Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 456 Apocalypse War

Chapter 456 Apocalypse War


Boreal Galaxy.

hive capital.

In the ceremonial square within the bombed-out walls of the Lower Nest, millions of civilians gathered stood between the corpses of enemy and own soldiers.

He Qi, the governor-general, was sitting in front of the fountain in disgrace, wiping the gun in his hand.

The war has progressed to this point, and the entire Beisu Hive World has carried out extreme mobilization.

All men, women and children aged over 15 and under 70 were mobilized to prepare for the war.

This is a militia that will be led by World Governor He Qizheng personally. Their mission is to enter from the west side of the southern continent of the planet and cooperate with the three armored regiments of the Army No. 70 to defend the Tyron Army's 8788th Army that is besieged there by the enemy. The infantry regiment relieves the siege.

Millions of people are fighting for relief.

They only attacked together with several armored regiments, and they only served as a base.

But this is the normal situation in apocalyptic war.

In the hive world, the Talon Army, the Cadian Army, and the Skitarii that had just entered the sector to support have invested a total of 120 billion troops. The enemy has invested even more, including warband servants and many renegade Astra Militarum. There are a total of 240 billion soldiers, not counting the space warriors participating in the war on both sides.

Many scientific research elites in the sector are doing their best to develop new equipment, just to allow the Tyron Army and a regiment of friendly forces to survive for a few more seconds on the battlefield of the hive world.

A new recruit of the Hive World Guard may complete the journey of an officer in one day - joining the battle in the early morning, becoming an officer in the morning because all the company officers died, and becoming a regimental officer at noon because he is the oldest veteran in the entire regiment. In the afternoon, everyone in the regiment was reduced to ashes. In the evening, their names and numbers were collected into the hive world archives, becoming one of the many names of the fallen in the history of the hive.

Everyone in the war was shot on the head.

The weak were weeded out after the war began.

A brave man will do whatever it takes just to kill an enemy.

The air force's pampered pilots, who are all officers, often organize an entire bombing formation to load the most resistant bombers with the maximum number of bombs. Then other fighters serve as shields for the bombers, covering the bombers as they rush into the void through the sky-wide air defense barrages. The position protected by the shield crashed into it.

This is tragic on a macro scale.

The tragedy on a micro level is that as the war progresses to this day, He Qi, as the governor, heard a report from his assistant in the morning, saying that the average life expectancy of all our own troops in the hive world had shortened to 35 years. In the afternoon, he heard the assistant say that the average life expectancy of all our troops in the hive world shortened to 25 years old.

"Everyone is ready." An old man who retired from the Nest Guard came to He Qizheng, hesitated for two seconds, and then said, "I hope you will not join the battle in person."

He Qizheng shook his head, as if he had been persuaded before.

In the morning, He Qizheng received an order from the Army Department of the Star District under the Seven-member Council, asking him to raise a force to reinforce the 44th Infantry Regiment.

He Qizheng didn't have any troops on hand. The defense team was either on the battlefield and couldn't move away, or it had already been established and exhausted. He could only raise an army composed of mobilized civilians.

But there was one more thing He Qizheng could do, and that was to leave some of the militiamen to protect the nest, and then personally lead the rest of the militiamen into the war.

The governor's death during the war would not cause any ripples during the war, because the governor of the agricultural world of the Ivan system who led the family guards to Beisu to join the war a month ago was already dead, and no one took a second look at his body.

But in the future, after the war, He Qizheng will be able to make the sector pay special attention to Beisu because of the sacrifices he made, and give him some preferential treatment for reconstruction...

This is what He Qizheng, the governor, can do for the entire hive world that was smashed.

"good news!"

A 17-year-old soldier emerged from the crowd holding a radio and shouted to everyone gathered in the square.

"The Lord of Tyrone is back!"

"He's back!"

"The message sent by the war channel in the star district capital has been certified by the seven-member parliament!"

Hearing the shouts, some people had a look of relief on their faces, thinking the war was almost over.

He Qi was listening to the sound of "Lord of Tailong" when he suddenly recalled what happened when he was training at the Governor's Training School in the capital of the star region.

At the end of the training, everyone met the Lord of Tyrone and listened to his instructions.

He Qizheng was not able to talk to Qin Mo at that time, and did not know why he specifically approved him to become the governor. It was not until night that he got an opportunity.

At the banquet hosted by Lord Tai Lung and the governors, no one dared to gorge themselves. He Qi, who had a big appetite, woke up from hunger in the middle of the night and ran to the college cafeteria to steal some food.

When he opened the door, he saw the Lord of Tyrone standing by the window of the restaurant, standing with his hands behind his back.He Qizheng stepped forward unexpectedly and told his situation, saying that he was still young and from a bad background. The nobles of the nest city might think that he was of low status, so they would not listen to him.

But the Lord of Tailong listened to all the words expressionlessly, and he still kept standing with his hands behind his back, his back to He Qizheng.

This tough-looking man's face looked deep and strong under the moonlight.

"Being humble is not a shame."

The voice is calm, powerful, and gentle.

"If you can bend and stretch, you can be your husband!"

It was this sentence that strengthened He Qizheng.

Thinking about it afterwards, He Qizheng suddenly felt that it was unlikely that the Lord of Tailong would wait to meet him in the restaurant just to strengthen his own ideas, even if he had the ability to predict the future...

It's more likely that he was hungry in the middle of the night and didn't want to wake up the academy's chef, so he ran to the restaurant to find food.

He Qizheng even thought that when his footsteps came into the restaurant, the Lord of Tailong would run to the window, swallow the food in his mouth, and then stand with his hands behind his back...

Recalling this, He Qizheng suddenly laughed.

In the eyes of others in the square, the governor may have smiled because he thought the war would be won.

The young soldier holding the radio to spread the good news ran to He Qizheng and asked: "Governor, you also think that the war is almost over and we will definitely win, right?"

"There is no doubt about this."

It was not He Qizheng who answered the young man.

When this voice appeared, He Qizheng was also stunned for a moment.

Everyone looked towards the direction where the sound came from, and saw a man wearing power armor holding a chain sword and a double-headed eagle scepter slowly walking out among the Tyron Army Armored Regiment and Imperial Guards that had just been teleported.

When he came towards the crowd, everyone consciously made way for him and stood bowed.

"We will win soon. We will break into the enemy's lines from the southern continent and completely crush their offensive."

"The reason is that I will personally lead you."

Qin Mo's voice was as powerful and gentle as what He Qizheng heard that night.

It is as if the victory of the war is something in a bag, easily available.

He Qizheng stood up and saluted Qin Mo.

Qin Mo helped He Qizheng up and faced the others: "Your governor and you have made great efforts and contributions in this war. Those who are alive will be rewarded, and those who are dead will be rewarded in the stars." It was recited by everyone at the district memorial ceremony.”

Qin Mo came just for the war.

When he went to the Dead Realm to clean up the demons, Gray tried to raise as many troops as possible, but he really had no choice but to raise a few armored regiments on the battlefield throughout the sector, as well as soldiers from the Hive World of the North, And himself, the praetorian.

The intensity of the war is too high, and apocalyptic battlefields can be seen everywhere in the Tyrone Gate defense zone.

Qin Mo did not blame Gray for this. He was ready to bring the armored regiment, Gray and the soldiers from the hive world to join the battle, and use these forces on hand to completely disintegrate the main force of the red pirates' attack on the Beisu Hive World.

"Replace with new standard weapons." Qin Mo glanced at the logistics machinery flying over with the new rifles manufactured, "Then we join the war."

The militia immediately replaced it with a new weapon that can fire atomic and molecular beams. The side of this weapon has instructions for use. Even an illiterate civilian in the hive city can learn its simple use-it is nothing more than grabbing it and getting it everywhere. Throw something into the magazine and pull the trigger.

Then the militiamen and the armored regiment that had changed their equipment walked towards the transmission platform set up in the square.

The 17-year-old soldier held his gun and walked on the left side of Qin Mo with his governor.

Qin Mo glanced around.

These militiamen, No. 80 Seventh Regiment Commander Duncan, Gray... Qin Mo felt in a daze that he had returned to the battlefield in the Tyrone Hive World's Bottom Hive, surrounded by the citizens of Cato City and the Planetary Defense Force.

Those soldiers who had accompanied Lord Tyron in the first battles of the sector considered themselves the lucky ones who had survived to fight with Lord Talon in the Underhive.

Qin Mo himself also thinks this is a kind of luck.

It is certainly a blessing to be able to fight side by side with my former subordinates today.

(End of this chapter)

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