Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 546 The Power of Faith

Chapter 546 The Power of Faith
The war in the Five Hundred Worlds did not end with the success of Operation Espandor's Spear.

However, the plague has indeed been weakened a lot, but in addition to Espandor, there are many worlds that have been installed with machines invented by Mortarion, but these machines do not have a second Kalama staying in them. , so the effect is not as good as the machine on Espando.

A month has passed since the Battle of Espandor's Spear.

Half a month ago, the Tyron Army's 44th Infantry Regiment and the Tyron Space Marine Combined Regiment were deployed to the new battlefield, responsible for helping the already shaky auxiliary army on the battlefield.

With the 44th regiment supporting it, the original body can transfer the reinforcements that should be sent to the battlefield to the battlefield where the fighting is more intense.

After a three-day long voyage, the 44th Infantry Regiment arrived at the new battlefield - Parmenio.

In a large city called Hekaton on Parmenio, five hundred worldly mortal auxiliary armies and an army of battle nuns are guarding the core area of ​​the city.

Originally, they directly defended the entire city, but for some reason, after the news of Espando's victory came, the enemy's offensive suddenly became extremely fierce.

The seven-hour combat rule no longer applies.

Plague zombies and plague warriors no longer attack every seven hours, but an endless offensive.

The infantry formed a dense volley formation under the command of the colonel officer of the auxiliary army, guarding the central streets of the city and firing at the flood of plague zombies.

Several times the zombies rushed directly into the auxiliary army's lines, but the political commissar and colonel stepped forward to kill the zombies themselves and called on all the infantry to not retreat an inch.

Amidst the war cries of "For Macragge!" and "For Five Hundred Worlds!", laser rifles shot through the bodies of countless walking corpses.

The nuns who accompanied the auxiliary army to fight faced the plague warriors head-on.

The Battle Sisters wear force feedback armor, hold bolters, and carry power swords. Their combat power is so powerful that it exceeds the expectations of the mortal auxiliaries. They can completely leave all the Plague Marines to them.

However, the Sisters of Battle face the same problem as the auxiliary army, that is, ammunition and personnel are gradually depleted.

The lives of bullets and soldiers are limited after all, but the plague zombies are endless.

Every soldier has no doubt that there are more zombies than everyone has stored in their energy magazines.


While the battle was going on, the colonel on the auxiliary army side heard a nun's call, and he subconsciously looked to the other side.

The nun wearing red force feedback armor was already surrounded by two plague warriors, but then she roared and swung her power sword to cut the two enemies in half for the emperor. This powerful burst of power made her feel Surprised.

Although the Plague Warrior was dead, the red-armored nun's troubles were not resolved. The poisonous water spewing from the Plague Warrior's body splashed on her armor.

Wisps of green smoke rose from the red armor. The nun's arm suffered the most serious corrosion, and even the flesh and blood had festered together with the arm armor.

"God Emperor, please protect me. I can't die yet. There are too many sisters and brothers in this city who need to be rescued!"

The red-armored nun retreated behind the cover of other sisters, half-knelt on the ground and took out the emblem of the state religion to pray.

In the next second, all the poisonous water on her body dissipated, and the rotten flesh and armor returned to intact. Even the force feedback armor, which had consumed very little energy, reached full capacity at this time.

"The God-Emperor hasn't called me to serve him yet!" The red-armored nun roared and stood up, raising her power sword and pointing it straight at the sky, "For the Golden Throne!"

The nuns shouted for the God-Emperor and the throne, and swarmed forward, frantically slashing at the plague warriors.The soldiers of the auxiliary army were also inspired by the miracle that happened to the nuns, and they broke out with a fighting power far beyond normal. Everyone's shooting accuracy was improved.

However, the combat effectiveness of the auxiliary soldiers was limited after all. The endless sea of ​​corpses made it difficult for them to resist, and they didn't even have time to replace the energy magazines.

Just when the zombies were about to smash the auxiliary army's volley formation, the ground suddenly shook.

The colonel commanding the auxiliary army chopped down a walking corpse, then felt the tremor and laughed loudly to the political commissar on the side: "The armored troops have arrived!"

The political commissar pulled the chain sword out of the zombie's head and looked at the sea of ​​corpses ahead: "No, not the armored force."

The infantrymen stopped shooting and stared blankly ahead.

I saw more than 200 Ogryns wearing power armor lined up in a long queue, carrying shields and rushing over from behind the zombie team. They were like human tanks, crushing and killing all the zombies along the way.

Not even a Plague Marine standing in front of them could stop Ogryn's charge.

The sound of several explosive shells hitting the shield sounded at the same time as the sound of the Plague Soldier being smashed by Ogryn.

Many people suddenly appeared at the high point of the city ruins, either infantry or heavy weapons teams. The weapons in their hands either left flames in the sea of ​​corpses or turned certain parts of the walking corpses or plague warriors into quicksand scattered on the ground. .

"Mind your Ogryns!" the colonel yelled at the Tyrone reinforcements.

The Ogryns had already knocked back the zombies, and the soldiers of the Auxiliary Army were in the path of their charge.

However, before hitting the Auxiliary soldiers, the system built into the Ogryns' power armor detected friendly forces and forcibly took over control of the power armor, forcing the Ogryns to stop and face their true enemy.

Then a group of Space Marines appeared directly in front of the auxiliary army.

Three of these battle squads were extraordinarily large Space Marines.

"Stand behind the sons of Antaeus!"

Along with the roar of the Chapter Master of the Sons of Antaeus, there was a heavy stampede. The Sons of Antaeus advanced towards the Plague Marines. They knocked away the Ogryns who didn't know what to do next and stood in a line. , stabilize your body and launch the missile.

A missile launcher the size of a car has more than a hundred densely packed small launch holes.

Three Sons of Antaeus combat teams and eighteen Sons of Antaeus stood together and fired more than 2000 missiles, instantly clearing the sea of ​​corpses in front of them.

There are still a steady stream of zombies outside the city heading into the city.

The burning falcons roared past at low altitude, dropping burning barrages on the outskirts of the city to block the advancing path of the walking corpses.

The Parmenios like to build tower-shaped buildings layer upon layer. Those tall buildings in the city have become the nests of plague zombies and plague warriors, so the battle is still not over.

"Son of Antaeus!" Grote teleported behind Saran, "My people will go find the surviving civilians in the city. I hope you can deal with the buildings that have become nests of filthy things. In short, you can see Just bomb the tall buildings, there won't be any living people inside."

"Leave the most difficult task to the Sons of Antaeus!" Chapter Master Saran walked along the street.

(End of this chapter)

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