company commander responded to Marus with a humble and cautious attitude. He seemed to find this military parade very boring, and kept fiddling with the epaulets on his shoulders with his right hand.

"When I was young, I was invited by your regiment to inspect the recruits in the industrial area." Marus recalled what happened when he was young. "The Voskani people's love for steel is amazing, everything is made of iron."

"Yes, including our epaulettes." The company commander nodded in agreement.

Everyone on the top of the command vehicle except Creed continued to watch the parade.

The same is true for the Voskani cavalry who have just arrived on the Toyoko Plain. They lined up neatly and will never relax when they have not received a rest order.

Marus' gaze shifted from the military parade to the Voscany cavalry, and then he saw people holding high flags walking through neat phalanxes.

Because the distance was too far, Marus could only see that the flags were black, and the patterns on them could not be seen clearly.

Is the background color of the flag of the Voscany cavalry black?A question suddenly popped up in Marus's head, and he reached out to the telescope hanging on his waist.

His reaction was seen by the company commander on the side. The company commander was still expressionless, but his eyes became deeper.

The next second, the company commander suddenly tore off his epaulettes and cut Marus' throat. His speed was so fast that Creed, who had been staring at him, couldn't see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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