British writer.

Chapter 315 Who told you that I am generous?

Chapter 315 Who told you that I am generous?

Dirty dirty——

With the whistle blowing, the cruise ship left the port of Calais.

On the deck, Gu Hongming subconsciously looked back at the dock.

There are many students gathered on the pier,

They are all from the University of Paris. The person in the front row is holding three banners spliced ​​together.

It says in French:


Thank you Professor Lu!
We all love "The Little Prince"!
But we love you more!


But Lin Shu was still confused.

Lin Shu was even more confused.

"Ah this..."

This man's name is Lin Shu, whose courtesy name is Qinnan.
A modern Chinese writer, translator, calligrapher and painter, and one of the important founders of "Cangxia Jingshe", the predecessor of Fujian University of Science and Technology.


In front of me is a typical Qing Dynasty person,
The inner part is a dark gray robe with a round collar and a wide placket, and the outer part is a mandarin jacket.
The "pig tail" on the back of the head is very conspicuous.

Of course he understood the content of the banner;

"I just saw it."

Just then, someone came from behind,

The key is time,
If we don't get stuck in mainland China, we will have to stay in London for at least three months.

Lin Shu sighed,

Lin Shu suddenly realized: "It turns out that 'Hello' is 'Stupid Pig'."

"Hong Ming!"

The crew nodded repeatedly,

Gu Hongming turned around.

"I've beaten him. Aren't you a 'silly donkey'?"

There is still a slight chance that the train will pass the station.

The cruise ship is drifting away,
The figures of the students from the University of Paris gradually became blurred.

Gu Hongming said: "Is that ridiculous? Of course it's not 'silly donkey'! It should be 'Salut'! If you pronounce it according to your 'silly donkey' rules, will the French 'hello' have to be transformed into 'silly pig'?" (Bonjour)'?"

Gu Hongming continued: "Then we will disembark in Lisbon, that is, Portugal, and then take the overland route back to Calais Port to take a boat to London. Or, we can directly take the ship and disembark in Southampton, and then transfer to the train to London, which will cost more money. That’s all.”

Gu Hongming next to him understood, and stepped forward to ask the crew member: "You mean, a group of French scholars sat at the station and didn't collect their luggage?"

Taking a cruise to cross the station is really like giving Gu Hongming a knife on his butt——


This reason is simply incredible.

Ten thousand grass and mud horses ran wildly in Gu Hongming's heart.

"Perhaps, the French are very laid-back, as you said. I showed the ticket to the crew, and he took me to the cabin, only to find that there was other people's luggage in it."

Gu Hongming was a little surprised,
No matter how profligate the French are, they will never do something like selling two tickets for one ticket.
It’s too outrageous!
While he was wondering what was going on, Lin Shu asked again, "Are you sure you were on this ship when we landed?"

My eyes were opened.

Lin Shu was weak in speaking and listening, but he was an expert in both reading and writing.

Gu Hongming did not answer, but pointed to the pier,
"It's written there~"

Gu Hongming’s face turned dark.
"I taught you the pronunciation of two words in total, and you can't even remember it. How many times have I said, 'silly donkey' means 'goodbye'...wait...I almost told you to go around it!"

Gu Hongming speculated: "Little friend Lu should be on this ship. I guess he is going to the United States for exchange."

Gu Hongming looked at each other up and down,
"Why are you still carrying your luggage? You didn't say hello to the crew as I asked?"

His books are best-sellers in Europe and the United States, and travel expenses have never been a problem.

Gu Hongming was speechless, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and murmured to himself: "After six months, traveling to Europe again is really torturing my old bones."

You can't go to Washington DC, right?
Gu Hongming said: "Don't forget the three chapters of the agreement we just made. When you see Lu Xiaoyou, you must not..."

He was too lazy to bother and asked the other party: "What's going on? Why didn't you put down your luggage?"

Lin Shu was confused.

Lin Shu asked again: "What if I'm not here?"

"Isn't it a 'silly donkey'?"

Before he finished speaking, a crew member ran over.
He first muttered to Lin Shu for a while in half-baked French.
Seeing that Lin Shu was struggling, he switched to English.

The crew member continued: "However, you two can rest assured. The French scholars occupying your cabin have said that they will not occupy it."

Gu Hongming snorted coldly,
"Do they want to pay?"

According to his understanding of the arrogance of the French, that was indeed something they could do.

He continued: "I tell you clearly, no! Yes! Yes! I have never..."

Unexpectedly, the crew member denied: "'It will not be usurped' means that those French scholars will move their luggage out. For the rest of the trip to Lisbon, they will stay in the club or in the corridor."

Gu Hongming was surprised,
"It takes nearly two days to get from Calais to Lisbon, right?"

The crew member replied: "A day and a half. But that's what they should bear. After all, they forgot to get off the ship."

After saying that, he helped the two of them pick up their luggage.

"plz follow me."

He took the lead and led the way, because he was followed by two old men, and he thoughtfully shortened his steps.

On the way, Gu Hongming explained the oolong incident to Lin Shu.

Because Gu Hongming controlled his speech speed when communicating with the crew, Lin Shu understood about 60%.

"It's strange," he agreed.

The two of them were puzzled.

When Gu Hongming couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it and returned to the topic just now.
"You must not forget what I told you, don't get into trouble with Little Friend Lu, and just discuss your translation issues."

Lin Shu glanced at the other person and whispered: "Hongming, weren't you opposed to vernacular writing before?"

Gu Hongming stared,
"Who told you that I objected? What I objected to was just half-baked vernacular writing."

Lin Shu snorted coldly,

"Before, who wrote, 'There is nothing ancient about writing, as long as it is based on what is said, the more difficult it is for the creator'? Now it's better, 'What I object to is just that kind of half-baked vernacular writing.' I can fall out faster than turning over a book! It makes people laugh when they think about it.”

Gu Hongming suddenly blushed.

Historically, he was indeed a conservative who opposed vernacular writing, but his views were more moderate than those of Huang Kan, Lin Shu, Mei Guangdi, Zhang Shizhao and others.

Among these people, Lin Shu was the core.

He wrote "On the Growth and Decline of Ancient Prose and Vernacular" and "To Cai Heqing in Taishi Shu", in which he criticized the vernacular movement and regarded it as a scourge.

He also published classical Chinese novels such as "Jing Sheng" and "Demon Dream" in "New Shenbao" to make insinuations and attacks.

Of course, in that era, it was very common to use articles to argue.

(Mr. Lu Xun is a master of this)
What's more, Lin Shu's novel is a response to Qian Xuantong's so-called "remnants of the Tongcheng faction". It is passive and counterattack.

Gu Hongming said: "People are subject to change! How come the changes in thoughts and opinions are based on the former and the latter?"

Lin Shu said "Humph!" again,
"You should do Sichuan opera."

Gu Hongming was somewhat angry and said: "I still say the same thing, don't forget our three chapters of agreement! Otherwise, I will not help you introduce him."

Lin Shu said, "Why do you need an introduction? Lu Shi should see me."

The "should" of Shente Meow.

Gu Hongming’s face turned dark.
He couldn't help but think of the first time he met Lu.
He was very arrogant at that time and asked: "Why did Mr. Lu cut off his braids?"

Now that I think about it, it’s really annoying!
But in comparison, Lin Shu seems to be a little more annoying.

Gu Hongming shook his head,

"Hmph, once you get rejected, you will naturally know how powerful Little Friend Lu is."

When Lu Shi just debuted, he dared to knock himself out.

With his current status in Europe and the United States, he will definitely be more ruthless in attacking people.

Lin Shu said: "I also translate...well..."

He looked ahead.

Under the leadership of the crew, the two people had arrived at the cabin door.

I saw a few French scholars in suits and leather suits moving their luggage. At the same time, they were also talking about a novel called "Call of Cthulhu".

"To be honest, I have never seen such a strange way of writing."

"Do you find it scary?"

"Scary? Not when I read it. But after reading it, I feel scared. When I think about it from time to time, I can't help but feel chills standing on end."

"Yes, yes! I feel the same way."

"That's why I say that Sir Lu is really an all-rounder and can write whatever he wants."


French people naturally speak very fast when communicating with each other. Lin Shu only understood 30% of it.

He turned to Gu Hongming,

"I thought I heard 'Sir Lu' just now."

Gu Hongming was shocked,
"Horror literature? Little You Lu actually writes horror literature."

He quickly stepped forward and communicated with the French people. Then he walked back to Lin Shu and whispered: "Let's go! Let's go to the top! My previous guess was indeed correct. Little Friend Lu is on this boat!"

Lin Shu said, "Why are you in a hurry! Put your luggage first!"

"Ah this..."

Gu Hongming was a little embarrassed,
"Almost forgot."

The two slowly put away their luggage and walked to the top floor together.

Lin Shu muttered: "The top flight is first class, right? Hongming, Lu Shi can spend more money than you."

Gu Hongming’s head is full of black lines,
 ̄□ ̄||

It is said to be "spending money", but in fact it is "making money".

In terms of income, few people in Europe can match Lu Shi.

They go to the top together.

Unexpectedly, the corridor that should have seemed deserted due to the lack of tourists was actually blocked.

Of the three first-class cabins, the middle one has its door open.
A young Asian man stood at the door and was preaching:

"Sometimes, fear literature needs to be separated from the real thing. It is not monsters, tentacles, eyes, or diseases, but a kind of trembling and panic that shakes people's belief in survival."

Lin Shu asked in a low voice, "Is he Lu Shi?"

Gu Hongming said "hmm" and then said: "Don't ask, I want to hear it."

Lin Shu: "..."

He actually wanted to hear it too,

However, after listening to Lu Shi's lecture just now, he found that his speaking speed was very fast, his pronunciation was beautiful, and his listening requirements were quite high.

Lin Shu had nothing to say and asked, "Has he cut off his braids?"

Gu Hongming rolled his eyes in his heart,
If he didn't have to rely on the Qing government to abolish the imperial examination and establish new schools, he would even want to cut off his pigtails.

At this time, some of the French people raised their hands,
"Professor Lu, why? Why do you want to break away from the real thing?"

Lu Shi spread his hands and said, "Have you read "Mirror"? How about the comic version in it?"

The man immediately replied: "Of course I have! I like "I Am Cat" very much. The painting is very vivid."

Lu Shi said: "Have you ever considered it? If a great painter uses oil paintings to paint horrific scenes, will it be more impactful than a novel?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell silent.

In fact, Lu Shi’s judgment comes from modern times.

The sensory stimulation that modern people receive is very strong. The horror shown in movies and pictures is far greater than the horror in words.
This makes modern people's threshold for terror very high.

The indescribable horror of the Cthulhu Mythos often requires words to express, but painting it would be a failure.

This is its advantage.

Of course, it is also a disadvantage,
Because if it is poorly written, it will make readers sleepy.

Lin Shu was lecturing while watching Lu. The Frenchman below listened carefully and even took note of it with his notebook.

The whole scene is like an absurd drama.

Two hours passed like this,

Lu Shi stretched himself.

"Everyone, it's almost time to rest. You just finished vomiting at noon and have no appetite for food. If you don't eat at night, you may be so hungry that your chest touches your back."

Verne stood up,
"Professor Lu is right, we should eat. Anyway, we still have time in the evening."

Lu Shi:? ? ?
"Aren't you going back to your room to rest?"

Verne said: "Of course we need to rest, but we just can't go back to our room. If we get off the ship one day late but don't buy a ticket, we will naturally be kicked out."

Lu Shi suddenly realized it and remembered that there was such a thing.

I have to say that the French are extravagant.
It was only half a day's flight from London to Calais, and they actually had to book a room to rest.

All I can say is that business trips at public expense make people fearless.

Lu Shi said, "Then you can only rest in the club."

Verne waved his hand,

"No, no, we will rest here at night. First-class tickets are expensive, and yours is the only one among the three cabins that is used, so the top floor is very quiet and suitable for rest."

Lu Shi: "..."

I was sure in my heart that if these French people built floors, the uppermost corridor would definitely have nothing to do with the word "quiet".

He asked: "You don't want to listen to my lectures tonight, do you?"

Verne smiled honestly,
"The main thing is to rest, and the lectures are just a way to go."

Lu Shi was helpless,

"Okay. Anyway, you can get off in Lisbon... I'm warning you not to follow you to the United States!"

Verne looked embarrassed, as if his plan had been exposed.
He continued to smile honestly,

"How is that possible? Of course not! We are not so bored that we want to see you write other horror literature or the second part of "Harry Potter"~"

This guy said everything on his mind.

Lu Shi waved his hand,
"Come on. You can't bear the thought of sleeping on the floor for more than a month without being able to buy a cabin ticket."

this is a problem,
The French also had to accept reality.

They discussed going out.

Lu Shi watched their backs and saw Lin Shu and Gu Hongming standing at the other end of the corridor.

Before traveling through time, he had seen Lin Shu's black and white photos, so he had some impressions, so he stepped forward and greeted the two of them: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Gu, why are you on this ship? There is no need to go around the world to go to the United States. Circle!”

Gu Hongming smiled and shook his head,

"We are here to find you. Before, I asked you to write a textbook, and you wrote "The Fifteenth Year of Wanli". In China..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Shu took half a step forward.
"Mr. Lu Shi, I read your masterpiece "Lord of the Flies" and was deeply shocked."

The phrase "deeply shocked" sounds very strange.

Lu Shi reacted immediately,
The yin and yang of the other party lies in:


He looked at the other person up and down and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that in addition to French, Mr. Lin also knows Japanese? Or are you watching the French version?"

Lin Shu must have read the vernacular version.

Therefore, when it comes to yin and yang strange energy, Lu Shi is more than an order of magnitude higher.

After all, people who have been exposed to social media in modern times can increase their combat effectiveness by carrying a keyboard.

Lin Shu's face turned red and white for a while.

I really can't say "I watched the vernacular version".

He said: "I read it in Chinese."

Lu Shi was surprised,

"Have you finished reading?"

Lin Shu nodded,
"Of course I have finished reading it. Otherwise, who am I to evaluate your novel?"

Lu Shi was even more surprised and said, "I thought you wouldn't read any more after seeing that it was a vernacular novel~"

Another wave of weird energy.

Lin Shu's face was alternating between red and white just now, but now it has turned purple.

He looked at Gu Minghong next to him, his eyes twinkling.

Gu Hongming said silently: "Three chapters of the agreement."

Lin Shu shook his head,
"It's not me, it's him."

This sentence was not answered with the mouth.

Gu Hongming's face darkened.
"You... surnamed Lin, you are so ignorant! Wasn't it the first provocation that you just said 'deeply shocked'?"

Lin Shu was indeed provocative.

But that sentence could also be regarded as Lu Shi's glass heart, which was a misunderstanding.

When he turned to Lu,
"Lu Shi... Mr. Lu is a generous person. You should be able to tell that I didn't mean to be provocative just now. However, since we talked about vernacular literature, we might as well continue the discussion along this topic and talk about ancient Chinese, Vernacular writing waxes and wanes."

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"Who told you I was generous?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene became eerily quiet.



When Lin Shu looked at Lu in confusion,


(End of this chapter)

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