Warhammer 40: Gods Of Mortals

Chapter 948 Angel Resurrection

Chapter 948 Angel Resurrection
"I understand, Grote." Qin Mo nodded.

It's not that he hasn't thought about the fact that mortals are mortal, and it's not that he can't accept it, it's just that he is sentimental by nature.

Qin Mo suppressed the melancholy in his heart and looked at the others.

"We just discussed the matter of alien allies."

"Those wild Eldar and the Eldar driving Titans helped us in the war. They paid the blood tax in disguise."

"Although they haven't mentioned it yet... they need a place to stay. Let the engineering fleet find a star system with only dead worlds in the star zone and shape a Gaia world for them. This is their reward for supporting the expedition."

"As for the Arkworld of Otansa, their request is to repair the Arkworld and satisfy them."

After talking about the arrangements for Thrall and those wild spiritual tribes, Qin Mo thought about it and had nothing else to do.

The Space Marine Chapters in the Sector, as well as those who later defected to the Sector, have already had proper arrangements for these Space Marines. It is nothing more than building a home world for them and providing logistical support in accordance with the conventions of the Sector. These Chapters are then tasked with fighting for the sector.

The only thing that Qin Mo needed to bring up on such an occasion was Sal's matter.

"About our impact on the galaxies surrounding the original Eye of Terror..." Anruida said.

"We don't need to take the initiative to order the withdrawal of influence. After the expedition ends, those places will lose their investment attractiveness." Qin Mo said.

An Ruida nodded, he also speculated the same.

"We once only thought about using force to protect our investments outside the star zone." Qin Mo spoke again, "We never thought about using force to protect the people where we invested outside the star zone, because we I really can’t think of what kind of person can threaten outsiders by killing his own people.”

"But there's no need to worry."

"The Golden Crusade has been going on for more than two hundred years, and two generations of people in places like Cadia and Belis Corona have been affected by our influence."

"Our impact will continue to be felt."

After saying this, Qin Mo glanced at everyone and announced that the meeting was adjourned.


Flagship lower level.

In the Emperor's secret laboratory, the clone primarchs gathered around the sarcophagus with their human father inhabiting Vanessa.

Within the sarcophagus lies another Sanguinius.

Sleeping Sanguinius.

But both the Emperor and the clones knew very well that this Sanguinius was not a second clone, but a body without any soul or consciousness at all.

The only difference between this Sanguinius and the failed clones of Sanguinius, those flesh-twisted things in the laboratory dishes, was simply the difference in appearance.


The sound of a valve reducing the pressure in the chamber sounded, and the body of Sanguinius in the sarcophagus began to dry up due to the change in pressure, but it did not dry up to the point of being like a skeleton, but remained in a state that looked very thin.

Seeing this, the emperor subconsciously frowned and looked at the door. When he saw Qin Mo walking in, his frown relaxed and he showed off his research results to him.

"A more perfect body!"

"I finally found a way to resurrect Sanguinius!"

After hearing the emperor's boastful words, Qin Mo walked to the sarcophagus and took a look, and found that the Sanguinius lying inside was really just a shell, without any sign of self-awareness at all.

After thinking about it, Qin Mo estimated that the emperor had taken advantage of a loophole.

The clone and the main body can exist at the same time, but only one clone and one main body can exist at the same time. The second clone will become a pile of rotten meat.

But it seems that the empty shell without consciousness will not be affected by the metaphysics of subspace and turn into rotten flesh.

"Can Sanguinius be resurrected?" Qin Mo asked.

"No, it's not that simple." The Emperor shook his head, "I have found this way to exploit loopholes a long time ago. The only thing that makes it difficult for me now is how to let Sanguinius' soul enter this body and truly live in reality. Resurrection in the universe." "Then why did you call me here?" Qin Mo looked at the empty shell of Sanguinius, "I don't understand those subspace metaphysics things. Maybe you need to perform a ritual or something else. , Why don’t you just ask Magnus to help you?”

Hearing this, Magnus looked troubled.

He obviously couldn't help the Emperor.

The Emperor couldn't explain to Qin Mo, because the only way to communicate with Qin Mo was to talk nonsense. Is there any way to use psychic communication to directly let Qin Mo understand what he was thinking, and the various ways to truly resurrect Sanguinius? What are the complicated and difficult factors?

But the emperor didn't come to Qin Mo just so that he could watch like the clones.

"Didn't you once make the Iron Warrior's iron ring bound by the rules of reality?" The Emperor asked, "Didn't you also bring back that throne?"

Although the emperor's words were vague, Qin Mo immediately guessed what he could do.

That is to use the characteristics of the Dominion Engine and his own characteristics, and perhaps the spiritual power of the Emperor. In short, in the end, it should be possible to forcibly drag Sanguinius's soul into the real universe and bind it into the real body.

"I will locate Sanguinius's soul in the cold sun in the subspace, bind his soul, and then bind him... This is a complicated matter, and it is difficult for me to explain it clearly to you."

"You only need to sit on the Dominion Engine, let the soul of Sanguinius pass through the veil of reality and enter the real universe, and then take over the guidance responsibility from the other me and bring him into his body."

After the emperor finished speaking, he looked at Qin Mo, waiting for his reaction.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"OK then."

Qin Mo decided to give it a try. After all, the emperor had been struggling since the expedition and now he finally had a solution. No matter whether it was reliable or not, he had to give it a try.

So Qin Mo stopped staying in the laboratory, turned around and disappeared from everyone's sight, and went to the place where the command engine was placed on the battleship.

The Emperor leaned forward expectantly towards the body of Sanguinius in the sarcophagus, waiting silently.

Until a long time later, no reaction was seen from the body of Sanguinius in the sarcophagus.

"Father, your idea may not be correct." Horus walked to the emperor and said softly.

"No, I'm right." The Emperor shook his head.

Curze, crouching in the shadows, sneered and said: "That means Lord Tyron has no intention of truly resurrecting Sanguinius."

The Emperor didn't even glance at Curze.

Everyone continued to wait.

When the original clones felt that there was not much hope, Sanguinius in the sarcophagus slowly opened his eyes.

Strong psychic energy fluctuations instantly filled the entire laboratory, and huge white wings unfolded after Sanguinius sat up.

"Let's take out a loan and renovate Barr."

These were the first words Sanguinius spoke to everyone after waking up.

When he saw clearly that the people in front of him were not the senior Blood Angels at all, he realized that he suddenly arrived at the flagship.

It was like teleportation, except that the living metal Sanguinius who was in front of Dante now found himself lying in the sarcophagus, his body exactly the same as before he was killed by Horus.

Sanguinius glanced around in surprise, his eyes naturally passing over the clones as if he saw nothing, and then his eyes fell on the Emperor.

The emperor's eyes shone with psychic light, and his face was filled with excitement that was difficult to conceal.

"Counting you, I have four descendants who have officially returned."

 More extras tomorrow. There will be no interruptions in updates this month. If there is no update prompt, it means that I have posted a new chapter in the extra volume.

(End of this chapter)

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