Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 527 Demon Primarch

Chapter 527 Demon Primarch

As Guilliman and Qin Mo thought, a larger-scale war was coming.

This is the catastrophe of five hundred worlds.

Outside the Five Hundred Worlds, the demon primarch Mortarion, who descended into the real universe, led his huge plague fleet to clean up a galaxy on the edge of the Five Hundred Worlds.

After using lightning speed to quickly clear out the defenders and humans in the galaxy, Mortarion announced that the war against the Five Hundred Worlds had now officially begun.

But before he could face his brother in face-to-face combat, Mortarion had many pressing matters to do.

This matter right now is the most important of many urgent matters.

On a planet in the galaxy where even the land has turned into rotting flesh, Mortarion stayed on the surface with the elite warriors of the Death Shroud.

Typhus and his guards arrived next.

The moment he saw Typhons, Mortarion's white pupils showed hatred and disgust. These emotions were undisguised and were detected by Typhons.

Typhonse understood why the Gene Father hated him.

Because when Warmaster Horus launched the attack on the False Emperor, Mortarion did not belong to any Chaos God, and he was not prepared to belong to a Chaos God, but Typhons "helped" him Bundle.

Under the control of his own children, Mortarion's warship was lost in the warp and eventually targeted by Nurgle.

In pain, Mortarion chose to take his children and surrender to Nurgle.

For Mortarion, who has become the Daemon Primarch, this incident is not enough to make him hate Typhons. What really arouses Mortarion's hatred is that Typhons is particularly favored by Nurgle and is in the Legion. Among them, he has more authority.

"Weren't you killed by the Chapter Master of the Lamenters?" Mortarion stared at Typhons. The meeting between the two was not scheduled in advance. "Lie down on the ground like a dog. At every turn, he said a few harsh words and then got stabbed through the head with a spear."

Typhons was resurrected by Nurgle, just like Slaanesh resurrected Lucius. The life of the God's Chosen will not end. Unless it encounters a magical weapon like the Emperor's Sword, it will become like a demon. Death is but a short rest.

Typhons was too lazy to explain so much to Mortarion. He just said: "I know why you came to this planet. You are waiting for the Warmaster, and so am I."

Mortarion said nothing, but he had to admit that Typhons understood why he was waiting here.

Recently, an eternal war veteran of the Black Legion found the Death Guard. He claimed that the Warmaster wanted to give the Demon Primarch a gift, so he hoped that Mortarion would wait at the current border of the Five Hundred Worlds.

This is why Typhons came. His idea is very simple, that is, if Abaddon is still alive, he should give himself the gift given to Mortarion, because he will spread the word of the All-Father more wholeheartedly than Mortarion. will.

The two waited quietly for a while.

Until a portal made of flesh and blood rose up opposite the two of them.

Seven veterans of the long war wearing Terminator armor walked out.

But just when Typhons thought he could see Abaddon, it was Vashtor who came out following the veteran of the eternal war.

This sub-god of the Warp drives the veterans of the ages like his own servants.

"Don't tell me you are Abaddon." Mortarion felt that he had been deceived and immediately turned to leave.

But Vash'tor raised a wall behind Mortarion, blocking his escape.

This is only to discourage, not to force.

If Mortarion is determined to leave, Vash'tor cannot stop him. "If I don't use the title of Warmaster, can I let you come here?" Vashtor said and glanced at Typhons.

Typhonse wanted to say something, but Vashtor ignored him and dismissed him as nothing.

This attitude made Mortarion very satisfied. He turned around and looked at Vashtor, who clearly understood who was the boss of the Death Guard: "You said you have a gift? Offer your gift."

Vash'tor nodded and raised his hand, an artifact that once belonged to Abaddon appeared in his hand.

The hand of darkness.

Originally used to control the Blackstone Fortress, this item's ability is far more than just a joystick.

Just the moment he saw the Hand of Darkness, Mortarion had many ideas for using this artifact to develop technological creations.

The plague is spreading across the five hundred worlds of Ultramar, but this spread is very inefficient. Even the worlds that have been ravaged by the plague will be saved by the arrival of the plague antidote.

This was unacceptable to Mortarion, the Daemon Primarch of Nurgle.

Mortarion now desperately needs a way to spread the plague more widely and weaken the Empire's defenses as much as possible, and this artifact gifted by Vash'tor will meet Mortarion's needs.

"I give the Hand of Darkness to the true leader of the Death Guard." Vash'tor walked towards Mortarion and offered him the Hand of Darkness.

The Daemon Primarch reached out and took it: "I have already thought of how to use this item to make my brother miserable."

Typhons glanced at the Dark Hand and the Gene Father. He wanted this thing very much, but since Vashtor insisted on giving the Dark Hand to the so-called true leader of the Death Guard, there was nothing Typhons could do. .

However, he did not leave immediately, but asked Vashtor his second concern.

"Is the Warmaster dead or alive?"

After hearing this question, Vashtor looked directly at Typhons: "Being alive, but more painful than being dead. Being dead, but being more sleepless than being alive."

"So Abaddon is of no use now," Typhons said.

Vashtor was silent for a moment and nodded.

Typhons took the Death Guards who came with him and turned around to teleport back to the battleship.

Mortarion began to study the derivatives of the artifact called the Hand of Darkness on the spot.

He couldn't make things immediately, but he could feel that he could use the hand of darkness to develop more powerful plague creations, and then set off a wave of plague throughout the five hundred worlds of Ultramar.

"I can help you," Vashtor said.

Mortarion raised his head sharply. He believed that this lesser god whose power was technology could help him, but he had a question in his mind: "I thought you were loyal to Abaddon now."

"I am not loyal to anyone." Vashtor turned his head and glanced at the veterans of the eternal war. "They follow me just because they think I can help their war master resurrect. At least they think I can."

Mortarion had a good impression of Vash'tor.

This lesser god could tell who was the boss of the Death Guard. He just glanced at Typhons and then handed the hand of darkness to himself.

After thinking for a moment, Mortarion, whose affection for Vashtor doubled, agreed without hesitation: "Come, let's create a creation together that can turn the entire five hundred worlds into hell."

(End of this chapter)

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