Chapter 83 Attack
on the nest.

When the imperial guards stopped destroying, most of Stinger's army was rushing to the site of destruction, and then looked at the ruins and flames in a daze, and searched in a daze, but in the end they couldn't find any traces.

And the news of the sabotage of the command center hadn't even gotten out.

Each unit can only return to the positions they should defend according to the arrangement in the defense plan received before.

Soon the positions within the five westernmost blocks in the west of Upper Nest came under attack from all sides.

Unmanned artillery units were deployed at a distance, bombarding from the northernmost positions to the southernmost positions.

The violent explosion turned countless buildings and fortifications into ruins. The infantry could only hide and shiver in the bombardment bunkers, hoping that the Lord of Wisdom would bless them to survive the bombardment.

The officers, who were also trembling under the shelling, began to report to their superiors, informing them that the enemy had been transmitted and attacked.

But each report received no response at all.

Even the difficult order to request a retreat did not find insults and reprimands from the superiors.

After doing everything they can, the officer can only hide in the bunker and pray to the Lord of Wisdom.

The shrill screams of the shells sliding across the sky were endless, and when the shells landed nearby, the explosion even made the ground tremble. Although the sound of the shells was booming, the painful screams of some people who were bombed could still be heard, but these screams sounded very weak under the shelling.

During the previous rounds of bombardment, the reconnaissance drones had already flown over the bombarded positions, and the biological scanning device was activated.

The specific location of all surviving people on the position was turned into a stream of information, which was transmitted to the unmanned artillery unit through the air.

Then the unmanned artillery starts to adjust its calibration data based on this information for more accurate shooting.

This adjustment will not take effect until the fifth round of shelling begins.

Those who survived the fourth round and thanked the Lord of Wisdom again heard the screech of shells falling, and this time every shell fell outside the bombardment bunkers or trenches.

The shell was like a heavy hammer hitting the wall, hitting the bunker hard.

A huge amount of shrapnel from the explosion splashed on or around the surface of the bunker, making tinkling and colliding sounds.

Every time the people inside heard the sound of an explosion, their hearts skipped a beat.

Until after an unknown number of explosions, a pile of dust mixed with debris fell from the bombardment bunker.

All the people inside stopped praying, and looked up at each other in horror.

Then the next shell smashed into the bunker and exploded, flames and air waves engulfed a large amount of biological tissues and spewed out from the gaps in the bunker.

Situations like this are very common in bombings that last three hours, but they happen sooner or later, because the unmanned artillery units bomb one position before bombing the next one.

When the unmanned artillery runs out of shells and the logistics machinery sends back to the bottom nest to transport the next batch of shells, the First Army launches an attack.

On the northernmost position in the western region of Upper Hive, all the survivors felt the ground tremble before they could catch their breath.

Right in front of them, a group of soldiers in power armor moved forward together with the suspended version of the Leman Ruth tank.

The same goes for the rear.

The infantry in power armor held up a laser rifle with a scope while advancing, and each shot had a high probability of penetrating a person's flesh.

The Leman Russ tank also launched an attack while propelling. The rocket pods would fire [-] rockets each time, while the Leman Russ tanks were connected one by one.

The position was instantly covered by rockets, and as the front and rear troops continued to advance, the area covered by the rockets also moved forward until the houses and construction sites on the position were completely destroyed, and the metal floor of the hive capital was blown to the point that large scorched marks appeared.

Until there is no one alive on the battlefield.

The two regiments advancing forward and backward entered the position together, activated the biological scan to detect any surviving enemies, and then replenished their guns.

The infantry scattered on the ground were like executioners. When they killed every enemy they could detect, they would see the expression of regret and regret on the enemy's face.

They probably felt that it was useless to believe in the Lord of Wisdom before they died.

After clearing the northernmost position, the two regiments that flanked here began to wait for the friendly forces attacking the other four positions to finish, and then sent them to the next area that needed to be fought.


Praetorians are always deeper into enemy lines than regular troops.

With the regular forces taking care of less critical enemy positions, the Praetorians were able to focus on their priorities.

Gray directly smashed through the walls of three buildings, rushed into a church, and cleaned up all the enemies who had erected heavy weapons in the church window.

At this moment, he glanced at the map and found that he was in front of the second position in the area on the west side of the upper nest.

Now that he took some time to think about it, Gray suddenly realized that the enemy had actually set up five lines of defense in the upper nest, facing every passage leading to the upper nest from the south.

It's just that An Ruida planted a teleportation beacon on the west side of the upper nest in advance, and his own army can teleport at will, so he directly appeared on the left side of the five lines of defense to launch the attack.

Gray didn't think much of it when he heard the order from Qin Mo, thinking that everyone just appeared directly in front of the defense line...

"There is a fortress ahead." Yao En suddenly said in the communication channel.

While he was speaking, the target he pointed to had been shared with Gray, and a mark appeared in Gray's vision, directly marking the location of the fortress.

Gray could only see a large area of ​​buildings, and the fortress was not even as tall as the buildings in the last nest.

However, the electronic eyes still depicted the overall lines of the fortress, so that Gray could observe more intuitively.

"A boxy fortress."

"I guess like the Wall of Khoi, it is also the masterpiece of the governor thousands of years ago?"

"Probably so."

"Let's jump to the top of the fort and kill from the top to the bottom."

After the discussion, Gray and other guards scattered all over the place moved towards the location of the fortress.

The previous wall of Khoi was too high for them to jump over, but now the fortress is not big, so each of them finds a building, then jumps in the building, and jumps towards the fortress after reaching the rooftop.

Before deciding to gather to deal with the fortress, the imperial guards were in various positions. They jumped directly to the top of the fortress from all directions. The defenders above had no idea who they should attack first, and when they randomly chose one to attack, they had already been attacked and killed to only a few people left.

The guards cleaned up all the enemies and entered the fortress along the entrance.

From a distance, one could only see beams of light piercing through the walls of the fortress, and screams and gunshots kept ringing.

The guards fought so seriously that they didn't notice that they were being watched.

(End of this chapter)

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